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A neat thread for NEET posts
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Reminder to wash your bedsheets
You sound like you want a child.
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I hide from my bf I'm this much of a neet, he knows I'm super autistic though..

Wonder if he'll put up with me if we met? lol
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Says enough that it even has to be on this board, next to all the objectively disgusting shit (if you say you'd rather be walked in on with any other thread open from here you're just lying), ain't nothing wrong about liking girls who have a few problems, infact its "more normal" than expecting everyone to be a perfect princess.

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Post any images with a tentacle pit here. Male/female. Body modification. Ahegao. Etc.

An underappreciated genre that feels like it has been getting some love recently.
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Slightly unrelated, but I recently read through all of Shirabe Shiki's stuff that's on nhentai. His art is good, but I find it's his positioning that's really spectacular. I particularly like the series with the monkey monster.
I'm not a fan, personally. I find it too hard to conceptualize what that much backlogged pleasure would even feel like. I find the shock of going from 0 to 100 when the sensory deprivation cuts off to be perfectly fine
I figure that the body has just been doing all of that already, and the brain just kind of decodes what had seemed like garbled signals up to that point.

Last thread vanished without a trace >>11039960
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I was wanting to give her short stumps. But I guess taking away her other hand, other foot, and half her face is also necessary.
I hope a pirate sticks his hook hand up your ass
My idea is the girl is missing her right arm and right leg. She has to use a crutch to get around. I think she's missing her right eye. No eyepatch. She just keeps it closed. Thinking she used to be a pro-gamer but an accident took half her body. She's got lower C-cup boobs. So she makes money from lewd photo shoots to help pay rent. Nothing explicit.

She's grown a fondness for casual play with video games despite her back-seating. She also makes a lot of perverted jokes. Even before her disability she's a terrible house keeper. So she lives in a pig sty.
Didn't ask
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I found a fucking doll that's dirt cheap AND an amputee, but I don't have room for something of its size at home. Fuuuck.

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Previous thread >>11100197

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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Thanks for the advice anon. I'll do my best and see if I can't make my body and maybe my voice more feminine so that I can finally try out crossdressing.
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Holy shit
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Amazing what a bunch of filters plus angle fraud can do, right?

Last thread got splatter as was appropriate, but I felt time we revived this tradition and expanded our collection. Question for you: aside from DA, Pixiv, and here, are there any good places to find onahole tf you know of?
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God that's so fucking good
>sorceror gf learns true polymorph
>she just turns you into a cocksleeve without even asking and grows herself a giant cock
fuck yes
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Looks like Sanae failed to resolve the incident....
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Amazing job, Sanae looks great as a sexdoll and the wall of boxed 2hudolls is a fantastic touch. I like how they each have an icon corresponding to them as well as their "series number" being their game number. I will be renting both Koishi and Satorin immediately.
>3 weeks is the standard renting time for Gensokyo troublemakers
That makes me wonder, did Reimu go around turning them all into dolls the moment she could? Or did each of them do something recently..? But also, what would make her consider extending the rent time? Maybe some even WANT to become sexdolls on the regular..
If she's willing to turn Sanae into a lovely doll, is she going to do it to Marisa? Maybe that doll she'll keep for herself..
Loses something from the empty boxes.
Consider this karma for failing to save them, Sanae. They were all really, really counting on you.

Previous thread: >>11100802

Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org(Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org(vintage and rare onara art)

Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:
https ://discord gg/XkzsGwk

>Keep in variety, try not to post the same artist's work heaps of times in a row unless it's new stuff
>No furry (monster girls are allowed though) vomit or poop. Toilets are allowed if she's farting and we can't see any scat.
>Be kind.
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality

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I recommend it
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She has drawn Yuugi five times in the past, so she's definitely a firm favorite character of hers.

Feel like her artstyle's perfect for Satsuki from Kill la Kill.
Satsuki is also a good choice for her art style while

Only issue is I don’t have any Yuugi ideas lmao
I used to really like MelonArts but I found out that she delivered comissions which were fucking traced over
Can you provide some examples?

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Pubes, armpits, legs, arms, chest, back, etc.
previous thread: >>11100865
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share pics of strong, muscular girls with some chub
futa is allowed
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I wanna get hugged by Hitome.
In her compressed form or her full size form?
Full size!

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Thread for damsels in distress, bondage, peril, bad ends and game overs.

Previous >>11128986
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>This shit is just the best. Famous heroines get in over their head, captured and raped, pride and reputation destroyed, and then are just never heard from again.
The best, indeed. Kidnapped and taken to dungeon where she's going to spend months taking dicks and swallowing gallons of cum with no hope to escape.
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Agreed. Nothing better than a former "hero" chained to the wall of some frigid, dark hellhole where the sunlight never shines; her only company in the darkness the aching throbbing pain of her bruises and the constant loop of traumatic memories she can't shut out of her head.

