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Previous thread >>11187098
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Woo diapers!
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Wanna be a diaper girl woo!
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i wanna be koma-chan, being diapered and pampered by hotarun every day
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buying new diapers after school
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fuck that one anon, specifically.
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the eternally butthurt anon who can't appreciate nice art. I especially like how this artist draws a big diaper.
sounds more like someone else is now butthurt
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Interesting idea, I wonder if it'd actually work
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Any good diaper fantasies you anons have?
Having girlfriend who would keep diapers discreetly under her clothes when we go shopping together, etc. And she would take and squeeze my hand as a silent signal when she is doing her needs in her diapers
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Hnngh that's so cute
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potty untraining kindergarten purgatory
Spooning with her with your bare cock pressing against her soft diapers, so you could feel when she's pushing a poop and filling her diapers with warmthness
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when girlbossing goes wrong.
overworked project manager that barks at everyone as the deadline approaches suddenly can't hold it during the scrum meeting and tries to play it off as she floods her diaper.
this one is amazing
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Holy fucking legs.
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>Put on the diaper, Shinji!
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Shibachan is absolute kino
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>babybrained asuka and rei corrupting shinji into diapers solely through peer pressure
>rei's nonverbal, so she sucks on her paci in one ear while asuka uses her words in the other
>both sides are making some pretty solid points
looks like misato's gonna have her hands full
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Unless they got Misato too
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Asuka found her paci too!
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NERV has turned into a kindergarten it seems
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need help finding sauce if anyone knows
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>the slop collapsed into itself
please dont be mad at ai while posting retarded faces like that
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Please don't be mad while posting absolutely nothing at all
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pick up a pencil. You wouldn't know quality if it slapped you
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Fucking finally, no more nene as the main image.
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Yup, no more angels and mechas, just babies and diapers
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I hope the latest hoono yurumu doujin would gets translated
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I just wanted you guys to knowm, A great friend of mine Gabriel Nesylian removed all her online persona, becouse her way of life was not sustainable she decided to dedicate her self to ABDL and AR art but she did in poverty and every minor fall economically felt like a landslide for her so she decided to give up completely this art career so this is just a triumph to her, she was really passionate and talented and she got so little in return. I just wanted to share her goodbye message to all of those who loved her works.
I can just hope she'll find happyness and that she can fix her financial situation.
Nobody Gaf
then just scroll over it Ah
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first mistake was solely relying on art as a career and not as a hobby upheld by a conventional job. I never had the luxury or shamelessness of allowing others to pay for my financial responsibilities and so from an early age I had to learn to stop being delusional.
You say this while posting ai slop
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He's right tho
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if anything, posting ai reinforces my statement. look at your friend, unable to deliver commissions and the quality of the artwork, although genuine, can't compete on technique or details. you can spend years developing the craft of drawing, or you can install python and start outputting from sdxl in minutes. zero questions, zero drama, zero cost, and you can run it locally. I suggest your friend work at walmart or whatever and continue drawing for passion because otherwise she's cooked bro.
I’m a different anon not the op
Not the original person you were talking with, but I have to laugh at your statement. AI CAN be good, but talking about "quality" work while the table leg in your picture gets cutoff by the girl's leg is pretty fucking hilarious.
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They hate him because he spoke the truth
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Pampered Nations has now been formed
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give her a massage and listen to her drizzle in her diiaper as she relaxes
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Not too bad edits for anon
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Can anyone source me this image? I'm fairly certain it was tsuttsu but I can't seem to find the post anymore.
I thought I originally saw that on his twitter, but yeah, it doesn't seem to be there.
I don't know if he deleted that post, or if it was on an account he lost to ban.
you're not wrong about it being tsuttsu's art, and i think i saw the pic before but it wasn't posted by him/her. only thing i can tell you it's at least 4 years old, maybe check metadata on it when you saved it exactly

I know for sure I have not saved it when it came out. The filename corresponds to its source name, but the associated tweet is dead.

Do either of you have an image where the post title was "omt."? It was probably tsuttsu as well and I vividly remember a bubble tea being held.

