Year of the Snake editionPrevious Thread >>11181719
A reminder to post something >>11209095
Revision of my Kagura's edit >>11200997 + short cringe story:Kagura Mikazuchi decided to help a new guildmate with their study of magic theory. Only she didn't know that this was a shapeshifter mage from the Dark Guild sent to eliminate the strongest mage from the Mermaid Heel. Now Kagura will be digested in the stomach of the human-reptilian form of the dark mage. But first he will thoroughly lick her flawless legs in nylon tights with his reptilian tongue, generously lubricating them with his saliva. And Kagura's last visage in this world will be her soft and shapely soles slowly sliding down the lizard's throat. All her attempts at resistance will be cut off by the aphrodisiac property of gastric juice, washing with which quickly dissolves clothes, but not Kagura's curvy naked body. The combination of her fatal predicament and the slow and gentle caressing by the stomach walls will send the excited girl to heights of pleasure inaccessible under normal conditions. The alluring outline of her curves will be visible through the reptile's belly, and the dark mage will succumb to the temptation to knead them with his hands from outside, making the maiden go through mind-shattering orgasms one after another. Kagura's lustful moans and the lizard's relentless stomach rumbling will merge to create a sensual symphony that will last for many hours, but no one will be able to hear it.
>>11211963cont.All this happened because Kagura decided to help a new recruit without prying ears (actually, it was simply an excuse for her to date the person she fell in love with for the first time in her life). And now the beautiful warrior will rapturously disappear into the depths of the would-be suitor's stomach, and no one will know what happened to her. The only reminder of Kagura will be the black shoes she wore on her beautiful feet, but the dark mage will take them with him as a souvenir of their fatal date.
>>11212820>anon's wild orca adventureDon't even care if that shit was fake.Erotic and hot as fuck.
Anyone got this dudes artwork? I had all of it at one point but hard drive shit the bed
>>11213039There was a dump a couple threads ago.
>>11211952I miss LinArt so much
Adding my stone to the monument
>>11219023Hey dude, friend of yours using anonymity here to tell you that you really need to work on improving your art. It was fine for a beginner, but now you seem to be going for quantity over quality, when you should really be taking the time to improve your stuff, rather than stagnate in mediocrity. This coming from a place of love, I know you have it in you to do better.
>>11219129idk man blackrain has been making doodles for over a decade.
>>11219129That one was an oldie dating back from at least early 2024, perhaps even late 2023. Things have been changing a bit since then, slowly, but definitely steady. Allow me to demonstrate with one of my latest works
>>11219189And at least still better than AI art, if truth be told
>>11219223While the difference doesn't seem too apparent, some major differences are the fact I now use different layers for the colors and shading, as well as experimenting a bit with the Gaussian blur lately. Pretty useful for underwater pictures if you ask me.
This is a reminder for all of you who have pets to feed them something tasty and fresh every once in a while.
>>11213048Most of those images are inaccessible, since it looks like the archives went down a couple months back
Been in a very vore mood lately
>>11222153Victreebel is so underutilized in vore. Have you read it's Pokedex entries? >>Hoping to find one of the elusive Victreebel colonies, the image of the perfect picture set upon Perrin’s mind. Who knows how many pitcher plant Pokémon there could be, tucked away in some strange, undocumented community? To see nature in its fullest - now that was a shot she couldn’t pass up. Following the rumors, she trekked deep into the jungle. She knew she was close, the saccharine scent of honey growing ever-stronger. The hallmark of a Victreebel! It was how they attracted prey, after all…>But Victreebels are not peaceful creatures. Perhaps if Perrin had not been so eager, she would have thought about their hunting tactics more.>The haunting footage of her camera, lost in the struggle, captured her final moments before she sunk into the Victreebel’s eager stomach. Morbidly, it would capture every moment of her digestion - from tight, screaming bulge to a shapeless slush.>It ran out of battery soon after.
>>11222175>Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although no one has ever returned from there.>Lures prey with the sweet aroma of honey. Swallowed whole, the prey is melted in a day, bones and all.It's one of the best entries. I think the subtly implied vore is pretty hot.
>>11222179>Once ingested into this Pokémon's body, even the hardest object will melt into nothing. >It lures prey into its mouth with a nectar-like aroma. The helpless prey is melted with a dissolving fluid. Yeah, real subtle. >picMan, that one really gets my imagination going. It's going to eat her, obviously, but how? Her fat ass is too big to just swallow whole.
