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Boys who have had their balls, cock or foreskin cut off. Futas allowed.

Last thread: >>>10933818

Less talking more porn this time around ok? I was hoping that by combining the various fetishes that more content would be posted but I guess I was wrong.

Would it be worth making a male/female thread for partial/complete genital removal fetishes?
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No sack. Makes things stand out more.
Need something in the sack real or fake to hold the chasity cage on :3
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With two nonstretch leather straps you can secure the cage tightly without balls. Personally i keep my balls tucked in the inguinal canals leaving my scrotum is empty making it invisible with clothes on and perfect for everyday wear. On strap goes on normally attatched to the top left and right. The other goes to the base, around the leg over your tummy, around the other leg and connected the base again. Pro tip: tape the two ends of that belt together so it doesn't pinch skin.
yea, shit, good argument
But then it's a chastity belt not a chasity cage and that's way less cute >m>

Mind teaching me how to do the canal thing? Sounds like it might make for a fun test run

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Previous thread >>10987501
Chapter just released, and next chapter hints should be posted in about a week. Probably gonna be Funou.

Authors Pixiv(has all useful links there like twitter, dlsite, and fanbox): https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5773248

Also Fakku uncensored release never ever.
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his art is so good
Who's the one fucking Nami? An OC?
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goddamn he is not making it easy waiting for the funou chapter
Some Dragon Quest customize character
Since he's studying how to draw new scenes, he probably has something completely new in mind for the Funou chapter. Gonna be hype.

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Haven't seen a prolapse thread in a while, post em if you got em.

Any hole is fine, futa is fine, no AI or dudes.
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Sure, you can add me on discord if you have that, username is smutpirate. (make sure to include the period)
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Shit, i don't have Discord. What about Pixiv DMs?
Yeah that works too
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Cute and pretty boys with big pussy destroyers between their legs.
Let's all love lovely boys.
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10897055/
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I love when the penis slips out through the leg hole.
It looks so casual, and you can never tell if it's an accident or intentional. Is he unaware that his junk is hanging out of his boxers? Or did he do it on purpose to seduce you? Will you address the elephant in the room or just play dumb while struggling not to stare? So many possibilities...
Me too, Anon. I'm going to try to write an smutty vignette about that.

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Been a while, so time to revive a thread dedicated to one of my favourite fetishes: women dealing with a far greater milk output than they'd prefer. Lactation through clothes a plus, copious amounts of milk preferred but any amount is fine as long as they're visibly uncomfortable with it.
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Any pics of small titties being made to produce a volume of milk totally disproportionate to the titty size?
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closest i know of is this artist (pic related) that has a bunch of works featuring flatties being milked so much they cry with hearts in their eyes
but it's not a "disproportionate" amount, at least on an image-by-image basis. Still, since scientifically breast size and milk output aren't tightly correlated (most of big breast volume is fat, not specific milk producing fatty tissue) it's fun to imagine flatties making more milk thangirls with bazongas bigger than their heads.
>small titties being made to produce a volume of milk totally disproportionate to the titty size?
Funny enough, this happens in ASOIAF. GRRM really is a pervert.

The skinnier, the better.
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No pit hair would make it better.
Pit hair makes it better.
You ever play Mario Kart 8 and trick on the eel in the water track. I want to use a techdeck and do the same here.
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Been a while since the last.
Post displays of physical strength. Be it lifting, bending, crushing, outrunning or any other form of physical prowess.
Both female & male are fine, but preferably post petite slender girls destroying the notion of what strong should look like.
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She's got a very strange waist.
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She's remembering herself from back then.
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I want to see the olympic event of this, with all of the contestants.
yooo, big fan

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Absolutely goated artist. My only sadness is that they started drawing vore but their vore sets always let you eat for an image or two before anyone gets eaten.
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A thread for huge nipples,hyper nipples, long nipples, nipple expansion, puffy nipples and puffy areola.
Previous thread: >>10934076
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hyper nipples should also by hyper sensitive
i want to make her cum by licking them
>Nipples big and long enough to pull away clothes to somehow make them even more indecent.
The best kind of wardrobe malfunction.

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victims being assimilated into other organisms, preferably Fleshwall, tentacle...
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Brace yourself!
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A thread showcasing horny horsey in heat.
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Saw someone else do something like this and thought it looked fun.

This is Alice, and in the comments tell me what happens to her, and ill draw it.

Other artists welcome to add to this as well
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Make her a giantess.
Draw her laying in her bed, relaxed and smiling after waking up from a really good night sleep
He already did that.
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Seperate alice's body parts
I want to see her grow a second head.

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Reborn from its ashes edition.

Previous: >>10897119

Pretty much everything related to size stuff with female booties welcome, buttcrush/smothering, anal vore, and yes, farts. Non-fart complainers get shoved into the nearest male size/vore thread.

Any pics with scat must have the scat censored or link to the pic on an external site.
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She's a little to BBW for me but I'm excited to see the final product. His models have become so detailed it takes him ages to create content but it's what his supporters want so eh
>Have a dream where I'm on vacation with my family
>Because we're going out onto the water later my family decided to get some sort of body modification technology so we could go swimming in the water like mermaids
>But the body modification tech does all sorts of other stuff too if you want it too, including growth or shrinking
>It takes my bitch of an older sister all of five seconds to suggest shrinking me down and keeping me in her buttcrack for the vacation
God she's such a cunt

RIP. Hope you got some oxygen tanks before getting shrunken.
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I 100% know she would fucking fart on me too because the bitch already did it to me when I was normal sized IRL. Why are older sisters so terrible?
Probably sibling superiority

Girls get bigger breasts.

Previous thread: >>10977221
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I love big Akarin.
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Hisuian-grade boobas.
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MaoMoa as bigbig
This just looks like normal Hestia to me.

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