I would piss on the floor out of spite for having to attend that shit
>Do either of you have an image where the post title was "omt."?
I went through all my retweets and found nothing. there's a chance i only liked it, but there's so much more in my likes that it would take a whole day to check if it even is there
im abdl but never allowed myself to get diapers and the baby stuff that goes with it
top fantasy would be a gf that finds out about it, then immediately makes me forfeit my adult rights, unpotty trains me, and treats me like a baby whether i want it or not.
please make it happen one day
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I'm sure the tweet was deleted, I couldn't find it before I made the post.
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hnng i wish my boyfriend wasn't weirded out by diapers
has anyone found a model that can do diaper changes well? The models I've found drag the whole quality of my gens down
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Source on these two?
by style should be m-she, likely from fanbox, no it hasn't been updated
It is from m-she, I requested it from skeb
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I would slowly break down a girl until she's utterly dependent on me and her diapers. Change her in public, make her cum in her diaper.
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A great friend translated these for me
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She looks like she's about to give in.
Said good fantasies
I'd comfort her as she cries in her soaked diaper.
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Does anybody else like to use water on their diaper after using it to make it as thick and heavy as it can get?
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No, I use my piss.
Any kind of piss/shit replacements really don't do anything for me. Even if the feeling was the same, it's a psychological thing.
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If I want to max a diaper out, I just pee in different positions to make sure every part is soaked until it just leaks
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I wish this nigga wasn't doing open scat so I wouldn't feel disgusted so much to not sub to his fanbox.
Amen brother
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The Diaper Girl Report
I was diapered in class.
The pee was getting cold
and felt gross, so
at break time I ran
in a hurry, making it just about to the bathroom
only to fall over at the end
letting everyone see my diaper.
I bet she cried too.
i would've ;_;
Crying as her pee pee filled her diaper and her whole class saw her diaper turn yellow.
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Which Girls und Panzers do you think wear diapers?
All of em, tank don't have bathrooms
Correct, here's your reward
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Mfw I will never have this
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It's impossible! It's a surrealist painting!
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Poor girl's probably using her diaper for the first time.
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Where'd you get the coloured version?
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Someone on aco did it
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I did it, as >>11233420 said. It's presumably from Diver, and I enjoy coloring his stuff (like this one too).
It’s from Diver. He just hides his name to avoid being canceled for his pedo tendencies
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Sir it's a drawing.
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Nice, thanks for posting it
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If you think that picture serves as a proof, the issue here is your kind, not the art
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Thanks :3 I love it and appreciate it
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hot take: incontinence and being completely unaware is better than knowing and trying to hold it
When it's about someone else: yes.
When it's about me: no.
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Sin and runya62 seem to really be diversifying their types of diapers in recent months. I dunno what changed in AI (presumably pony?) but a few of those now post the same pic with a dozen diaper variations and even recognizable ABDL brands like littlepaws, various other western tape diapers, cloth, japanese vintage diapers, and modern medical and seniors type incontinence products. Plus a sudden appearance of those waterproof "swimsuit diapers" and the black ABDL fetish diapers.

It's like in late 2024 there was a breakthrough as a bunch of new ABDL Lora rolled out. Like pic related is clearly ABU littlepaws which very few japanse would even see as they are rare imports there.
nobody cares
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The flesh tone also shows through the translucent thin plastic/fabric sides compared to the opaque absorbent pad area that makes up the bulk of the diaper. Also plastic types crinkle and reflect light better than they used to.

A lot of the earlier AI diapers looked like generic white bulky things, or old school "pasties" art where real diaper photos were crudely photoshopped onto anime girls. It really came a long way in just 6 months.
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Talking to himself now, huh?
Just a followup comment. Never been done before.
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Also thats a great pic.
I am a huge fan of straight jacket diaper bondage. Its my favourite scenario.
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I'm just sad Sin stopped drawing themself
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I can understand it though, some artists are just destined to NGMI and are never satisfied with their own ability to express themselves (what they want to produce vs the limitations of what they can put to paper or tablet). Even with a decade of practice many dont improve enough to make a difference. Deviant art is proof of this.

