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since the last one died with the board wipe
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yeah but where does she shit from?
One of them has bad breath.

The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!
Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11146957/#q11146957
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You could also end up trying to redraw both of your arms first, drop the pencil, and end up a double amputee once you realize you have no arms to pick it back up with, try to redo your makeup only to erase your face, leaving you blind and mute, or try something as simple as reducing your butt size only to accidentally erase a line connecting your legs to your cheeks, making you another kind of double amputee.

Sometimes it'll work, but it's always a risk... and it'll always be up to the artists who babysit you (and mark you with their names for "safety" in what is quickly turning into dom/sub behaviour) who are able to fix it... once they finish watching the loop of you fucking your future self, have fun with you not having arms, jokingly draw your new face with a pussy mouth, or do whatever else lets them have fun at your expense. You're not living these attempts to redraw yourself down...

But it's not all bad. As much as they are compelled to toy with you, they can ALSO be your friends and take requests. Sometimes they'll do it with a twist to fuck with you, but sometimes they'd just be down to draw you with proportions you want and fuck you that way, or humor a fetish of yours that can only be realized via drawing (but they may tease you for it if it's weird).

They won't make you pay rent either... but sometimes they WILL drag and drop you into their tablets, use you as a "model" for a lewd piece of art, copy it, and let you go once it's done. As humiliating as it is... it CAN be kinda fun to see yourself getting railed from a third person perspective after the fact.

>I wish I was a cute shorstack with selective fertility, incredible durability, and the ability to make friends, and friends with (sexual) benefits easily... and while I'm at it, the ability to grant cute girls nice futa dicks to keep things spicy. I AM the perfect size to be picked up and used like an onahole, after all... every friend should be able to enjoy that aspect of me.
Granted! You now live in a world where a goddess has blessed the human race with coziness. No more needing to get up to use the bathroom, or needing to do that period, no more hunger or thirst (but you may eat if you wish), no more bad nights of sleep, and homes will be blessed to be cozier and have divine climate control. Even workplaces get these boons, with cozy furniture for employees instead of needing them to stand on one place all day... that is, if you don't work from home, which is also common now. People are also cuter and better at cuddling other people, even strangers will find other strangers considerably cuter, and even more attractive on average. Easier to get cozy around a cute girl/boy, right?

...But this comfort isn't free. The goddess holds a belief of her own that she INSISTS is necessary for ultimate coziness. You can't be cozy if you're lonely, and there really ISN'T anything comparable to getting cozy with a cute boy or girl... so every once in a while, she handpicks a few people to turn into pillow boys and girls, still alive and flesh and blood, but reduced to be soft, have VERY rubbery bones (ribs are hard, now they're cozy), and be perfect for cuddling. They'll be distributed to whoever the goddess believes they'd be the best match for. All a "pillow pet" has to do is be cozy and keep their owner, or owners, company... and yes, sex is expected, but since they're hand picked on terms of compatibility, this is rarely an issue... though some do get very flustered and embarrassed about it, especially if the goddess learned who they liked before they themselves learned it. Pillow pets can vary wildly, from being having a case around their torso for non lewd cuddles, to being especially pliable as a travel pillow, to having handlebars for... needier people. Generally, this role is something people have to deal with eventually, but will return to normal from and trade places with others after a while... unless they REALLY like it.
It's /d/, of course the pets were going to be other humans... but what is a pillow person if not a "pet" you can fuck and have literal pillow talk with? It's their job... whether they expected to be chosen when they were for who they were or not, but as stated, the goddess is a MASTERFUL matchmaker, so the most common responses to this are blush, or annoyed groans if the person was about to do something with arms (it can wait).

But you? You're special. You made the wish, so you will be her coziest soldier. You will be a "pillow pet" first and foremost, as it it were your job, with "vacations" from your duty being only once to twice a week (longer on holidays). You will have all of your expenses covered... granted, as a pillow most of the time, you won't have many... but at least it's a stable job.

You also happen to be compatible with a LOT of people... so long as you let the goddess alter your form a bit to fit each one's tastes. You've got a cozy heart, but if a lesbian is in need of a companion, that cozy heart is gonna have cozy tits resting outside of its now rubbery, pillow like ribcage. Make no mistake, they'll ALL be people you'd find cute and/or attractive, and wouldn't mind cuddling in the ways the goddess deems you should, lewdly or not... but you also have a LOT of different tastes to accomodate for, and the pillow forms can be very creative. A bisesual (boy or girl is up to what you like) may want a chair cushioned with a futa pillow, or a futa bodypillow, a dominatrix may want less of a pillow and more of a "cushion", and you may end up with more pink hair and frills if your master for the day has a girly room, to fit the aesthetic. Sure, you might be a "tame" cute pillow boy for a nerdy girl every once in a while, and you can revisit masters if you request it, but this is the life of a devout cuddler... who may be fucked in their lewder pillow forms. Oh yeah, and with the global boost to attractiveness, futa exist too now, so... be ready.
Lots of family love in the wishes lately, let's put a twist on that.

