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Well that sucked. Everything got wrecked, and it wasn't because giant Shinji destroyed the city.
Thread Edition: Urban Destruction
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Two things, I'd like to see a lot more in the hands department from you, particularly looming hands.
Also, does your filming equipment allow for slow motion? If I could see your hands crushing/grabbing things in slow motion that would be all I'd ever want.
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>I was going to use it on a greentext about anon growing and fucking his boss office and the entire building, but I would flood the thread and it would end too quickly, maybe next one.

Nonsense, please do
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>Would you be nice to the little worshipers?
Yes, that's the way to get more worshippers, but I would step on those that want to be stepped on, gently
>How would you react to their praise and admiration?
Blushing and being turned on prolly
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>Want to make more GTM videos
>Can't find time because busy with boyfriend
He got me some cute pastel clothing to contrast my usual punk/goth outfits as a present and I want to do something with them. I hope everyone itt can capture a tiny boyfriend they love too!
Can you put tinines in your pants and rub them against your bulge? Also rubbing them on your armpit

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Girls that refuse to shave or wax.
If you prefer hairier girls (up to chest/back hair, etc.), check out thread >>11100865

Previous: >>11071004 (dead since mods nuked /d/)
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Entire board purged edition: >>11093243

Authors Pixiv(has all useful links there like twitter, dlsite, and fanbox): https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5773248

So make your choice, Mother or Daughter?
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once she accidentally's herself into a succubus it won't be an issue
Will there be anal eventually?
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Wish he drew the balls fuller and rounder.
damn sit on my face
I love when he breaks through panels like that and the spilt over penis interacts with an adjacent part of the scene
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for example, this cum right here is defnitely going to be dripping on yuri's face or something

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post women and men being TFed into weird forms.
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Good explanation, but unfortunately the result is now less functional than the original variant.
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Yuuka plant.
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Anon, did you draw this? You taking any requests for any more fuckplants? (Or even fuckplants succing off d/orses?)
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It's been over a month and no one bothered to create a new one. Which means I get to choose the header. So femboys it is.
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That image isn't cockvore, however this image by the same artist is.
the artist made a CV version of that Bocch image.
Dunno if anyone saved it.
I remember that one and think it was an edit by an anon. I doubt the artist lurks these threads.
>...that said, if you really wanna stick to the disposal aspect, get a cute couple that really loves each other, condom/onahole TF one, and then cockvore the other
My fantasy is kind of similar to this, except I want to be cockvore'd by a futa while my partner watches and laughs at me. I'd be inside their balls struggling, screaming, crying, begging to get out while their fat, swaying balls churn me down to nothing and my partner laughs at me. Bonus points if instead, my partner is getting dicked down by them while I'm being churned away into nothingness inside of their cumtanks, so I'm literally listening to them make animalistic love, and their passionate making out, while they disregard me and end my existence by turning me into my superior's baby batter.
I do

Girls being fat, and fat girls getting fatter
previous >>11099880
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I don't have a top 5, but if I did this would be up there
maybe this as well
and probably this
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Here's a Mei I did a couple months ago and then put on ice rimshot.wav

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Nobody Could be Bothered to Make a New Thread Edition

Girls getting their bodies taken over.
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Where is this from?
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>God I wish this was canon instead
Same, this also makes me wish we got to see more of what Kenjaku did in his mom's body
Possession that leads to transformation is nice

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That's not futa on futa. It's page 2 of 2. On the translated page 1 these two explain to the viewer (a guy) that they're actually father and son, and on this page the viewer (male) fucks both.

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Previous Thread: >>11085600
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part 2
There's a good recent story on ao3 where a futa swaps with a nerdy girl and steals her virginity by forcing her down and fucking her.
Link it?
In case anyone feels like typsetting this:

"The thing inside my body is a pet lizard... and because I've become Hana-chan... that means this lizard is Hana-chan?"

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I never see too much ovi/egg stuff here. i like aliens/monsters/bugs anything gross specifically, but i don't see threads for that either.

being impregnated, gestation, birthing the slimy things. let's see some of that
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/d/ in distress edition.
Previous: >>11066863

Thread for bondage, peril and damsels in distress. Game overs and bad ends are also good.
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Jannies drained the tits of the last thread. Bringing in the next thread of Milky Mamas
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"Mods fucked with the catalog" edition
Post dudes with boobs or in the process growing them. Previous threads:
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I don't want them to be too masculine but I really want it to be different from sissification and shemales, otherwise what's the point? Reasonably big dick, no bimbo lips / eye shadow /anything that'd make them look like a generic shemale. You really need to sell the idea that they would be in the mens' baths or hanging out with the bros instead of whoring out on a street corner.

You need a character that straight-ish men wouldn't fuck but would very nervously fuck if they had oversized tits. Smaller chests with lactation is also good, or obscene nipples.
pb (theycallhimcake) is right on the money for a brash and assertive type of bustyboy. Most of the art is near-borderline furry so I'm only posting the human version but features like the dudebro cap, the dudebro speech and the lack of feminine markers such as eyeshadow are absolutely crucial for avoiding
>this is just a shemale
I noticed the site was dying all week but if the blotter is anything to go by it seems like now it's actually back to stay
Maybe we should add it to the next op
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paizuri from a dude sounds so good man

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Last one got pruned
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Last thread vanished without a trace >>11039960
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>Did I left the oven on?
Oh, I get it. She's a bookworm.
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Anyone got another link?

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