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Hogs risen from the ashes

ITT: fat, slobby women. bonus points if they're slobby NEETs

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11075763/
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Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?
>4) What general feelings would you want your slaves to have towards each other? Competition? Jealously? Hierarchical obedience? Affection? Partnership?

Questions for slaves:
>1) How would you get adjusted to a new Master, or your life as a slave?
>2) Would your Master assign the duty of training you to another trusted slave, training you himself, or train you with another slave?
>3) If trained in a group or as a pair, who is the other slave? Your friend, your enemy, your lover, etc.

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The mother will accept the offer to buy her daughter. From this point, at a basically weekly basis, both the mother and the daughter will show up with ever increasing sums of money offering to either buy the son or to shorten his sentence. Neither will refuse to give sexual favors at mere suggestions.

The son, however, will slowly become less spritely. Still as eagerly fulfilling orders given to him, but now less capable of maintaining his permanent look of disgust at you, he seems to be getting worn out. His letters, while initially eloquent and stoic, being little more than attempts at communicating with his family and telling them not to worry, very quickly turn into regret, suicidal thoughts, self hate and sexual and violent fantasies involving him and any of the girls in his masters property, his mother and sister and even, on a few occasions his master.
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This guy gets it.
The clincher is when she realizes that her continued resistance is exactly what this bastard wants. All the seething, glares, insults, the willpower and pride she's so desperately holding on to, it's all just playing right into his hands.
But what else can she do?
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Uh oh, bitch boy's becoming unhappy, we can't be having that. If he assaults one of my girls I might actually dispose of him, that's a much more serious crime than assaulting me, which is just a gruelling torture experience he'll remember for the rest of his life, hm.

Lots of times when slaves like this don't fit in they're sold off to mines to be worked to death, sometimes there's some especially cruel Master's who do put these things into their own service but they don't tend to live much longer after that, I know a few femdoms who might take him off my hands but none like that. I don't believe in disposing of slaves anyways, even if there's not as much responsibility on my part if I sold him to a place like that.

Look its obvious this boy doesn't want to be a slave, so he's never going to fit in with the rest of the girls he serves alongside who Ive thoroughly picked out to be as devoted as possible, so lets just give him back to his family for a inflated price. There could be some sort of horrible punishment for this bitch and his family to try and make him pay, but aside from being stuck in The Hole for the couple of days after the sale is made and he's legally transferred to either his mother's or sister's ownership there's not a lot I can do. if they are legally allowed to not only handle but own money they clearly are free people now.

He did turn me on to things like him though, so now I'll need to go to the market and find another boy to own. As part of the contract transferring ownership I will write in that I have to be able to visit him at least once a month, am going to continually come over with whatever boy I get and maybe a couple of my girls just to see how his newfound freedom is treating him. I can't legally do too much to humiliate him unless his family decides not to free him but atleast every slave I own knows the image of his piss stained face from that day, they're often ordered to jerk off to it on release days.
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To your surprise, while the letters worsen, his performance doesn't slacken. If anything, he simply stares blankly at a few points and wears a blank expression where he'd wear a angry scowl, but aside from that, no other change can be noticed.

And surprisingly, if he is sent to the hole, he takes the hole completely silently. Simply lowering himself down to a sit if he can, or standing up if he can't and silently remaining there. It gets to the point where the slave girls start regularly checking up on him thinking he's dead.

When the mother and the daughter are told the price they inform you the time by which they'll be able to pay for it and beg you to be gentle to the son until then.

The last days are undoubtedly spend in humiliation and abuse of the son, but he takes it as stoically and blankly as is expected of him by now.

Your first visit find the family struggling monetarily, but it's obvious that the boy is recovering from his time in your service. You are offered coffee, but it is obvious that noone's eager to talk to you. However, as you grow bored and decide to head off, the son gets up and walks to you. You tense up, expecting to be punched, but instead, he offers you his hand. "Thanks for letting me and my family go. You have our gratitude."

The subsequent visits see slow, but noticeable improvement to the family. They find themselves a better home, better jobs and eventually the son fully recovers. Interestingly enough, the family so tightly woven, quickly breaks apart as the daughter marries, the mother re-marries and the son eventually finds himself a wife.
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Aw, that really warms my both kind and cruel dominant heart. Was glad I was able to make him happy in the end, the girls I own sure are.

A boy or girl like this being worked to death if they have these kind of issues would be very common in a world like this, that's always the dark side of being into a brutal slavery relationship but like, because its what she really deserves. Fantasizing a world where what you want is the norm gets complex.

