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First thread of 2025 edition

>Previous thread

NAI Anime V4 Curated (read: SFW) model has been released! Check https://blog.novelai.net/release-novelai-anime-diffusion-v4-curated-preview-en-ca4b0b11e671

>AI image generators
https://novelai.net/image (online, freemium)
https://perchance.org/ai-character-generator (online, free)
https://frosting.ai/dream (online, freemium)
https://pixai.art/generator/image (online, freemium)
https://civitai.com/ (online, freemium, account needed for NSFW content)
https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator?isPwa=1&scenario=texttoimage (online, freemium, heavily censored)

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same rules as last time:
>post pictures of women growing bigger
that's it.

>how's this different than the main /size/ thread?
sometimes it's more about the journey than the destination amigo

other things are allowed (like breast expansion, feet, ass, etc) if female giantess growth is the primary point of the image.
>no dudes
>no girls that look like dudes
>no AI sloppa

Last thread: >>11155152
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oh boy, can't wait for all the poof! growth scenes and poor perspective!
in all serious though, that is pretty cool

I don't normally bring up AI bullshit, because, with the exception of people with a deep understanding of prompting, in painting, and basic editing skills, 99% of AI generation is pure slop. These 14 year olds on deviantart that post 40 gens of their anime waifu holding their foot over a city think they're fucking savants, when in reality they've got all of the mental deficiency with none of the skill.

But! Anthropic Sonnet 3.7 recently went public, and it is fucking crazy. I feel like it's the first model that really has a basic understanding of size difference, pacing growth, and maintaining personality. It's cheaper than Opus 3 (which was probihibitvely expensive) is a better writer, and writes shit most other models balk at (for now).
If you're gonna shill the AI, can you at least post examples of its work? Gotta give first timers their first taste free to get them hooked, you know.

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I'll move it to giantessworld when I can.
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>babe, it's not like i DON'T want to have country-shattering sex with you. no, i'm not BORED of your bouncing asscheeks breaking the tectonic plates we use as a bed. i just think we could both work a little on our foreplay. like, maybe we could bathe each other in the ocean or something?
>yes, babe. i UNDERSTAND most human monuments are too brittle to use as sex toys. i KNOW my penis is more durable than them. it's a psychological thing for me. i've been considerate of your physical needs, so you need to start considering my emotional needs.
>babe look. just a bit of roleplay. to spice things up. you can position your body so you're positioned like the Western European Mainland. then my dick is Great Britain, and you stroke it until a bit of Ireland comes out. i swear i saw it in the kama sutra or a geography textbook or something.
>babe i'm just not entirely convinced that The Island of Montreal, Québec is appropriate anal lube. i'm pretty sure the book meant something else. yes babe, i know i wanted to experiment more. no babe, i don't want you to make me sleep on the moon again
>babe, okay, fine. sucking Aukland off my nipples? didn't taste very good. bad idea. i'd never want to put you through that again. all i'm saying is that Shanghai MIGHT taste different. no, i mean like, different architecture and biodiversity, i'm not saying the PEOPLE taste any better or worse
>babe that's the Toho Godzilla roar you did. i asked for the Tri-Star Godzilla. okay, fine, i haven't been keeping track of the canon name changes. please do the Tri-Star "Zilla" roar. look, you have a say too. should i beat my chest like Monsterverse King Kong or Peter Jackson King Kong?
>look babe. i understand we both need to communicate our needs. i just think we can both communicate them in a way that doesn't cause massive sandstorms across the Sahara. we can do this. i believe in us.
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need more giga qts sexually teasing mega-sized giants
want to be on top of a giant girl while shes getting fucked by a giant futa
That wouldn't be very effective, my swimmers'd overwhelm them by the second wave.
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A thread for discussing, generating, and posting non-futa AI images.
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No worries bro it's /d/, just act like bad anatomy is your fetish
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like mother, like daughter
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not exactly hard to fix when we got AI
that actually does a lot
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New year, new thread! Old school and new school both welcome! Lets see what Rebis has in store for his many projects!
>TQ: What's a oneshot image you with would get expended on as a full comic?
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I'm kind of sad he's so turned away from futa stuff nowadays. His art is what got me into male_on_futa .
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When will we ever get to the conclusion of this doujin series? I want to see corrupted Prina already.

