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For monstergirls with dongs, girls with monsterdongs, and monstergirls with monsterdongs

No NTR or MGE futa x female
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Any place where we don't have to worry about KC and his mindless drones?
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Shitcords are pretty much the only place for that, I'm fairly sure someone was shilling his one at the end of previous thread if you want.
I think you greatly overestimate the number people here who care about the schizo slapfight
>I think you greatly overestimate the number people here who care about the schizo slapfight
No I don't think I do, we is plural, not a synonynous with the majority
Anyways, guess I should just hunt these servers, seems like the only place left nowdays
I don't care about the slapfight.

I do care about DMCA trolling.
>Cock lingerie
>used this as the basis of an rp character eons ago
Wack to see this again.
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What is this creature? Some shapeshifter?
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I mean, I COULD post futa monstergirls but I'd rather just complain about MGE y'know
Rare footage of Duel Monster futa
>No post remotely related to mge in the last 24 hours
>Still spergs about it out of nowhere
Rent free
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Ah yes, the greatest prank of all, making a guy fall in love with girlcock.
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It's better when girls use their cocks on other girls. Cheshire reproduce like bedbugs, you know.
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That scene was hot as fuck.
The game is Succubus Prison before anyone asks
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It's also one of the very few good endings in that game!
Good is relative, you experience ego-death instead of regular death
I mean, it beats the "you are now Kars but stuck inside a oppai loli's breasts instead of space" ending
Got a link to the loli breast imprisonment scene?
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Only happens at the last minutes tho
Wish there was a unified site to watch h-scenes from eroges, pornhub wasn't actually half-bad for that until they purged everything that isn't just boring liveaction porn
Dick aside I think this image is my absolute favorite portrayal of Anubis hands, or big fluffy paw hands in general.
That swell before the ring looks so fucking goooood
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These grapefuits look heavy, should I help her holding them?
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Instant loss material for me.
Can't help it, hellhounds with nice cocks are too perfect.
One would think so on initial glance, yet you are a bipedal humanoid and she is a quadruped taur.
The pace of your footsteps in such a position would be far too slow for her to walk anywhere at a reasonable pace, and certainly she could not run at all with you hampering her.
Rather one is best buying his centaur wife a well fitted custom lace or silk bra for her pendulous nards. A matching cock ring and urethra plug may be fitting if her occuption is highly formal as to reduce any drippings or leaking....fumes...that may distract the lady folk around her.
Sych may aggitate her libido though leading to longer and rougher...sessions...at home be warned.
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Looks more like some sort of goo corruption than a shapeshifter per se. Could be generic evil slime, could be a latex/rubber thing.
What's MGE?
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>Dick aside
No I won't put such a good dick aside
Monster Girl Encyclopedia. It refers to a specific set of books/illustrations by an artist called Kenkou Cross and the world, characters, worldbuilding, canon etc that come with it.
As for the thread-specific rules about it, they exist because posts containing MGE-specific content of certain kinds (mostly yuri including futayuri) get hit with DMCA takedowns for reasons that are not worth derailing the thread over. As a result we self-moderate because it's impossible to untangle this shit in a reasonable manner, and we don't want to draw the ire of the powers that be on a good thread.
>get hit with DMCA takedowns
no they don't
stop gaslighting people
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For people who hate futa they constantly watch these threads looking for any excuse to sick the jannies on someone.
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They literally do.
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Can’t stop one piece
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literally 1984
Are there no actual MGE games?
I know monster girl quest is similar but still different/separate.
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americans have been a disaster for dicks online, why are all of these cut
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No. A lot of the puritans like to pretend that MGE sets the rules for all Monster Girl works, but they forget that MGE was only one of the big original three that really pushed Monster Girls to popularity.

The other two were Everyday Monster Girls (EMG) and Monster Girl Quest (MGQ) And all three works portrayed very different interpretations of the concept.
That's what I thought.
Real shame that MGE is so old but as very little alt media like manga or games.

Is EMG the anime with the centora the centaur and the lamia girl, harpy girl and slime girl?
Or is that a different thing?
Yes that's EMG. KC is working on a MGE game but he's been at it for fucking years with almost nothing to show for it.

There's a fair bit of writefaggotry that was inspired by it, but between the community running out of steam and extremely aggressive gatekeeping it's only a shadow of what it once was.
My favorite is reviewers where it's generic fantasy like dungeons and dragons but still has monster girls.
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barbed for his pleasure
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I found a futa monster girl x femboy game being developed called Journal Monstrae. It also has some effeminate male enemies and a number of vore scenes, but I think most of those can be skipped if you don't like it. I really love the art style.

