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>Previous thread

>AI image generators
https://novelai.net/image (online, premium)
https://perchance.org/ai-character-generator (online, free)
https://frosting.ai/dream (online, freemium)
https://pixai.art/generator/image (online, freemium)
https://civitai.com/ (online, freemium, account needed for NSFW content)
https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator?isPwa=1&scenario=texttoimage (online, free, heavily censored)
https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui (local, free; check the OP in the threads of the Related boards’ section to get further informations)

>Anon-made size LORA for local SD
Ochiko art style: https://civitai.com/models/389429?modelVersionId=434534
Cramped - minigts growth: https://civitai.com/models/519243/crampedgrowth-concept

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Sure, if it is in the somewhat smaller side of giantesses and especially involves stuffing into the several available orifices I'll gladly help. With the city destruction stuff or bigger I dont have much expertise to offer, also I completly misunderstood that request lmao
>I completly misunderstood that request lmao
No need to worry! I quite like it actually, even if it doesn't have the destruction the stupid lizard-part of my brain craves so much. Thank you for trying your hand at fulfilling my dumb desires.

>a giant goblin and a giant page boy having sex in a village
Yep, that's exactly what I was aiming for, safe for "having sex" sounding a little tame and consensual. Goblin sex should be feral, bitey, sweaty, generally a bit terrifying, and at that size very destructive.
Although that's more on me wording my request so poorly - I'm sorry for that. And while I'd love for you to give my idea a shot, I'd feel bad to capitalise so much of your time when someone else already had a go at it for me...
Just local with one of the ponytism mixes, as for lora's mostly stuff I've cooked up on my own.
Is the lora related to the background/landscape? If so great job, it came out very clean as opposed to a messy grey mass. I'd even ask for a share if you're so inclined.
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Any real or fictional bugs/slugs/worms/invertebrate on and or in girls. Big creepy crawlies are fine too.
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They might still be up on some torrent sites but the vns are so old I couldn't tell you. There's a complete collection on DLSite I think too. The ones I know he's worked on and what I remember of the story.

Fishing village is having a crisis and they can't catch anything. One of the towns old men gets two girls to agree to ancient secret ritual by telling them they'll be shrine maidens. The ritual is actually them having sex with lots of starfish, sea slugs, crabs, octopus, and so on.

Girl walks in on one of her classmates getting nasty with a slug afterschool one day. Slug girl lets the first girl in on her secret and explains that she's working to help test so bioengineered creatures. Some scientists are trying to create bugs and frogs and such that can have sex with humans. Goal is to basically make safe creature fucktoys or something. Girl 1 decides she wants in and most the story after that is them being degenerates pushing the limit to see how freaky they can get.

Girl discovers her biology teacher has been doing crazy experiments on insects. The biology teacher gets nervous and has the bugs rape her and she's blackmailed to keep sexing the bugs them in the name of science.

Konchuu Kansatsu Bangai Hen - Umi ni Ochiru Kagome
Minisequel where the girl from vn listed above takes a trip with her Bio teacher to the beach where the fish girls in the first VN did their ritual. She gets it on with stuff crawling around the beach but it's pretty consensual cause she's into this whole bug fucking stuff by now

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Horny Ojou-sama is really into doing lewd stuff with critters and eventually gets her maid and butler in on it. This one has bug x boy stuff so heads up. Didn't like this one as much so I barely paid attention to the story.

Actual sequel to the other vn about the schoolgirl and her biology teacher. Setup is pretty similar, a girl at the school is coerced into have sex with insects by her crazy science teacher to make some money. Has 4 different girls between the girl who needs money, the student council president girl who's raped by the insects when she learns too much, the slutty small girl who just likes fucking insects, and the science teacher is a girl this time so there's a few scenes where the bugs can turn against her and rape her too.
Nice thanks.
Insects are for sex
need more insects getting fucked

Previous Thread: >>10958209
You know the drill by now. (Also keep AI to a minimum)
If you hate spheres and such, here's the Belly Inflation Thread: >>10992466
And in case you were curious, there's also a Male Inflation Thread: >>11013552
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If a Gas can go from one end & out the other, A liquid should follow the same principle. Water can get nasty however & unless your bowels are cleaned, I wouldn't chance that.