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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous: >>11187505
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Off topic question but would a guro thread be more suited to /d/ than /h/? Not trying to get banned
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Guro isn’t allowed on /d/ either. This site is ironically more cucked than twitter.
I think you can post guro only in /b/ and /trash/
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Mind dumping the images of his blog if you have a VPN? His blog straight up doesn't load for me
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I could try, but it's gonna be a rough task, that blog has 285 pages with images, about 9 of them are just updates about events or business partners but many of the pages have multiple images in them that bumps the total number of images is around 300+, so it's gonna take some time I also might have to worry about the mods railing my ass for spam/flood because of this sites rules, so maybe it would be more practical if I made a ehentai account and make a gallery to upload everything there then link it here when I'm done.

And while I'm on that you should try clearing your cache or checking the area settings of whatever vpn your using to see if you could get it to load, I'm still gonna try making the gallery even if you get it to work since it would be good to have a back up for his stuff if the blog ever goes down permanently or for anyone else who can't access the blog for whatever reason.

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A thread dedicated to sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Question of the day
How often do you splurge towards your anal related habits? Do you have trouble restraining yourself and buy things quite often, or can you restrain yourself when it comes to saving up or getting something you really want?

Previous thread >>11231582
>FAQ -Please read before posting!

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

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>Gay degenerate retard

Dey eat da poopoo
>wife enjoys light anal play
>usually just a finger
>she downplays how much it turns her on
>guess she got brave the other day
>suddenly I’m mouth to anus
>when in Rome, right?
>eat dey booty
I guess the question is: how likely am I to get sick from this? Based on her reaction, I don’t think this will be the last time it happens, but I am slightly paranoid when it comes to anything that could make me nauseous. I fucking hate throwing up.
Probably pretty low honestly, as your wife your microbiomes are likely converging together and I wouldn't be surprised if you've been microdosing her poopoo just by living together and sharing a bathroom.
That's a good point, research shows that whenever you flush you just spray microparticles of shit all over the bathroom. Doesn't even matter if the lid is open or closed.
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That's gross anon. Pic totally not rel

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Creepy monster girls and other horror related hentai. I love Turnamoonright's art, they draw the best scary girls. Any other artists out there that draw similar stuff?
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To this day I still haven't seen a better blend between realistic, creepy and sexy monster girl other than this one.
What episode/season does she show up in?

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Post futanari and femboy cum that’s backed up, solid, sperm fence, or any other means of thickening.
Ai is welcome as this is a rare topic.
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Year of the snake edition.
...And yes, I know there's a new thread specifically for lamias.
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What are you talking about?
But everybody knows the bird is the word?

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New thread time, let's keep it going. Thanks for hanging out as always, folks.

This is the thread for curvy mommy bodies. Post images of thick, full-figured women ripe with the hallmarks of sexual maturity and fertility.
Common themes include combinations of:
>Thick/plump, especially in thighs, hips and butt
>Large tits, sometimes sagging or low-hanging
>Pubic hair and/or underarm hair
>Sometimes a soft, paunchy belly
>Occasionally muscle

For the previous thread: >>11210354
For Venus Futa, check out our sister thread: >>11188336
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does anyone have the edit where she tattooed "baby factory" on her belly
She looks like she's scared of ghosts

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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread: >>11100069
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JIN_SEI is back and uploading. I love her stuff.

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The milk thread.
Previous one >>11099992
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Ladies who double as walking bombs, set and ready to go BOOM!
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Since futa are hermaphrodites, a thread for them being pregnant.
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The abs nice to view
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