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Watch girls smooth their tits
See babes pop their slits
Worship chicks who sprout their clits
Pussy Freedom is back for 2025 and not a single cunt will go un-cocked.

Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11089886

FtM Story Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/72222205/#72227919
Another beautiful year, another class which graduates into a totally pussy-free future
Your gf will have a cock anon
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your wife will have a cock anon
your mom will have a cock anon
your coworker...
your neighbor...
your sister...
childhood crush...
pop, pop, pop!
"New company dress code? Looks kinda racy, doesn't it? And why do they give you that pill with the uniform?"
"Oh fuck! Oh it felt so fucking good! You have to try it babe, I feel wayyy hotter with my new equipment"
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Post greentexts! This is the year of the pussy-popping, cunt-correcting, cock-only, FtM anti-birth re-birth!

How do you envision a world where girls can't wait to get their pussies inverted?
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>Your feet are cold on the metal floor as you advance to the next place in line, your bare nipples
>hardening in the air conditioned cool of the Selection Facility.
>High school graduation was just around the corner, and it was finally time to see who would get to be a breeder.
>You and the rest of the girls had stripped and been sorted into several groups after you had been bused in,
>catching only a tantalizing glimpse of the boys stripping as you left.
>Now in this well-lit corridor your heart is beating like a drum as you advance towards a corner.
>As per present government policy, 80% of all students in this district were to be converted.
>Young women like you were to have their breasts smoothed away and their pussies deleted in one egg-destroying orgasm
>Young men would have their asses rounded out into the standard trap bubble shape, their cocks made smooth and shapely, and body-hair removed.

>You have a boyfriend, David, who you loved very much, who wanted to breed you, and you hoped to be bred,
>but all this was out of your control now as you stepped down the line.
>According to policy, on the best suited genetic candidates would be chosen for breeding.
>A sample of your genetic material had already been sent to this place in advance, and this final screening
>would just be for confirmation.
>Your naked B-cup breasts bounce lightly as you step forward, hearing a wet POP and a soft moan as a woman is changed
>into a hard cocked trap.
>"Perfected" was how the Fertility Board agents always said it.
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>You're around the corner now, and you see a woman a place in front of you step onto a round platform.
>From the curly reddish-brown hair trailing down her back you see it's your friend Hanna.
>You peer around the big breasted blonde girl directly in front of you to watch what happens next.
>Hannah fits her arms and legs into cushioned restraints, holding her legs open, as a robotic arm scans her with a light.
>You hear her gasp softly as a needle takes a blood sample.
>After a tense moment, you hear a sigh of relief from her as a sign before her lights up:
>Another robotic appendage swiftly tattoos her with a Breeder's Serial above her (saved!) pussy, and on the left of her ass.
>She saunters down to a door on the right of the platform, bare bottom swinging, and with a spring in her step.

>The full-figured blonde in front of you confidently steps up to the platform.
>As you walk forward you see a small hole in the center, right between the leg restraints, and barely
>you make out the presence of a rounded silver tip.
>The blonde is locked in, scanned, and blood taken just like Hannah.
>She seems relaxed about the process.
>After a moment though, something different happens.
>There's a soft beep, and a red indicator lights up.
>The blonde lets out a brief shout
>"What?! Me!? No!"
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>but before she can harm herself in writhing in the restraints, these tighten, and a relaxant is administered.
>As she is held, legs spread open by the restraints, you see the silver thing in the small center-hole rapidly rise up.
>It's a thick silver dildo on a rod, with a small rubber sphere on the down side.
>The rod smoothly and quickly extends itself, just parting the blondes pussy-lips, visible from behind.
>She gives a desperate moan, fear mixed with pleasure.
>With a rubbery squelching sound, the round sphere on the dildo suddenly expands, filling with something.
>Then a soft whirr, and the rod slides home into the blonde's snatch, hilting itself to its artificial balls in an instant.
>The girl gasps and cries out in pleasure, now using the little travel the restraints leave her to try to ride the silver dildo.
>After a bare moment, the rubber bladder tightens, filling the doomed girl with a sweet-smelling pink fluid, which begins to drip
>of her snatch, as she shudders in orgasm around the mechanical cock.
>You peer around, trying to get a look at her front, your own hand straying to your pussy, the other cupping your breast.
>There was a mirror in the front, and you watch as the blonde's big D cup breasts tighten and smooth to the sounds of her quiet
>cries of pleasure, shrinking and shrinking until she was totally flat.
>God that's hot

