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231 replies and 94 images omitted. Click here to view.
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>Because Hobby story has working links on NU.
My bad....
Apparently they changed the site in the months since I last used it and the links aren't visible while logged out anymore lol

Cute and pretty boys with big pussy destroyers between their legs.
Let's all love lovely boys.
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10897055/
42 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
This is such a great idea.
you may think otherwise, but this IS the mindset of a classical hero.
If you suddenly met an impossibly adorable and hung femboy IRL, how would you react? Would you want a relationship with him instantly? (I would)
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Envy, which I would immediately clarify. Then the immediate desire to make sure none of my future partners ever find out about him, which I would tell him.
But stay friends with him (while repeatedly telling him not to tell me about his sexual escapades)
Point is I wouldn't handle the encounter well and I can only hope he's a reasonable person and not someone I'll end up decking in the schnoz
Instantly. On the spot. Hard as we can. With whatever holes fit.

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All Editors Welcome!
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Request in moderation
- Do not request edits of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404's anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Avoid posting extra references as separate posts. These also eat up the post count, so try linking them instead.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third" etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the artists! Remember, they do these for fun.
- Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- Remember to use the Anchor for deliveries!
- If you would like to make the new color/edit thread, please be sure to wait until at least page 10 so that our awesome Booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this!

Pictures of past threads are up at the /d/ booru.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
138 replies and 111 images omitted. Click here to view.
Requesting color and decensor on the last picture
Can't post because it's too big
I Don know what character is this so for reference just go with
Pale skin
Pink nipples
Dark purple hair
Purple eyes
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Requesting a decensor and some cum at the tip.
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Thank you anon
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Requesting the belly button to be changed to a deep innie.

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Last thread >>10824009
Post big people fucking or otherwise being intimate
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Want to write FE:A Robin x Cordelia couple growth, blanking on content, any thoughts?
Scenarios where a queen or other female grows to easily destroy an enemy army and/or fortress are always hot. Why not have them grow with magic to do that and involve the enemies soldiers and their castle in the lovemaking? Shoving them in places, feeding each other, using a castle's turret as a sex toy, etc.
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Dicklets and dicklets accessories.
Girls making fun of small, pathetic shrimp dicks that are quick-shots and/or may not get hard at all.

Last thread >>10912355
Share your size and tell us about your life.
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i don't give a shit about the race baiting but can you please not defile my sacred micropeen thread with your shitty ai art
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[spoiler]I feel like this has potential for a BPH edit[/spoiler]
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It's not a meme. I found it relatively easy to get to 1 to 3 minutes, which is what some definitions go by. If you want to go further then that is when it can get hard. Every so often there are hard walls that will stop any progression so if you're not willing to compromise it will never happen.
You'll learn a lot about your body and you might even surprise yourself. I started for fun and periodically tried different experiments, I was lazy about it and frequently undid my progress. I used to be able to go for hours so I think anyone can become one, but it's really easy to get back to your baseline. All it requires is falling into your old habits.
Here's a few ideas that I think are important: Timing yourself, setting a time limit and reducing it whenever you're successful, reducing physical stimulation over time, reducing/removing visual stimulation over time, attempting every other day (no more or less frequent), don't break the training otherwise it will set you back quite a bit.
I discovered this guide a while later but I didn't follow it closely, it's probably the best one I've seen.
That is not AI art retard. But I will now spam actual AI art because you deserve it asshole.

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Post petrification/Freeze and anything else ASFR
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Previous Thread: >>10932276
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Old Thread >>10904261
Elf Halflings soon.
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but they both clearly seemed to want one
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I need an AV and Tansho/mara. chapter. Kawakami limiting the futa on futa to Funou and Umanami is a mistake.
When is the next chapter?
Another 6 months since every chapter release is getting longer than the last because he keeps adding more and more pages, while also constantly changing pages mid drawing. Remember he redrew the hotsprings double page spread fully, like 11 times.
Prease understando.

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holy fuck sauce he's perfect

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old thread:
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Been a while since the last.
Post displays of physical strength. Be it lifting, bending, crushing, outrunning or any other form of physical prowess.
Both female & male are fine, but preferably post petite slender girls destroying the notion of what strong should look like.
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There's not a whole lot of Scathach super strength art, but I always wanted to see her catch a flying semi truck with one hand, before folding it into a giant spear to kick back towards a giant monster that threw it at the first place.
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I'm not sure it's wise to put entirely different tiers of equipment into the same room. Just takes one careless mistake, and suddenly your expensive stellar mass dumbbell is a pretzel and you have to order a fresh new batch of unobtainium to remake it.

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Every vagina will be harmed and sacrificed in this thread.
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This is not FTM, it is just mental illness.
I mean, the new Pokemon GO avatars are kinda ugly, but idk if I'd describe Niantic as having a mental illness because their design team did a bad job
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I wonder if FTM'd Galahad in Rosen Garten Saga gonna fuck with a women, because that's almost every male characters do in this manga.
Any chance you can just have a side upload of the new stuff?
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No shot I'm putting together and testing 2x the mega links just to spare a niche of a niche 800mb of bandwidth lol. I already separate the new adds out for folks, there's gotta be a limit.

Would just make it more of a TL;DR for anyone newly checking it out too... and given the main intent's to keep things in circulation long term, giving folks a smaller set to just skim over and trash when they're done would kinda go against the point too. More hard drives it's festering in the better.

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>day 3 of searching tentacle in catalog
>nothing found
Unless there was a change in board rules and this doesnt belong here anymore, im starting a thread for tentacles and other slimy things that get me hard
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I like that it's already in her ears, before it's actually started raping her or she's come to. Gonna be in for such a surprise when she wakes up!
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Old thread >>10911800
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Not really: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/35/bf/ab/35bfabd5ff0cb19459374a1914b3ac78.jpg
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Wholesome Monster Girl Hentai with a Monoeye Maid

Mikai no Chi de Hirotta Nazo Gengo Tangan-chan o Maid to Shite Yatotte Icha Love suru Hon
Does anyone recall a hentai OVA that had a boy fucking a harpy in his bedroom? I remember her having red feathers maybe.
Based Owl appreciator. I need to find time to draw owl girls, I have some ideas
>Lesser Horned Owl being titmogged by Great Horned Owl, then both being mogged by Eurasian Eagle Owl
>Thicc Snowy Owl
>Barn Owl autistic screeching
>Great Grey Owl pads her chest
>Long Eared Owl dresses like GHO and EEO, gets bullied by them
>Tomboy Burrowing Owl
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Post women that are too fat to walk or at least near that to as big as you can imagine.

Just as long as they are bigger than a SSBBW.
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Kind of wish Niah Lockwood was drawn more often, she has got a decent design for an OC.

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