But the worst of everything is the visceral, gut-wrenching terror of hearing footsteps coming down the hall; knowing her living hell is about to resume.
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The ultimate damsel in distress; the princess in the tower... who realizes her rescue will never, ever come.
The best part about kidnapped heroines is how they know they're on a time limit - they know that if rescue doesn't come soon, there will be nothing left to rescue. Just some shattered remnant of their ego; a docile, half-aware sheep unable to think or act on their own.

After obediently sucking her captor's cocks for years; years of gazing up into their eyes as she swallows every drop of their cum, how could she ever see herself as a hero again?
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I don't even mean whatever's happening to her afterwards, I mean the way she vanishes into that terrible fate. Whatever it is. If anything describing her predicament afterwards detracts from those vibes. What's her life like after this bad end? No, no, you're missing the point. Her life is already over.

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Server goblins
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>dragon gf comes home looking very pleased with herself
>tells you that she finally won
>you've never actually met the dragon that lives across the valley, but you know they have a rivalry that goes back centuries
>good that it's over, you suppose
>she looks exhausted, so the two of you settle down for a lazy night in
>during the night, she wakes up clutching her stomach in agony
>a magically-amplified voice calls out
>dragon gf explains that she hit her rival with a shrinking spell and swallowed her, assuming that would finish her off
>clearly it didn't, so she asks you to gather the best weapons and armor from her hoard
>once you have everything, she says that she wants to shrink you as well so you can go inside her and finish her rival, or at least force her to leave
>looks like you're going dungeon crawling tonight
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big tewi = good, more please
Is this anon still around? I hope you make more!
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Time for a new one, thanks for keeping us going as always.
This is the thread for curvy mommy bodies. Post images of thick, full-figured women ripe with the hallmarks of sexual maturity and fertility.

Common themes include combinations of:
>Thick/plump, especially in thighs, hips and butt
>Large tits, sometimes sagging or low-hanging
>Pubic hair and/or underarm hair
>Sometimes a soft, paunchy belly
>Occasionally muscle

For the previous thread: >>11100437
For Venus Futa, check out our sister thread: >>11100528
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only god knows how much I am for total worldwide hagdom
>Why do you always want to walk behind me anon? I don't get it.
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I Miss Ame Edition

/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agchuubas
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

previous thread >>11099896
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We're up. Search for chubby
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Time will tell, but I hope this is a case of Stealth 100... so simple it might just work
Would renaming to Brosnan General or something like it be enough to avoid jannies and tourists coming in?
Tourists are good though. That's literally the main point of being over there rather than here
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My PRIMARY fetish is /h/ tier pregnancy with tentacle and futanari as mere tertiaries but I had a recent fit of imagination with a novel futa idea brought on by Bonnouji Yura's recent 2 tentacle doujins that I want to discuss. Further posts outline it.
https://exhentai.org/g/3010152/7f01e3d4cd/ (mostly this one)
I thought up an ideal doujin of most of my fetishes basically.
I got to thinking about it and it seems like the few /d/ tastes I have are all heavily tempered by my /h/ inclinations.
Post art and ideas that you like or contribute to this theme, and discuss the theme itself.
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That's really interesting. Are these "Tubes of Flesh inside metal boxes" just referring to the Slugcats that clean the insides of the giant Computers that dot the land?

Well I am juggling a few ideas as to how that could become sexy. I was thinking of a society with similar Megastructures as rainworld's computers, but that when something breaks, some armored, insectoid creature, that is actually a bunch of tentacles wearing a suit of armor [/like the hunters from Halo], can turn girls into pieces of broken machinery.

He does this by releasing its tentacles and molding the body, with some sort of magical plasticity. Need a new pipe, lamp, or just a chair? We got you.

This touches more on forniphilia. And the best part is that the changed body then produces a replacement piece overtime, so the girl can be taken out of the structure, and be used to something else the next work day.

Also there's an old 2010's webcomic that has uses parasites as the source of powers. The parasites even talk with the host, in a more mental humanoid image of themselves. It's called Gnoph, and it's more bloody than sexy, but with medical themes, as well an intriguing mystery about what sort of Biowepon even are the Gnophs, and what war necessitated their creation is gripping, if you can read the font that is.
>Are these "Tubes of Flesh inside metal boxes" just referring to the Slugcats that clean the insides of the giant Computers that dot the land?
No, just about everything alive in Rain World is or is descended from a purposed organism.
>a bunch of tentacles wearing a suit of armor [/like the hunters from Halo], can turn girls into pieces of broken machinery.
I like how this isn't too rare. This at least plenty of doujin artists do.
Pass. Well actually MAYBE I could roll with if its subdued and the girl is, temporarily, made into a high tech piece of fantastical equipment. Maybe.
Whereas shit like chairs and tables are just fucking silly, the quickest way to kill my boner is to make me laugh.
I don't like parasitical shit that is too onerous where the girl is mangled and mutated. A parasite in the pregnant belly is baller though.
Oh I forgot about that Z-ton doujin, I haven't thought about that in years. https://exhentai.org/g/844218/1fa372cf78/
Battle Armor that's constantly fucking you is always a treat. Love it when doujins do that.
New one

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Boys and girls getting turned by evil forces

Parasites, magic, hypno, and anything else goes
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I love stories where some strong protag gets corrupted and weakened, and ends up becoming just a basic fuckmeat goon for the villain organization.
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What stories does this actually happen in

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"It Will Only Cost of Your Soul." Edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11143821/
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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I would uniornically love to worship a god like you. It'd take approximately zero seconds for me to submit to your will.

