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Fuck it.
A thread for the elusive male looking hermaphrodite.
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For some reason there's a shit ton of this for Golden Kamui, anybody have any idea why?
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Based material, wish there was more of it.
Wish it was easier to find than cuntboy at least.
Do words just have no meaning to you anymore or what? Are you the same dude that posts the “reverse rape” threads?
Rooster teeth can retcon Weiss into masculine futa
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Thankful for Lily Mayne's Moth
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why are masculine herms vanishingly rare compared to feminine herms?
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because straight males who have been pavlov'd through brain-numbing amounts of porn to get aroused by dicks vastly outnumber straight girls and actual gays who have been pavlov'd through brain-numbing amounts of porn to get aroused by pussies on the internet.
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I'm only into this because I want to have babies with men if I'm honest
>Male upper body with both male and female genitalia
Isn't this just male futanari now?
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Yes, and?
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yes, but retards are retarded on the internet so that term doesn't always bring up what you'd want it to in searches.
Male futanari have always existed and date back to the early 2000s on jp art websites, retarded newfaggot.
I'm only into this because I want to have babies as a man if I'm honest
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safety bump
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Based and correct
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Literally tagged 男ふたなり for most.
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Interesting how female-bodied futas are always groping their cocks and male-bodied futas are always focused on the pussy
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Need more of this, and need more of artists who do this.
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another bump
does this really count as male futa if there's no balls? looks like his dick is in place of a clit. genuine question, I'm retarded.
Female futa come with and without balls, no reason the male type can't do the same.
This; balless, clitdick, and fullpackage are already accepted variants of female futa, there's no reason to not accept the same variants as male. Futa just needs to have both dick and vag, all of the other bits (balls and clit) are add-ons.
That being said I'm not a fan of balless or clitdick male futas for the same reason that I prefer female futas of those varietals: imo it looks a lot less masculine.
But that's just like, my opinion man; if he's got both then he qualifies for this thread.
with all the femfuta stuff there is creeping into everything on the entire damn internet, why is there zero content with femfutas fucking boyfutas? does that horseshoe around and become too vanilla straight for the internet?
Don't they like not exist? There are men with internal ovaries I think but I don't think there has been someone of the male sex that has a vagina.
there are men with 5ARD syndrome and partial androgen insensitivity and both can result in development of a micropenis and undersized vagina or ambiguous genitalia that has the appearance of a vagina and clit
they usually get mutilated one way or the other at birth though
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There's NobodyInParticular's "Reciprocal Corroboration", so not zero... but I think the major reason for a lack of boyfutas is simply that them being "boy" futas means you can't tell them from a boy until you start poking around their crotch. No hips (that would present female), no breasts (ditto), and haircuts/facial hair aren't even secondary sexual characteristics, so they're effectively male until halfway into getting laid. Whereas a girlfuta can have an erection showing through her clothes.
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this needs to be a more popular thing, hot
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The fact that a malefuta looks exactly like a normal guy until you catch a glimpse of their pussy is my favorite part about them. It's also why while I'm fine with balls or no balls on "normal" futas, I feel like malefutas are vastly better with testicles.
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There's maybe 30 pictures of it across the internet. Nowhere near as much as there should be, but more than some niches.
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