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Freshly emptied edition.
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New wind14 dropped

>Live in a world of where futas exist and each one is capable of "monstrously" virile.
>NNN is a internet culture thing that is slowing gaining popularity.
>Incidentally, many religions have some old doomsday prophecies regarding "a great flood" centered around star alignments that place it in month of November...
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hell yeah
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RajahDark on twitter is doing a pretty good one rn, love the art. However they haven't poster since the 13th so I hope things are ok for them.
Im currently on the cum stack as well as NNN, il let you know December 1st

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The Mystery of Mount Neko Inn edition.

Previous thread: >>11152443
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Becoming a woman is objectively depowering though. Only a small subset of mentally ill men actually unironically irl want to be a woman, that's why the wish fulfilment shit is so unbelievable
There were several cartoons that had at least one genderbend episode. It's embarrassing but the one that made my little heart pound the most was the parallel universe episode from Johnny Test, were he almost kisses his fem version. There was also the Flapjack episode where he has a botched surgery and he gets a girl voice, or the Fiona the Human episode of adventure time.
Depends on if the guy is turning into a monstergirl or magical girl or a goddess of some kind, then it becomes a superhero power fantasy.
Old Flash porn games, specifically the ones where the object was to molest a woman or play as a woman trying (in theory) to avoid getting molested. They generally weren't gender benders per se, but I quickly realized how much more erotic it was to project myself onto the girl who was getting fondled and gangbanged.

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post women and men being TFed into weird forms.
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First I looked at this picture. Opened it, liked it, like how she does know how to cancel this but can't resist long enough to do so, if that's even possible like this. She's probably pretty smart, or at least was. Pretty good.
Then I closed it and, just before moving on, noticed the filename. Wait, Charlotte? Castlevania Charlotte? Opened it back up for another look, and only then noticed the design of her pot.

Holy fuck. I like this character, I'd recognize her anywhere, yet I still looked right at her transformed into a fuckplant and had absolutely no idea it was her. If it wasn't for that filename, that tiny, minor thing that could have been literally anything else, I'd have no idea I'd been looking at the final, desperate, futile struggle and demise of a character near and dear to me.
That's so, SO fucking hot.
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Previous Thread: >>11168023

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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a couple more to close out the night

was still working on the second one when the driver shit the bed (again) and I couldn't be bothered restarting it (again)
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on a side note, that seems to be the only face pony is capable of generating for dark skinned women
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god damn, can i get a catbox by any chance?
>Got your detachable penis. What are you going to do about it?

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I like art depicting people failing to struggle against the corrupting power of possession or mind control in its various forms. This scene in the deer manga is kind of what i'm talking about, the author puts emphasis on how far away from that thing Neko wants to be and how everyone else has already accepted its presence and then it touches her and her mind is instantly corrupted, but the more focus that is placed on the resistance of the character the better, the physical transformation is one thing, but I like stories that focus on the mental aspect. is there anything else like this?
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Previous thread: >>11042716
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Rose gobek 1
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Rose gobek 2
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New thread

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Let's talk about our ideal nwo of that kind where women are taller, bigger, stronger and smarter than men and men are women's subjects.

Older threads:
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I love how when autists have fetishes they always involve some deeply complex social structure and even some degree of world building compared to normies who in the same scenario would just say "oooh strong woman dommy mommy ooga booga!"

Even in degeneracy, we are superior, LMAO
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I made some new fixings to my giantess story setting and removed a few parts I found unnecessary. But at most part the story is the same.
Sorry, wrong link. Here's the right one:

Women still wear veils, but by choice. Hijab, veil, etc is reinterpreted as men not being worthy of seeing a woman unless she chooses to allow him to. Belief that seeing a woman inflames a man's passions and tempts him still exists, but is seen as a weakness in men and Islamic women's clothing is seen as armor a woman dons and a symbol of her power.

Traditional Islamic gender roles remain, but are reinterpreted. The home and family takes primacy over the outside world, and there the woman rules. A man has no say in family finances or rules, and defers to his wife in all things. Outside of the home is the man's world, because men are seen as expendable. They fight the wars because their lives aren't worth as much. They do hard work because their bodies aren't as valuable. While men run governments, they were raised and got their values from their mothers and defer to their mothers and wives for advice, thus they are often in practice proxies for the women in their lives.

Women and unrelated men are still not allowed to be together, but the blame goes to the man and he is punished unless it is proven that he tried to get away. Even then, the woman is admonished but not necessarily punished.
Polygamy still exists, but is seen to benefit women. As men are more likely to die, the most successful men take extra lives so there isn't a surplus of women who can't find men. Should such a man fail to properly care for all of his wives, a wife can divorce him easily. Wives are generally not chosen solely by the man, but in consultation with his primary wife and other wives. The result is that usually her friends are prioritized, or bisexual women choose other bisexual women.

In short, everything about Islam is turned on its head and reframed. Despite still being in place, it becomes controlled and enforced by the women instead of the men.
You’re describing the Bene Gesserit

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Housing market Edition

Previous thread:
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Nice sedan.
Liking giantess but not feet really does limit the amount of content that works for me. The brain is a weird thing.
There's so much content today that not liking a large chunk of it still leaves you with a lot

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Nobody Could be Bothered to Make a New Thread Edition

Girls getting their bodies taken over.
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It used to be but it's been taken over by fags who just want to use it as a cheap way to do corruption stories.
Yeah, corruption can be a secondary genre, but if it's clearly the focus, like with Popura's recent magical girl mother and daughter corruption, it becomes a problem. The focus should be on identity theft, usurpation, and delighting in the new body's features. Corruption that gets in the way of those is garbage.
I enjoy this take.

