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Girls having their bodies being taken over by all sorts of entities (e.g. ghost, slime, parasite, monster, alien, robot, etc.)
Previous Thread: >>10935410
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Welp I found a gem. Story about a knight who was used as material for a soul binding sword by a princess and knight captain but takes control of the sword and uses it to possess them.

>chinese text
>AI art
Read a story a while back about a girl living in a farm and her parents leave for a week or so? A parasite that normaly latches onto the cows attaches itself to the back of her k neck and she could take it off, but it turns her on so she doesn’t,eventually it mind controls her to kill her dad and bring the rest of her family for the bugs, ring any bells for anyone? Id love to look over it again, was fairly long
Found it’s, called adaptation, very nice

Yeah, the AI art isn't great. Think the premise is cool though. Possessing someone via stabbing them with a special blade isn't new (I remember one of the old female possession videos on YouTube was like this. From a movie called The Ferryman), but it's significantly more rare than other forms of possession.

Plus it has ACTUAL multipossession (not the "copy/clone" bullshit), so it's right up my alley.

As for it being Chinese, I'm used to reading foreign stories via translators, so that's not a problem for me.

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previous https://boards.4chan.org/d/thread/10903803/
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>She's only X and she's already bigger than I am!
This dynamic is underrated
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I like the idea that even in a world where every women's breasts have grown absolutely gigantic, schoolgirls are still insecure about their tits, thinking that they're just embarrassingly small.
Girl pouting in front of the bathroom mirror, knowing that she's only 6th biggest in her class. And yet her breasts are already greatly affecting the quality of her life as they are. Standing up for long time is hard, walking is exhausting; she needs to sit down every few minutes, already sweating and gasping for air. And running? Well that's just out of the question at this point. Going down stairs is extremely dangerous too of course, but all of this is just totally normal for her, and part of her daily life as an average schoolgirl.
Shamelessly plugging my own stuff here. Mostly college-aged girls, but there's going to be one in high-school later. Not much size at first, but that's the joy of watching someone grow; you get to start small.

ever see that shirt "i wish these were brains" ?

genetics corporation AI running randomized 'throw shit at the wall and see what sticks' computation creates a completely safe to use gene process that converts fatty breast tissue into a neuron-like substance that increases intelligence.

other companies have long invented multiple methods to increase natural breast size.

thus you now have bigger tits = smarter woman.

so you end up with ridiculous stuff like the best lawyers, detectives, teachers, scientists, etc... having M cup or bigger tits.
Neither! Imagine a locker room where 1 girl *per day* gets blessed with giant boobs, so there's this ramping feeling of jealousy/relief and constant contrast between those who've grown like crazy and those who have yet to grow.

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The thread for posting pictures, manga and stories of GB'd boys being cute with girls or other GB'd boys.

Anything goes as long as no dicks are involved.
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How about "MC-kun is interested in TS brothels"
What are your pairings?
Mine is a tall tomboy prostitute and short, twin tailed megane TS boy.
I will never understand why I find it so hot to be fucked like a girl
I don't know about pairings but I'd kill for a TS yuri knockoff of Asumi-chan

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Women excreting their personality through bodily fluids, jelly, or onaholes
discord: SfPAXmtwE2
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Because if it came out of the pussy, it wouldn't imply that the character has a shitty personality.
Just wondering why it's "personality" and not "soul." Their consciousness always seems to go with it.
Looks like one of the Japanese terms uses the word jinkaku, which does mean personality/character. But it can also mean individuality/personhood, which I think lines up better with the Western concept of soul. There are a few artists using the word tamashii, which does mean soul/spirit.
My guess is that someone just decided to translate it that way without thinking too much about it, and it stuck. I know I'm being silly and overthinking something that doesn't matter.

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Female chastity

>only cunts, no dicks
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While this image in particular doesn't show it, this image set contains bladder torture, which is my personal favorite addition to a chastity scenario.
Part of that is me having an omorashi fetish, but I really like the idea of taking away all control, she can't touch herself, she can't even piss without permission, tie the two together and you get some fun set ups
"If you want your monthly release you give up your bathroom break tonight" with punishments waiting if she can't hold it
Or the opposite, "If you really can't hold it until your scheduled break you certainly won't be getting unlocked next week"
Not for everyone of course, but either as a kinky game, or a prison style punishment, I think the two fetishes blend well
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>she keeps waiting
>and waiting
>they never get in contact
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Can't believe we had to end last thread on "shitting out their back dicks".