>Another wet squelch, and the dildo's smooth rubber ball had inflated again, ready to shoot, and complete the process.
>As the bladder contracts, another torrent of de-sexing pink floods the girl's pussy, as she trembles in orgasm again.
>As suddenly as it arrived, the silver rod swiftly descends back into its hole.
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>The blonde's hips are still rocking, and with the mirror you can watch, as suddenly you notice her clit had thickened into a smooth
>helmet shape.
>Her new cock was forming.
>With one last thrust, you see the cock fully emerge, smooth, hard, and surprisingly beautiful, as she bucked her hips, and you watch
>as her hips plump up one last bit, as finally her pussy seems to bulge, and with a moist sounding POP
>her pussy is deleted, sealed forever by new, hairless balls.

>Another robotic appendage swiftly lowers from the ceiling, a long tube, which is fitted over the blonde femboi's new trapcock,
>sucking out her first orgasm as a trap.
>Breathing heavily, the new-minted trap is released from her restraints, and walks, still-hard cock bobbing before her, to a door on the left.
>Your turn.

>You hesitantly walk up, seating your limbs into the restraints, and wait, heart pounding as your are scanned, analyzed, blood-matched
>and judged.
>Your eyes widen as your result is displayed.
>No... please...
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>Rather than struggle, your fear and arousal leave your limbs weak, and you sink into the restraints, your eyes straining to see the silver
>dildo which will fuck your pussy away forever.
>You hear a whirr, and your pussylips part around the tip of the surprisingly warm device, your pussy welcoming its destruction with
>a dampness as you shudder in mixed pleasure and terror.
>You hear the squelching sound of the dildo filling with conversion fluid, watching in the mirror as the bladder inflates.
>Then it slides home.
>You cry out in unexpected pleasure as it fills you up, perfectly calibrated to fill and eliminate any pussy
>every pussy
>Finally the rod empties its first load into you, and you feel the warmth of the pink goo filling your pussy, making your hips feel flushed.
>You cum
>You stare at your reflection as your nipples begin to tingle and your breasts feel hot.
>As your vision moves from your panting face to your shapely boobs, you cum again as you feel your chest tighten.
>Your tits take much less time to delete than Blondie's, and you are soon marveling at your smooth, soft chest in the mirror,
>an adorable, sweat slicked, sexy trap-chest.
>Another squelching sound, and you are pumped full again, orgasming for your change, now desperate to complete your conversion.
>As the silver dildo suddenly retracts into its hole, you gasp at the sudden absence, and notice your clit is expanding, tingling,
>a new focal-point of pleasure.
>You feel your ass plump up from a cute but small size to round trap-standard bubbliness.
>Your womb is tightening, closing inside you, your ovaries feel like they're rolling down to your pussy.
>You thrust your hips, and your thickening, stiffening clit suddenly expands into a slim, feminine pole.
>Your new trapcock.
>You feel new pleasure grow in between your legs, as you thrust desperately into the cool air, even this sensation making you wild
>with cockpleasure.
>You feel a great pressure in your pussy.
>It's time.
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>As your new cock is sheathed in plastic tube, you thrust forward, as finally, with a wet, defeminizing POP
>your useless slit is closed forever, replaced with superior trapballs and trapcock.
>You cum your first load as a trap into the machine, your mind empty for a long, heart-stopping moment as your change completes.
>You cum away womanhood, cum away fear, cum away breeding, cum away thoughts of David and his muscly body.
>As you recover from your orgasm, you realize why they call it being Perfected.

>This was the superior form for the human race.
>Males and females existed only to breed, traps existed to cum, replace and rule.
>Your still-stiff rod slides out of the milking tube as you are released, and with a lustful smile on your face, you trot towards the
>left hand door, cock bobbing, ass swaying.
>You hear a soft tone behind you as the next girl steps up to the platform.
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The pussy free female is the perfect mate for you
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Anything with like goverment mandated defeminization?
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Yeah was going to post the new archive thing, thanks for the crosspost. Just for extra vis (and to save from an early thread death): https://mega.nz/file/jZZ1xL4L#VazRIXevNZzmY9bz8TgtzpCZ_Kd6VAP0DeG5PbdfmJI