1. KC has stated on Twitter that he's prepared to work on MGERPG for awhile. Sorry that it doesn't fit your schedule but feel free to waste posts space here complaining about it.
2. KC wants the MGE community to shrink he doesn't like the broader audience seeing his work. You're a good example of why he gave up trying to grow the community.

The only people that complain about Gatekeeping are those that cause destruction to a community/fandom.
Out of respect for the other people here who don't care that you have a massive hateboner for some Jap because of your autism. Maybe you should keep your own pmsing to yourself, thanks.
nigger KC is never finished his game stop sucking his dick
>KC wants the community to shrink
nobody cares what KC wants, he could die tomorrow and nothing would change because the encyclopedias are already released
i just want "vanilla" futa mg as in male x futa. A doting futa wife who is also an emotional support. Something like in Messy's work, as even giving a bj to a futa is more like she's breastfeeding you, as there is actual emotional connection.
interesting concept but it's pretty barebones at the moment. There's not even sex art yet, just variants of the futa art with cum.
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I don't care what KC thinks. KC doesn't own the concept of Monster Girls. I'm not the one getting upset and wasting post here being his white knight. You're the one wasting posts not posting on-topic images.

And I've seen the type of purity spiraling going on in the threads and the shitcords. People getting upset at something they don't like have always thrown way more shit then the content itself, and I've seen way to many creators get burned for even having a tangential association to something forbidden.

The golden age of writefags and drawfags is past and I blame people like you and the toxic environment you've helped create,
>that he's prepared to work on MGERPG for awhile.
In other words...he hasn't done shit for in years and possibly running a patreon/subscribestsr scam.
K sucks to be you then.
>muh community shrink
The raiju is outta the bag and won't be returning. So double sucks.
KC's a mentally deranged retard who can't handle people interpreting his vague setup of a world and potential characters therein differently despite the fact that he more or less has nothing to show for the world he set up other than some mediocre short stories and a game that will more then likely be finished by the time half life 3 comes out.

He actively pushes people away from his works who don't fit his "vision" for it despite the fact that those people are the only thing keeping it relevant in any capacity, MGE will be forever in the shadow of more successful works because anyone with half a braincell got out and made their own thing because they realized KC is a lazy, spastic schizo who won't do anything worth a turd with his own IP.

The people being gatekept out of the MGE fandom are the people who were actually passionate about it and who were either turned off or witchhunted by the rampant and blatant crusaderfaggotry and anti-futa, generally anti-vanilla retards who populate the majority of its fanbase these days, the fact that you're in a futa monster girl thread and trying to defend that braindead dipshit who defended all of the things that actually lead to where MGE is at now is a testament to your lack of knowledge about both him as a creator and the character of the average MGE fan.

Go fuck yourself and at least post something if you're going to come into a thread KC would nuke on sight if he could and try to defend him in any capacity.
Is this bait or just a textbook response.
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These damn weeds are growing in my garden again!!
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Monstergirls-turned-futa are just as valid as monsterfutas who were born that way.
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Trying to find the ful image of pic rel. I think the illustration is by The varknight or something like that, but I can't find it. Yes I have tried saucenao and every other image search I can think of, yes I have tried tags on r34 sites and yes I even tried filename.
Tragically, it's not futa: https://x.com/cinko_draw/status/1336460551916904453
It was probably removed from r34 for having shota, the antis are almost as efficient at purging good art
from the internet as kenkou cross
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whatever happened to Nikcib?
>if you're going to come into a thread KC would nuke on sight if he could
This thread is dead because people are more interested in seething about KC than posting about futa monstergirls or making OC with them, simple as.
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where is her foreskin
She's american, duh
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Then why not make OC of MGE girls then.
Who's the artist?
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Do they draw a lot of futa? Not enough artists draw futa with canine cocks
Thanks Satan. I thought it was futa, but I couldn't remember for sure.
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It looks like he deleted his accounts about a decade ago, so who knows.
I just searched for some of his art and was surprised most of it was originally from /d/rawthreads
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Ninniku Batake's futa monster girl game just came out. I haven't got it yet, but I liked his Touhou rape doujins
Artist? I can't seem to find it on reverse image searches.
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nta but yeah the DMCAs are an actual issue. Last year someone drew a bunch of MGE cuckold porn, with them getting dicked by black men and orks and got the entire thread taken down, OP got banned (despite not being involved) and even the archive websites got scrubed and purged too. They even crawled offsite and hit reuploads like mine with take downs. It was really fast too, thread and reuploads were down within an hour after they got originally posted.