Technically whipped cream is a combo of gas and liquid, so it should.
Water will make you heavy, you'll feel the weight pulling down on your belly as more fluid flows in. The temperature of the water also makes a difference. Ice Cold water will make you shiver and cramp, Room Temp & Warm will make you feel cozy. never use Hot water, your internals were not designed to take that & you could get hurt.
Water Toxicity is a real thing, so while some people will take the shower hose and stick it up their ass, don't hold it in for too long. It's better to get a saline mix so the risk is minimized.
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Think of it like an enema. You've had many people over history shoving shit up their asses in the name of Good Health. Some rich people pump coffee up their asses to cleanse their colons. Apparently a study was published on how you can keep someone breathing if their lungs are shot by pumping their bowels full of oxygen enriched liquids.

The world is a funny ass place.

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Good old-fashioned dick and balls abuse. Please no actual castration.
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Oh, and if you want penile pain though, no you can't safely do that with e-stim. If something hurts your dick with e-stim, that means a hotspot developed and if you don't turn the current off and adjust the electrode you will burn yourself. So yeah, dick should not hurt during e-stim - if it did, something went wrong - either electrode moved and/or current is flowing through inadequate skin surface area.
But balls, yeah, holy fuck yeah. It's really the ideal thing for a masochist - with an e-stim unit that accepts audio as an input, you can craft a file that gradually increases in intensity to counteract the nerves acclimating to the stimulation and basically make your balls hurt like hell nonstop for an hour with no damage to yourself at all other than temporary sterility.
I think I will get one then
Punching myself works but I'm scared of actually hurting something
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Nta but this makes me fantasize about having that audio e stim set up when in a vouce call with a woman
There's japanese CBT ASMR
I can synch the shock just when the anime girl crushes your balls
>I can synch the shock just when the anime girl crushes your balls
How does that work? Is it just a much louder moment than the rest of the file?

Last thread splattered a while back, figured it was time we found a new one. All things onahole TF are welcome here; adjacent fetishes (sex doll tf, personality excretion, etc.) are permissible as long as onaholes have some focus. This time, I’m curious if anyone’s run into dedicated onahole TF games, they seem really rare. Also, we’ve heard a lot from doms in the last few threads, so it’d be nice to get some more input from the subs this time around. As long as they hold up under the use, at least.
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Very nice story. I think that more "bad endy" aspect of this kink is very divisive so there is no shame not wanting to write the story that goes too hard in that direction.
Its clear that girls getting their souls fucked out of them isnt for everybody.
Write what you like the most anon.
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There's a fair amount of good stuff on deviantart for this (and yes, I'm also for happy fun squishy time instead of revenge or abuse)

Same here.
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I'll be the dissenting voice and say that bad ends are my favourite; inanimate objects should be (at least eventually) inanimate; and my favourite victims are innocent bystanders who get caught up as collateral, the more innocent and cute the better.

Men topping Futanari and Shemales/Newhalf. Images with no penetrative sex are fine as long as they still follow the theme.
Futa power bottoms are fine as well.

Previous thread
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Where's also this bitching towards Western art even coming from?

Is, it like, a 4chan rule or something?

Male on Futa's sparse content as is to be hung up over that kind of shit
4chan was initially created because Something Awful banned hentai, so moot & co made their own place with blackjack and hookers. At that time, most western /d/ art was DeviantArt tier or worse, with a few notable exceptions (RIP Doug Winger) frequently veering into furry territory. As a result, /d/ had an explicit "no shitty/western art" rule baked in from the start. And it's still there, which is why "western artwork" is still a report category.

Over the decades since then, quality of western /d/ art has drastically increased, in part due to places like Hentai Foundry allowing creators to subsist on commissions. Patreon broadened the revenue streams further. There have been flamewars on /d/ over what is and isn't allowed. At one point we had a sticky explicitly calling out Dmitrys art as being fine (so people would stop trying to report it).

When /aco/ was created, several boards thought it was for them. /tg/ and /co/ shunted their porn-adjacent content there, but it also looked like "western /d/" was finally a thing. Someone - a mod, or several of them - started deleting all western stuff from /d/ and/or moving it there. /aco/ has its own ecosystem now in part due to the pushback against that flood, and will occasionally send people to /d/ because it doesn't want particular content, not because said content belongs on /d/ (whether because it's western or for other reasons).

