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Male on Futa
Post girls with dicks getting fucked by guys.
Shemales are allowed.
No AI.
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Server goblins
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Not to mention elves are so conceited they're next willing to admit they can get dirty and pick up body odor
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As the anon who asked for this scenario to be continued I have to tell you that I absolutely LOVE this anon, it's seriously so fantastic. I can't begin to say how much I appreciate the characterization of the two monstergirls we've seen so far, and that they can be flirty, teasing, domineering, but not outright cruel. If anything, the bits of consideration, love, and kindness provide a lovely contrast to the continued horny shenanigans the guy is being put through. It's something I don't see nearly enough of and this hits such a good sweet spot for personalities. As for the lewd stuff, you are completely nailing it. Descriptions were super hot and the frequency of the tit fucking and cumming was superb. Massively endowed shorty monster gals toying with tiny guys in their tits is a criminally underutilized premise, and I am VERY interested in seeing more writing from you.

Do you think you'd be open to continuing this little premise going on of a little human guy getting passed between giant shorties with different personalities put through similar sorts of treatments? Made to cum due to their immense statures and forward natures (and personally hoping for lots of boob related causes) while learning a lesson that it can be fine to tease but to actually belittle is a bit rude, especially with the kindness he ends up being shown by different ladies? Who knows, maybe the guy will end up leveling up in a fun way after going through all of this. I don't know how many more short monster girl races there are to work with, but I feel like a stacked kobold girl could be really fun. Anyways, even if you don't make more, I hope you consider it since these are great reads, and I hope you continue to write regardless!
If you had a vendetta against a man and found him shrunken, what race of fantasy/monster girl would be the best to hand him off to if you wanted her to degrade, humiliate, break and ultimately make him into her little bitch? I'd think something aggressive like an Orc or a Wolf girl but I'm interested if anyone has any opinions or suggestions

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Futa on male, futanari on male, dickgirl on male.
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Romantic, revoltingly lovey-dovey and highly functional relationships, impreg/mpreg optional but appreciated. Rape, NTR, and degradation is fucking everywhere, I just want to see some good wholesome love making.
Mega based
in general, toothaching lovey-doveyness and cheesy asian romcom type shit
in terms of activities, tall and otherwise physically large, muscular futas with schlongs that are (too?) big, so they receive lots of oral, but are also the ones that get penetrated most of the time since their male partners have a hard time taking them and it ends up being more of a special occasion thing
but this is fine, because it's about making each other feel good one way or another; mainly receiving oral and giving butt is just the most comfortable way to do that!

holy based
I kneel
There are a few but most seem to fall into 3 categories
>Guy gets pregnant but looks exactly like a normal guy
>Guy becomes somewhat androgynous after becoming pregnant, still looks like a man but can easily pass as a female if crossdressed
>Guy is full on genderbent and is a full on milf with tits and a ass that put futa and every other woman to share.

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Seems mods fucked up and accidentally purged every thread

Post soft, doughy, squishy, squeezable girls with round bellies that love to eat (or drink)

no vore
no extreme/super fat weights

previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11072769
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Isn’t that basically just liquid inflation? I feel like anything that isn’t “food goes in mouth”, isn’t stuffing.

I do feel like it would be interesting to see a girl just eat without stopping until her stomach hits absolute maximum capacity without rupturing. I’m sure with practice, the stomach could bloat a great deal.

Plus, it’d be interesting to see how a girl at max capacity would react, as I really like seeing girl’s reactions to being stuffed.
kys there's different shit than just circles
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Who drew this this is amazing?

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No AI or futa allowed, make a separate thread
Previous thread: >>11060740
Hyper muscle thread: >>11100109
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the hell is this, scat?
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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>11100086
Belt Thread: >>11100686


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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I feel like I can never find time to wear a cage which is insane. But the time it takes to put on and off plus washing it after adds up.

