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Cervix/Uterus pulled out
bonus points if being used for masturbation or like an onahole
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Based Alicia
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source is called deviation princess
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How extreme do you like it? Normal? Fully-inverted? Exposed ovaries? Wombkini?
Are Anal and Urethral prolapse allowed too?

>tfw Smutpirate hasn't posted anything on pixiv in a month
I hope everything's okay with him.
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My preferred is flopped out like an onahole with nothing else prolapsed.
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very nice
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New Wombkini Kino
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the hottest thing is getting your gf hooked on cumming with her womb. Don't need a big dick either if she's up to some gentle fisting-don't actually FIST her though, just open her up enough to reach her cervix and caress it as gently as possible. The idea that the average women hates having it stimulated is 90% a consequence of how bad most men are at sex
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Great, yet another reason to get depressed about being a permavirgin.
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inexperienced =/= bad
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There should be more prolapse exhibitionism doujins.
Like a girl goes to school no pan with her womb hanging out, her cervix just slightly visible beneath the hem of her dress. Or a twist on flasher coat where the girl goes out already naked, and instead of opening her coat she goes bowlegged and spreads her pussy before prolapsing.
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sauce? I can't find it anywhere
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how do we feel about hyper
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tfw born as a 3d girl, will never be turned inside out by a gang of orcs
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There's always black men. Not much of a difference.
Huh. Ya know, since this artist always draws that scar on the belly of EVERY single woman he drew, I just assumed he had a massive hard-on for histerectomies.
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Merry Crimbo.
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I've noticed them kinda taking off on Pixiv.
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Pardon the bumps, just happy to see this thread.
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I feel like I've seen an exponential increase in extreme vaginal play over the last few years. It used to feel taboo to get a peek at a cervix-these days you could make compilations of women showing them off proudly. My favorite is when you see them trying (and failing) to make it fall out, the strain making their asshole prolapse instead
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More hyper prolapse.
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toss me your best scenarios and i'll draw the ones i like

pic related is my drawing for reference
The world could always use more hyper prolapse if you're up for drawing something the size of >>11209065
Maybe a scenario where the character is obsessed with going as big as possible and has it full of giant inflatable toys or something, then a second frame showing the aftermath of taking them all back out.
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Hello anons I am back, picrel is my work
I'll join in with >>11210604 on drawing a request or two, bonus points if the idea is degenerate enough to make me regret my life choices while I draw it
Such tits are ugly imho

more Wombkini like the stuff above>>11197270
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It's not new but here's one I drew a couple threads ago. I'll see if I can hammer out a new wombkini image in the next couple days though :)
Kinda though.
This isn't a real thing is it?
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Glad to see you're back Smut. You went a while without posting so i was wondering if you were doing okay.
Also for the wombkini pic, what about a bbw character struggling to stretch her prolapses around her thicc body and hyper tits?
I was also wondering if you're still planning on continuing this sequence, as well how far you'd conceivably go by the end of it.
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Wombkini edit, if anyone wants one done too lemme know, preferably something with a simpler style like this
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Some might call this fucked up, but there's something really hot about Moms exposing their fully inverted wombs to their son in a "Look! This is where you came from!" kinda way. Especially when they're exposing it in such an obscene way as a Wombkini. Like spending her son's entire birthday party wearing nothing but her stretched uterus, proudly displaying every last inch of her womanhood in celebration of the boy it created, in an utterly mortifying fashion.
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Love Oneone1. His doujins are what got me into prolapse in the first place.
Prolapse and Exhibitionism are a great combination, her ruined womb exposed for all to see just hammers in the humiliation of her public nudity even further.
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sm quick i sketched just now to keep the thread alive
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that's good shit drawfriend, thank you.
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Anyone know why this artist draws fallopian tubes as loops? Like two pairs of tubes reconnecting at the ovaries.
It's totally different from how other artists draw inverted wombs.
It did drop out of her :D
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This pic's really hot, girls licking/sucking/chewing on their own or each other's ovaries. Any pics of girls abusing their prolapsed ovaries for pleasure would be great.
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would love to see just more of that spider girl :)
I assume those are ovarian ligaments but maybe he just lost any touch with reality
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