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Fuck it.
A thread for the elusive male looking hermaphrodite.
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For some reason there's a shit ton of this for Golden Kamui, anybody have any idea why?
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Based material, wish there was more of it.
Wish it was easier to find than cuntboy at least.
Do words just have no meaning to you anymore or what? Are you the same dude that posts the “reverse rape” threads?
Rooster teeth can retcon Weiss into masculine futa
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Thankful for Lily Mayne's Moth
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why are masculine herms vanishingly rare compared to feminine herms?
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because straight males who have been pavlov'd through brain-numbing amounts of porn to get aroused by dicks vastly outnumber straight girls and actual gays who have been pavlov'd through brain-numbing amounts of porn to get aroused by pussies on the internet.
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I'm only into this because I want to have babies with men if I'm honest
>Male upper body with both male and female genitalia
Isn't this just male futanari now?
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Yes, and?
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yes, but retards are retarded on the internet so that term doesn't always bring up what you'd want it to in searches.
Male futanari have always existed and date back to the early 2000s on jp art websites, retarded newfaggot.
I'm only into this because I want to have babies as a man if I'm honest
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safety bump
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Based and correct
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Literally tagged 男ふたなり for most.
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Interesting how female-bodied futas are always groping their cocks and male-bodied futas are always focused on the pussy
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Need more of this, and need more of artists who do this.
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another bump
does this really count as male futa if there's no balls? looks like his dick is in place of a clit. genuine question, I'm retarded.
Female futa come with and without balls, no reason the male type can't do the same.
This; balless, clitdick, and fullpackage are already accepted variants of female futa, there's no reason to not accept the same variants as male. Futa just needs to have both dick and vag, all of the other bits (balls and clit) are add-ons.
That being said I'm not a fan of balless or clitdick male futas for the same reason that I prefer female futas of those varietals: imo it looks a lot less masculine.
But that's just like, my opinion man; if he's got both then he qualifies for this thread.
with all the femfuta stuff there is creeping into everything on the entire damn internet, why is there zero content with femfutas fucking boyfutas? does that horseshoe around and become too vanilla straight for the internet?
Don't they like not exist? There are men with internal ovaries I think but I don't think there has been someone of the male sex that has a vagina.
there are men with 5ARD syndrome and partial androgen insensitivity and both can result in development of a micropenis and undersized vagina or ambiguous genitalia that has the appearance of a vagina and clit
they usually get mutilated one way or the other at birth though
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There's NobodyInParticular's "Reciprocal Corroboration", so not zero... but I think the major reason for a lack of boyfutas is simply that them being "boy" futas means you can't tell them from a boy until you start poking around their crotch. No hips (that would present female), no breasts (ditto), and haircuts/facial hair aren't even secondary sexual characteristics, so they're effectively male until halfway into getting laid. Whereas a girlfuta can have an erection showing through her clothes.
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this needs to be a more popular thing, hot
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The fact that a malefuta looks exactly like a normal guy until you catch a glimpse of their pussy is my favorite part about them. It's also why while I'm fine with balls or no balls on "normal" futas, I feel like malefutas are vastly better with testicles.
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There's maybe 30 pictures of it across the internet. Nowhere near as much as there should be, but more than some niches.
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bump for safety
>perfectly good pussy right there
>still uses the literal shithole
And again. Going to post more tonight
only for the first few thrusts, maybe. unless he really doesn't want you there.
the vag has muscles meant to act involuntarily (and voluntarily, if you have good control) to squeeze and grip; the ass has the exact opposite, meant to loosen as it's used.
Why the hell, when given the option, would you ever use the shit output gate when you could use the intentionally-designed pleasure input gate?
oh neat, it's the comic that gave me my cuntboy/boyfuta fetish all those years ago
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Behold, giant male (futanari).
anon, if this has the small guy strip down and get inside you better post source now
I don’t remember exactly where it’s from but from what I can recall that didn’t happen.
Not sure who these guys are either. A baseball manga/anime?
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Vintage Hetalia porn, aged to perfection.
> but from what I can recall that didn’t happen.