They take it very seriously and it's not worth the trouble.
what was the name? even if they got deleted they're probably still up somewhere
What drives a man to care enough to clean up another mans problem.
>Don't actually care about NTR porn
>But now that I know it's hard to find I want to see it
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These people are unhinged. They spend all day looking for things they hate. And because they spend every second looking for it they think it's everywhere and pervasive.
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I tried the demo and it's nice, cute art and looks like it will have decent variety of futa mgs. But I've been spending too much on stupid shit lately so I'm waiting for a good sale or a crack, game is DRM'd.
Funny that anon posts new stuff and is ignored while MGE drama crap gets all the attention. Makes me think it's not KC's cultists that are the problem here.
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I'll give the demo a try as the art and theme seem nice.
Monster girl + futanari + cute is a winning combo for me.
So anons like drama more than actually posting porn, this isn't surprising. Especially in a low traffic thread like this.
>has furry tufts on her head
>has furry mouth
>has no nose
I feel great confusion upon looking at this.
The tufts are ears and the lack of nose and mouth are just moe artstyle conventions
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I think he was referring to the tuft visible on her cheek, not the ear tufts. That implies that her head is covered in fur even though the rest makes it look like skin.

It is weird. Probably a legitimate artist error.
>Probably a legitimate artist error.
Impossible, must be AI.
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Snake of the year!
I want to eat out a futa as her balls rest on my face,
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Futa dog dick is hot asf.
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Post birbs.
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Where's the futa?
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Still the best snake.
Shame she's property of a shitty Gatcha, would love for Mikoyan to do more with her
I don't know how they handle the properties. For example, Tana did some doujins with their OC, Reiko Hasuba and Tomoe Kuroda, the futanari teacher/student duo.

Mikoyan was really into Cerastes at a time but seems to have moved on. Kinda like it's been years since he hasn't drawn a centauress.
Oh well, this naga is still my favorite, being hot, badass and unexpectedly cute.
>ywn be double stuffed by 2 wolfgirl knots
It's not fair.
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Anyone happen to have the uncensored?
Nope, I don't know of any uncensored pics, as even the global versions kept these artworks.

Only the concept art has minimal censorship.
Damn, I was though there's be an uncensored version since Mikoyan's stuff usually doesn't have censorship THAT aggressive.
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>>11202135 flashbanged by one of my own commissions
Nice to see them shared about though
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Anyone have a more complete version of this?
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TiTs is so fucking annoying since it gets a ton of updates that do nothing.
You can chose to not play that game for like 5 years and barely anything has changed
CoC2 has gotten to that point as well
Where did it all go wrong man?
Coc2 keeps getting updates but it's all fucking massive walls of text.
Seriously fuck that shit, you could compress every scene to 1/4 of their volume and they would only improve.
Honestly I don't mind the updates that do 'nothing' since it's still more stuff to do and lewd stuff to read. I'm just annoyed that a lot of the older sidequests never get finished because a writer left or someshit. For example Han-So the AI.

CoC2 is just broken. It has good parts but honesty the original CoC is still better.
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Man I've been waiting for the ability to do something with Han-So forever. I also always thought it was stupid to implement the ability to change the player ship so long into development rather then making it from the start.
It's really limited by the typical creator autism where people get mad if someone touches their character. Which is really stupid on a game that's so heavily focused on player customization.
Han-So was cancelled years back, as far as I know it's never going to be finished. Same for several different plot lines. Also, because Patreon banned incest, the original idea for Jack/Jill to be part of your PC's harem was cancelled... which sucks.
>people get mad if someone touches their character.
Which is why a lot of pregnancy content was relegated to mob fodder rather than actual NPCs like Anno.
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Man I always did hate how there are a billion things that can impregnate a female player, but there are vanishingly few impregnation options for a male player.
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Also a lot of blocks for gender preferences. So previously sexable characters now have extremely stringent requirements for interactions. CoC2 is even worse, if you TF yourself once, you become a hybrid, even if you save edit every single feature back to how it was, blocking racial specific content... which is ironic since Fenoxo when making CoC2 to address that supposed complaint in CoC
Original CoC with HGG Mod is the best. sure, you need to go to the other chan to get it, but it's worth it.
I want to write some thing for it as well, but I always get stuck like half-way through.
I'm kinda surprise CoC2 turned into such a hot mess so fast.
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Well at least CoC2 has a few characters I like.

