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females becoming more beautiful
moderate muscle gain and breast expansion welcome
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> Most are insufferable cunts
Breaking news! That's true for most modern women anyways.
Just gotta find that rare chubby homely & kind hearted woman. My cousin's plump wife is honestly a perfect example of this, she's like a cheerful elegant housewife who timetraveled here straight from the 50's or something. Am I envious of him? Yes, dammit.
>Why are women like this?
Idk, I'm a guy and still imagined myself as some tall muscular dude or some edgy anime protagonist in my daydreams.
For some reason your wording made me cringe hard. Anyways, only socially inept /r9k/ autists fall for le epic tradwife meme.
i get that you're doing your little "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" thing and it's cute or whatever, but this is a beautification thread and the word "homely" carries the literal opposite definition of "beautiful" unless you're from one of the godless commonwealth countries

Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. Long discussions are a given with threads like these. If you're gonna post some text, at least post some porn along with it.

>Question of the day
For femboy chasers, why do you prefer femboys over trans women when they're essentially the same thing outside of presentation

And for Hrt femboys, how do you present yourself? Do you wear feminine clothing like what most people think femboys wear or do you present still male but on estrogen? Or are you somewhere in-between?
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I wish there were more people like you out there
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for me, it's lactation
I can't wait till I got enough boob and can try out the lactation meds. I want someone to suck milk from me so bad. Be in need to get emptied in order to be able to function normally... Have someone put the breast pump on me, get it out while I just have to sit there, reflecting on how lewd my body has become
I feel like society would benefit generally if there was an accepted third gender, most people kinda get regular trans even if they don't like them but "I want to take female hormones as a man to become an even faggier man" confuses both normies and other trannies, non-binary just means woman with bad fashion or man with painted nails to most people.

Saying all this as someone who plans to start soon with hrtfemboy as my ideal, it does feel like I'm making a bit of a stupid decision, giving up male physical advantages and not getting the female social ones assuming I managed to casually pass. But the alternative doesn't sound enticing either.
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Genuinely curious at to why a trans girl becomes a turn off. Is it because you don't get the "I'm fucking a boy that made himself all feminine" feeling ?

Theme questions:

>What does Foreign relations look like when the slave trade might be illegal in other nations?
>How does the patriarchy coax women in? Safety? Trickery?
>What are some female dominated "careers"?
>And how is attempted escape punished?
>What is the political structure of the patriarchy vs that of it's neighbors?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

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>owners of prize-winning slaves could commission artists to paint murals of the slave
That and maybe the floats might have enslaved warrior women pulling them.
So there's a bit of a live show with fresh slaves feebly lashing lashing out/trying to escape.
While the women riding the floats show how the "end product" of how a good slave can live in luxury.

>Why not turn it into a celebration? Why not have a little fun?
Adding to that idea, any newly captured women who participated in the triumph will also be given away at the end of festivities.
Lotto of top grade women is drawn for the veterans then afterwards a nd lotto for other men as part of the slave dole.
But as an added way to humiliate these women their masters can opt to consummate her enslavement then and there.
With a public rape show as masters break in their new slaves.

Side note; I just love the whole idea of taking wild women with their fit warrior bodies and "ruining" them with pregnancy.
Have them put on weight naturally and filling out their form. Toned abs replaced with a belly full of master's growing offspring.
They might have had small tits before but now they're real milk jugs ready to feed her young.

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Wondering what a "Try before you buy" type policy or working in prostitution would look like for these women?
>Mall rats:
They might simply be mounted into a fuck both or be used in a hole in the wall type set-up.
There's not really an upfront cost for these women to be used.

For these women maybe the system is a pay at the door for timed visit to a brothel.
The stales are setup just behind the arenas/stages so you can get more "personal" time to meet a slave that caught your eye.

>The Goods
Taking it further then just self-sustaining container pods, maybe it's like the red light districts of Edo japan.
Being it's own Mini Sexpo set apart from the rest of it, Private dance rooms, Love hotel type "inns", etc.
It's a walled garden for the highest class slaves to find a master.

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Gargantuan girls with gargantuan dicks
Non-retarded OP edition

Last thread >>10842773 (You) (Cross-thread)
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Uh I did DM the artist it, but since they didn't respond, so I've replied in the original post with that!

(if you do repost, aside from crediting the artist, please credit me as JSIncagnio :D )
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>You recognized this vein.
>It almost made you burst out laughing.
>This was the marker.
>Your high score.
>The furthest you could take her.
>And now, you massaged it with both hands.
>What you were doing now was a tiny tickle compared to your blowjob this morning.
>Pushing down, you made a game of timing your kneading with her pulse.
>Pumping blood to kept her engorged, monstrous organ harder than diamond.
>The blood pressure effortlessly pushed your hands away with each beat.
>You looked up past your love's heaving, swaying breasts to her face above.
>Her gaze was wholly focused on you.
>It was hard not to shrink away, if only for a moment.
>How often does the gaze of a god fall on anyone?

