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Mrs. and Mrs. Gaudille Edition
Previous thread: >>10969825
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This is Shelly. Her fate is in your hands.
Tell me what happens to her, I will draw.
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Back home! I will do some drawing tonight!
still waiting
I ended up going to bed, I was very tired after the long trip
have a good night
What about her not touching a razor and being hairy? Maybe even beyond the classic pubes and pits, on legs with a happy trail

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/d/ more like ecchi. There's not enough sex on /d/ and there's not enough rough sex ever posted. Rough kink, BDSM, ryona, drugs (body transformation is okay) just pure evil shit. Bonuses for women with huge tits, thighs or asses.

No AI slop please.
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Post femdom, talk about femdom
All flavors are welcome
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You have it backwards. See, nobody really likes to admit that culture affects their sexual preferences. Maybe it affects others, but certainly not me, oh no. Yet sexual trends exist. There are few ways to explain them.

The culture encourages men to be submissive in two ways. First, it says powerful women are awesome and sexy. Not always, but it does say that sometimes.

Meanwhile, submissive men are almost never portrayed as attractive, interesting, or generally valuable members of society and/or as good sex partners. Even media that seems like it's trying to be sympathetic usually makes a hash of it. There are exceptions. Inuyasha. Ben Wyatt. But they're rare. So this discourages women from being dominant — specifically towards men — because what are they going to get from that?


The other way that the culture encourages men to be submissive is by literally telling them it's going to be amazing. Like VICE or whatever is full of propaganda about how having a prostate orgasm will change your life. In other fake news you have claims about stuff like edging and chastity creating unmatchable peak experiences. Often this propaganda is promoted by "professional" dommes who are definitely not predatory in any way whatsoever and certainly don't benefit from the fact that most submissive men are too insecure to effectively form normal relationships. (Somehow the promise of a better orgasm from living healthy and being comfortable with yourself doesn't sell as well.)

So, gee whiz, why are there a bunch of men who act like clients during purportedly relational sex? Because that's how you told them to act. So now the "feminist" of the thread has approvingly quoted a post rambling about how women are "biologically hardwired".

Meanwhile, there is generally little media showing of some kind of joy in being a woman dominating a man. Again, there are a few exceptions, but if I had to guess, 4chan's dominant women mostly browse /y/, not /d/.
i think it was his mom and I know the one you mean
> The other way that the culture encourages men to be submissive is by literally telling them it's going to be amazing. Like VICE or whatever is full of propaganda about how having a prostate orgasm will change your life. In other fake news you have claims about stuff like edging and chastity creating unmatchable peak experiences

It’s not that deep, for some it’s “real” others it isn’t. I love it personally and it’s 10x more sensation than a normal orgasim. So not only do you have to like that sensation, its also all vibe based. So you have to be in the right mood, have the right things done to you, etc to even get one. So that’s why the Chasity and edging makes it easier/better, where if you haven’t cum in a while anything is 10x hotter than normal.

That’s why there’s evangelists for it, if you like anal and have the right person you can have what feel like 100x the pleasure orgasims. It hard not to hype that up lol

If anything culture is evolving to be way more pro women dom look at Megan the stallion. Also semi related it’s almost embarrassing to have a boyfriend/husband right now. Since you are seen more of an extension of them more than them as an extension of you. So anything cringe they do reflects worse on you amongst girls more than how he’d be seen amongst guys if you were cringe. Look at “Please, please” Sabrina carpenter. Like the song is basically about if her bf is cringe she loses her aura or like “it girl” vibe. Getting princess treatment amongst the girls is not only a flex but expected especially if you are an 8 or higher. (An 8 from women’s pov not men’s)

Atleast that’s how my friend groups are operating.
I think prostate orgasms vary from man to man.
I've came from being pegged alone. I did not feel shit. Well, I mean, I felt the strap-on in me obviously, but I did not feel anything extra the moment I came. The cum literally shot out of me without me feeling a thing and had I not visually saw it come out I would have been completely unaware I came.
Same hairy femboy here. I found the best solution few years ago. Hair removal cream. Its nota perfect cause expensive af to keep unshaved 24/7, but its last longer than other ways (during double the time of razor in my case), much smoother result and dont bite af while growing.

