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Boys being dominated by futanari, men, women (etc.) and turned into traps, sissies, bimbos, etc.
As long its feminization, its welcome
Except eunuch/castration, it has its own thread already
And bringing up real life shit like blogging about your life or bringing up real life drama/controversy either
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Bonus points fora forced feminization
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Last one for now
>Bonus points fora forced feminization
Every sissy, sooner or later, has to learn how to take a dick. In this final stage of feminization, some sissies sometimes may have second thoughts and that's when restraints are very useful. Inescapable bondage and assistance of an experienced mistress can help to overcome this moment of weakness.

Can you imagine that less than two hours ago this sissy expressed some doubts and even considered herself a man? She complained and cried, saying that she was tricked and kidnapped or other usual sissy blabbing. That was until mistress locked cuffs shut. After that sissy knew there's no coming back and finally embraced her feminine side. Right now we can see a happy sissy that just lost her virginity. Even if our mistress is not directly participating, she is still there to slap sissy's balls when her clitty gets too hard from having her asspussy pounded.
I like when its a mom or aunt forcing their son/nephew to be girly and dress and act like one, like they wanted a girl or something and just refuse or reject the notion that they arent one
Using https://janitorai.com/characters/df437c22-a107-4f41-b24e-f888d925efd4_character-auntie-clara as a damn good bot. Playing as a nephew sent to spend the summer with his aunt and some leading comments and the bot's taking charge giving him hormones, picking out outfits, and even driving the plot.
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>Bonus points fora forced feminization
>bonus points for forced
Bonus points for consensual* feminization
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I said what I said, but consensual is good too
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I’m a simple man. I have simple goals. I just want a gf who will dress me up like a doll and whoring me like a woman
good goals but dumb esl poster
consensual is substanceless
Its great when its not just a cop-out to avoid losing patreon money
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>What was done to Perverted Education
But still consensual is always bland,
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need more trap on trap action
>consensual is substanceless
Oh right, because rape porn is so rare and so much better thought-out. Shut up, retard. Go back to your BNWO brainrot compilation #183 LMAO
This is what I love about this place. People will argue over literally anything.
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no one brought up rape you fucking retard
To be honest, this is a kind of polemical fetish. Everyone has their own idea of what feminization/sissification should be.
It allows for more possible stories, and if you can only think of forced feminization in the realm of BNWO shit that's on you. Overall I think it allows exploration of more than just the feminization itself and can allow for other themes to take a major role, it can even be somewhat positive.
>You are too pretty/sweet/cute to be a boy so I'm gonna make you a girl
>I'm a futa rapist and my cum makes you more feminine
>In this world some boys are made to live like girls
>I need to make you less of a threat to me by feminizing you

But both are infinitely better than forced resistance.
>Teehee I wish I was a girl I'm gonna try on my girlfriend/wife/sister/mother/aunt's clothes or panties
>I caught you wearing my clothes so I'm going to punish you by making you wear my clothes
>No! That sounds so awful! How could you do this to me?
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>no one brought up rape you fucking retard
What does "forced" mean?
I'll tell you what it means: against your will.
In other words, nonconsensual.
In other words: rape.

>all these excuses to rape somebody
oh wow you're right much substance wow

>it can even be somewhat positive
You're a bad person.
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kek, very nice, thanks!
thanks for ruining the thread, friend!
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Girls girls, you’re both pretty
Hey, I'm not the one in denial about having rape fantasies. Just admit it. The truth will set you free.

And consent is always sexier than rape. Think about it. Finding the right person.. man or woman, whatever floats your boat... dressing up for them, being their adorable femboy wife. Why be forced into it when it's what would make you the happiest in the first place? Just accept it. You want this, don't you? Don't pretend you need to be forced into it. Just embrace it.
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Forced feminization by girls with no or little male involvement is hard to get by.
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Is there anywhere I can find stories or images about a tomboy or butch lesbian being forcibly feminized? I think it's really hot and I need to see more of that.
So how many of you have tried this shit in real life?
>No bringing up real life shit
Not looking for stories, just a question
>Not looking for stories, just a question
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Yes but only because i dated a "straight" man for a few years.

