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Absolutely Stuffed edition
Last thread >>11100131
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>tfw no utterly cumbrained femboy bf who convinces you to start routinely eating/drinking his ballbatter to see if it'll turn you into another hung femboy
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imagine the non-stop plapping sessions
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>Outbreak of Sexually-Transmitted Male-pattern Hypersexuality Disorder, also known as "Femboy Syndrome".
>Be immune but still have to be quarantined.
>Watch as BF goes from being a painfully average guy to being an utterly cum-brained femboy. Wide hips, slim chest, smooth skin. Hair is long and glossy. His eyelashes give him a permanent fuck-me face.
>His dick and balls have become somthing you really do have to see to believe. "Enormous" is a good descriptor, along with "monstrously huge" and "obscene", but those don't really come close to expressing how ridiculous they are.
>A better way of expressing it is the knowledge that your bf's cock and balls are now ~60-70% of his mass. He's literally more bait and tackle than man.
>And OH BOY does it show.
>He's completely helpless against the biblical flood of hormones coming from his gonads, and even with his higher blood pressure his dick steals enough blood to knock him on his (fucking glorious) ass.
>Horny is now a permanent fixture; waxing and waning in intensity but never going away completely.
>What used to be peak arousal for him --snuggly and cuddly and and teasing-- is now the least aroused he can possibly get.
>At his new peak, your bf is literally too horny to function. He becomes an insensate, non-verbal mess; skinny arms wrapped around his overgrown dick, legs squeezing those fat balls, clumsily trying to find relief.
>He prefers you bending him over and abusing his prostate until he cums his brains out but, in recognition to the fact that you're not a hypersexual beast and there's a limit to how much you can pound his ass, he's agreed to alternative forms of sexual relief.
>Your apartment now has more ridiculous sexual paraphernalia than you'd ever imagined owning; breeding mounts, vibrators, dildoes, sounding wands you could play baseball with and condoms that you're sure come from some weather baloon factory.
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>And it's not like you can just point your boi to the breeding mount and let him sort himself out.
>Again: too horny to brain good.
>Sometimes too horny to brain, *period*.
>For one, getting those condoms on and off is a whole fucking thing, and you know better than to trust that task to your boi's skinny girl arms and hormone-drunk brain.
>For another, he sometimes actually gets too fucking horny to get himself off.
>You didn't think that was possible, but yes, *really*. The sight of your boyfriend whining and begging his dick to cum while completely failing to operate a vibrator is... something.
>Sometimes, though, your boyfriend is just being a *needy fucking brat* and wants more attention than what he can give himself.
>And he'll just beg for it untill you cave.
>Which you always do, because he's cute and hot and god-fucking-damnit how are you supposed to say no?
>It's honestly incredibly exhausting sometimes.
>Your bf always makes it up to you. He's always been the sort who insists on repaying percieved favours (some of which you're pretty sure he just makes up for the opportunity to do something nice for you). That part of him hasn't changed
>What did was his methods.
>He wasn't especially physically affectionate before the change (unless he was In The Mood).
>Now though? Good *fucking* lord.
>You're pretty sure you've gotten more kisses from him in a week than most people get in a month.
>And the cuddling. Holy *shit* the cuddling. Cuddles for days. Snuggles for *weeks*. And he's just so fucking smooth and warm and soft; a creature meant to be held, meant to sit his fat ass on your lap, meant to press against you under the sheets cozy up on the sofa. Maximum skin contact. He even smells nice.
>Also, sex.
>Holy *shit*.
>Having someone who is never not In The Mood (and who's ass is a fucking cheat code to put *you* In The Mood) has been an *experience*. That he's been wearing a shirt at most does not help.
Now I want to be a brave survivor in the hyper femboy apocalypse, struggling not to be corrupted or converted by a horde of anime femboys ready to use me as their personal onahole...
Also, imagine
>using his pulsing, giant monstercock as a body pillow, feeling its warmth under your fingers, making out with the tip each night as it overflows with pent-up sperm that leaks into the pre, and making it erupt a thick layer of his cock milk that remains hot and wet to keep you both warm like a gooey white blanket
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>You'd think that after fucking your boyfriend hard enough to count as a full-body workout for you, the last thing you'd want as a reward would be more sex.
>You'd *think*.
>But then your hyper-dicked femboy --fresh from an orgasm you're pretty sure would've fried your whole nervous system-- drags your exausted self over to the couch or the bed.
>Sometimes he lies down on top of you. Sometimes he straddles you. Sometimes he kneels down besides you.
>But then he leans close, and he whispers into your ear.
>He gushes with praise. With affection. With desire.
>He needs you, but more importantly, he *wants* you. *You*.
>You are wonderful. You are *herculean*. You are amazing.
>He grins, eyes alight.
"And now... My turn, Anon~."