People blame AI but even back in the 90s in the geocities/sakura days I had seen many artists give up and wipe their artwork from the web out of frustration at themselves. When it came to fringe fetish art, their loss was really felt. Stuff from that era sold at comiket survived, but a lot of web-only artists were never confident enough to publish anything, and their works lost when the hosting servers went offline 25 years ago or they were purposely deleted by the artist themselves.
It's such a shame whenever I go through my saved collection, and I saucenao some stuff to see what the artist is up to, and just find a purged/deleted account.
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Even stuff from 6 months ago on pixiv, I check my artist bookmarks and some favourites are gone. Artists are fickle and sensitive creatures prone to self-hate.
I am happier seeing creative people express themselves through AI, rather than burn all their illustrations and go dark forever.
>seeing creative people express themselves through AI
Nah, you're just some coping fuckwit.
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Im not so cumbrained and desperate for content that I'll entertain ai slop. It depressing to see skilled or new artist give up and become prompter. Good or bad I like seeing a person style and expression
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yea look at all that cope. I've been commissioning art for years and own over 50 ABDL themed doujin and tankoubons. I directly support the real artists and always have.
The physical copy of this book is sitting in front of me as I type this.

This is not incompatible with enjoying AI.
I also collect r18 doujins but find it hard to purchase anything in this fetish for if it were to be found by someone, that would be harder to explain than regular hentai
>The physical copy of this book is sitting in front of me as I type this.
I lied. I have all the Team Harenchi books but that one I only have a DLSite copy that I bought. It isn't collected yet. That should be in their next physical collection.
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She pooed
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I had to change in a public toilet once and fucking sucks even if it's clean.
Changing while standing is pure ass
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Just draw a girl, sick fuck.
I don’t wear out of the house for longer than an hour to go get something so I’ve never had to deal with that thankfully. It sounds way to stressful and potentially very scary
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Top kek
Only if it's hot water and I'm not able to fill it up by myself.
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"Requesting tactical change!"
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has anyone made a manga about potty-training a cute girl?
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I changed in public bathrooms all the time during my year and a half of being 24/7 in college. It was nerve wracking the first couple of times but then I got used to it. I could even walk by people with my used diaper in a grocery bag and casually throw it out and nobody cared. I could change messy diapers. And I got fast. Could change a mess in 10 minutes. Wet in 5 minutes or less. Made no attempt to hide the sounds of the tape peeling. I’d just change and move on. At first his my diapers under boxer briefs but decided after 2 weeks that I should just wear the diaper under my pants. Usually wore plastic panties and had my diaper’s waistband hiked up instead of trying to fold it down below the waistband of my pants. Just made a habit of reaching back and making sure the waist of my shirt was covering the diaper. On occasions where I had to keep the diaper covered I wore a onesie as an undershirt.

TLDR it takes a month of desensitization to get used to changing in public restrooms. I even changed outdoors a couple of times (it was either find a secluded spot to change or change in a porta potty).
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these new diaper loras are pretty good
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wtf this is so fucking good
artist on suicide watch
Did you draw that anon, I think it’s really cute, something about it I really like and I can’t quite pinpoint it
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It's by cakies22, found on Pixiv
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It's funny how people were certain AI won't be good at any point

Yet here we are
It's actually damn impressive now. This is better than 90% of artists I know.
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I would absolutely rather jack off to a young artist crafting something with care than machine slop
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Agreed, but I can't help but come up with a smug smile when I recall how convinced people were that AI will never reach a point where it will start to look indistinguishable from human drawings.
I've never been able to figure this image gen stuff out. What diaper Loras? How do you prompt these things? goddamn this shit is gold
here you go then, fresh out of the oven, from a promising young artist. enjoy
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Gold for the rich, lead for the poor
do you take commissions? screw human artists, I fucking love AI now
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Because of people like you, we can't have nice things
New thread >>11241053
I couldn't care less. The future is AI

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