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Jannies drained the tits of the last thread. Bringing in the next thread of Milky Mamas
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I love this fat cow so much.
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A thing I wrote tonight

Also for those curious when milk typically comes in within this society: it's during puberty.
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Gotta love this classsic.
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So I followed the almond milk tip. Make sure you get sweetened almond milk. Unsweetened tastes like shit.
>almond milk
elaborate please?
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last thread people said that, according to sources and anecdotal evidence, breast milk tastes like almond milk (which technically isn't milk but a substitute for lactose intolerants but who cares)
that's all there is to it
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Does anyone remember a western comic where a couple gets used as slaves, with the man being turned into a sissy, and the woman being turned into a milking cow? She even had headphones put on her to break her mind. I've been trying to look for it for ages and I can't remember the name nor the author.
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Actually very nicely written, thanks for sharing.
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Enjoy this old caption I made
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Thank you anon
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Nipple Faucets are based
Just making sure she isn't wasting a single drop of her delicious milk
Does anyone remember that one doujin where a darkskin girl is denied lactation? She was in a swimsuit and being bullied by her classmates until she begged them to be lewd and ecchi.
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Has anyone here ever tried inducing lactation in themselves or someone else?
I've heard of women that try inducing the lactation for their own personal pleasure.
The results vary, and it takes a lot of work.
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I studied the subject extensively. It's actually rather easy, but it takes a very long time and is annoying. I hope you/your partner likes getting pumped lmao.
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milky bump
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