Gets boring after a while desu and then you're just living a normal life except people respect you less lol
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>people respect you less
i would simply not tell people but i'm built different (gay)
Like dressing up because a girl told me to? Yeah, in sexual and nonsexual contexts. Never left the house like that. I'm way too fucking hairy and have a little to athletic build to be a femboy.
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For me, it's milda7. This one panel has always stuck out in my memory and was probably one of the first GIWTWM moments I experienced.
My dream hmanga would be forced feminization where the guy starts off buff and well-endowed, but ultimately ends up a tiny, soft trap with a small dick and becomes the pet to the (monster) futa or man preforming the transformations on them.
For some reason uploading pics give me a connection error, bump the thread in my stead for now please
for me, willing feminization facilitated by a stronger/dom partner, with genuine care and love is what i like, its so rare
2023 SteamedEgg was a miss. The Christmas boy from two years ago was much much cuter.
Could any moonrune anons translate grossy? It's one of the few milda comics where the boy comes out happy at the end and I'd like to know what he actually has to say
Cage coming today. I'm so excited.
post catbox after you get all tarted up, anon!
Won't do that, skin's all fucked from shaving but it kinda fits. Feels good.
One of my top favorites
Now that you mentioned Milda, does anyone has their last work? It's been published since September but no ones has uploaded anywhere.
It's fucking turn on for me when they use makeup, but not a slutty one, but sexy ona that makes them look like real woman. Something subtle feminine.
Guys, if you fart on a train and someone doesn't want to smell it but they have to, you've fart raped them!

Wait... Wasn't this actual logic back some time ago in this very same context? Hmmmm...

Nonconsentual is correct, but just because it's conconsentual doesn't not mean it is rape. Being blackmailed to do something is obviously against their will, but would you call blackmail rape?

You are connecting words by degrees of similarity, but the meaning then gets twisted. Rape is a purely sexual thing, and NOT defined by "nonconsentual" alone.

To help prove how wrong you are, I've pulled the literal definition of rape from the dictionary.

"unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception"

Note that it immediately starts with sexual. If you want to go further, the FBI themselves also classify it as a sexual action.

"The revised UCR definition of rape is: penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."

Go read a book retard, and preferably make it the dictionary so you can learn what your words actually mean.

I actually waited the whole 15 minutes just to post this because you are that retarded, I had to call you out.


In unrelated news, this thread is looking pretty good, nothing to share as I have a new device I need to transfer all my stuff to still
flat chastity cages are completely unattractive and I'm tired of pretending they're not
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Forced Feminization is one of those topics where the meaning is obscured to those who don't comprehend it. The majority of Force Fem content is 'Forced' Fem content, where theoretically it's unwilling, but both the logic of the story and intentions of any readers imagining themselves in the role is inherently willing.
"Oh, someone took a picture of me crossdressing, so to save myself the embarrassment of being blackmailed, I'll crossdress even more despite that only making the problem worse. Yep, I sure do hate this, totally."
It's just a palliative for people who want to imagine themselves crossdressing but would be much too embarrassed to do so. The unwilling aspect lets readers skip a lot of social baggage, whether that's Watsonian or Doylistic.

That said, there's a second category of Force Fem content where the underlying goal is humiliation, and crossdressing is just a means to that end. Rape is a smidge more likely to show up in this category, but it's not super common.

Funnily enough, you can usually tell the difference between the two pretty easily. 'Forced' Fem is often 1st person from the PoV of the crossdresser, uses anime-esque or detailed art, tends to be hopeful/optimistic/dramatic/sexual in theme, and tends towards long-form stories.

Humiliation Force Fem often has this really specific art-style that resembles 1950's American art, is a bit more focused on kink/sex than narrative, the crossdresser is always submissive, and it is more likely to feature male/male content, of the BBC variety.
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'Forced' Fem Art
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'Forced' Fem
Excuse me sir but /aco/ is two squares down
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No fear, the western art was strictly for educational purposes.
of course being forced to act like a woman is supposed to be humiliating and degrading
I'd honestly probably read an entire webcomic based on this. Do you know who the artist is?
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Get 4chanX; the saucenao button is just too convenient.