I always found it kind of amusing how the Minotaur can turn into a surprisingly purehearted waifu with a gender-bend.
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Gato sexo
Why make anything when people aren't interested in anything except seething?
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14 out of boner
what game is this? looks similar to an eushully game
That's really hot.
It feels like a cheshire would gladly pester, troll and prank a guy until he gives in to girlcock, with the guy starting off in denial and ending passionately sucking cheshire's dick.
I still haven't found anything like DoL
Other game are either too much text or not enough visuals.
Played as male protag with futa NPCs
If he doesn't finish this shit before pissing his time away on some other fucking vtuber bullshit I'm gonna freak.
I need futa scorpion girls for reference...
what would there pps be like
Oh Anno is a futa now?
I was expected her entire tail to be a benis.
1 (based). Scorp dick
2 (predickable). Horse dick
3(faggot tier). Human.
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There's variations available I think.
obviously first one, but what does scorp pp look like
>anon cant google

>cat + ox
A cox. If one would
Man I love futa balls and I generally like adjatha's exaggerated "balloony" artstyle but the giant nuts with a skintight spacseuit stretched around them just looks ridiculous, rather than turning me on all I can think about is how that must hurt like a bitch to wear.
Scorpions don't really have anything like a penis. The males just plop out a blob of sperm onto the ground from their genital opening and then as part of the mating dance pull the female over the sperm where she then picks it up. The sex organs never actually directly interact and there's no penetration thus there's no penis-like structure at all, just a hole for sperm to come out of.
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>various bugs
Why does Mother nature hate the penis so much?
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Fish generally don't have penises because penises only evolved when our ancestors started living on land, because in the ocean gametes can easily just be spread through water so there's no need for direct sexual contact or penetrative sex to exist. There are a few exceptions like sharks and guppies that have penis-like sex organs though. For birds I'm guessing that like most weird elements of bird evolution it's probably a result of reducing unnecessary weight for optimized flight since their dinosaur ancestors did have penises and the few birds that still do have penises are either flightless or generally less reliant on flight like ostriches and waterfowl. No idea on bugs but I'd guess it has something to do with efficiency at small sizes and the fact that in most arthropods the females are much larger than the males, but there are again some exceptions (including a genus where the females have "penises" which they use to penetrate the male's "vagina" and forcibly the extract semen from it).
Any chance of getting just the right panel?
Nice cock kabedon!
>tfw no futa bedbug girl GF who stabs you with her dick because she doesn't know where else she's supposed to stick it
>Casually rubbing her cock on the face of a girl when having a conversation.
I just discovered a new fetish I apparently have.
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imagine a normal human female having to attend a futa monstergirl highschool
Bro I would crossdress and get in myself
>Two transfer students in a All-Futas school
>A girl and a girl (male)
Sounds like the premise for a porn game
what if the protag starts out as a mere crossdresser wanting some monstergirl dick, but said monstergirl dick slowly turns him into a girl
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Man, Seraziel is such a gift.
That's pretty much the premise of Senkou no Lumina but there's only like one (1) monster futa scene.
RJ223231 and RJ250987 are about the same but with just a girl (male). Unfortunately it's not really monstergirl futas either, the futas are supposed to be demons or something but they don't look like it and there's succubi in the second game but they're not futas.
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Yeah, I find most games are either
>Mostly monstergirl with a token futa
>Mostly standard futa with a token monstergirl
barring stuff that's expansive enough to loads of other degeneracy like CoC.
There's Dragon Princess is Hungry which is a mostly standard "get raped by monstergirls" game but there are at least like 5 or 6 different futas with one scene each, I'd say it's about 20% futa. The scenes are fairly long and detailed too, I very much recommend it. The MC is a (very feminine) boy though a few of the futa scenes also genderbend him.
Speaking of decent games with some futas, I came buckets to the futa endings in MonCurse.
Especially the fox making you her knotslut.
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I didn't even know that was a vtuber.
Got alink to that scene anon?
God bless them for keeping us fed.
is there a place where i can get the banned mge futa art?
I've been wanting to find a place too but I'm not clever enough to get into any secret club that may or may not exist.
And honestly any club I manage to find my way into the copyright trolls would also find their way in.
cant someone just catbox it?
Most likely private shitcords are your only real option, there was this one guy going around threads and telling people to add him, KureBase#4717
I guess he runs such server and adds those who ask
want my gf to peg me with my monster dildo, but the size intimidates her (horse cock with a big knot at the base, about 12 inches long and thick as a coke can)
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Could work for a linear game or something text-based, but making art assets for dynamic levels of girlyness sounds like a pain.
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can you guys rec any artists that do more monstrous futa monster girl type stuff?
CanvasSolaris kinda. It's mostly the cocks being monstrous.
Very nice.
Good lord, I wish I could gen like this...

Can't you just download it and trim it?

I'd be pregnant within the hour I fear.
Has she seen you take it before?
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