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Good old-fashioned dick and balls abuse. Please no actual castration.
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ah with that price I should just save and get the coyote
are those massage guns worth it?
>showing off she has no balls while kicking balls
I love this trope.
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Previous thread >>10959036

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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>shemale transformation

I don't have good content on hand but I like the idea of turning a straight couple (or enemies, whatever) into shemales
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Though it may be alike to assimilation, this is completely different. Anyways it's back
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More from mamabliss https://e-hentai.org/g/766232/ba18804f99/
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I'd love to see Buffpup's muscle mommy self made into a meaty rod mashed by massive milky mammaries while milk drips out of her tits-turned-testicles!
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Musashi from fgo turning into a horsecock
Then make a twitter or something, we want it all
It's the best AI slop I've ever seen anon, I need moar
I also thought there would be another page after that second one desu

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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:

Wishes from the previous thread:

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There was no way you could go outside like this. You had enough money in savings you could stay in for three months. You'd just have to be anti-social for a bit. No problem, you'd done this during the pandemic.

You hadn't had to go into heat during the pandemic, though. A few weeks into your self-imposed isolation, you suddenly became unbearably horny. So horny that you thought about calling up one of your FWBs and revealing what you'd done to yourself just to get some relief. Your pet fox, Dandelion got really interested in you at this time. Apparently, vixens in heat release all kinds of pheromones. You had to lock him outside of your bedroom while you slept, but he whined and scratched at the door. The next few days were agony and you spent most of it with a dildo up your pussy. Fox pussy. Fussy. But you made it through.

Unfortunately, the next month your heat came back with a vengeance. You couldn't think straight. Your fox wanted you in ways you didn't think were appropriate. But you started to wonder. Was it really bestiality if you were already half fox? He was responding to your pheromones, so you must have been pretty close, genetically. The real problem with bestiality was that you couldn't get consent from the animal. But Dandelion definitely consented, he wanted it bad. You were desperate, he was desperate. You couldn't believe you were doing this, but you opened the door and let him in. He ran around your ankles, yipping. You put down some towels and got on all fours. He mounted you and started pumping. Sweet relief flooded your mind when he finished, even if you felt dirty. That lasted for a few hours until you got horny again. You spent the rest of your heat like this.
Finally your three months was up and you could go to the gene clinic to have your FoxGirl package partially reduced and your extra boobs eliminated. They let you come in the back door since you were so embarrassed about your new form. Since it was a reversal, they had to do a lot more tests. When the doctor finally came into the examination room, he told you that they couldn't perform the reversal because federal regulations prevented them from splicing women who were pregnant.

Pregnant. The word hit you like a brick. You were pregnant with Dandelion's babies. Kits. Apparently you and he were close enough in species that he could impregnate you. You went to your doctor and had more tests done. The babies were healthy, all six of them. Genetic testing showed that they were like you: foxlike, but with human minds. You breathed a sigh of relief that they would be intelligent, at least.
But what would you do? You were all alone. You didn't want to raise six kids by yourself.

Then you realized, you weren't alone; you had Dandelion. He was only a fox, but just as humans could become more fox-like, foxes could become more human-like. You took the money you were going to use for your reversal and used it on him. You took out a loan and used it for knowledge implanting in him so you wouldn't have to teach him how to be human from the ground up. You sprung for the high-school graduate package so he could get a job and help out. When he was done, he looked like the Robin Hood to your Maid Marian. He still had the affection programmed into him as a domestic fox, but where he loved you as a pet to a master before now he could love you as one partner to another.

You worked online as your pregnancy progressed, and occasionally modelled online under the name FoxyMamaXOXO. He took some online classes and got certifications so he could help out with money.

After nine months, you traded your huge baby bump for six beautiful fox-human hybrid babies. Your breasts had grown to the size of volleyballs. They were so heavy you walked on all fours almost exclusively.

You had become a weird foxgirl, but you had a loving husband and beautiful children. You were content.

>I wish my balls were ten times as productive and swelled up when I didn't ejaculate regularly.
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Granted. Your balls are now intelligent and capable of movement, stretching out by themselves to manipulate objects and so on. They are telepathically connected to you, so they can use your senses to "see" and also talk with you.

Good news: unlike most grants of this type, your balls are 100% loyal to you and will obey your commands. This means, for example, that they will not try to unzip your trousers from the inside to escape the summer heat.