Seriously, though, artist is charlatanking. They seem to mostly do commissions, and that was all for that particular sequence.
NTW but base 4chan has had a Saucenao button for years
I can't find any good "caught" content. Like sissy caught dressed/dressing up. I can not find good content.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
whats the source of that? i remember having a manga with those characters many many years ago in my old pc, but im not sure if it's the same
That's my fetish as well and there is painfully little of it. This is the only example I know of offhand. https://mcstories.com/YouPlayLikeAGirl/index.html
I'd kill for more but am stuck with AI roleplay.
I'm in the unfortunate camp of liking it for the humiliation aspect while also finding that style hideous. I assume it's so popular because for whatever reason, most fans of that subgenre seem to be elderly men.
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I've been "writing" feminization stories using AI. Most of them are first person and it's clearly as you state in the first case.

One of "my" stories is about a guy being caught crossdressing. His mom forces him to transition because she doesn't consider him a real man anymore. Another one is about a guy whose male lover make him crossdress at work.

I really want to be there... But I'm too shy to even transition...

Humiliation art is really disgusting, usually combined with other fetishes like cuckolding (ehem David Dicke). But I'd like if I say I haven't masturbated with dissociation porn before... Some Literotica works are really good.

By the way, what category is Milda7?
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>dissociation porn
Shit, I mean "sissification porn"
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I like the domination aspect more than the feminization or humiliation. I want a girl who will introduce me to these submissive behaviours that not all girls indulge in as a way of manipulating me into being more completely under her control. To force me into being her perfect, completely infatuated, wife who is fulfilled serving their spouse. To bind me completely into that role with bounds stronger than any rope or chain, unable to imagine being a normal man in society or being accepted by anyone else.
>"Oh, someone took a picture of me crossdressing, so to save myself the embarrassment of being blackmailed, I'll crossdress even more despite that only making the problem worse. Yep, I sure do hate this, totally."

Me! Me! Meeee!

I always fantasized about the opportunity to crossdress even further, and the idea of being 'forced' to not wear boy clothes felt like an excuse to do it. It’s like when you pretend to lose a bet with your sister or cousin and end up having to wear girl clothes, losing on purpose just to make it happen.

Forced fem resonates deeply with my childhood desires to become a girl, though if I explicit show that desire when I was a kid, I would be seen as a freak by those around me (honestly, even now, people would still see me that way if I say I want a sex change). It’s something like:

>"He wants to be a girl? That’s disgusting."
>"Oh no, he’s being forced to be a girl as a punishment."
>"Well, that’s acceptable, it’ll teach him a lesson!"

It's not exactly the humiliation aspect that attracts me, but the gradual transformation into the girl you secretly want to be. That’s why I enjoy stories where the character slowly embraces their feminine side, or that focus on the detailed process of feminization.
>Except eunuch/castration, it has its own thread already

Whoooops! Forgive me! I didn't read that, my reply has castration in the picture :((
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Do any of you guys dabble in makeup at all? Any good tutorials?
I would just search youtube, very popular topic
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I'm specifically into the body horror aspect of forced fem (being a sadist top). It's a bit of a Groucho Marx situation. Any bitch that would want me to fem her, I'm not as interested in. A dude that in every fiber of his being hates the idea tho...
Favourite sissy/feminisation games? /dgg/ sometimes has an aversion to them...
Pandora's Forest is the best one yet
where can I find more of this content?

theres a lot of rubbish quality content out on the web but everything here is much better than that.