To list a few specific new FtM recommends, consider checking out:
-'Lana's New Grove' (https://archiveofourown.org/works/60017503/chapters/153127939), from the long-dormant Samson, gives your most vanilla dickgirl option, as a woman just *desperate* for buttsex takes whatever steps necessary to ensure booty calls be all her future boyfriends can ask for...
-'Beware the Green Brew' and 'What we do for Love' - both from PTCardinal, https://www.deviantart.com/ptcardinal/art/Beware-the-Green-Brew-MtF-FtF-Futa-Goblin-987841310, https://www.deviantart.com/ptcardinal/art/What-We-Do-For-Love-FtM-Ogre-Muscle-WG-959919345 - satisfy the monster-girlboy niche, with the former turning a young new homebody into a drunken dickbitch goblin and the latter a princess into a half-ogre crossbreed, what to consummate her newly inverted, no-longer-lesbian love with her long cursed knightly paramour...
-'New Hire at the Femboy Hooters' (https://www.deviantart.com/tgcomics177/art/New-Hire-at-the-Femboy-Hooters-906221136), from tgcomics177, should satisfy whatever twinklust the former don't catch, as my own thirst for New Year's boypeen had me sprucing up and expanding a slightly dated Deviantart straight shooter...
-While moxyhot's 'Dominus of Haruk'ha', and Ebikiyo's paired 'Godhood' shorts (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58986713/, https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59291849/), each offer different takes on more masculine tastes, the former going whole hog on an air hostess' hotboxing herself with addictively huffable male 'yeensmell and the latter allowing turn of the century Victorian lasses the abject fortune of becoming the overly eloquent, overly large, and *overly* masculine earthly embodiments of antiquity's favorite assholes.
God willing I'll be able to help populate these threads more later this year, been sidetracked as fuck. Pains me to see 'em go so silent
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Anyone know any good ai chatbots for nsfw ftm transformation roleplay? I use spicy chat and it's not bad but I wanna know if there's something better.
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holy fuck that's good.
Girls joining the winning team and realizing why men take pride in our cocks~
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who exactly is this for?
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Me specifically
Just Remember:
Is it hot? yes.
Is it gay? Who cares (yes)
But will you ever get to fuck the Femboy Artist? no.
I'm curious how much overlap there is in this fetish with mpreg? For your consideration:
>You get your tomboy childhood friend pregnant and due to wacky hormone nonsense her pussy morphs into a cock, with the rest of her slowly but surely masculinizing as the pregnancy progresses. Watch as your best friend and former baby mama becomes handsome, broader and taller while still retaining his familiar cuteness, his baby belly contrasting as it grows rounder and riper~
C-section definitely required!
Based censors
>Umi = Imu
I like FtM best when it goes into the ridiculous Fembara territory.
Fuck, I love this
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The only ftm I dig, if my girl is turning into a dude then she better be able Mr.Olympia winners feel self conscious.
Speaking of, where is your go to site for ftm smut? (Not counting the compendium)
Any sauce on this? Really like the subtle musculature changes
/jp/ wrote some FTM stories.
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So they did! Thanks a ton for linking these anon, sources at https://warosu.org/jp/?task=search&ghost=false&search_text=https%3A%2F%2Frentry.org%2F84kur6wm, https://warosu.org/jp/thread/47924333#p48022796 and https://warosu.org/jp/thread/46636133#p46661815

I'm the guy who compiles the archive so 50/50 on if this is helpful, but I aim less for 'sites to search' and more for 'people to search'. Tag searches only get you so far, since a lot of stories are improperly labeled; find someone who's already been around the block, though, and you can usually stalk their favorites for more, then read comments and profile notes on /those/ finds to locate new jumping off points. Pretty much always have at least a few tabs (like the current https://www.deviantart.com/theastralcore/favourites/all?page=10) open for active scanning, just have to make sure to have some method for marking off stories and profile pages you've already checked. I have a bunch of favorite folders backed up in my browser profile, over 8k docs checked at this point.

Holy shit great greentext. This isn't even my fetish, I just checked out the thread due to curiosity and you made it extremely hot.
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Gooning pooners and guys too insecure for normal traps.
fantastic archive
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you faggots are the worst, stop spamming the tf subreddit, it already sucked enough as it was.
a message from /tsfg/ (the only good tg thread)

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