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>What is this?
A place to share and discuss the piss, shit, farts, sweat, smell, burps, etc. of VTubers. We maintain a collection of real instances that have happened on stream, fanart, and fanfic stories. Reminder: visible scat is not allowed in /d/
>Why "ringo"?
>>>/vt/5422936 tl;dr /vt/ memes that lead to euphemisms for piss (ringo), shit (choco), farts (braps), and sweat (water)
>The usual BRAAP
Browse stories and greentext: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Rentry links: https://rentry.org/vtuberingo2
Artworks collection: https://mega.nz/folder/T81nEZJI#3rwtDHdd7RExZNH7k6A2xA
Anon's creations: https://mega.nz/folder/aCpmnIDY#a6wR-s7376_R3HWvM6KEgg
Previous thread: >>11041768
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we will; didn't want to bake so close to dead hours
What I wouldn't give to be in Ame's position here
The latest ARK event has resulted in Sora talking about poop a lot.

And Murasaki Ringo the clipper shows some /ringo/ energy too, they clipped the moment when Sora drops three poops that look like a dango, and edited in a clip of Gura going "itadakimasu".

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Kiara showed off her fanmade 3D model and got sweaty
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IRyS almost talked about the dump she took before stream

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Unshaven women showing their hairy armpits, pubic hair, hairy legs... etc or women with an excessive amount of body hair.

>last thread.
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I'll try it tomorrow.
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"Physically changing someone" You know what it its.
Can be all genders.
Don't cause a fuss.
Don't be too much of a dick to the artists.
It's a looney fetish so 'western styles' are imminent.
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Yea honestly what the fuck is with this AI slop, in my days kids used the art of photoshop and manipulated image so they could jack off to it, now they just type the letters in hundreds of these engins to goon.

I mean photorealistic shit is still ugly (fetish morphs barely evolved since Charlie blueberry Burton version), but I would rather just pay the artist or something idk
eeeeeey! Emily!
Don't know if this is enough shape change for the thread but-

The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>11015154
Belt Thread: >>10973434


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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as someone who enjoys both chastity and having my gf peg me. thats a whole other thing, sometimes you cant, its a state of mind
Im the same anon who just put >>11073129 and honestly I would but Im not feeling like doing the prep work and all that tonight. She loves pegging but the vibe nights are more chill as she just has to sit on my face and run the vibrators, its less work than pegging which is nice sometimes. But I agree pegging orgasms are nice, just need to be in the mood
If she keeps pegging you over and over while you are locked in chastity you'll get there within a month
It's all fun and games until they do a surprise penis inspection
Damn was actually going to order a new ring. Any clue as to where CK will move to?

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victims being assimilated into other organisms, preferably Fleshwall, tentacle...
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>Just absorb the limbs, leave the torso and head alone.
Agree, but I suggest to also absorb the head and leave only the brain. The torso can be nourished through a direct connection.
In case of necessity (or fun), the brain can be transplanted into a newly-grown body that is then birthed by the flesh mass. From there, you can do stuff like use the woman as a patrol guard or infiltrator agent (after brainwashing and mindbreaking her into doing your will of course), or simply re-absorb her all over again.
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Agree 100 percent, just seeing what she was before, her own personality and uniqueness, slowly fade away as she is stripped of it and turned into another part of the being gaaah
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Leaving the head is better so she can see what is happening to her.

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Suppose I’m risking a ban for this but the /aco/ threads finally died and they were always shit anyway. Anything goes, please share what you have.
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Any and all are welcome, from Prina to Anime-Tamae and everything inbetween
>Old school fans: What do you like/improved with his newer works?
>New school fans: What would you like to see return from his older works?
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I miss Prina and Rebis old art style.
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Last thread: >>10945017

Post big people kissing, fucking, fighting or anything in between.
The more people getting caught in the middle or trying to spoil the fun the better.
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Does anyone have a pic of giany Yor and Fiona making out? I'm 99.9% certain it exists and I didn't save it.
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Never mind I found it
I've searched before and never found it. My guess is the artist's pixiv, twitter, etc got nuked before it could be attributed as the source for it on a booru.
Speaking of Spy x Family, what I really wanna see is a mature Sylvia getting railed by a giant. Either Loid or maybe a cute shota.
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Why does it seem like all the content for this fetish has evaporated? Like we get almost no new pieces or stories these days...
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it's always been marginal
you just have to get by with whatever someone like rakia draws and hope richfags commission something you like

Anything related to gender swap from female to male.