>Sex with your boyfriend in this state is akin to something from myth; almost as if the combination of post-nut clarity and afterglow turned him into a primordial fertility god.
>It's hard to predict exactly what he'll do. He might give you a handjob. He might ride your dick. He might deepthroat you.
>Or he might decide to awaken fetishes you didn't even know you had.
>Ofen he starts at one end of the scale and then changes his mind half-way. One moment he's polishing your dick, the next he's sounding himself with it. You'll be making out with him one second and nursing from his cock the next.
>The one constant to all of it is that whatever he decides to do is hot as all hell.

That's it for now. Might write more later.
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DARN this one is solid
As a (former) femboy with an 8"+ cock, these threads make me very nostalgic.

Still have the cock but am now just a slim guy with a good jaw.
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Tell us more about your femboy phase, anon.
Cons were fun. I convincingly passed as female characters with prosthetics and foundation, and since I'm autistic enough to be posting on /d/, it basically lit up my AGP and had me at full mast for hours under the skirt.

Ironically, my large penis stopped me from transitioning; felt like throwing away a gift. So I just embraced being a hung guy and "accidentally" bumped into other guys who looked interested.
>other guys
I should elaborate here; I did figure out that I was straight, which ended up being a huge plus because it turned out that girls who were into anime and Yaoi were pretty stoked to find 8+" attached to a boy who looked like a pretty girl.

Sorry for the blogpost but you asked. I don't have much art on this machine.
Saucenao is your friend
Thanks for sharing I never had much girl contact through conventions, mostly asking for photos or something.
ooh, my bad, i keep forgetting those sometimes DO work, thanks anon
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I need help. My catboy keeps 'borrowing' my onaholes, stretches them out and doesn't even clean them afterward!
What do i do? He also ignores all of his toys.
use him as a condom
C'mon anon, you know this one. If he makes your toys unavailable, that means he's offering himself up as their replacement. Duh.
Unironically stop wasting time with us retards and get a wife.
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Seriously, anon. You have a gift, don't waste it.
Thanks, guys, but I'm really autistic and it's kinda hard to casually let women know that you're hung like a horse.
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To the 8+ inch anon, don't stop being gay!
You might have experienced twink death but there are many femboys out there dreaming of having their own big dicked older top! Don't let them down!
Hes not real you guys but nothing is stopping you from riding your toys to the fantasy
I mean being hung is just a plus. that's not why you marry someone. (assuming this isn't a larp)
I think we all suspected as much from the getgo.
It has all the classic tell-tale signs of a LARP (anon presenting himself as the Adonis-Pryapus unicorn all fags desire, saying he has experienced twink death and especially that he has become a breeders making gays jealous).
To 8+" post-femboy anon, I also used to be a femboy with an ~8 incher. I was always built really thin, weak and small and always seen as a girl 5 years younger than I was. That all just jumped up as puberty ran through me in less than a year, now im also more muscled, tall and got a great beard, but still got the beautiful long blond hair and a butt bigger than girls I know. Keep being awesome bro and be proud of yourself.
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Hey gays I am girly 5'3 with a 9" phat conk, you think I could make it??

less larping more images!
Hung bridget...
This is nice.
Hung femboys getting teased by tall busty women is great.
Why do God give his biggest cocks...
...to his cutest soldiers.
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Smug about it too.
You would think that with Astolfo, Bridget and Venti being so popular there would be more hung femboy stories, but no, there barely are any out there
Not sure where I should post this,
But I'm looking for a FemBoy Hentai where they attend an All Boys Academy which is actually a training ground to turn them into cock loving, femboy sluts..