Someones dont recommend their use in anal/vag zones but I used It a dozen of times before and there wasnt a problem.

I think its the best way if you cant afford laser hair removal.

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Just girls who loves to eat.
No vore
No preg
No super fat weight
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I gotchu
Much appreciated!
I don't know why it went as low res. Anyway here is this guy's archive


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Saggy, low-hanging balls, already saggy or stretched to become saggy. Above the knees or touching the floor, big or small, as long as they're saggy
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It's been many moons since the last one, post funny /d/-related things
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I used to jerk off to this.
He grabbed her titty.
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Starting up a new one, thanks to everyone for keeping us going.
Think of this as the sister to the Venus Thread.
Similar to that thread, this is for milfy, sexually mature women with curvy, full figures, but in this one they have just a little bit extra between their legs.
Futa on Venus welcome as well! Post it in here!
Previous thread here: >>10900229
For our sister Venus thread: >>10950464
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Probably my favorite fetish of all time
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Please feel free to share any new pieces you come across, or just show us your favorite pieces if you have any. This thread tends to move slowly, so any images you have to share would be appreciated.
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A slimy, flexible rod can be the ideal partner, if you give it a chance
>there is an assimilation thread, please post your fleshhorror abominations there
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>penetration through clothes
Shame there's not enough content with that.

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Thread for hardcore mechabare or robo-ryona.

3rd Edition

Post and discuss mechabare that feels abusive or cruel and destructive treatment of robots.
Stories, edits and manips are welcome.

Last thread: >>10942671
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Not a fembot but I still think its hot
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The character isn't actually a robot officially. The artist who drew it just turns them into robots for malfunctions and mechabare. The name of the character is Tsukumo Sana, a retired vtuber from Hololive.
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Vtubers as robots is kino

A thread for women who are totally helpless
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Imagine taking an immortal girl and putting her in long term storage like this. No need to feed or maintain her due to the immortality, just locked away in full bondage, stored away in some cell, maybe forgotten.

Imagine the feeling of remembering she's still there after months, years.
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I've seen this entire set before but its like its completely scrubbed from the internet.
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Futas looking inconvenienced by their erections
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Dang! Seeing the ahoge for a second there I thought I might have finally seen some Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame dickgirl art in the wild.
So that's why communion wafers are salty

Thread for discussing artists, images and/or doujins aimed at a bisexual audience.
Posting explicitly bi threesomes isn't necessary
>Then what counts?
1. Artists who draw or images depicting sexy girls and sexy guys
2. Artists who draw or images depicting bi-sandwiches, female-assisted gay stuff
3. futa allowed, but only if there are men and women present.
4. NTR/swinging if it fits the subject
5. Sole male/ female is fine but only from artists who are relevant to the thread
6. trap/ambush, but if there is a female present/from relevant artist.

>what doesn't
1. ugly b*stards
2. faceless male (unless they're really hot)

Not enough porn artists draw sexy guys that are not femboys and I want to see more + the opportunity to share my own.
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Thanks. These are really hot.
just go to the yume thread on /h/
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Honestly, it's hard enough to find true bisexual FFM content, MMF is even rarer than that.

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Post girls being handled gently. Part 4. Beach Day Edition No AI slop
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On the other hand, would it be so bad, if your one, true love would suddenly start expecting your child?
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I wouldn't be disappointed if the condom broke
I'd be disappointed that I was wearing one in the first place
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I just want an cute girl(s) who want nothing more than to press their entire bodies against me.

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Aged to perfection edition
Let's see even more flabby, saggy tits. Bigger is better, but the sagginess is the most important factor. Futa or female welcome. Bonus points if they're embarrassed about how deflated their fun bags are.
previous thread >>10884301
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