>>11222264Idk, I had to read it twice and be like "Oh wow did they just imply this thing eats people? Yeah they did". The anime makes it a joke but the pokedex is definitely more monster-like.Anyway this is my favorite Victreebel pic. It's fun to play with food.
>>11222264I see three possibilities.One: it tries to j-j-jam her in as-is, fails, and instead lifts her high up by the legs and abruptly changes it's grip so she's hanging upside-down, then swallows her head-first, the digests up her body, swallowing more as her head, torso, etc dissolves. Terrifying, but relatively quick and painless. Relatively. Two: similar to the above, but instead greatly adjusts it's grip so she's held upright in midair, then puts her in feet-first. Doing so would mean less restraint on her legs, can't exactly hold them in place while dipping her in the acid, but if it keeps a grip at the thighs she won't have enough range of motion to do anything. Then proceed as before, dissolve up from the feet to legs and so on. Would have to hold her in place the whole time. Long, drawn out, and incredibly painful, like >>11222175.Three: inserts her as-is, ass first. It can stretch it's "lips" enough to get her ass in a little, but not far. From that picture it'd be just above the acid. Then, those teeth bite into her ass and thighs, then start to twist and shift in their sockets while the plant's entire body starts to twist back and forth as well while the vines hold her in place. Victreebel can't actually close it's mouth to chew, but combined together, this slowly tears, rips, and shaves her down enough to fit inside it's body. It's sort of like a blender. Once her fat ass is slimmed down enough that part of her is swallowed further, entering the acid, and the teeth get to work on the next foot or so, continuing this process until it's through her thicker bits and can just swallow the rest of her body whole. This is why her buddy there is so cheerful; this is a very rarely-seen eating technique, and she's excited to see it, helpfully and happily explaining the above to the prey. Now as quite as drawn-out as the second method, but EXCRUCIATINGLY painful.
>>11222273God bless the manga. My favorite's probably >>11222175. The description adds a lot. For that one, I really like the internal vines. Makes it much more of an all-purpose vore monster. I like to think this is it giving her a lick and liking what it tastes; now it's going to ease up on the acid and double-down on the "licking," savoring her, drawing out digestion over several days instead of one while it plays with her however it wants. Her face is strong too. Terrified, but confused. Why isn't it dissolving her already?
>>11222175>>11222179>>11222264Fucking hell these are great
>>11223354>>11223355>>11223356Was just about to ask for this one. That last panel turns the whole thing from 'okay' to 'great'.
>>11223354>>11223355Got these in higher res?>>11223359Poor girl trapped in the acid bath, screaming in pain, while her surprisingly-durable pokedex helpfully and dispassionately explains what's happening and what's going to happen to her.
Not sure where this falls on the vore vs tentacle porn scale, but whatever.
>>11223880Perfect. Overconfident sexy sluts make peak monster food.
>>11223880My absolute favorite type of vore is a worm monster that vores a woman into a tentacle pit, so more of this please
if vore with tentacles is cool I got a couple I can post then
AI slop please ignore
>>11226898 future reference, images from Pixiv have their pic ID in their file name
>>11227936This story is by far my favorite vore story. I really hope the author posts more stories in the future commissioned this and wanted to share. It's a comic of an oc being eaten by a mimic and tentacle raped. Focus is more on the tentacle rape, but there's still a little vore there and i know someone here had been asking about mimic vore
>>11228198Thanks for the share, very cute to see a smug rogue get what's coming for her
>>11227343>>11227344>>11227345>>11227609Source? Good orca vore is too rare.
>>11228198been wanting to see your thief be eaten for a while, great stuff
I'm trying to track down this video where 4 girls explore this cave, hunting a monster with a long neck and it eats them one by one. Might have had characters from Fate in it.Anyone recognise it?
Looking for vore stuff with insects eating women. Anyone have some?
>>11230945more like this where the girl makes it outbonus if she gets eaten again
>>11231287That "deceased" tag over her happy face is surprisingly good.
>>11230997 one made it out most of the time...
Good evening gentlemen, I'm doing another poll to decide what to draw next.First is the monster poll
>>11231593And here is the prey poll
Need to see that cowgirl's positivity fade away as her fat tits become nutrition for a monster Practically real life vore!!(?)
>>11231595Goddamn, I want both the cowgirl and the twin clones to be eaten.And damn, I kinda want to see all of these in action at some point.
