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Ladies who double as walking bombs, set and ready to go BOOM!
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Two bombgirls have to do NNN by HornyHissBoom—who is, as the name implies, a bombgirl fanatic. Dude's sadly kept us on edge since Nov 2022.
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Nice fetish, I'm gonna adopt it
huh. what'cha like about it?
Girls are extremely thick and curvy, with some implied to get that way rapidly before exploding. That's hot, but the time pressure and eventual explosion is another degree of hot.
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Why is Harley Quinn perfect bomb material?
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where do you people find these? looking up bombgals just brings this thread

i need more, this is so hot.
Well, I have a catbox folder with a bunch of stuff. Mostly I commission em.

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Merry Bomb-mas, and an explosive new year!
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Speaking of which, that gave me an idea...
do... do they die when the fuse is up? like do they survive the explosion?
Oh you made these? Very nice
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tee hee
I REALLY like this idea.
I think it depends on what you prefer. If you want them to come back after they explode, then that's what happens.
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Also let's see if I can get away with posting this dumb oc
she a cutie! what's her deal?
9/10, would chuck at my foes for blast damage
Just an imp that's also stuffed with TNT. Based her on my Atlyss character.
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first off: keep going mate this concept is so cool
second: omg your art style is so prettyyyyyyyyy
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Thank ya kindly. I'm glad people like her... personally, I'm smitten. Part of me wants to not have her explode at the end of the month but that's also what makes her so hot to me, she's a limited-time offer and I gotta capitalize before she goes kablooey.
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What good is a bomb that doesn't go BOOM?
Look I get it, and it's going to happen no matter what
but augh I love her she's a last-minute muse for the ages and she's gonna exploooode
Do you imagine her being like a 'Ghost of Christmas Present' deal where there's a different one for every year?
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The dumb lore I have is that she's a "New Years Angel", and they've have been showing up in recorded history as long as its been written. When the previous one explodes a new one appears somewhere random. They used to be revered as goddesses but as time marched on this view has declined, ending abruptly when 1999- assumed that she wouldn't be too destructive based on her petite frame and previous angels- leveled an entire stadium full of people.

Also there was at least one who got chucked into a volcano to appease a god and that ended horribly for everyone involved.
awww she looks sad :c
i know she is exploding(and i assume dying? are the new year angels a reincarnation situation or is she just- poof). can she get a hug or something to sheer her up

btw do you post art anywhere else?
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Everything involving Angel is being posted to mechaperv @ Twitter. It's actually the most use I've had for that one in a while, which I guess is weird when I post stuff like >>11187509 over on my main (domobotV3 @ Twitter). Not sure why I'm keeping her firmly in the lewd zone despite all the melancholy.
wish I could check it out, but I'm banned from Twitter
would be great if she kept getting hornier and lazier as she got closer to popping, until by New Year's Eve she decides to just go to the bar for one last hookup instead
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You're kinda in luck, somebody actually commissioned me to draw her getting banged (which I don't do a lot of so things might be wonky)
frankly would go a long way toward explaining why people are so scared of them, if no matter what noble intentions they had leading up to the end, their brains burn out before their bodies blow up, so unless they are identified and dragged off to a remote location by society, they always go full bimbo on New Year's Eve
might actually make a full storyline out of it
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happy new years everyone~! I think she brought the new years firework!
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apologies here is the image at the correct quality
continuing from >>11200177
and it turns out plays-with-fire Anon actually has identified her despite her efforts to lay low with his weaponized autism, and both saves the day and gets the ultimate lay by picking her up at the bar and driving her out to a remote cabin in the woods to celebrate New Year's Eve alone together
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It's a neat take, I like it
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Almost there. Hope this isn't being seen a spammy
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(meant to shrink these, oh well)
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Great art, and happy new year to you, too!
Really good stuff domo, and yeah Happy New Year
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>And you can't even SAY
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I lived bitch!
ending is on FA since it's too fake and gay for even 4chan, but enjoy this collab.
>2 inches short
Helping her get it the rest of the way
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Fun-size demon that'll explode if you can't outlast her in bed. Thoughts?
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>Drinks enormous amount of highly flammable fuel or liquid, like straight 99% ethanol.
>Full up to the brim, dribbling the stuff out, splashing on cleavage.
>Proceeds to lean back on an oil barrel and light up to start chainsmoking.

Incredibly hot. Can picture the high hazard with every puff.
oh that's not a cigarette. that's a fuse.
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is that the bomb mouse from that one tom and jerry episode?
oh my god, you recognize her? Is it normal that episode is still kind of a turn-on?
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