Anyway, y'all know the drill. Post conjoined/multi-headed individuals long as they ain't real people.
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The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please

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Satori took that really well. Now its Koishis turn.
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involuntary arrousal/orgasm
Her hearth eye says she is extremely pissed at Koishi.

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Nah the community is still alive on places like Space Battles and game still gets updates. Keep in mind there’s no official way to play outside of Japan because they, for some reason, never want to share it. As such, you just gotta know where to look.
On a side note, you could probably commission some Abyssal art if you wanted to from someone.
My issue with comms is, ignoring the cost, indecision. I'm never gonna be able to finally decide on an image I feel is worth the money I'm paying, and something that I feel like I'll look at for years to come. I'll also feel like an asshole for constantly critiquing the updates, and asking for slight changes to please my autism.
have you tried not being autistic? I've only comissioned art once but it was a three image sequence and I kinda liked seeing the artist's take on my request and the little details they came up with to make it come to life. It ended up different than what I originally had in my head but it was still enjoyable
>have you tried not being autistic?
If you could turn that off nobody would be on this site, first. However, second, sure actually- with someone else's money.
>page 10

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Member when Cell inflated to a big bomb?
Yeah we're doing that.
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the thought of a woman turning her body into a swelling bomb and each time her belly pulsates out and expands, it sends waves of sexual tension thru her, make her build up an orgasm as she continues to swell and she climaxes the microsecond before detonation. she also brags and humiliates you as she knows she's going to explode and take you with her
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Becca definitely seems like the type to have a built in self destruct implant.
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This pic is giving me bighorse vibes.

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Any and all are welcome, from Prina to Anime-Tamae and everything inbetween
>Old school fans: What do you like/improved with his newer works?
>New school fans: What would you like to see return from his older works?
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thank you for taking the time to post this, I really appreciate it!
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Do you have a link for this?
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Previous thread: >>10935131

Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org(Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org(vintage and rare onara art)

Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:
https ://discord gg/XkzsGwk

AI Generation:
Guide: rentry.org/brap

>Keep in variety, try not to post the same artist's work heaps of times in a row unless it's new stuff

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Thanks a lot! Had no idea whether you'd still be around here or not. Good stuff!

I remember when they were first posted and I got so pent up at work reading them because I was doing fuck all at the time and stuff was slow. After getting home I had a pretty good time with it. Haven't forgotten about them since then. Being both a massive fan of Patchouli and pretty much every beat of how the onara fetish was done - especially in the first one - it hit several of the right notes for me.

I'm a bit of a writer too, but I haven't written much in quite a while so my skills may have atrophied. Still, been thinking about trying my hand at writing similar stuff set in Touhou.
I remember your post actually from last year, haha. I'm glad you like it so much! Patchouli is my favorite as well and I have considered writing another story about her in the future. You should totally write something yourself!
Hah! Funny, I remember responding to it but I don't recall if I had a username on the reply or if I replied as an Anon.

I appreciate the encouragement, makes me feel more inclined to do it! I would probably let it remain mostly private though, since I don't want anything nsfw associated with most of my accounts online save only for a few. Most I'd do for sharing is probably sending it in an onara thread like this one. Multi-reply thread obviously because length limitations. My main issue when it comes to writing what's effectively specialized fanfic is that I'm overly logical a lot of the time. Everything has to make sense in-universe and in-context, so for things like this it's quite difficult to work out all the kinks in my head before I can actually get going. Lots of difficult setup, basically. That said I do ERP in private on rare occasion and one of the people I do it with said I'm one of if not the best person they've RPed with, so I've definitely got the skill. It's just the first hurdle of getting the beginning details down. I'd probably set it up in such a way that it could be an ongoing story as well, with multiple additions in the future if I decided to keep going.

Of course I'd still hang on to it myself even if I do keep it private though, so I could always drop it again if it was ever asked for or if I just felt like doing so. Thing is I don't usually pay much attention to text in these threads and just lurk, opening for images I might come across and enjoy, so I could easily miss someone asking for it if I do it that way.

