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Post the more aesthetic form of futanari. For those of us who dislike full-package and any onerous tranny adjacency in our futa.
No shemales even if they don't have balls.
Feminine futas only.
Male on Futa ok. Male on Futa on Female even better.
No Futa on Male.
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Wrong thread there man
Nice. Does anyone else here separate their futa folder by balls and no balls?
It's a pity so many great artists draw balls, I have to imagine them away.
I've noticed a trend. More often if a girl has giant tits the artist tends to drawn them with balls whereas teens with small breasts and lolis get drawn balless a bit more often.
Most of my great balless futa pics are loli.
Temp futa (the best kind) is more often balless as well.
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Title of the thread, dumbass.
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Oda should let Nami are futa futa no mi
futa pre-dates the tranny phenomena
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lmao, even

but no
yes it does retard, they found statues and graffitis of primitive people depicting futas
>statues and graffitis of primitive people depicting futas

genuinely fucking retarded, aren't you?
Futa is an entirely fictional concept, like breeding tentacles.
Yep balls just get in the way. They just look nice and lithe like this. Temporary futa is of course the peak. Expecially when another girl forces her to grow one and power bottoms her.
You have another thread, leave us to our tastes. Don't be some wierdo who is mad at people liking other variants of the same fetish.
by the letter of the law you are correct, but in its essence, at the end of the day a girl with a dick is a girl with a dick, all else surrounding it is just cope.
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Trannies aren’t girls and don’t have vaginas, so the concepts are distinct
Exhibit A: cope
I personally prefer it to be temporary and for it to be buried unseen in another girl while I'm fucking them. When there isn't another pussy around for that girl to plow, I prefer her to de-futa.
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ya know what, fair enough. There's no accounting for taste
this is not futa you idiota
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Futabu is legendary but is seldom gets posted because the blonde loli is the most popular character. Loli futa is done ball-less much more often than if the girl is an adult with big tits it appears.
Full-package is conflated with shemale far too often so I prefer to ditch the balls entirely and leave no doubt. Ball-less leaves open the internal testicles option as well as semen transfer shenanigans. More feminine and much hotter than masculine outer balls.
Full-package is more western tier than ball-less I find. /aco/ has a "Girly futa" thread up right now and all but one of the pics are all shemale. Really tired of shemale niggers co-opting the term futanari.
I hold bosshi in high regard
Gekka Kaguya for me
too bad hes drawing futa balls now
his futa girlfriend series has even yet to show a pussy
Bosshi is like MGT powecreep but with futa cock & balls. I am fine with large cocks but not humongous :(
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Meanwhile canon version
Yes it is
Such dumbass I see?
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>the blonde loli is the most popular character
I prefer these two or >>11181174 (her scene with the onsen owner in the Futabu!! anime is my favorite of the series)

Pic unrelated.
futaring is based
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Futa is just nipnop for hermaphrodite retard kun.
The greeks even had a hermaphrodite god/goddess.
It's a very long, very rare, genetic quirk.
Yes infact; herm/futa predates tranvestites.
Now stop poisoning the fetish
Much older like Yamato reference>>11181870
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Ballniggers are such fucking homos jesus christ. How can you not prefer this?
A nice feminine penis leading gently into the womanly pussy. No [SACK] blocking the view.
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I would love to get cucked by a little futa but then dick them both in return.
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>Raidy series has tons of hot chicks and monstergirls
>Mariel is the only canon futa

Would have been nice to have more futanari
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Ah, someone know their lore
Kentaro Miura would do that for Duranki
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Another canon is Heinkel Wolfe from Hellsing
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It's just that 90s eroge rarely featured futanari, and those that did only had a token futa, like Mariel. Props to the handful that featured a futa MC.

I didn't know about these two. It's gutsy of the authors to feature this kind of character in non-porn works.
Kaine in neir...drakenguard?
Is an actual futa as well.
For video game series.
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Futa Piece is real!
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Saber (Fate/Night)
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There is a non trivial amount of Christinas in anime who are refered to by "Chris". Kek you don't need to think about that goober.
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the amount of hoops trannys jump to try and catch heterosexual people into thinking they want mutilated physically and mentally ill trannies is impressive.
no thanks i don't imagine 5 o'clock dudes with tits are my thing, i imagine women growing penises so they can fuck and cum like men.
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>They love me! Oh, they really love me!

