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Boys getting fucked by aliens/insects/monsters or tentacles.
Femboys/Traps prefered but anything goes.
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adventurer couples need to be captured by monster couples and fucked side by side
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it's a shame it's so difficult to find good art of it.
does anyone have the femboy being restrained by a plant thing? been looking for the image for years, I remember it had a tentacle around his neck and i think was sounding him. he had dark skin. it was sort of a simple art style
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More like this please.
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How this hasn't been translated yet it beyond me
I like it when kaimas rape girls and I like them even more when they rape boys. Both sexes should be united in mutual liquid nirvana while drowning in tentacle cock.
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More equal opportunity monster and tentacle rape should exist1
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Heh, I'm playing P3 now. God I want to fuck Ken so badly.
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hell yeah boygnant femboys
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Do you mean this?
oh no i would hate to be wrapped up and violated by tentacles
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Pg10 bump
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Does the artist draw a lot of pics like these?

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