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A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

Any content is allowed, as long as the futa is bigger than the male.

Previous thread: >>11106046
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After the futanari conquered the Earth, they implemented the law of jus primae noctis ('right of the first night'), in order to increase their population. All female virgins must give their first times to one of their futa superiors, before consummating with their husbands. Futa offspring born from these couplings are raised by the mother and her husband as their eldest child.

It's a futa's job to impregnate as many women as possible, and our job, as men, to raise their children to be strong, virile futas, who will go on to impregnate many women of their own!
Any follow ups on that pic?
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need some doujinshi and games recommendations based on this scenario
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Anyone here with a mega for bingdak? Cant find anything on e-hentai
I was really hoping his CC doujin would have them find Lelouch before the end
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There is not a smaller man in this image.
You can just pretend on is a tranny and Mtf trannies are men.
Futa is NOT tranny thouhh.
So fuck off and die
New Muchin's out
Imagine having gyaru futadom in real life
Not gonna post more?
I dont have it, this is just the cover he posts to announce it
Yeah on the patreon.
Pretty alright, wish it was longer though
futa ntr is still ntr.
>souvenir for my sister
pretty hot ngl
Queer shit.
need sequel (or at least bonus page) with sister
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I would love to serve Vivi's royal futa cock and nuts~

Agree, I need to see how poor girl is handed as a surprise gift to futa's younger sister

I think I've started to anticipate muchin's sequels more than new stories
Ywn get to experience that
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Well, she DID say please.
I'd let her smash tho
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Bingdak makes great futa is bigger stuff but his English translation is a bit lacking, especially in terms of phrasing things.
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In a world where Futagomu retired we finally got a sucessor.
Does anyone have the first pages of this?
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Isn't Satsuki-chan just the best little sister ever?
New Muchin btw
anyone have the full work?
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Yeah this one was excellent, again the translation/phrasing is a bit off.
>BTW you're pregnant alreay? hilarious!
Would probably be better off as something like
>Haha! you look as if you're already pregnant!
Your mom does
Source? I got no resutls on any image search.
File name retard

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