Madoka can exist on multiple levels of reality and is omnipresent. She could be smothering the universe, galaxy, planet and you personally all at the same time with four different bodies. There would certainly be one that's the exact right size for you to want to worship.
I'm just going to chill in a pocket beach dimension and throw 100 special goddess coins all over the world. Whoever is lucky enough to find one gets a wish, if they are cute I might give them more.
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If I became all-powerful, these are the few changes I'd make to the world (not horny brain)

1. Everyone is immortal, and reduced to their mid-20s in terms of age in perfect health (both physically and mentally). No more need for food or water or breathing or sleep (although those things can still be enjoyed optionally), everyone can enjoy the prime of life forever and endure even the harshest environments the universe has to offer. However, forever isn't for everyone, and if a person really *really* means it, they can decide when the end date of their endless lives are: putting that choice into the individuals' hands rather than time deciding when it is

2. People's minds are upgraded to be able to cope with infinity. Magically having the endless capacity to remember things millennia ago as if it were yesterday. People wouldn't have perfect memory, just the same kind of ability to remember as they do now but with bottomless capacity

3. Everyone gets teleportation abilities like in the 2008 movie "Jumper", where you can teleport to anywhere you've seen. This would extend universe-wide, so that humanity can truly extend across the stars by teleporting around to places they've seen through telescopes. Paired with immortality, this would also prevent people from finding themselves trapped at any point

4. Everyone gets the ability to fly straight up

5. The universe would be enhanced with this version of humanity in mind. The sun and planets of the solar system as they are currently would stay as they are (as a homage to the old world), but otherwise would be made much more interesting with empty space being littered with interesting asteroids and unique mini-planets (somehow with short-range earthlike gravity) being video game esque with all kinds of life and artifacts and tools to discover. Nothing that could make any one person even more overpowered than they already are, but endless useful and interesting things to find
>My counter to that is, why create the unnecessary complexity of making yourself into a hivemind? You're now omni and no longer limited by mortal things like having a finite amount of time to live in: you have all the time in the world to do all the things you just described the hivemind doing
It's more a case of wanting to experience tons and tons of fun stuff right now all at once and having the capacity to do so. I'm omni so I don't need to worry about running out of stuff to do and getting bored, so why not have armies of inferior copies spread out throughout the universe sipping alien cocktails on the surface of neutron stars and living in fetish fuel alternate worlds? To me omnipotence is all about fulfilling every passing urge with zero consequences.
What would you do if your captains started fighting one another for little slices of reality like feuding nobles? Would you step in and maintain order or let your subordinates duke it out for your favor?
>I applaud you for being one of the few that actually thinks with omnipotence. The "Pleasure Tesseract" is an amusing sequel to the "Torment Nexus."
If I have enough power to calmly go through the motions of my daily life while experiencing a neverending, transdimensional super-orgasm there's no reason not to. I'd also pick out random humans that I take a liking to and drop them into the thing just to see them go immediately insane. A torment nexus seems a little too cruel for me, but I'd keep one around just to scare people and make them think twice about trying to usurp god.
Anon's notes about being roommates with a super-strong futa.
>1 I get to have both beds to myself. She sleeps on the floor, because to her there's little difference between mattress and marble. Plus she kinda got used to fall asleep on whatever spot she happens to be at that moment.
>2 If she wants something from the shop, she just takes it. It's not stealing, it's just that most people don't ask for payment; and out of the few that do, most of them just ask her to fuck them. The last times someone asked for actual money a long time ago, she gave him a handful of golden coins taken from probably the Middle Ages.
>3 She's technically always horny and could fuck for months, but refrains from raping the innocent. Raping villains, or having sex with volunteers, though? That's fair game. Just don't go playing her save files - it's not fun playing a game where nearly everyone is passed out or missing.
>4 Speaking of which, she often brings home demons and such from "work", to use for sexual relief. In the beginning, I was terrified for my life. Now I just help them reach the door when they leave in the morning.
>5 She's frequently naked, so people often stare wherever she goes. She says that she has no need for clothes and doesn't feel like going through the pain of picking what to wear. This is pretty much the only thing she bullshits me about.
>6 Eats rarely, but when she does she eats a lot. Like, enough for twelve people at least.

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