>I wish I was a single mother with all the means to support myself while taking care of my loving, adorable, and attractive young adult kid/kids, who still lived with me... with me being their submissive, answering to them.

Genie decides how many kids, what they're like, their sexes (two girls, a girl and a cute boy, a femboy, one futa in the group... go wild), and the exact dynamics of this kinky domestic life.
And I'd like to be a super sexy milf like pic related, of course... I'm sure my kid/kids would like that too.

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Old thread: >>11100030
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I'm pretty sure more angelic types wouldn't rape on divine principal unless fallen.

And if rape was even an option, they'd be compelling you to do it to them. Or at least make you think you are.
It's holy rape. MGQ is filled with it.
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Shut her up? Y/N
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Why moths tho

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"What the hell happened here?" edition.

prev thread: >>11063568
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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

NNN Edition
QOTT: What's your favorite cage design? Least favorite?

Previous Thread: >>11153430
Belt Thread: >>11100686


>Lock Tracker & Chaster Pointers

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I did, but I wouldn't mind if they did it again...
If i get 50 votes i want it to be 50 real people fucking me, not one sweat....
If you like it you should post your link again so he knows who to add to ;P
hi <3
>want to start
it's meaningless unless you actually do it
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got +17 days courtesy of the mysterious turbo autist botter. i guess setting max time or restricting votes to logged users is mandatory from now on. shame, a lot of normal votes are anon

Old: >>11118041

Please keep discussions on topic, don't blogpost about shit that will obviously derail the thread, i.e. no gfd or prostitution. Doing so should be an obvious sign to everyone you're just looking for attention. Follow board rules.
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Who is the artist for this one? I tried sauce nao and other sites but only get blank or shady af results
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Have you ever wondered why you like femdom in first place or what made you like if?
Of course not. The more one-sided sex is, the more erotic it is, that's obvious.
t. switchchad

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Futanari on Male, Dickgirl on Male

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anyone has that pic with office lady-futa having a crush on a male colleague and being embarrassed over her erection? Been looking for it for a while, but couldn't find anything on boorus
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He does skeb commission. Personally I was introduced to him by "Lady Dickgirl's Absolute Supremacy Doctrine" (or something like that). I think he peaked with Oshioki Time.

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9 months past due with a quad, bellies. Bonus points if the breasts are almost as big as the belly or hips.

No hyper preg. No bellies that look like giant balloons. No blueberry girl looking shit. Gravity's pull on the belly and breasts are required.
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So Tenseiani finally made it to pixiv, lolis and bestiality and ugly fuckers who just stepped out of the primordial soup and all.

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Eleven Weight Lifting Competition Edition: >>11099829

Authors Pixiv(has all useful links there like twitter, dlsite, and fanbox): https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5773248

Only 1-2 pages left till the chapter comes out, this being the biggest chapter yet. Which elf do you think is next?
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What is the censorship logic of adding a black bar around the halfway mark of the shafts? I periodically see this in other publications too (sometimes repeated to the point that the penis looks like a zebra) but it's never consistent.
Well you the thing with censorship law is that it that it is vague it only says vulgarity is illegal. No one actually knows how much to censor what to censor. that's why you can shit like light saber dicks in one hentai and two semi transparent lines in another. I don't think the police get out of bed unless it uncensored. I've never seen a single example of someone getting in trouble for not censoring enough, It's probably hard to prosecute unless they go all the way. Not to mention what counts as vulgar changes with time. iirc assholes used to be censored a few decades ago but that changed to only when something is going in or out of them.
wish their cocks looked more like this and Yuri was shorter so they can lift her up without even trying
C. I'm just an ass man.
How long till we get a pregnant character? All this semen has to have an effect, despite the magical seals, life finds a way.
Maybe as an ending for the story?

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I never see too much ovi/egg stuff here. i like aliens/monsters/bugs anything gross specifically, but i don't see threads for that either.

being impregnated, gestation, birthing the slimy things. let's see some of that
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usually goes on /aco/ but if you don't tell anyone, i won't
No idea what it was, but it seems someone did in fact tell

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Post bellies growing
-no male
-no futa belly
-yes cumflation or any other kind of non-standard inflation
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Her mouth wrote the check,
Her ass cashed the check,
but her belly couldn't hold it.

