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honestly i think there are alot women who are into that also.you dont know who is a woman and who not. So its only logic to me that we cant specifically say that in general . On the other side is for me the question does gender in this kink or genre really matter? i mean especially in this genre i dont think it does cause then you can get a new suprise everywhere. Isnt that one of the big things skinsuiting has to offer to everyone? Its like you could extent your own to the person you wanted to be, maybe just for the moment?
here's one that does both ftf and ftm :
Hello. Can anyone share some GoldShell45 pics here?

I think he already deleted his pixix and I could not find his blogspot link anymore
Hi guys, does anyone have that one image of a pink ballerina tutu dancer? He’s trying to rip it off of him, The face of the swimsuit is all the way up, and you can see his face in the neck of the skinsuit

Name on the tin. Any form of urethral play, insertions, or penetration is the name of the game.

Bonus points for spermicidal takeover, ball filling, small cocks fucking fat meat sabers, and urethral tonguing.

Futa/trans/whatever is welcome, just not that weird bug shit.
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oh i've seen much more from the pits of depravity. read diaries of folk whos masochism had reached such a level they had to inject a litre of 130°f(54°c) soap n mouthwash into their bladders for hours just to get off; enduring agonizing pain that causes their bladders to spasm n lines their insides with chemical burns, the way they describe it all makes me cum so, so, so very much.

trust me, i have truly seen the depths of urethral n bladder related masturbation n yet, like another mentioned here, there simply aint enough out there. someone has to be the guinea pig. someone has to do our bidding, n our fantasies nshow to the world the feats of the urethral fetish.
correct me if I'm wrong but when a cock goes in another cock it's docking but if an object goes in a cock its sounding?
yes, the umbrella term is urethral penetration.
ah ok, I only like docking, usually where a shota fucks a futanari's cock. That's the hottest to me

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Gulp Edition

Previous thread >>11038160
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>i heard that canonically Raven does eat people

>Go to giant male thread

>It's filled with men who want to be giants and eat people.

>Go to giantess vore thread.

>100% of posters are male prey, no women in sight.

Why doe?
At least 3 instances in the Teen Titans Go! series.
1. She eats an entire dodgeball team in a fit of rage
2. She eats a bunch of her own copies
3. She goes berserk again and eats the cast.
I dont think the people in the 1st instance survived.
There are no women on the internet.
People sperg over them and accuse them of attention whoring, scaring them away.

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No futa or male.
Last thread >>10868639
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The lack of regular pregnancy threads here in May is crazy lol. Let's get a preg thred going that isn't hyper preg but more full term based.

Big boobs, butts, muscles and short stacks are fine, ai too. Just no loli or underage shit please
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I want to turn a woman into a mother. I want to fuck said mother while she's 9mo into pregnancy. I want to repeat the cycle over and over till my dick disappears
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Girls and boys getting violated by various monsters
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There was this doujin I saw a while back about some chick getting shrunk, captured by bugs, raped and bred. If my memory's correct it also involved her friends looking for her but giving up, and her ending up permanently in some bug's nest. Anyone here have it or know what it's called?
You might be thinking of this
That's the one, thanks!

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Futas looking inconvenienced by their erections
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Previous: >>10915360
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Can we get a lipple/ breast vore thread?
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On that note, has anyone explored the possiblity of lipples having formerly been other girls before being absorbed into their host's body, and as such, are sentiences separate from their host?

Imagine sentient lipples that beg their mistress to turn them back from being tits, before being stimulated enough to beg for more, and then deciding they like it better being carefree milkers swaying in the breeze.

...or Cerberus if Cerberus had boobs for extra heads.

"Five. Hundred. Gallons." Edition.