>>11231593like the spider
>>11231650>>11232034Based>>11232033The winner gets a small set but every runner-up will get a quick drawing paired with their equivalent rank too, except 6th place which will probably get a good end
>>11231595I vote soldier girl because I like strong wills giving into fearAnd hugbear because of how unique it is
Found an old vore story i'd never read before. It was in Japanese so had to MTL it but I thought it was good.Nun is out in an area that'd been attacked by demons. The nun has the power to transform into an angel to fight the monsters, but it looks like the damage is done and there are no survivors. Nun finds one girl that's barely alive and goes over to try and help her.Nun begins using her rosary, the source of her angel powers, to heal the girl. The girl then reveals she's actually a nepenthes demon and eats the rosary before the nun can react, meaning the nun can't use her powers now to fight. The nepenthes demon girl teases and molests the nun since she's now powerless until the nun orgasms. The nun comes up with a plan and starts talking about how weak the demon girl's sex game is and how she thought being raped by a demon would break her more. This pisses demon plant girl off. She tells the nun that her attitude is annoying her now. The plant girl proceeds to swallow the nun whole, telling the nun that she can see how good her sex game really is inside her stomach while she's being digested.Nun is forced down into the plants stomach, trying to resist climaxing as the slimy walls rub her body. The nun actually wanted to be eaten so that she could grab the rosary, get her angel powers back, and kill the demon girl. The plan goes wrong when the nun realizes that her rosary was contaminated with dark energy when the demon ate it, meaning she can't use her full powers. Rest of the story is the nun getting tentacle raped, covered in aphrodisiac digestive fuids, breastfeeding tentacles, and cumming her brains out. The plant girl keeps her promise and begins to digest the nun while the nun has countless orgasms.I don't think I've seen a story where a girl baits herself into getting eaten, only to be unable to escape. Bonus points for me because I like when the prey is orgasming while they're being digested.
I had a dream last night that I was playing Skyrim, and I was doing the thieves guild quest where you infiltrate Snow Veil Sanctum with Mercer Frey, and in the big room before the claw door he unlocks, instead of standing draugr, there were new enemies that are basically a mouth on a wall. If you turn your back to them, they will snatch you up and swallow you whole. You basically have to kill them with a ranged weapon, where their death animation reveals that they are actually a giant burrowing worm inside the wall. If you get eaten, you can't reload a save, and need to have Mercer rescue you. However in my dream... because it's Skyrim, Mercer's AI bugged out, and I was stuck indefinitely..
>>11231593>>11231595Polls closed. 414 is now doomed to become worm food.
>>11233506That sounds fucking hot, I love it. Holy girls becoming food is always a good scenario but her orgasming as she's digested is extra lewd.>>11233681Fuck yeah, exact combo I voted for.
>>11233681Yeah, I'm glad she won. What I'm definitely hoping to see with it is her staying naive about what's happening and that she'd be digested as long as possible.
does anybody remember a channel called 'Iyona vore' or something like that, where they would replicate the cell absorbing vore stuff? its been a while now, but i remember seeing the videos and liking them, but i never saved them and i guess the channel was taken down at some point..if anybody does remember it or saved the videos it would be cool to see them again, but im thinking theyre just lost at this point.. iirc it was a japanese channel
can anyone share more vore that doesn't end up at death?like
>>11233506Really fucking hot story, and I don't like female preds so that should tell you something about how hot that is. Thanks for sharing it anon.
>>11234223I honestly didn't even consider that the story might not be "creature vore" until you pointed it out. I read lesbian plant demon and my mind focus in on the plant demon more than the lesbian part I guess oops
>>11233681fucking A, didn't know these threads have so many patricians. here's to a long and painful digestion, I love it when they prey is innocent and undeserving. for the pred it was hard deciding between the snail and the worm. on one hand seeing her being digested is hot as fuck, but I love cylinder preds where the prey is engulfed in a dark space and can't move, makes the digestion more claustrophobic.
>>11234435Eh, it's hot enough and plant demon is close enough to monster/creature for the purpose of the thread.
In a perfect world, ninjartist would have done a whole set with Taki, maybe even with Ivy joining her (the poor snake would have been stretched to its limit by two curvy bodies squirming inside). Or at least did an alternate bad ending to Jasmine's set.
>>11235831Something similar to the attached picture. With added frames where Taki's bodysuit dissolves and she is fully immersed in gastric juice, like here >>11211950 .
Imagine noname55 usual animation with Ivy ( ), but with the Lizardman consuming and digesting her after romantic intercourse. With an internal view of Ivy lustfully caressing her body and a red rose floating in the rising stomach acid.