Thank you for putting the sauce in the filename.
Seems like the reverse of that in this particular case

>but her belly couldn't hold it.
Not for lack of prior efforts judging by those creases in page 1, that's a nice little detail I wish artists with recurring blow-up dolls would use.
And speaking of creases and things of that sort, an idea I had a while ago but just remembered
thanks to that post:

>Empty-nester MILF going throughthe midlife crisis of coming to terms with a baby-factory mom bodinstead of her idealized prime of youth which usually coincided with being knocked up
>Figures the best way to deal with it is to puff herself up juuuuust enough to flatten out those creases and wrinkles so she's flush and full-figured, and it works - for a bit
>But the more she fills up the deeper those creases and folds get as the skin rests more and more in its distended state and the more she has to inflate herself to compensate and the more she zealously clings to that warped ideal image of herself
>Soon she's masquerading as being pregnant again to ever-increasing degrees, relishing that stolen valor which in turn only further warps her self-perspective
>Eventually it hits the point where every fill-up is a full-blown rejuvination as the withered, wrinkled old hag she sees in the mirror every morning blossoms into a beautiful, curvacious and right-proper woman

A thread centered around breeders, breeding, and males, futas, and more that just fuck plenty of wombs that they can impregnate!
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cunny cups impregnated
As they should be

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Theme questions:
>What's is life like for the average man in your setting? The average woman?
>How are boys raised to prepare them for leadership and their role as masters?
>Are slaves inherited? Or passed on in any other ways?
>Does your setting have non-slave women? If so how are they controlled? Chastity? Laws?
>Is your setting modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi or something else?
Last thread:


This thread is for fetishizing a patriarchy where it's biological men being Doms and biological Women as Subs
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Tbf, reverting back to foundational principles is a good idea in theory but hard to pull of in practice as a reformation since the majority of people are far too inculcated in the standing notions and some foundational principles were dismissed for pragmatic temporary measures that are now alien.

Take for example land or Censitary vote that prevented non contributory electorate to influence directly who will be the ones determining the way the national budget will be spent. Utterly alien and hard to see implemented in the now without some kind of major violent upheaval be it foreign conquest or civil kinetic reformation
Yeah I'd say we're much more on the same page than not, I'm just fast and loose on terminology most of the time. "Wealth inequality" isn't me banging the drum for fully-automated luxury communism. (Though I wouldn't say no.) It's just that the large majority of people are objectively seeing and feeling their standard of living go down and their own dollars worth less and less, for the reasons you outlined.

Voters keep hitting they only button they have like a kid playing with a toy phone; both parties are focused on enriching their donors while they convert citizens to employees and owners to renters. Main difference is how much the people overseeing the process care about being popular and/or pretending it's not happening. They're also speeding headlong into a wall; neither of them is ever going to do any of the communist or fascist bits where you have to, you know, offer people anything that would make them jingoistic. Non-embarrassing health care's off the table and we're in hock to decades of military misadventures; the Pentagon bumbles with trillions, the politicians wanna gut Medicare, and the public are all screaming about bathrooms and snotty college kids. Total farce.

As far as the accelerationist angle, well, everyone thinks their ideology is the one that's gonna rise from the ashes once everything gets burned down. Going back to fiction, I'd say that the odds of our li'l fetish paradise being the winner of the societal rebuild lottery are basically zero and absurdly far down the list, to the point I just don't feel it from a writing standpoint.

Early Merry Christmas!
No worries anon, it's just that I am starting to thing that some of our shorthand terms have to be fought against as the words we use form the shape of our thoughts - for those that do think at any rate.

As for our fetish scenario, it is technically closer to the muslim world than our own.
Without a full collapse and restart, which is far away as the American empire still has a long way for it to degrade to be overshadowed by others, full on ensalavement of women and officially recognized poligamous setups are out of the question. Its also the fact that the proper Americans aside from certain exceptions are far far more socially liberal and tolerant than the majority of the other vassals provinces, erm allied states.

As in your most conservative abortion practices are the most liberal practices in Europe, as an example.

Should our civilization not fall and manage a reformation some kind of de facto rescindinh of female rights will be necessary but not de jure named or discussed as such.

Imho it will require us to survive the pension crisis and get past the day of the pillow, and then it will be the ones with the strength and will to impose their socially acceptable solution to the majority of extremists and those in proximity to power that will enact their savior plan.

If it is civilizational collapse, we'll, it is going to be the organized criminal gang that manged to conquer, subsume and dominate the rest and end up as the new state that will be the one to shape things as they see it.

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>Early Merry Christmas!
Oh and same to you anon.
>fully-automated luxury communism
We have that. It's called jail. You can visit if you want. Only thing lacking for full simulator of unisex jails.
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Since the whole board got purged, let's try again!
Only biological females with vaginas, dudes, futa or cocks of any kind go in the main thread
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Girls that are too big to walk or move around easily.

Same do's and don'ts as the SSBBW / fat thread.
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Sounds good with me.

Should i still make a before panel? I can't think of who the victims would be in this one.
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Maybe a reporter that tried to get to the bottom of the disappearances?
That works!

This one is gonna take me a little longer due to the scope, if it wasn't obvious.
Haha, yeah, I would imagine it. I know it's gonna be a very tall order, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. I wish you well on your endeavor through this drawing!
Do you happen to have a gallery anywhere? I really like what you've posted so far

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