Yes it is literally a fucking rule you newfag. Lurk moar.
Casual lurker for a few years, just the first time I decided to satisfy my curiosity

Still likely to post western art tho (especially with as niche as this kink sadly is), seems imma just have to hope the other fellow retards in the thread don't realize it

Anyways, my thanks for the enlightenment brudda
holy lore drop in the futa thread

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Previous: >>11051179

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups

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cute and LOL
I'm not sure how to ask this. Where is /trash/ its been many years. I'm assuming its on a different board site
Nice. Could I get the catbox for this?
Oh yeah I remember those. Keep them coming.

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No AI or futa allowed, make a separate thread
Previous thread: >>10911133
Hyper muscle thread: >>10935858
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>blatant male breasts
Sadly, that's how lean and muscular women look IRL. Breasts are majorly just fat.
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Title says it. Post realistic and small cocks on feminine frames. Chastity caged cocks are also fine.

No furry shit

The smaller the better.
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I hate how unpopular small futa is. The fact that there's almost zero market for it despite futa's relatively massive popularity is absurd.

Gargantuan girls with gargantuan dicks
Non-retarded OP edition

Last thread >>10842773 (You) (Cross-thread)
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It has come to my attention that I'm a complete idiot, the original has been posted in this thread before.
Anyway here it is
hey so i do koikatsu content, like >>11050725 and >>11050727, and feel like doing some condom entrapment stuff with tiny girls in the condom, with either qin liangyu from fgo, fjorm from fire emblem, or takanashi kiara from hololive as the futa; anyone have requests they want to see involving one of those three? will probably get to doing it later this week

For all feminization fetishists out there, post or discuss about anything related to men getting turned into sexy traps, shemales or sissies.
Favorite doujins and eromangas, hentai games and even any piece of fiction from Literotica, AO3 and etc.

Just keep real world stuff out of the way please, this is a hentai fetish board and we need heated arguments about politics or real life in a thread about hentai fetiches
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I got lucky. My school had "gender bender day"
I like to call myself that, but I'm just a crossdressing twink with a humiliation fetish. I'm a butterface
It's too bad it's awkward to bring up irl. Cause I would like it.
mine too, but i was a coward back then (probably still am)
even so the girls in my class always kept asking to put makeup on me and the entire class would basically tell me i'd look completely like a girl with makeup

i was really stupid back then! i thought they were just bullying me or trying to trap me into something but they were 100% serious and earnest
M21 willing to be feminized and used as a slut. My snap is: ndjddkdks

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Be it practical, impractical, or pleasureable get it in here. Silicone, Saline, Mana tits, Ballistic gel, Augmentations and other type of implants welcome. Bonus point if their implants are canon.
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Kys troon
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We're back.
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I wonder if there's an island where there's a tribe of women with four arms.
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Fellow /d/eviants, where do you go when you want to read sexual stories involving your fetish?

Also, post an image exemplyfing your main fetish.
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All the usual places - FA, DA, AO3, LitEro - but also varied tumblrs, hentaifoundries, sofurries, Aryions, and one-off sites as discovered. The secret's to investigate the favorites pages of commenters and track what you have / haven't read via browser bookmarks. If you can seed your own pages with a couple decent stories in genres of interest, even better; every favorite what comes in is another avenue of discovery.

That said, tumblr dying broke something in me, since it happened only just a little after I started really knuckling down and looking into Ero literature too... so now I autistically archive everything of interest I come across. Main interests are FtM and Genital TF fetishes, sets of which I've been collecting, organizing and sharing out for a few years now; done it often enough here where I think most are aware now, but there's always that one anon with a link to some obscure forum no one's heard of, so I try to use it as an excuse to ask for recs whenever I can too. https://mega.nz/file/LFRgBSAZ#Nnzch1ReWvBJvXm5Kw-7-w3ZX19CvyDa4si3mjU5AnA
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I would love to see a creepypasta parody about a cursed Dig Dug instance.
Anyone got any recommendations for femboy smut?
Sincerely surprised no-one mentioned mcarchives or the dead-but-still-around asstr org (there are some mirrors around).
Both enjoy tags and you can find practically anything.
That "Anything" includes /d/
I think I fucked this one up or something, I build a character and then it's just over
isn't there a story or something that's supposed to come after?

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Previous thread >>10959036

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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