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No grannies, that's the only rule.
Artist is Degeneratepai
No idea on this one.
Artist in filename
Looooong boobs. No idea who the artist is.
I forget who the guy is that made this.
Artist in filename
Perfect boob length.
Dunno on this one.
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Absolute goddess-tier
Ah, that's the guy; thank you
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milky version
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That's my third bump. Last call for sagging treasures!
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sure i’ll add some
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I wish this actually existed
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Probably belongs more in scbg but saggies nonetheless
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I love art with girls complaining about the weight of their breasts
This one is nice
I like how it calls her out on being saggy
That is an impressive size of udders for a redbag wearing girl
Breasts that sag due to how healthy and large they are are hot.

Breasts that sag due to age or just being a fat ass are not
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Hey girls cant expected to be perky forever

It can start as soon as her late 20s, so your gf is going to be getting alot of extra sag at eventually, and theres nothing she can do to stop it

Let women get dragged down a bit by time
did you not read the first post?
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Hag propaganda
I love a proper gander of that hag
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More like pro-haganda
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long tit is long
they just made a new one too
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As erotic as this is, holy shit they need to verify their base anatomy before adding in the boobs
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Blind redraw with base anatomy, this was a very quick sketch so my proportions are still off but I hope it demonstrates the issue

But, I hope the artist keeps working to improve their skills, because I really like their stuff.
yeah I definitely see the problem

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