>>11235878Would be good. Lizardmen make for good predators.
>>11212820...>>11212830These made me want to work on something like this but I think I need to start the animating over, the pace isn't right at all
>>11238464I love dialogue like that. Very casual cruelty.>>11238466This is the best part of hypnotic snake vore, and frustratingly the part it most often skips. Having them entranced while they're being disgusted takes all the fun out of it.
>>11233681Part 1
>>11231595>>11231593>>11233681>>11238746Kino. Thank you drawfag-sama!
>>11238746>she doesn't knowPerfect, she's going to realize when it's too late
>>11238746Actually it'd be awesome to see the prey inside the translucent worm just like Samus in picrel (kind of).
>>11238746She seems like a feet-first but still somehow oblivious type, heh.
>>11239377I hope she realizes before her head goes under.
Next thread>>11239522>>11239522>>11239522
>>11239523...what the fuck are you doing? We've got over a hundred posts left.
>>11239313Here Samus is trapped (but not for long) in a worm, albeit not a translucent one.
>>11240441It would be great if there was a frame that showed Samus' boots falling off her legs and her feet sliding inside the worm.
>>11240439>but not for longMight be longer than you think. When the worm settles down to digest it's meal, it just so happens to do so in a way that pools it's stomach acid around the bottom half of Samus's compressed body. Her arms, legs, ass, and it looks like her tits start to melt before her torso, and well before her head. She probably lasted a while in there.
>>11240439>those digestion panels*chefs kiss*
My first attempt at a comic.This happened ingame after our two characters abandoned them. I feel a bit sorry that we left them behind but... Eh we couldn't take more with us...
>>11241177In hindsight I really should have drawn more worms around her.
>>11241181This is one of my favourite shots. The intent is that Brook (Katana lady) is looking over at my character, who at this point is taking a sip from his liquour bottle as he sees the carnage unfold and just walking away...The one with the pistol who ran off actually dies off-screen. The female player wanted her to die due to some ingame stuff so used a power to daze her so the worms could catch her.
>>11241183Goodbye Brook...This is my first attempt at comic stuff so its not the best. In the future I hope to get better and do more.
Not bad.
>>11241184Pretty good. I like the tiefling chicks.
>>11241184Fantastic. Thanks for sharing
>>11241184Very nice. I'd like to give lewd DnD a try sometimes, but have no idea where to go to try to find a group.
Head first or feet first?
>>11242533Head first. I like to see there tootsies wiggle as they struggle until the very last second
>>11242533Head. The last thing the world should see of a beautiful sexy woman is her fat ass wiggling around in a monster's maw.Being degraded into nothing but food is a big part of the fetish, and there's nothing more degrading than having all your most private parts put on full display before going down the hatch.
>>11242533Generally? Head first. The humiliation, the extra-helpless struggle, her hands, hips, butt, legs, feet flailing uselessly, the constant muffled screams…it’s great.HOWEVER, feet first does have the advantage of her head and face going last, and the potential with that is incredible. Listening to her courage break down as she’s eaten alive, having her see others get swallowed first, some villain talking and taunting her as she goes down, the absolute kino of her terrified eyes vanishing into it’s maw and throat, there is so much good shit here.The trouble is that that’s only potential, and it’s not the easiest one to realize. Coming up with good dialogue, expressions, and scenes is a lot harder than just waving her legs in the air and writing “Mmmmph!!” a lot.TL;DR: Feet first, but head first can be better with effort.
>>11242533Feet first. I like to see the stages of grief as hope slowly fades, and what the face might look like in the final moment before disappearing from the world
>>11242533butt first, feet AND head last
>>11238746Part 2
>>11243075Part 3
>>11243075>>11243094She's too innocent, this is gonna be good
>>11243003See? Potential like that. The difference expression when it's just got her feet or leg and she thinks she might make it, and when all that's left is her face and she knows that she's going to die. Actually, I've been looking for this one feet-first picture for awhile. It's some evil elf feeding a mother and daughter to her two pet worms. They're position so they're facing eachother, mother eaten up to her tits, daughter up to her face. The kid's in tears, begging mom to save her, while mom's in shock, weakly begging for the same, and their elf captor's holding her head up by the hair to make she watches her daughter go down.Does anyone have that?
>>11243094Part 4>>11243160Sounds fucking hot
>God-tier drawfag is backI needed good news today. Welcome back.
>>11243184>getting worriedOh shit, are we actually cooking here? I wasn’t sure we would, both this time and the last felt pretty light.