Delusional trooner cope
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I imagine that in a perfect world, that selfish notion that people MUST LOVE TRANS PEOPLE because *futanari all the time was a secret code for transpeople coming from japan because there were male geishas and the martial fraternity tradition from spartans permitted them to love others fucking them in the ass or something like that showing the world of manly man was in fact just gay shit all along* it wouldn't be necessary to be snarky about because it would be commonplace instead of obscure heterosexual fantasy to see women enjoying male pleasure with male organs.

but no, these faggots keep thinking their mutilated bodies and ugly mugs are the real object of love from males.
Futa been around long time.
The Venn diagram between novelty sexualities and narcissistic personality disorder is a perfect circle.
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this reminds me when they told that Sadako from The Ring was a futanari who offed herself.
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On the topic of history, given the are legends about (ex. Hermaphroditus) and goddess that are hermaphrodites. I wonder if there was a culture that valued people born as hermaphrodites, maybe even worshiped or something.
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I misread Mariel as mabel pines lol
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That part is scary…
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The classic
>balls Futa on ball-lesss Futa
I'll permit it
I wish the dick was angled up into her belly, as it is it looks like it is sleeved inside the other dick
[spoiler]thats probably someone's fetish: a vagina that as two holes: 1 into the belly and 1 into the futa dick. Ew lol
Why the fuck has futa with balls become so popular in recent years? I don't get it.
Trannies obviously
Autism in my case. Biology, etc.

Also, the only reason I enjoy futa at all is because I'm into BDSM in a big way and find the idea of having a whole new vector to bully a girl through inherently appealing. Balls are incredibly vulnerable, both physically and as something to shame and/or control her via. I don't find them appealing to look at for their own sake, but there's something to be said for tying a thin rope around their base and using them as a leash anchor.
Full-package has a plethora of things that unappeal to me:
-The notion that I wouldn't be able to perform cunnilingus on her without some fuckin nads on my face is a deal breaker.
-Testicles are the MALE vulnerability point. I even have a ball sucking fetish but only for it being done to me, the male
-The testicles being internal is such an inherently feminine concept for me; it produces the same thoughts in me as me imagining the girls ovaries or her eggs accepting my sperm.
-For me futas are not a preferred replacement for the male. I prefer them as an object being fucked and having their dick shoved into another girl, shuddering under the x2 pleasure.
-I also really like anon's sperm passthrough idea too. Balls actually do not produce seminal fluid; they produce testosterone and the spermatozoids. The former is very unappealing and the latter is more appealing if it is the male that must provide them. For what purpose should a futa have both a penis and a vagina? Futas being the conduit for breeding inbetween a man and a woman is really hot. Failing this I will accept internal testicles though.
-The fact that M>Fu>F is not the most popular and common form of futa just proves to me that this fetish is ruled by A. trannies B. "yuri-enhanced" people C. misandrists. I actually like yuri well enough, it's cute girls doing sexy shit, but it's always better when done in the presence of a man. One I can self insert into. I get the impression that most full-package futafags either A. can't imagine themselves present in the scene participating B. want to BE a girl with a dick and balls. C. are in some part bisexual. D. are women
-Above any of this: balls are just fucking ugly and masculine
Valid points one and all. They just don't really tend to come up in my case. In the context of lifestyle slavery, for example, oral service is something slaves provide to owners, not vice versa. I have no interest in providing that even to non-futa girls. Balls being ugly and masculine is a good object of controlling shame that a girl would be so improper as to have something so masculine, so I'd keep them locked away and she'd be expected to express gratitude for it, and punishment if she so much as insinuated she's anything but a regular girl. We are in 100% agreement though that futa are not male replacements so much as sexual objects that exist to be used, however unbearable the pleasure or pain of that may be.
Maybe. But I see people into futa with balls bitch about trannies trying to co-op the futa fetish all the time and every time I see it, all I can think of is "This is your fault. Trannies wouldn't be able to easily co-op futanari if futa fans kept the futas ballless".
This. My thoughts exactly. Heres a cap
Fucking kek >>11200205
To each their own
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Can she offer me?
Time has make stuff
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a potion to make it look huge? yeah
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nothing like science to make futas grow healthier, cum more, be girthier than any other
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grow bigger and stronger, pleasure out of the charts, you deserve a big dick
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become the goddess you wanna be the way you want whenever you want
Wouldn't the dick just flop around as there isn't anything holding it?
Kinda like how pornstars have their ligament cut to let it fall out for an extra inch.
Please tell me you are joking/lying about that.
He's not.

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