Previous thread >>11187098
Woo diapers!
Wanna be a diaper girl woo!
i wanna be koma-chan, being diapered and pampered by hotarun every day
buying new diapers after school
fuck that one anon, specifically.
>>11217938the eternally butthurt anon who can't appreciate nice art. I especially like how this artist draws a big diaper.
sounds more like someone else is now butthurt
>>11218276Interesting idea, I wonder if it'd actually work
Any good diaper fantasies you anons have?
>>11218434Having girlfriend who would keep diapers discreetly under her clothes when we go shopping together, etc. And she would take and squeeze my hand as a silent signal when she is doing her needs in her diapers
>>11218491Hnngh that's so cute
>>11218434potty untraining kindergarten purgatory
>>11218134>>11218138Spooning with her with your bare cock pressing against her soft diapers, so you could feel when she's pushing a poop and filling her diapers with warmthness
>>11218434when girlbossing goes wrong.overworked project manager that barks at everyone as the deadline approaches suddenly can't hold it during the scrum meeting and tries to play it off as she floods her diaper.>>11218491this one is amazing
Holy fucking legs.
>Put on the diaper, Shinji!
Shibachan is absolute kino
>>11220222>babybrained asuka and rei corrupting shinji into diapers solely through peer pressure>rei's nonverbal, so she sucks on her paci in one ear while asuka uses her words in the other>both sides are making some pretty solid pointslooks like misato's gonna have her hands full