>>11243184of course it's safe, it'll be over soon...
>>11243160This the one? Pretty sure the artist is Snifer25, looks like his style.
>>11243585That's it! Thanks, anon.>Snifer25God, I knew it was some weird name like that too. Was driving me nuts.
>>11242533Head first wins for me. Also like the potential option of both, where the victim is passed over from one monster to the other
>>11242533eh, can't decide that, variety is the spice of life.
>>11242533Depends on the scenario and pred. Both are fine options. The nice thing about feet first is the porlonged suffering, crying for help, and eventual acceptance of fate.
>>11242533Feet first. I like seeing the face framed against the mouth of the creature that's swallowing them. It just gives such a sense of total control, and finality. One last terrified expression before it snaps shut forever. It's hotter if someone takes a picture of it. 'Come on slut, one last photo before you're gone? Make sure to pull a pretty face! This'll be your only legacy to the world!' *snap* 'Ooh, that's a good one. Very passionate, very evocative. You can really feel the terror. I almost feel bad for you! Good work, slut!' >>11243003See, this is what I'm talking about. The last anyone ever sees of her is of her shocked expression as she realises this really is happening, this is it, this is final. Framed by the very creature swallowing her. And then the jaw snaps shut and she's gone.
>>11244147>One last terrified expression before it snaps shut forever. It's hotter if someone takes a picture of it.>'Come on slut, one last photo before you're gone? Make sure to pull a pretty face! This'll be your only legacy to the world!'>*snap*>'Ooh, that's a good one. Very passionate, very evocative. You can really feel the terror. I almost feel bad for you! Good work, slut!' Now that's what I'm fucking talking about! That's the power of feet-first. I don't really care about the framing, but all this expression stuff and the unbearably cruel taunting? That's perfect. Rub it all right in her vanishing face!
>>11242533>>11244147>>11243003>>11244212Feet first 100%.Especially this one.That last final look in the mirror, watching as the snakes mouth slowly closes around her, the emotion in her eyes knowing that this will be the last thing she sees, you can only imagine what would be going through her mind at this point coming to realize that in a few seconds she'll be completely eaten and no one will ever know what happened to her
>>11242533Head first for me. There's just something about the victim's head vanishes down the predator's throat first that just works for me.That said, feet first have their own charm points.
Does anyone have/remember a pic of what I think was a vault dweller girl inside a barnacle with liquid pooling up?
is it alright that i like both? head first and feet first?
I like head-first because I like to picture her head reaching the stomach and getting an up-close look at the pool of hot, sizzling acid waiting for her, her face inching closer and closer to it by the second. It's a frustratingly rare visual, though.>>11244772Victreebel NEEDS to be feet-first, though. Nothing else makes sense.Looks pretty still. How much of her do you think is left?
>>11242533Folded over
>>11243184Part 5
>>11245601This one really makes me feel guilty for voting for her, feels bad. Yet on the other end I'm absolute diamonds, this is the best type of vore.
>>11245601Alright, feet first fags, here's your time to shine. What should we say to her before her ears are covered? Been talking up that cruel taunting, let's hear it.
>>11243074Twist ending where she gets married to Mr Worm when
>>11245737promises that everything is fine and this is normal. False sense of security.
Does anyone have/remember that edit from this snowswept quest game some anon made to be more in line with the sensibilities of this thread? I remember he added new text and some visual edits and everything, but I’ve lost the file and the original download link I tracked down is a dead site. I remember this was the main visual for the internal stuff more or less. Kinda a long shot but on the off chance anyone here also saved it
>>11245752Oh my god I can see it. She just needs a veil and the worm needs a bowtie, kek.>>11245737Maybe a pun that might get her two adorable braincells firing to understand what disappear meant.Round of applause for 414, she's quite a treat!The truth can be hard to swallow—but 414 isn't.
>>11245601Those muffled noises are gold>>11245737For 414 here? Clue her in to what's actually about to happen just to watch her panic. A futile struggle is always a good show.
>>11238469Why did they give Mal yellow hair instead of red? It's the same character as >>11242654
Anyone have Vore with Insect monsters. Looking for inspiration here. Thank you.
>>11245601Part 6
>>11246713The End
>>11246714Here it is in one image too, without the announcer if that's not your thing
>>11246713>>11246714>>11246716This is too hot. Was expecting internals but the writhing is just as good, bless you for doing these.
>>11246716>>11246714>>11246713>no x-rayI was hoping for internals. Great work regardless.