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Post girls and guys with sentient dicks. Snakes, people, serpents, and more!
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Om nom nom
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Another one of this character
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Obviously standard CTF aftermath works too.
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There's something about the idea of a dick that has a mind of its own that's so fucking hot. Especially if it's embarrassing, inconvenient, or super weird. But as annoying as it is, everything it does is pure sexual pleasure.
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You can dress them up, or shove 'em in your pants. I mean, they're your dick so. . . dressing them up and treating them like a person is kinda weirder.

I wish there was more snake /serpent dick content out there.
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How many pics for a new thread here? 10? I'll keep em coming until other people start posting I guess.
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5 or 6 i believe.
This is medusa from the Rance series. She' a cruel demon lord and uses her snake dick to rape girls' insides until they die.
Is there a bizarre anatomy about living dick?
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I refuse to believe this is unedited snd canon.
Give some proof.
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>Probably her most notable trait is the huge white snake that is warped around her body and coming out from her crotch, possibly conserved from her previous time as a Hebi-san. This large snake is actually fused to her uterus and has control over it as a part of her. It also serves as a sexual appendage that grants her sexual stimulus similar to that of a human penis.

It's real.
What the fuck.
I know rean games were 'haha that sexual scoundrel haha that's our rean' but did not know they were this depraved.
I'm fascinated and sickened, yet curious for more.
Sad quality threads like these die in a day.
What are people's favorite concepts for living dicks? Mine is that the dicks only look like a mini attached creature or person but don't actually have a mind of their own. Rather, the main body can control them to various degrees. Some people practice a lot and can put on convincing puppet shows. It's so common to be in to dick puppetry and roleplaying with your dick that it's barely even seen as a fetish.
That's how I like it as well, can fully convince a person it's like a pet and kiss a person with it when their guard is down.
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mine is very much on the end of the dick being fully sapient and self aware

personally really particular about context - it HAS to have 'come to life' instead of the reverse (ie something 'transformed into a dick') or the appeal plummets
totally agree, same about context. i especially like when theyre personified (pic rel). not a lot of artists making this unfortunately
This reminds me of that one scene from Return to Nukem High Part 1
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Here's Fuuju Hime/Cursed Futanaring's leech after using a potion to make it grow a body.

The basic creature is the onahole-like "penis" while the female body is just an outgrowth.

which scene is that?
dont die pls
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Been awhile since I saw that one last!
After some lesbian sex, the main girl underwent a temporary mutation that gave her a giant worm dick. She bashed one dude in the head with it and ate another dude's heart with it. She also impregnated her girlfriend with a mutant worm-plant baby.
Stan Lee guest starred in Part 2 btw
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is there any more? saucenao takes me to a deleted pixiv post
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in desperate need of a bratty cock who can only think about getting jerked off
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What would your dick's personality be? Bratty? Laid back?
This new minecraft update looks weird.
>Living dicks thread
>Not a living genital thread to include living pussies
Missed opportunity.
no more of this ai slop, please.
Does anyone have the source for this? It looks like Franktonius, but I scoured his Twitter, DeviantArt, and Pixiv and couldn't find it. Google and SauceNAO didn't have anything either.
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love me big monsters with big monsters cocks
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There was more parts about this one, right?
xamidimura on Twitter.
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oh thats me
whats up team
Love your work.
thanks, it means a lot!
i really wish more people made the same kind of content :(
don’t have any other unfinished works, but here’s one of my oldest drawings
my grasp on anatomy was pretty bad back then but i still like it :)

will you make futa ctf at some point anon?
holy shit nice. your 2023 twitter stuff is stupendous
This is a fascinating piece
Is any writing welcome? I know a fetish story that has someone tf into someone else's sentient dick.
I need to see the bottom two forced to cum over and over, edged, overstimulated, and hit with prostate orgasms until they’re more compliant.
Sure man, link us up
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In their defence, this is one of the rare threads where posting AI slop makes sense. Like 99% of the 'sentient' penis content I've found is furry-related.
What's the tag for this?
Will be best bets.
Does anyone have the pic that's like "I'm not a penis, I'm the president of the United States!", it's decades old.
posting update to picrel on my twitter soon!

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