If you do another story with her, or even any other Touhou for that matter, I'll be looking forward to it!
Yes I am kind of the same way when I write. I like to research the subject matter quite a bit if I'm not that familiar with it (or at all!). Do you have any suggestions for what I should do next? Patchouli would be the focus but any other characters and premise are open!
None in particular I don't think, but I can toss a few ideas your way.

> Since Patchy has command over elemental magic and who knows what other kinds of spells, she could probably change the scent and maybe even the strength/force of her gas if she chose to. Alternatively, you could probably do something with potions as I believe she does some kind of brewing in some fan work but I'm not sure how canon it is.

> Tenshi eating a celestial peach before it was fully ripe, resulting in an upset stomach

> Kaguya, in general, with onara stuff. Being a Lunarian, her body may respond to Earth food a bit different, providing an easy explanation for bad gas. Confident, uncaring, or even dominating attitudes in a lady passing gas can be super hot, and it goes doubly so for royalty. I love the thought of a princess keeping up a pretty and perfect public image while being vile behind closed doors.

I was going to try and work some ideas out to write something after getting home today but I ended up passing out before I could do anything. Bit down about it too, because between writing and in the process of making a 2hu oc with a friend I had stuff I wanted to do other than sleep. Hoping I can do these things tomorrow.

From centaur horsecock to lamia hemipenes, we got it all.
No NTR, Mpreg, or MGE girl yuri. Everything else is fair game.

Previous thread>>10902767
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are the yakuza still banning uma musume nsfw?
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Yeah, I found that in a 2chan thread and they were talking about super secret uma ero Discords and using telegram because of the censorship police and the Yakuza

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Girly dudes fucking dudes
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"I like you, I like you, I like you, I really like you. So let me cum inside one more time."

"Come to think of it, I don't know your name, old man. What's your name?"
Why is femboy amazon position so rare?
>Why is a small feminine little twink topping someone in an amazon position so rare?
gee, i wonder

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Any content where a female is draining a male or another female of their most precious immaterial resources for her own possession/ownership/usage -- usually permanently. Diagetic game mechanics (visible XP bars/level indicators/etc.) appreciated. The more femdom vibes, the better.

Basically, anything where "girl go up; boy go down," in the most typical case, but lesbian level drain also highly welcome.
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I have a few that are not 100% level drain, but fit the vibe.
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Benevolent edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10935183
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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I could fix her
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If you know her story, you'd understand how hilarious it would be.
Deus Ex Machina destroyed me. I sincerely experienced heart palpitations during some of the chapters of that story - especially the one where she first discovers the exploit that let's her take over Paradise; I genuinely hurt with how much fascination, admiration, and envy I felt towards Delta. There were occasions where I experienced a similar sense of such an overwhelming anticipation, with some notable examples being the first portal opened by Etsu in Vivetta's Investigation, Kayla's day dream in Greg432's Finals Week, or the end of Hannah's cab ride in SGrildrig's The Big Appeal, but never has it been as strong as with Deus Ex Machina... In fact, I still get lightheaded just thinking about some of the story beats.

And I don't think she really went anywhere. It's more likely that her life just got busier, be that through a different job or a new relationship, and she simply doesn't have the time or energy to indulge in her writing and role-playing anymore. Of course I'd love to just send her a message and ask her directly, but I feel... weirdly intimidated by her? I don't know, being able to write something that has such an effect on me makes me irrationally worried about approaching her without anything to offer to her besides being a bother? Again, I don't know. Plus, I'm still embarrassed about the last time I creepily expressed my feelings about her story in a comment.

Weirdly enough, despite what I just said, I don't think that we'd have such a bad time if Vivetta, the real person, ascended. She may indulge in some pretty extreme fantasies through her writing, but I'd struggle to believe she'd have any inclination to act in such a cruel fashion outside of fiction.
I don't know if this is appropriate for the thread but I made a thing a while ago about a typical princess becoming omnipotent and becoming traumatised after she outgrows the world.

here was the saved greentext from the original thread


And the actual story based off of it
Hey, I need help finding a manga that has been brought up here a few times. It’s about a girl with basically unlimited strength trying to hide her power from a boy she has a crush on who doesn’t believe in the supernatural. Does this ring any bells?

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