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>Looking down the barrel of a gun is the closest comparison you could make to describe the view you had.
>Her orgasms, at normal size, already lasted longer than yours.
>She came more than any normal human should.
>But she wasn’t normal.
>And she was more than human.
>She was a god.
>Her first spurt was enough to fill a lake.
>The mall stood no chance.
>The first white stream slammed into the mall’s roof and continued out the back wall.
>The tsunami of cum slammed into the business park behind it, rolling over the warehouses and factories into the industrial area beyond.
>Entire blocks washed away in a second, from only her first, mighty spurt.
>The second spurt widened the path of devastation, smashing its way down the busiest avenue in the city.
>With fewer structures to slow the white wave, it picked up cars and trucks all the way to the city outskirts.
>The next one toppled a water tower, crashing into the highway.

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New Toka just hit the shelves

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Mt. Dew Commercial Edition

Previous thread:
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No AI or futa allowed, make a separate thread
Previous thread: >>10985505
Hyper muscle thread: >>10935858
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Fellow /d/eviants, where do you go when you want to read sexual stories involving your fetish?

Also, post an image exemplyfing your main fetish.
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NTA but I'm in the same boat as him. I used to read literotica but the authors there have a habit of taking premises I do like and putting stuff in them that I don't like.
NAI and writing your own smut has the big advantage that you can make EXACTLY what you want, and copious amounts of it. You don't even have to worry about it offering variety or whether other people might find it repetitive, because you're not posting most of it for other people anyway.

I have a range of premises, I'll call them that instead of prompts because I sometimes write entirely new prompts.
>CL World[dot]story
>Set in an alternate modern world where all women are chronically addicted to receiving cunnilingus. Men are treated as full-time oral sex slaves. This is broadly treated as a normal thing.
>Also has a 'spessl' variant where it's only on a spaceship

>Set in ancient rome, a widow is frequenting social gatherings to keep appearances for her estate, but a lesbian sex cult whose members exude a mind-altering aura is seducing all the women into sleeping with them and then with each other
There's a lot of stories like that on literotica, but in those, at least half of it seems to be about denying sex to men or women taking over politics or spiting men in some way. The 'lesbians' in those stories sure spend a lot of time thinking about men. I prefer it when there's none of that and it's just women succumbing to horny energy without any anger or resentment attached.

>Rich vorefags invested their money into creating a bunch of large anthro women that can swallow people alive and digest them without inflicting pain. The vorefags have all been eaten and the actual story follows the lives of a few of the anthros that eat people, either as an income source or for their own amusement.

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There is nothingbased about futafaggotry. Dudes who were into it then go on to complain about erectile dysfunction.
Just jack off to women with vaginas.
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>There is nothingbased about futafaggotry.
>Just jack off to women with vaginas.

Anyone going to tell him?


From centaur horsecock to lamia hemipenes, we got it all.
No NTR, Mpreg, or MGE girl yuri. Everything else is fair game.

Previous thread>>10902767
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tails entwining with each other is underrated
Lamias intertwining their tails with each other or mermaids looks so intimate
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Everyday, I pray

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Good old-fashioned dick and balls abuse. Please no actual castration.
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ah with that price I should just save and get the coyote
are those massage guns worth it?
>showing off she has no balls while kicking balls
I love this trope.
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Previous thread >>10959036

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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>shemale transformation

I don't have good content on hand but I like the idea of turning a straight couple (or enemies, whatever) into shemales
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Though it may be alike to assimilation, this is completely different. Anyways it's back
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More from mamabliss https://e-hentai.org/g/766232/ba18804f99/
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I'd love to see Buffpup's muscle mommy self made into a meaty rod mashed by massive milky mammaries while milk drips out of her tits-turned-testicles!
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Musashi from fgo turning into a horsecock
Then make a twitter or something, we want it all
It's the best AI slop I've ever seen anon, I need moar
I also thought there would be another page after that second one desu

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No AI content please
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Time for superior girls to flaunt their goods and inferior girls to wallow in all sorts of negative emotions!
Post comparisons between two girls or more which causes some antagonism. Be it ass, tits, height, muscle or any other sexy parts, you can even post equal comparisons and not just mogging.
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[Kamino Ryu-ya] Big cock big tits x cohabiting theatre ( Hight? x Hight)
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Small, cute boys with not so small or cute dicks.
And of course Josou Seme.

Previous thread: >>10969300
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Opinions on milk with your femboys?
Weird but I'd be neutral to it as long as they're flat and have no breasts.

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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous >>10990927
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Akane always jobs in these
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