I know it's common with trope girls academy, but I swear there is a femboy version as well
6 hours of hotdogging Testament's plump ass... Heaven or Hell? I honestly can't tell which it is...
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>page 10
please bros
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Femboys should always have meat hammers when they decide to top.
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And they should also always pump out enough penis milk to fill a fishbowl
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Based writing anon...
There should be a second stage where once the boy either A. have had the Femboy Syndrome long enough, probably for years, or B. managed to somehow achieve self-control, clarity, and sanity, and start to think they've overcome their cumbrained condition, they instead develop further into tall ambushes with still-overly-fat asses, whose dicks are only slightly bigger but with balls that now violate reality twice as hard to make them insane walking flooding hazards now that they have the strength and size to jerk themselves off easier
It's a damn shame
I found these that scratched the itch a little for Stolfy and Venti at least:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29511219 (y/n self insert fic with minor grammar issues)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29194422 (takes place in a setting where Traveler is a public bicycle femboy whore)
One will apologize for cumflating you stupid while moaning about how it feels too good to stop and the other will demand you take it all and get pregnant
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>Astolfo politely asks if you're fine with him rubbing his dick against your ass while cuddling you from behind
How do you respond?
Watching a man other than yourself have sex? Gayyyyyy
There's this fic that contains one https://archiveofourown.org/works/30328599?view_adult=true (Jeanne is infatuated with Astolfo but has trouble understanding her emotions and makes them known to the paladin)
I will say it's not like the stories >>11186997 has shared. It's mainly about Jeanne, there's a slow burn to it, and the mention of Astolfo being hung is brought up way later in the story, so it's not as indulgent and in your face.
>Darling! If you're horny you just have to speak up!
I would then give him a handie while stuffing a dildo up his cute little butthole.
Ummm no? Are you insecure?
Besides I'm hung myself so I self-insert.
>thread about huge dicks
What are you gay?
clearly going to end with the brother impregnating the sister
>"Deliver Me From Sin"
>My mind thinks "Oh, another Astolfo is a callous and heinous sex fiend story"
>Begin reading story
>It's actually the complete opposite of what I had expected
>I feel happiness after finishing it
Very surprising considering it was published about a month after Kotomitako ushered in the Hungstolfo Era. Astolfo being tender with a girl is a rarity these days.
>want to be the hung femboy plowing a girl like no one has done before.

>Want to be the girl being DP by an absolutely monstrous femboy

What does it mean
you have good taste
>short and cute femboy confesses to his highschool crush
>it's the super tall, amazonian delinquent gang leader with a hotheaded personality who is part of the school boxing team
>due to her strength and personality most people in the school fear her, even the teachers
>stunned the delinquent doesn't know how to answer, "her, being asked out for a date of all things, by someone who thinks she's beautiful? And it's the cute, small boy from her class?" She thinks to herself, thinking she had burned all those potential bridges due to her explosive personality
>after the couple of minutes she tries to answer but can't get the words out, which annoys her and makes herself punch a wall in frustration
>the boy being scared thinks he angered her runs away
>the delinquent yells after him being sorry but the boy doesn't hear it
>frustrated and angry at herself for ruining another relationship for herself the delinquent goes to the gym and decides to workout the frustrations away