Is there some good/curated archives/collections out there?
Libra and Little Boy's Erotic Trap Dungeon
Can't post pics here since its shotacon but the game has a feminization mechanic as central theme
The contents of the game are mostly just sextoy traps and monstergirl x shota tho
Male x shota is only present in one of the endings and I can only recall one futa scene with a angelic enemy monster (her scene is pretty hot tho when you play all the four variations, which are picked depending on your femininity level)
and it's perfect. there's nothing hotter than fem(forced or consent) + orchie, do you have any more ?
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I played "Surrendering To My Crush" the other day. Apparently it has a lot of feminization content, but I haven't gotten to that point in the story yet.
>/dgg/ sometimes has an aversion to them...
Weird... Do you know why?
Also, how do you imagine your perfect feminization game?
Fuck off
I don't require your permission to be here. seethe, wannabe-janny.
I already put no castration in the OP, if we aren't going follow the opening posts shall we start posting giantess, bbm, vore and and literally any other fetishes too?
Plus, you already have entire fucking thread for your literal body multilation fetish
its great when they just look like flat chested girls or curvy girls that are forced to dress up
need them to shrink two heads shorter than the person thats toying with them be it futas, women, men, shotas, lolis, futa lolis ect..
that way its easier to tease, manhandle, put on their laps ect...
The gelding is fine, the ridiculous laughably unnatural artificial breasts are garbage.
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I'm so jealous of people who are naturally hairless
Ah yes my favorite humiliation force fem doujins that look like 1950's American artwork
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Bucked joyboy
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Probably AI slop but I love everything about this pic. Sissy is caged, secured in a straitjacket and properly used.
Which characters would be MASSIVELY upgraded if feminized?
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I love forced feminization, including castration.
I don't know if it's the good thread, but that's still very nice, thank you!
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[Lilim] [Feminization Training] part 1-3 [English]
Source on OP picture?
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why does this make my dick so hard even though I like girls?
I mean a lot of fantasy orc stuff resembles raceplay a bit. So IMO the whole raceplay component is related to how sexism and racism support each other. The collapse of white masculinity collapses boundaries of race as well. There's not really been a good treatment of trans* porn though. I suppose I might recommend for some of the race stuff Siobhan B. Somerville's "Queering the Color Line: Race and the Invention of Homosexuality in American Culture
Book" and Jennifer Christine Nash's "The Black Body in Ecstasy: Reading Race, Reading Pornography". Annoyingly, there's been far more written about boy's love and male/male fanfic. Look into https://fujoshi.info I guess if you're interested. There's also the "Trans Pornography" issues of "Transgender Studies Quarterly" but it's pretty meh except maybe for the article on trans* micropornography. There's also some minor background info in Kimi Rito's "The History of Hentai Manga" and Kaoru Nagayama's "Erotic Comics in Japan" but not any real analysis.
Secretary: the game.
because its forced. basically femdom where mistress whores guy out
look at post above yours
>Game made by a schizo dev that judges your irl person based on in-game choices
lol nope
You can simply ignore that stuff and focus on everything else. It's very brief.
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If anybody knows the artist, speak up
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What do you all think about comics like this? What would this niche even be called? Mistaken identity or...?


More with similar ideas is hot too.
The artist is called iyo yom
For this image in particular: https://x.com/iyo_yom/status/1840300732546691149/photo/1
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Awesome, thank you!
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only way he could've monetized that game without the trannies declaring a fatwa on his ass.
The feminization content becomes pretty extreme. stuff like forced hormones, piercings, tattoos, permanently wearing girl clothes, getting naked in front of other men, forced bi, etc. and the dev hinted he wants to start adding more interracial cuckold stuff
Holy shit.
Well, I haven't played it much lately, but I'm going to enjoy it before it gets too weird for me.
I'd be an excellent house maid onahole. I wish someone would keep me. I would literally do it for a virgin 5/10 loser as long as he took care of me and was happy. Don't have much else going on. Sucks
What're your stats? I could make that a reality for you.
My stats? I'm not that cute but I'm cute enough to get cute girls. I got D cup boobies and a broken cock because I'm a trans girl. (But you can call me a boy if your want)
Ummm.. I'm good at cooking and blowjobs and I make a lot of cute gay noises very easily and I'm very soft and apparently hot.

I'm also brain damaged and autistic so I'm easy to take advantage of and would be willing to put up with all sorts of abuse and love it while it's happening because I'm a pervert in a horrible situation currently!

Do you want to post a way for me to contact you?
Hit me up on discord sometime

Anyone have the new horieros stuff he posts on twitter? The little 1-3 panel things which are censored except on fantai.
do you wear a cage?
The last chapter released so far has a girl in blacked clothes talking about bnwo
Hey there, sissy degenerates. Do you consider this topic to be "transformation?" Interested parties want to know, for science.
Is this a bot post? I'm seeing the almost exact post in other threads, word by word
It's survey of several potentially-transformation threads to settle an autism showdown elsewhere. And the posts vary slightly, since 4chan doesn't like duplicate posts.
Personally prefer things from doms perspective. 'Sculptor' had a lot of potential, sadly developer abandoned it, still worth checking out though. 'Hentai Highschool' is good if you like hypnosis.

If you're only looking for sub stuff, then 'Raibura To Shota E.T.D' is great
90% of these images are not sissification come on guys.
Great minds think alike
Wish that game was more known here
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I usually just lurk these days, but I'm looking for something and am out of leads.