Honestly? I had so much fun playing with that boys mind that I would even come to a deal with his family if they weren't able to pull out in this society. Owning a slaver estate like that obviously puts you in a wealthy position, maybe one of the slave quarters could be converted for something a bit like human habitation and we could work something out, the bunk capacity that would have been there could instead could be converted into a system where the lowest rung girls get to sleep on the floor of the estate instead like they were personal slaves. Might need to be more than just one, the word "quarters" is doing heavy lifting for something barely more evolved than nighttime cages.

I always talk about owning a maximum of three personal slaves and even then that's a bit much, so much of what I like about slavery is deep personal domination, but the slaver estate is good for the best part of slavery society which is watching work crews of naked girls just out in public. One slave is serving as a footstool while her slave sister is ready to attend to me needs in some public place, while I enjoy the view of the girls who were less lucky than mine and are currently forced to help load up some product a local business is receiving.

A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

Any content is allowed, as long as the futa is bigger than the male.

Previous thread: >>11106046
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Queer shit.
need sequel (or at least bonus page) with sister
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It's been a while since the last one

Futa and AI are fine (it's not like we can be picky)
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Boys with feminine faces and masculine bodies

Previous Thread: >>11060097
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Why is some faggot writing walls of text.
you the faggot, that shit is good
I feel we are due some good ambushes.

Previous thread: >>11100516
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Post tickling right now that the boards got nuked please or I will die
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Previous thread: >>11100802

Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org(Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org(vintage and rare onara art)

Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:
https ://discord gg/XkzsGwk

>Keep in variety, try not to post the same artist's work heaps of times in a row unless it's new stuff
>No furry (monster girls are allowed though) vomit or poop. Toilets are allowed if she's farting and we can't see any scat.
>Be kind.
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality

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i could do a few ai requests for ya as long as the characters/artist styles arent too niche
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Almost all japanese art sites likes skeb, fantia, and dl-site have had to pull their support for western credit card companies, cause western credit card companies are little pussy ass bitches who are afraid of being associated with naughty stuff due to creeps misusing it for literal illegal filth. And thus, big ban-hammer on everything, even stuff that's totally legal.
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Since no one else is biting, do one my favorite Hololive girls (Murasaki Shion, Omaru Polka, or Uruha Rushia) bending over so you can see up their skirt from behind as they look back at you smugly, please.
It’s weird though I used this card before and a buddy just used their card on skeb last week

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Fuck it.
A thread for the elusive male looking hermaphrodite.
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what about male futas who are just as gifted as the females ones, stronger than them but more suceptible to getting pregnant than the females
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I think I've posted most of the Jojos at this point
emergency bump

Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. Long discussions are a given with threads like these. If you're gonna post some text, at least post a picture related to the thread as well.

>Question of the day
Both hrt femboy and/or chasers, do you work out? If so what is your current routine and what are your fitness goals? If you don't then what's holding you back?
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Tranny or femboy chasers? Both?
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everyone is gay for Bridget

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My PRIMARY fetish is /h/ tier pregnancy with tentacle and futanari as mere tertiaries but I had a recent fit of imagination with a novel futa idea brought on by Bonnouji Yura's recent 2 tentacle doujins that I want to discuss. Further posts outline it.
https://exhentai.org/g/3010152/7f01e3d4cd/ (mostly this one)
I thought up an ideal doujin of most of my fetishes basically.
I got to thinking about it and it seems like the few /d/ tastes I have are all heavily tempered by my /h/ inclinations.
Post art and ideas that you like or contribute to this theme, and discuss the theme itself.
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Really excited for Bonnouji's next one. This time the tentacles make the girl halucinate giving birth to whittle down her mental defenses so that she eventually lifts the seal on her pussy willingly. Then the real thing feels good on another level.
>December: Draft/Line drawing
>January: Greske/Finishing
>Early February: Advance publication of the text
>Late February: Sales start
Man works fast.

Last thread got splatter as was appropriate, but I felt time we revived this tradition and expanded our collection. Question for you: aside from DA, Pixiv, and here, are there any good places to find onahole tf you know of?
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I love those smiles he gives them.
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Yeah, they're great. Empty cheer, hollow happiness. I like how you can see down her fake-ass throat.
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I love how swelled up her head is in the end.

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Pubes, armpits, legs, arms, chest, back, etc.
previous thread: >>11100865
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No AI, hyper muscle or futa allowed

Previous Thread: >>11129548
Hypermuscle Thread: >>11153798
Muscle Futa Thread: >>11158956
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No, you on your own
not only are you an incestfag you're also posting gross hypershit
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yes it is, fuck off and stop shitting up the thread
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Im not retard

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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11166971

Go ahead any post any tf and tf scenario involving men and women. :)
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