what a disappointment
>immediately recognized both of those characters
I'm too old for this shit.
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At least 1% of all he-futanari art out there seems to be of Ogata.
I've seen at least 4 or 5 different artists doing it, why him specifically?
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Ironically this thread has more actually androgynous hermaphrodites than the futa/hemaphrodite thread. Most herms there are just women with both dicks and vaginas. You don't really get any art of characters over there where it's genuinely anyone's guess if they're feminine males or masculine females.
because andros are shit-tier
even fags of either gender want people who are distinctly one gender, the most sexually-confused faggot on this site wants some one who is distinctly one gender over the other
the only (((people))) who "like" andros are trying to convince you that it's totally not gay to fuck your long-haired friend bro it's not degenerate to want the short-haired musclegirl to eat you out degeneracy is a myth fuck whoever and whatever you want gender doesn't exist it's just a scale bro
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Honestly? Still not the craziest rant I've heard shitting on androgynous characters. I've had a guy tell me once (don't remember where) that being attracted to them was a gateway drug to being a pedo, because someone who is androgynous has underdeveloped secondary sexual traits, which makes them look younger than they are. Guy was legitimately pulling the "feminine men and flat-chested women look like children" argument unironically.
By the way, what's the source of this pic? Is there one?
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If you want characters who are distinctly one gender or the other - no ambiguity and no in-between - then why are you on a thread about futanari and literal hemaphrodites?
I prefer androgynous herms because I focus on the dual nature of hermaphrodites, and I'd rather not have to bother choosing male or female. I'm bi as hell, and the crux of my herm fetish is herm x herm being able to have any type of gay and straight sex.
Beyond that I'm essentially vanilla, preferring an evenly balanced romantic connection within wedlock and even having a distaste for anal.
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>boy edition
>male looking
of course the androlover can't read. we are very explicitly in the thread for males who are futa/herm, if you can't tell it's a male then this is the wrong place for it. you sound like trapfags who get mad that 95% of /y/ doesn't want them there.
a male who looks like a normal healthy adult male except for between his legs is a lot different than andro, especially the ones that you're posting where most of them look like flat female futas or young teenagers.

I disagree strongly with your preferences though you're welcome too them on the internet, but you're also proving the point - the only people who like andros are people trying to say or porn-pretend that gender is a sliding scale instead of binary clusters.
>distaste for anal
I'll take back my first comment, your taste is partially based, carry on.
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>a male who looks like a normal healthy adult male except for between his legs is a lot different than andro
In that you're right. An androgynous twink, unlike a "male futa", can still be classified as an actual, real male.
gender absolutely is a binary, I just want to choose both
I recognize that's limited to the realm of fantasy, but that's where fetishes tread as well

From what I've seen on over a decade here, a great deal of futa is indeed aimed at guys who have been coombrained into liking dicks but refuse to be seen as gay. So, futa it is
being a male herm must be amazing, especially if all the bits developed properly
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bump again
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Must be? Why?
Male form is not particularly optimized for childbirth, neither by appearance, nor by hip structure, so no.
Simply slapping a cunt and womb into a man doesn't constitute proper herm body design.
Not only all issues (and new ones) that apply to normal pregnancy would apply here, you'd just look like a man with a weird beer gut.
RT is dead, no?
If we made a thread about andro futa specifically everyone would be happy but it would only be me and the other guy there before it kicks the bucket
>all of these instances where the guy has both a clit and a seperate dick