No A.I stuff.
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I should commission this artist again.
>Please masturbate to the images I generated!!! My self esteem depends upon it!!!
like half the threads on /d/ are specifically not allowing ai now because no one likes it except dorks. These fetishes existed before stable diffusion was invented.
Every post I've ever seen complaining about stuff like this invariably comes with zero visual accompaniment.
NTA but seriously considering adding a 'no text posts allowed, all bitching must come with thread relevant imagery' to every topic I open here on out. No doubt my far more beneficial brand of tism will be equally as respected
>I don't like your opinion so I'm going to censor you!!!

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Brace yourself!
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textless alt
hot :3
What color do you like best for your slimes?

Thread with shortstack packing even more
Futa loli is acceptable
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It's almost as if no one cares.
normally I wouldn't either, but I'm it adds to my point that loli is irrelevant to this thread

loli and shortstacks are 2 different things, there's nothing "stacked" about a loli, which is why it baffles me the OP post wanted em here
Late month response, but they're Salia and Usalia from Disgaea
But it's almost as if no one cares.

Soft, doughy, squishy, squeezable girls with round bellies that love to eat

no vore
no extreme/super fat weights

I also thought it was a bit odd how pregnancy wasn't allowed in previous threads as it could be considered a subcategory of "belly stuffing" due to increase appetite, so I'll allow it this time around

previous thread: >>10987627
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shit, I just realized I forgot to write down the subject B')
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bros what is it about big distended bellies that are so cute on girls
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Gluttony is simply based and cute. It shouldn’t even be regarded as a sin, because it’s pretty much always a good thing (because seriously, who doesn’t like eating?).

Also, a girl being a big eater who loves getting stuffed is a massive green flag in my experience, because it means she’s unpretentious, easily pleased and fun loving.
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personally the stuffing/gluttony is less of the main aspect for me, it's more just the swollen guts and IDEALIZED weight gain in their bellies
idk why I just love the figure of women with big swollen round guts

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honestly i think there are alot women who are into that also.you dont know who is a woman and who not. So its only logic to me that we cant specifically say that in general . On the other side is for me the question does gender in this kink or genre really matter? i mean especially in this genre i dont think it does cause then you can get a new suprise everywhere. Isnt that one of the big things skinsuiting has to offer to everyone? Its like you could extent your own to the person you wanted to be, maybe just for the moment?
here's one that does both ftf and ftm :
Hello. Can anyone share some GoldShell45 pics here?

I think he already deleted his pixix and I could not find his blogspot link anymore
Hi guys, does anyone have that one image of a pink ballerina tutu dancer? He’s trying to rip it off of him, The face of the swimsuit is all the way up, and you can see his face in the neck of the skinsuit

Name on the tin. Any form of urethral play, insertions, or penetration is the name of the game.

Bonus points for spermicidal takeover, ball filling, small cocks fucking fat meat sabers, and urethral tonguing.

Futa/trans/whatever is welcome, just not that weird bug shit.
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oh i've seen much more from the pits of depravity. read diaries of folk whos masochism had reached such a level they had to inject a litre of 130°f(54°c) soap n mouthwash into their bladders for hours just to get off; enduring agonizing pain that causes their bladders to spasm n lines their insides with chemical burns, the way they describe it all makes me cum so, so, so very much.

trust me, i have truly seen the depths of urethral n bladder related masturbation n yet, like another mentioned here, there simply aint enough out there. someone has to be the guinea pig. someone has to do our bidding, n our fantasies nshow to the world the feats of the urethral fetish.
correct me if I'm wrong but when a cock goes in another cock it's docking but if an object goes in a cock its sounding?
yes, the umbrella term is urethral penetration.
ah ok, I only like docking, usually where a shota fucks a futanari's cock. That's the hottest to me

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