TQ: What is your preferred quantity of Excessive cum? A gallon? 10? Dozens? Hundreds? Flood? Infinite?
And why do you think that is?
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There's two 'types' I enjoy.
Type 1: Infinite Capacity, Practical Limit
She produces cum at a constant rate, and there's technically no limit on how big her orgasm can be-- but for purposes like 'fitting through a doorway' she has to cum once or twice a day, a load roughly equal to ball volume.
Type 2: Infinite Production, Fixed Capacity
On the other hand, it's hot when the inconvenience is literally always trying not to cum. Always being so full the production leaks out into a continuous trail behind her, two nudges away from a mindblowing orgasm that relieves the pressure for maybe 15 minutes and paints the entire room white.
The focus between each of these is the inconvenience-- It gets in the way and threatens to make a mess of everything with how your/her body isn't built for anything but sex, and is already so overwhelmingly excessive that even that becomes impractical.
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[Gomasen(3D)] Daite! Shijuuhatte.
This quantity in gif image.
"I make fantastic art, the best, many say. Many people look at my futa art and say 'that've the best I've ever seen, the hottest I've ever seen,' really. I've got great experience making drawing futanari, and I create the most excessive cum frankly of any artist, other artists may draw many gallons, it's true, but I draw billions of gallons of cum each year, it's something else folks."
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This is like a "bad ending" type of thread but also kind of different since this focuses on mainly life changing stuff that doesn't include snuff and that sort of stuff excluding identity death. This permanent stuff could range from permanent chastity or permanent transformation. Bonus points if someone or something says that whatever is happening will be permanent.
Bonus bonus points if the transformed is distressed of their situation
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I kind of lose interest in a TF if it goes "I'll change you back later" or "not again"
>crown can't be removed
Shame there isn't much art where that is the case with them actually trying to take it off.

Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day.
Have you ever felt a craving to do anal? Like your hole needs something in it?

Previous thread >>11053499

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I like the way it clogs up my own drains if you know what i'm saying
I finally managed to have a hands free nut last week with a simple non vibrating massager, but now im feeling curious about the difference the vibration might make. Is it very different? Way better? Will probably try it either way, but a decent vibrating plug costs an arm and a leg where i live and there arent many options.
I don't really care for vibration. Size is my game, similar to many people here.
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I'm gonna be real with you anon, vibration is usually pretty mid. It just numbs your ass after a few minutes of use. I've had a lot of vibrating anal toys and just about every one of them has been a very expensive disappointment. Maybe the sole exception to this is the Lovense Edge 2 but a normal prostate massager will almost universally provide better sensations at a lower price.

I also concur with >>11073420, your sensations get a lot crazier as you go up in size, both in terms of width and in terms of depth.
For me vibration is absolutely the greatest thing in the world. It's pretty much an instant pleasure button on my prostate with my Edge two and prostate massager. Physical penetration feels amazing but I've never been able to cum from it, though I will leak like a broken faucet and enjoy the fuck out of it.

But get my little blue prostate massager and crank it to max and just pound my prostate over and over....yeah that's the best.

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Continuation from the last thread. Post men and women being turned into stuff.

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11034122
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Post anything related to Futanari and discuss any topic related to Futanari.

Male-looking Futanari allowed.
Do not post anything else than Futanari.

previous thread >>10964215
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dick lingerie is a fundamentally submissive clothing that screams "please fuck me while my cock flops around uselessly" and I love it

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Previous Thread:

No futa. Bonus points if they enjoy it.
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thats a good one, who made it? Need fat milky shrunken tiddies plz
I think InksGirls made it.
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Random idea for an SW sequence partially based on a weird dream I had the other night (apologies in advance - there's TF/devolution mixed in):

> An attractive female scientist develops a potentially world-changing new form of gene therapy.
> While working overnight in her laboratory, she accidentally exposes herself to the untested therapeutic agent.
> She begins to undergo a bizarre atavistic process where she shrinks down and de-evolves into a humanoid house cat (depicted with whatever level of anthropomorphism you're comfortable with).
> The scientist is understandably shocked, but soon goes into heat and fondles her new, much smaller body.
> Eventually, the scientist shrinks down again and de-evolves further into a humanoid lizard.
> She proceeds to crawl up to her desk, look at her further reduced body in a table mirror, and proceeds to pleasure herself to her own reflection.
> However, noticing that she's shrinking again (and starting to have trouble breathing), she quickly runs and jumps into a nearby fishbowl.
> Now fully submerged, the scientist once again shrinks down and de-evolves into a very small fish-like humanoid (about one or two inches long).
> After panicking for a bit, the scientist decides to just see how far this process will go, and joyfully swims around the fishbowl as she gradually shrinks down into a barely visible sea lice/plankton-like humanoid.
> In the end, the scientist is now a ridiculously tiny microbe-like humanoid, brimming with excitement and curiosity when she feels that she's starting to shrink/de-evolve one more time.

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