Bad news: remember your wish? You wished for your balls to be "ten times as productive and swelled up when I didn't ejaculate regularly." Well, I did some creative interpretation, and this is the result:
1) By default, your balls produce cum 10 times faster than the normal human average. This is a natural involuntary process, so you can't order your balls to stop producing cum.
2) If you don't ejaculate regularly, your balls will swell up to contain the excessive cum. I don't know if there is a limit to the size that you can reach.
3) If you don't ejaculate regularly, your balls will become ten times as productive. By which I mean that, if you don't cum regularly, your cum production might get a 10x multiplier until you cum. This stacks with your base 10x multiplier, and can be repeated multiple times; x100, x1,000, x10,000 and so on.
4) Your balls are also ten times more productive than you. As in, they can do most tasks that you can do, but 10 times better. Of course, there's the issue of size: if you cum often and your balls are the size of an egg, there isn't much that they can do. When they're giant, though...

By the way, I took the liberty to take away some of your competence and productivity as payment for your wish. Now, for example, you're significantly less good as your job. My suggestion? Let your balls do it.
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Sure, you won't be denounced for public indecency or anything like that. But people are gonna judge you. But you need money to live, and unless you want to cut on the expenses, you'll have to let your balls help you.

>I wish to be an older MILF like the one in the pic, with some fat and sag.

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Previous >>10882507

Would appreciate all rare Toobies
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No AI content please
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Time for superior girls to flaunt their goods and inferior girls to wallow in all sorts of negative emotions!
Post comparisons between two girls or more which causes some antagonism. Be it ass, tits, height, muscle or any other sexy parts, you can even post equal comparisons and not just mogging.
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[Kamino Ryu-ya] Big cock big tits x cohabiting theatre ( Hight? x Hight)
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Small, cute boys with not so small or cute dicks.
And of course Josou Seme.

Previous thread: >>10969300
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Opinions on milk with your femboys?
Weird but I'd be neutral to it as long as they're flat and have no breasts.

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Last Thread: >>10970332

> Body modifications specifically centered around the male genitalia such as circumcision, castration, penectomy and emasculation/nullification

Futa and trans welcome.

I'll repost some of the best content from previous threads.
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Nice! At least add empty wrinkled up scrotum skin in the place of the pussy lol
If the price for the pair is right enough she’d definitely sell them ngl
Straw hat sure has odd conditions to adhere to while on his ship haha
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I dont think it would be a straw hat policy, just a Nami thing. Also I think that she would probably get scrotal reduction if she were castrated anyways, so the edit is probably as close to the "real thing" as it could be, outside of her having a foreskin.

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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous >>10990927
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Akane always jobs in these
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With post-hypnotic amnesia or not?
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Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113902697
I don't really know. It's the best permutation of hypnosis easily
Hot as fuck
>Twice as hot when it's a cuckqueen angle too.

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Thread for bondage, peril and damsels in distress. Game overs and bad ends are also good.

Previous thread >>11037213
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simpler rules this time:
>post women growing taller
that's it. other types of expansion are fine if height/size growth is the primary focus.

>can I post men getting taller? or women who LOOK like men?
no. post women. based gaychads should post in a different thread.
>how is this different from /size/?
sometimes it's more about the journey, than the destination

old thread: >>10991729
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Just look for the start of the story, the rest isn't worth your time

-> >>11072016

Ever since Rakuen Shinshoku: Island of the Dead every tentacle hentai has being so mid
Still waiting for part 2
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You probably meant to reply to >>>/h/8104605, since this thread got moved.
Which was my comment, so I may as well respond. Mind you: I didn't start that thread. But I apologize for posting western content, and will refrain from doing so from now on.
Now if the current tentacle thread has no futa in it, then that's fantastic. But what I was hoping for was a *consentacle* thread. And every time I've tried to start one of those on /d/, it's been spammed with people who seem to think not wanting to see futa is a civil rights violation.
I have no problem with futa enjoyers. I just would politely request they respect the fact that not everyone's into their fetish. I'm not sure how this became a contentious issue.

But anyway, I apologize for going off-topic again. So let's get things back on track with a short storytime.
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Like I said: it's a short one.
that's the best part though, her cunt just empty and aching forever basically just being a lube dispenser for her ass while having to witness everyone else get their pussies used

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I loved this autistic ten year old's show, fuck you Edition
Previous thread: >>11015878
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>Checking the purchaser's surname and genetic information.

>The purchaser is registered as a new commanding authority in the genome of this object.

> ...Nice to meet you, Commander.

>I am an all-purpose android manufactured by the Alphatrix Group. My name is Type F.

>From today onwards, I will be there to help you with anything, according to the commanding authority's words!

>F-TYPE model name imprinted on the bodysuit
What if the robot assistant grows jealous of the human female's pubic hair?
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