hate this shit

genitals where the male and female bits are organically worked into one another is way more interesting, pic related, which also is on topic for the thread (he's crossdressing but this is in fact, a guy)
I prefer the opposite implementation of the same idea, where the dick and balls are fully developed but there's no clit (or urethral opening) in the vagina behind them.
not sure I understand what you mean, post pic?
>genitals where the male and female bits are organically worked into one another is way more interesting
Excuse you, organically? Silly fetishist, organs are differentiated for many reasons, in various ways. A herm with a pussy with a clit is not any less organic than one without clit. Actually it's more organic, as proper herm anatomy IS NOT the same as in normal humans, and because extra stimulation organ like clitoris serves practical purpose, much like in women.
Just goes to show how mushy is your mind that you consider merging a heavy duty stick directly unto a heavy duty organ like vagina as "practical".
But hey, the appearance of male in your picture is more appropriate to form than almost all pictures in these thread, at least you got that right.
Dumbly cramming organs on forms they don't belong is idiotic and doesn't constitute good living.
Perhaps you'd get that if you've looked at things from perspective of an actual pregnant man. Or perhaps not, all things considered.
There's a lot in this thread that depict the idea, at least in effect, and this isn't a difficult concept. It's just labia and one hole instead of labia and a clit and two holes, the same shape just ignoring two small parts that a lot of images omit or otherwise cover up even on females.
Almost no one even draws male futa at all, much less with enough anatomical detail of exactly the variant I'm looking for to use as examples. I should commission some, but fuck if I can find anyone who will do it.

even if this is a pasta it's still the weirdest post in a thread filled with "fringe even for /d/"-tier weirdos.
missed and didn't even realize it for most of an hour.
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I believe we can go weirder.
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Does anybody know when they might turn back on the IP count?
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its literally that
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what about male futas who are just as gifted as the females ones, stronger than them but more suceptible to getting pregnant than the females
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I think I've posted most of the Jojos at this point
emergency bump
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Femboy futas when?
>"male looking"
half the thread is fem or andro regardless, use (you)r eyes
Who's the artist of this pic? Are their galleries still around? I tried looking up the name "parkinglot" that is on the filename, but I've found nothing.
The full name is 0418parkinglot
What is it with homosexuals and hating using words correctly?
>dual form
>thread is about masculine hermaphrodites
tell us what word is being used incorrectly and why or stop making the same post four times a thread
There is a scroll using the word 'futanari' when describing a man with mixed genitals dating back to the 12th century.
bi-weekly bump
twice-weekly bump
Merry Christmas.
Thank you, anon.
I believe that most of the posters here either asked santa for a futa lover or to became a futa, gaining the parts still missing, but I sadly suspect none of us got what we were looking forward to get...
Abyway, lets hope next year we get it.
And what about you, wished for someone else, yourself or both?
anon I just want my husbando to be real, I'd be ecstatic no matter what was going on between his legs so long as I could hold him and be held in return.
Happy new years bros and sisters. Question, because I was wondering what others preferences are. Do you prefer your male futas to have balls or not?
last time i'm bumping you fags
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This is why I prefer having the male futa\cuntboy threads combined because otherwise one of them just dies but I know some of our anons only like one and not the other
cuntboy historically always swamps the thread when that happens, and more importantly cuntboy threads always devolve into retarded trans shit while requiring both genitals gives some resistance to that. I wouldn't be so opposed to two slower threads combining if we could specify "no trans shit or related shitty conversations" and mods would actually do their jobs, but I'd rather bump the thread every few days than deal with that.
t. someone who likes both
bump for balls make the man.
No homo
would a female who likes malefuta be a fag?
page 10 lol
>I would have grown up as a male futa if my parents didn't mutilate me with gender-corrective surgery as a baby
Fucking kill me. Hopefully I can get my vagina reopened with reconstructive surgery
page 10 again
can you post about your experience?

there's an anon who frequents the cuntboy threads who has 5ARD but he doesn't have a penis, just a smaller then normal vaginal cavity and testes inside his labia. What's your equipment like?
>vagina reopened
that doesn't even make sense, you can't just close off a vagina with surgery, it needs to drain - you either take the entire thing out, or leave it open.
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