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Post anything related to Futanari and discuss any topic related to Futanari.

Male-looking Futanari allowed.
Do not post anything else than Futanari.

previous thread >>11100206
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Girls getting dicked by the best kind of dick.
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Agree. Bringing the futa to absolutely bust a nut inside the female and clamp down on you at the same time is a hot af concept.
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Cute femboys dominating, using or humiliating taller/bigger females or males.
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I just want to see Astolfo dominating and being a chad without it being NTR. Is that so much to ask?
While I know little about the franchise, the whole point seems to be that the characters are bound to someone. So it may be too much to ask, like if character that was only ever portrayed as a wife it would be expected that porn of her revolves around infidelity.
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It can't be helped.
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It's ok, astolfo is a bro, he'll even let you use his hole while he turns your waifu into a quivering, mind broken, cum toilet.
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We can't do anything against him...

A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

Any content is allowed, as long as the futa is bigger than the male.

Previous thread: >>11106046
188 replies and 105 images omitted. Click here to view.
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[NULL Mayu (Chimosaku)] Sebarami! | Abdominal Pregnancy!
My love hate relationship with this artist: Love his anatomy, hate how gross he makes genitals and cum look.
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I've sketched this yesterday.

Absolutely Stuffed edition
Last thread >>11100131
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I prefer rectum reaming cocks but fair enough
How about urethra-drilling cocks?
god i'm jealous
>Ironically, my large penis stopped me from transitioning; felt like throwing away a gift.
weirdly enough, there's ways to retain that but it's not guaranteed. tgel and some trans women somehow still get hard naturally on hrt, the human body is weird as fuck
futamoding is not in the cards for this life for me tho
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The more the merrier I say, though that does require both participants be accordingly equipped.
Not that I'm complaining
I've always felt like my Mustache is too good to take this path, but I've thought about it several times. I've got really narrow shoulders for a dude and I've been mistaken for a girl from behind a lot since I was young. Similarly packing 8"+ heat, and also why I keep finding myself in these threads.

Also helped that my last girlfriend was really into femboys, so I ended up doing some shit for her. Never done anything as public as dressing up as a femboy in public though. I've danced with a lot of them at anime conventions.

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I just got a new Jumbo Helium Tank for my personal use and the old thread reached limit. Post Inflated Bodies of all varieties, Ladies & Helium Balloons Preferred.

Previous Thread:
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The only worrying thing about Helium is the pressure. A fresh tank has insane pressure even if the valve is cracked open a hair, so you need to be quite careful when using one.

Once a tank has been used a bit, I took one of the nozzles from an empty tank and popped the pin out. I put the gasket back in so the nozzle will sit flush & sealed on the tank spigot when screwed back on. Now I have 2 nozzles; the regulated valve you have to push down to dispense helium & the unregulated nozzle that lets helium flow when the valve is turned opened.

The 2nd option is perfect when you go low & slow, you have a 2nd hand to take care of business…
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From Insatiable Breeding men, to Horny Futas who just can't control themselves,
If it involves wombs being filled and impregnated, this is the thread for it.
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Pokemilf cum inside me
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What happens when a futa impregnates herself?

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Bugging Out edition
Previous thread: >>11100117
261 replies and 125 images omitted. Click here to view.
Asscheeks doesn't sound so bad desu, it's just fluffy
Assuming she washes, or if it's only in short bursts, or it's the cheek and not the center. It's like a giant fluffy pillow!

Otherwise the heat is like a furnace and an overwhelming atmosphere of salty sweat, hound smell and smokey pheromones will break his feeble little mind, trapped in the airless, meaty, coal black asscrack of the hellhound.
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post men with pussies

don’t start retarded arguments, just post porn
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As usual post detachable head stuff, no guro
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Is this DanDaDan? What Chapter is it?
183 and 184

A thread solely dedicated to the thinking man’s monster girl(no futa)
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You're splitting hairs
Need her.

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Cervix/Uterus pulled out
bonus points if being used for masturbation or like an onahole
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I think ureter wreckage would be outside the scope of this thread but I've drawn quite a bit of that before if you look through my pixiv.
I've drawn tentacle preg of this sort before, but it was a long time ago and I've gotten a lot better at art since then. Might take another shot at it if I have time this weekend.
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I mean this isn't exactly a popular thread and your art brings a lot more life to it so i think everyone would be fine with extending the subject to anal, urethral and anywhere else prolapse as well.
Go wild.
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Still growing edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11099818/


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thats because the picture is all there is to said CYOA
quick hackjob to bump the thread and pull some eyes from /tg/cyoag/, you're welcome, feel free to expand on it
Absolutely, maybe.
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anon how much i miss you .
please keep going at your pace , is better to finish it than to burn yourself out

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Almost a year since the last thread edition.
Oral vore, anal vore, cock vore, all welcome.
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Previous Thread: >>11156378
85 replies and 73 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Bocchi swap
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