I've only worn it in hour increments so far maybe twice a week over the past month or two and I feel so bad I'm not ready for full Locktober.

I'm also super worried I have the wrong size because the largest ring I have is smaller than my math but when I looked at a bunch online non of them matched me and I know my cock isn't that big. It doesn't feel too small, there's no like worrying colors, it's more snug, but I'm so paranoid.

Sorry first time posting and word vomiting.

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Nothing better than pleasing yourself real good
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The motive doesn't matter anon, what matters is that you are now working on self-improvement. Your body will be happy about it, and that's a good thing.
Portals break when they move
Whatever, >>11119623 is a better idea for oral. I'll work out how to do self anal another time

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>AI image generators
https://novelai.net/image (online, premium)
https://perchance.org/ai-character-generator (online, free)
https://frosting.ai/dream (online, freemium)
https://pixai.art/generator/image (online, freemium)
https://civitai.com/ (online, freemium, account needed for NSFW content)
https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator?isPwa=1&scenario=texttoimage (online, free, heavily censored)
https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui (local, free; check the OP in the threads of the Related boards’ section to get further informations)

>Anon-made size LORA for local SD
Ochiko art style: https://civitai.com/models/389429?modelVersionId=434534
Cramped - minigts growth: https://civitai.com/models/519243/crampedgrowth-concept

>General NovelAI guides

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Wow. I'm honored to have my degeneracy signed off on by the actual artist. I wouldn't even mind if he used it to pump out more art, desu - as far as I'm concerned the whole point of making and sharing it is to increase the amount of size stuff on the Internet.

Tagged and trained an initial LoRA on the dataset you posted. Pic combines the result at weight 0.9 with the Yilx LoRA. I think it probably needs some more work (right now it either cooks faces or misses details on her clothes) but it's clearly doable.

I'll keep tinkering, but if you'd be up for putting together some additional images (ideally in other styles or that show her full body in other poses) I can tag/train on those too and it'd probably help.
Looking great so far! I went and tried to scrounge up some more pictures, mainly a few from the game's discord made for that previously mentioned artist.
Hopefully these help: https://files.catbox.moe/u3hkfy.zip
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I really like this one! Would love to see some more giant Fern.
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• All artists welcome!
• Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already drew, feel free to draw your own take.
• Please anchor your deliveries to make them easier to track.
• Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
• No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.

• Do not request drawings of real people.
• Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
• Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
• Be patient. Art takes time.
• Not all requests will be filled.

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Requesting Sabrina from Pokemon telekinetically squeezing a man's prostate, causing him to blast cum.
Looks good so far! Also yeah, the codpiece works fine though.
so literally what you just posted
No, there needs to be a visible graphic of the prostate being stimulated.
Requesting the image on the left with Baby Bonnie Hood

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theres not much good quality instant/rapid pregnancy for some reason. help me expand the collection.

no futa, no ai, no normal weight gain/inflation. proper preg only.
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Time Stripper Rikka
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You almost had it, but you were close enough. It wasTime Stripper Reika
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Got any more?
good stuff.

theres a doujin i cant find where a girl crash lands on some planet and the ship ai forces her to give birth to several men to help her survive or something. dunno if anyones seen it.

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Letting go of your ability to move and becoming an object, your fate in the hands of others.
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full sauce? is there more to this?
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I'm genuinely of the opinion that transformed people would taste better than normal food/drinks

what about y'all?

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Hogs risen from the ashes

ITT: fat, slobby women. bonus points if they're slobby NEETs

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11075763/
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Where does chillday/Chill_D8 post his brap alts?
His deviantart account, I think some of them got taken down though. He also has a private twitter slob account where he posts scat but he's not accepting people
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>page 10

Previous thread: >>11042716
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This guy posts to r/teachersmidriff he is a breath of fresh air, genuinely cute stuff
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Do you have links to the specific posts? I need to know who this artist is

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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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Received a low and tight recut for losing to Julian.
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