So, there's this guy on Pixiv and Fanbox, Jugatsu Usagi/十月兔, who does a lot of feminization manga. He sometimes adds in kinks I'm not into, but whenever his scenarios work for me, they are among my favorites.

It's been some time since I last looked at his stuff, and in the meanwhile he started a series titled "Bad Boy to Hentai Girl" that has been partially deleted. Only a third of the published pages are still up - the most recent is here, with links to the deleted series page: https://jugatsu-usagi.fanbox.cc/posts/8948279

So my question is, did anyone here happen to save the full (preferably English but I'll take the JP originals) pages that only remain as Japanese thumbnails while they were still up, or do you otherwise know where to find them? There is a Kemono page with rips of his Fanbox, but only up until about half a year ago, so this is too new for that.

I'm including a screenshot of my folder of these as reference, and then I'll continue with the pages I have access to in full.
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Refreshing to see more soft, comedic 'rape'. Wish more artists did stuff like this. Non-life ruining sexual excapades.
It seems like it might be available in his November post on his Fantia, under the 500 yen tab


So it should be possible to get in both English and Japanese for 500 yen, or little over $3. Which would be a neglible amount for a one-time purchase like this, but that site's limited payment options seems to make this annoying to do if you're not Japanese.
Any voluntary feminization where the man is still the dom?
You mean a power bottom feminizing themself? Can't think of anything like that, but it'd be interesting to see. Though there's not enough power bottom trap yaoi to begin with.
There iss some eromanga/stories with a power bottom feminizing themselves to please the guy they like, but that's always an off screen process (they suddenly show up one day as a trap/shemale/girl).
Eh, its a thread for feminization AND sissification
New Sissisekai chapter is out
What are some /d/ artist who mainly draw sissification/feminization art? I mean, besides
>Usura Tonkachi
>Zenzidou Kosyubenjo
Aian has some feminization doujins too
Does anybody know where to get 'Raibura To Shota E.T.D'? There's apparently an English version somewhere (according to a couple posts on F95zone) but the only download I can find on that same site is dead. Couldn't find it on nyaa either.
I really need the last Milda work, I can't find it anywhere...
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Popuka9 is pretty good too
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(this made me realize i really need a cock damn)
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When it doubt ask >>>/h/hgg2d/
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I really like Lemicon's femboy art, although they don't tend to show the feminization process itself, unfortunately.

It's so beautiful how all around the world, there are people who agree and understand that it's good when blushing guys are pushed to dress like girls and suck dick. But I sure still wish I could read that Korean dialogue.
Feminization shit always hijacked by closeted fags wanting to suck dick and have gay sex
josou seme is a tag for dominant trap, if that fits
>It's so beautiful how all around the world, there are people who agree and understand that it's good when blushing guys are pushed to dress like girls and suck dick

About 2 years ago I sucked my first cock. A man I met on a dating app wanted to do it with a “potential girl like me” (not exactly his words, but in the sense of “I haven't realize I’m a actually girl yet”). You can’t imagine how turned on and embarrassed I was when I was in a motel fully dressed as a woman and he literally grabbed me like a weak girl, saying to me “you look better than your pictures” and later grabbed my balls to say “and I guess you want these to get removed.”

There are some translations of Popuka's work, but they're just short comics.
Automatic translation kinda works.
>>11206066 "Uh, sorry.. huh?
No, this is the men's room...
What is this?"

Probably fake, but still hot, thanks super satan.
I couldn't find most of them on kemono
Am I doing something wrong?
I took all those names from this list:
They can be found in the Eastern Art section.
Thanks, I'm becoming a fap adicted after reading this.
I'm so sorry anon, I actually had the english patch saved on one of my dropbox accounts but I lost the password
I will try and see if I can recover the acc but no promisses
>Probably fake, but still hot, thanks super satan.

Nah, it really happened. Curiously, men in their 50s are very interested in trying out their bisexual side, especially with crossdresser faggots
Either he is lying or not shouldn't matter to you if you are coming here for chinese cartoon porn
Otherwise, you are in the wrong board
For future reference, I'd advise simply googling a username first, as it may be a twitter handle and the artists patreon/fanbox name may be different from it.
These are nice, thanks anon. Hope you find the rest and bring it here.
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