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Fat chicks, fat dicks.
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Wait a minute...

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Petrification/Freeze or anything else ASFR related.
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Rectifying the lack of a proper inflation thread. No males, no spheres.
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It's just popping, FYI
See for yourself: https://x.com/_bynya/status/1815034147158536269

Pretty much the title. Futa on male is preferred, but really anything goes as long as the balls are juicy and the pic is nice
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welp, new kink unlocked
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>Female medical professionals measuring dicks of great size.

Is this /d/ material or should I go to /h/?
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Where did these come from, as theyre not censored, would you have any more of his stuff anon
>Above average length but only by an inch or two
>Girth statistical outlier, but doesn't show at all flaccid
>Wife has never seen another dick in person

Wasn't until we had been going out and hooking up for several months that we figured it out. Why condoms didn't fit for shit and broke, why her pussy and jaw got so sore afterwards, and why her experience of sensation and insertion challenges didn't match what her friends reported. Turns out when your dick doesn't look like much soft and it's on a big frame your already porn skewed perception is compounded. You end up thinking you are average at best and the difficulties you've had with sex before and now are the same as any or maybe you are bad at it. Took measuring and comparing to studies to figure it out and not just me but her since she is on the small and tight end of the spectrum, got condoms that fit better, she got better at taking the stretch (though it's still tough sometimes), and now she doesn't give her friends a complex when they trade stories.
This is a modified image, with the big dick drawn in the original image (the shape of this dick is based on another artist's drawing).
The character measures his own size.

Previous Thread: >>10958209
You know the drill by now. (Also keep AI to a minimum)
If you hate spheres and such, here's the Belly Inflation Thread: >>10992466
And in case you were curious, there's also a Male Inflation Thread: >>11013552
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Does anybody happen to have all of eichi003's art from Fanbox? No one's able to support him on his page anymore.
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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread: >>10949595

I liked the last thread and I want to keep one alive on the board, at least for now.
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Being a trap with a cute face = showing off cute shoulders and arms
>But exercise and diet can do so much to sculpt a body it's almost unreal.
Does anybody know the best exercises for that?
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Whoops, I've forgot a pic
Wait there's another one now?

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Any content where a female is draining a male or another female of their most precious immaterial resources for her own possession/ownership/usage -- usually permanently. Diagetic game mechanics (visible XP bars/level indicators/etc.) appreciated. The more femdom vibes, the better.

Basically, anything where "girl go up; boy go down," in the most typical case, but lesbian level drain also highly welcome.
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Level draining feet...
I headcanon it that the souls succubi feed on are't destroyed or enslaved, but become that succubus's offspring.
If you get sucked dry like that odds are you gonna become hungry for levels...

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I got a hard sex toy from tomax and at first i couldnt even use it my dickhead would be burning. I am uncircumcised so my penis is sensitive. Recently the toy may have softened to the point where i am able to use. But yesterday when i was using it i think i went to far.

It didnt hurt but the stimulation was intense and i was stuck there after finishing and could barely move. Is this good or bad i dont want to ruin something i should save for my future wife. I dont think i can even use it again for a few days because it was so fucked up.

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Girls having their bodies being taken over by all sorts of entities (e.g. ghost, slime, parasite, monster, alien, robot, etc.)
Previous Thread: >>10935410
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sauce pls
Are you guys using some normalfag websites or something? Look into reverse proxies and sillytavern. Shits been working great for like a year now
I googled those terms. SillyTavern is an AI but I still don't understand wtf reverse proxying is
same, although I've had a few instances where the AI knows exactly what I want and kills off the girl's consciousness and fully acknowledges that she's possessed by someone or something else
So hot

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Be it practical, impractical, or pleasureable get it in here. Silicone, Saline, Mana tits, Ballistic gel, Augmentations and other type of implants welcome. Bonus point if their implants are canon.
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Pushing them past their limits until veins are bugging out on a skinny frame is kino

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Girly dudes fucking dudes
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no im p sure that this is futa on futa, anon
look up va-11 hall-a characters
Well if that's the case then the tags lied to me, either that or it's genderbent

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Saggy, low-hanging balls, already saggy or stretched to become saggy. Above the knees or touching the floor, big or small, as long as they're saggy
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Member when Cell inflated to a big bomb?
Yeah we're doing that.
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end of image dump, most of the pics I had left were from DeviantSeiga except for the last set
A girl willingly going out with a bang either as a last resort, pettiness, a power move, lust, etc. Is a lot more appealing then her being forced to.
100% agree.
Thread might archive before I post this idea but something that came to me recently
>villainess's plan foiled, she decides to self destruct to own the heroes ("if I go down I'm taking you with me")
>one of the heroes decides to sacrifice herself by grabbing the villainess as she prepares to explode in order to fly her away from the other heroes (think Goku teleporting Cell away)
>EXCEPT, the villainess, struggling to get loose, gets an idea - and starts kissing the heroine who is trying to remove her
>surprised, the heroine isn't able to get loose before the villainess starts pumping energy into her via the kiss - and she starts feeling funny, kind of good~
>the heroine isn't able to fly off, on account of swelling with energy along with the villainess; the rest of the heroes are confronted instead with twice the amount of potential kaboom growing and swelling (and kissing, and giggling) looming over them
double the capacity, double the explosion
Exactly. Depending on how horny you are you could extend it out and have the energy filling the two be so 'radioactive' that it begins to effect the rest of the heroines, causing them to slowly fill and grow horny at the prospect of going nuclear.

feminine dick-owners on biological males
vag or no vag, cope better

previous thread >>10981316
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How hard is it to just include the phrase "futa on male" to your op?
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this, it's what I ctrl + f for
noted for next time
I didn't even realize this was the new one. Just make another and call it futa on male in the name.
alright alright fine


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