Corruption can be used as a supplement, have secondary characters that are corrupted whatever, but making sure a possession story is about possession is huge.
New thread: >>11172067
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What about artificial body suits? The real girl doesn't even have to know about it. I don't thee violent stup, but identiy theft if done right is hot. Or when the girl foceds the disguise it on for hijinks

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> What is a eunuch? A eunuch is an individual who formerly possessed male genitals and had either their testicles removed or BOTH their testicles and penis removed. This means that at the very minimum, a eunuch must not have testicles.

> Cis, Trans and Futa all welcome

> ABSOLUTELY NO PENECTOMY (unless it meets the above caveat) OR CIRCUMCISION CONTENT OR DISCUSSION, if you want a circumcision/penectomy thread, make one
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Because if there's no context clues, it's up to artist interpretation or preference, duh.
can we please kickstart this thread again, I need more content.
what game
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Someone needs to translate spacezin's new stuff.

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share pics of cute boys giving cunnilingus to dominant women!
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Cunnilingus under skirts makes me feral
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Delicious strongfat tummies edition.

AI and futa are not allowed, take that shit somewhere else.

Previous thread: >>11100173
Hyper muscle thread: >>11100109
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>retard rule
Still allow

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Holy shit that’s good. Sauce please?
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Since no one else offered it's from Bondage Game, a rather extreme hentai.
Here's a link but I've got some warnings for ya Body Modification, Guro, Scat, Death, Ugly Bastards, Futanari ect.
It has some good scenes if you skip around but be ready to apply eye bleach.

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Storytiming a super detailed doujin I found recently. Definitely would appreciate translations.

The way it was originally posted on Pixiv, it was cropped into individual panels, butchering pages. I took the time to stitch together the pages for two of the parts; the part where the CTF starts and the one after.

All parts available here,

My Japanese is dogshit and my OCR fucks up on shit like this, so I'm not too sure on the plot. One of the tags is otokonoko so I don't know if these are trap robots or futa robots, or if it's a trap robot and a futa robot. What I know is that the black haired robot is interrogating the white haired robot by turning them into their penis and accessing all their data.
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Forgive the typos. I can't be bothered to fix them.
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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last Thread:https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11099942/
303 replies and 235 images omitted. Click here to view.
Granted. You are now a sexy elf like you want. I assuming that you want to be a girl, but that can be changed if you want. I'm also giving you that chocolate-skin-and-pale-hair look, because me likey ya pic.
You are a skilled dancer, and though you obviously specialize in provocative and seductive kind of dances (because many elves are, deep down, sluts), you are surprisingly good at learning new kinds of dances, from flamenco to breakdancing.

You also have something that can be described as a "clothes blessing", which provides several blessings related to clothing. Number one: any clothes you put on will automatically adapt to fit you. Number two: this extends to some things like tattoos, piercings and some sex toys like buttplugs, with the added benefit that you can also take them off (any tattoo you remove will look like a sticker).
Number three: you automatically adapt to external conditions as if you are wearing the appropriate kind of clothes, regardless of what you are actually wearing. For example, if you're walking barefoot on hot asphalt, your feet will be protected as if you were wearing boots. Likewise, walking on a mountain road in heels will be like walking with trekking shoes. You are always at the right temperature regardless of whether it's hot or cold, you are always dry even if it's raining (unless you want a "wet t-shirt" look), and so on.
Lastly, number four: the blessing can alter people's reactions towards your appearance. For example, people will notice that you became a hot elf, but they won't find it weird. This last ability is completely out of your control, however.

Which leads us to the drawback: your blessing can also spontaneously generate and dismiss clothes for you to wear. You have no say over when this happens or what clothes you get, and when this curse activates you cannot remove the clothes until it decides otherwise.
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Moreover, because you are undoubtedly gonna use your looks and abilities to look sexy as fuck, whenever the blessing decides to mess with you it will prioritize fun and ridicule over sexiness. You're at the beach? Maybe it will change your outfit to be a more expensive bikini... and give you a straw hat the size of a beach umbrella. You prepare to have sex with a guy you like? How about putting you into a cutesy pajama? A high-class event might lead to your fancy (and ultra-skimpy) dress that you picked disappearing and being replaced with an "outfit" made entirely of piercings and jewelry... Which looks very good on you, if it wasn't for the fact that you still feel the weight of all that metal.

These little accidents won't last long. The blessing wants fun, and if it made your life miserable it wouldn't be fun anymore. But pranking you? That's on the table.

>I wish for a chonky girlfriend.
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Granted. The goddess of love has blessed you with a companion tailor made for you preferences. She will look like your ideal woman, share all your interest and overall just be the kind of person you would love with all your heart.

However, her existance is a bit... unstable. Due to being created specifically for you her connection to you is considerably strong, but other people? not so much. What this means is that for everyone else that isn't you she will basicly be non-existant, they won't be able to see, hear or touch her.

She will still very much be real to you, you can touch, talk and feel her like normal, and she will easily be able to interact with the world, objects and even animals like normal, but for every other person she will be like a ghost.

Luckly there is a way to circuvent this! If both of you wish so you can switch places with her anytime, allowing YOU to be the one not percieved by others while she will be normal to everyone else.

And while she can interact with others, if she so happens to make friendships and other connections, if they are strong enough those people will be able to percieve her even if you two haven't switched.

You can decide to use this particular quirk of her existance however you like and she will gladly agree.

>I wish that for there to be an very rare condition that would turn anyone (male or female) into a woman with 4 huge breasts like pic related, and that i was one of them.
New thread:

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