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Still growing edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11099818/


111 replies and 67 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thank you for the recs and shares, anon.
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It's finally out, but fair warning, it's really terrible. Even by cheap hentai standards, hell, even by Queen Bee studio standards, it's the cheapest late 90s flash animation garbage. Considering it's a full 20 minutes long too, they basically just take like, 10 pages from the first chapter and stay cycling on them the whole time so it's a big waste in the first place.
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I wonder where it went?

Images of dicks with missplaced foreskins :>>>>
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Boys and girls getting turned by evil forces

Parasites, magic, hypno, and anything else goes
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That's fine, just create a thread on /aco/ and link it here then.
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There's a fantastic little game called ¨Sentai Senki Buster Blue¨ with this premise. Check it out.
Only wish it was longer.
Yugioh announced a new Rush Duel card for their insect girl TF archetype
most of the important stuff has already been said but I think it's worth distinguishing between corruption as a device and as a genre. I would say the former is present in things like bimboification and a lot of TF media, whereas the latter is distinguished by a stylistic emphasis on the aesthetics of evil.
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haven't seen one of these in a minute
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more with this style would be fantastic
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These aren't mine but I salvaged these from a thread some time back.
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Post your clowns who are also girls :)
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Did this for a friend last week.
Your friend has good taste. Wish I had the cash to common stuff.
do you do coms to take that transformation further?

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Guys and gals restrained. If they are unable to move, it's fair game. Follow board rules, otherwise all content welcome. Bonus points for industrial/institutional bondage.
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Long term prison bondage stuff like this is awesome.

Futanaris with noticeable levels of foreskin/phimosis.
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Post tickling right now that the boards got nuked please or I will die
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Anon, how are we supposed to know which art is yours?
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Uuummmmm well I'll just give you permission.
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The return of cute boys, wide hips, and fat butts
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Looks like Axered7.

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Estrogen itself is only associated with the raised risk of blood clots + heart problems (not a big deal for most people, but a serious concern for anyone predisposed), along with the possibility of breast cancer. Bone density loss is real, but as far as sex hormones are concerned it's the result of having near-zero of either sex hormone for long enough, generally around two to three years, It's effectively the induced equivalent of menopause.
Cyproterone (the longtime standard antiandrogen in Europe) easily shuts down testosterone production so it will eventually cause osteoporosis if taken on its own for long enough, and it's also probably the cause of what you were talking about with tumors. There's a a study which showed a correlation between cyproterone use and brain cancer. However in this context the cyproterone was being prescribed as a treatment for prostate cancer, which is still probably the most common usage by far. Anyway, for this purpose the dosage is about ten times what it's prescribed for HRT (though that doesn't stop a few dumbfuck doctors from prescribing the cancer dosage), so it's unclear to which degree the link observed in the study holds. Other antiandrogens also have side effects, some potentially serious and some just inconvenient.

Thank you for tolerating my autism. I'm not a regular but here are some images anyway.
Thank you for the info dum0, this is helpful to my research.

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Just keep the thread alive edition
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god I wish there was more like this, where you see the tiny trapped in food on the tongue and around the mouth, maybe even on the teeth as well
>Question for the board then, which giantess content creators do y'all reckon would actually do it if given the chance?
Codi Vore, she still does the occasional vore vid even though she would make 10x more from conventional porn. She's stated in a few interviews that she's a genuine voreaphile
Some of the worst rping i ever seen.

Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. Long discussions are a given with threads like these. If you're gonna post some text, at least post a picture related to the thread as well.

>Question of the day
Both hrt femboy and/or chasers, do you work out? If so what is your current routine and what are your fitness goals? If you don't then what's holding you back?
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The way I see it nothing about Bridget actually changed physically in lore. She still has a penis and isn't that all that matters?
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For you who have started hrt. Has your libido dropped significantly?
I'd definitely say so, a month in and I barely want to jerk off, at least not the constant way I used to. I still get horny but not as often
I’m only a few weeks in and I only get the urge to fap every couple days now. I don’t even wake up with morning wood every day.

Ai and strongfat welcomed. Pls no futa.
Previous: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11153798/
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If you want sex and genitalia description, then yes. If you want muscle, then no.
She's always an old reliable, turns me to absolute diamonds fast. One thing for certain, God bless that one commissioner guy with the Tomoko hyperfixation that' singlehandedly maintained the buff antisocial femcel market afloat.

Well tbf I didn't see it that way. For me, every muscle content has got to have a sexual/sensual aspect to it, both minor or major. I imagine that it's gotta be weird and very limiting using CAI for ultra-sterile Hyper/muscle content.
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New Inko pic
I still think chatgpt is weirdly good, just for the variety of formats you can play with. And for getting specific reactions and feelings that you have in mind.
In terms of sexuality, the best I can do is ask it to write in a flirty tone.
Its a bit more of a romantic sfw vibe but it does make it hotter. It adds details like them blushing or dropping their voice in a seductive tone, even dropping innuendos at times, all while still acknowledging how fucking massive and powerful they are.

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Couples getting fat together
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why is it censored
I wish I knew, the artist uploaded it like that as >>11212028 demonstrates.

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Hogs risen from the ashes

ITT: fat, slobby women. bonus points if they're slobby NEETs

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11075763/
203 replies and 171 images omitted. Click here to view.
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