>the boy back at home is going through his older brother's stuff because he remembers his brother had bought some workout supplements
>"Maybe I'm not manly enough for her? I'll show her, I can be manly!" He thinks to himself
>he finds the pills and eats 2 pills since he can't find the instructions
>after waiting for the pills effect him, he goes a run
>next morning the boy feels great and invigorated and takes 3 pills this time
>during class he is feeling more flushed and horny than usual and goes to the bathroom to masturbate
>as he jacks off into the toilet, he fills it up entirely
>despite this, in his horny deliriousness he takes 4 pills which re energize him
>when the classes are over the boy decides to head for the gym to workout
>once at the locker rooms the boy feels extremely aroused again
>he takes off his pants and finally sees that his dick and balls have grown abnormally large, at least 2ft long
>the boy is mortified as to what is happening and why, but those thoughts instantly pause as his balls churn and grow from volleyballs to size of basketballs
>his cock follows suit and flexes and grows another 12 inches
>only thing occupying his mind is cumming and jacking off

>the delinquent is working out at the gym like usual
>still angry at herself for fucking up and scaring the boy away
>after setting down her weights she sighs
>"Maybe I should go find him and apologize for scaring him..." she thinks "I can ask from my friends as to where he lives and visit him."
>as the delinquent goes to walk back to the locker rooms she can hear all the moaning and squelching noises
>when she turns the corner the sounds are getting louder
>she finally recognizes the voice as the boy who confessed to her
>execited at a second chance she opens the boy's locker room and barges in
>only for the noises and thick smell of semen that is coating the floor, walls and even ceiling, hit her like a sack of bricks
>she sees her suitor hurridly jacking off while sitting on a bench
>she watches in a mixture of horror and arousal as the cute, small boy she had a small crush on is now rutting beast
>the boy finally notices her
>despite his deliriousness he can still recognize her and at that moment his movements stop and he is frozen in fear
>"I... uh... c-can you h-help...?" the boy tries talkin
>only for his balls have other ideas as they audibly groan and churn as they grow from the size basketballs to size of excersize balls
>another thick shot surges out as his cock extends from 3ft to 4ft long
>the boy's eyes roll back in his head and grits his teeth as he is about to unload the biggest load in his life yet before his very own crush
>the delinquent comes up to him and kisses the boy and hugs him
>finally sending him over the edge and unloading his biblical flood
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Secunduspublius on twitter.
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>Jannu - and by proxy Leticia - gets to see Astolfo's monster cock in the Apoc anime
>Same deal with the manga adaptation but she also gets to touch and hold his penis, albeit forced by Astolfo because he thinks she's shy about touching his humongous lance
>Both probably had wet dreams of sucking off Astolfo, getting both holes plowed and filled to the brim with his seed, giving him titjobs, etc.
>The dreams most likely ended with the two blondes cuddling with him and hearing Astolfo say sweet things to them before kissing them
>Leticia did get one big hug from Astolfo before parting ways with him after the Great Holy Grail War was done and over with
>The paladin was most likely erect and Leticia could feel his monster grazing her legs
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> Three women take interest in a cute boy with a rather tasty looking package
> One by one they tried to seduce him and each failed
> They were frustrated, but unwilling to take let that cock get away
> When he's alone they strike
> They surround him, their larger bodies like a wall of meat
> Start to grope him, fondling his bulge
> His attempts to call for help are silenced by plump lips enveloping his
> Completely powerless, he has no choice but to give up
> His pants were torn off as quickly as the women could do so
> The fat, flaccid cock hung nearly to his knees and his balls were so big and heavy they nearly reached the tip
> It stunned them for a moment, long enough for him to insist he wasn't interested in women
> That much was evident by how soft his cock felt
> Yet it was so wasteful for such a delicious cock to be enjoyed by women
> As they sucked and stroked his wet noodle of a cock, they realised just how gay this boy was
> Even swallowing half his length hadn't made it so much as twitch
> Seems they'd have to give him what he wants
> A pair of hands clenched his cheeks allowing a wet tongue to violate his boy hole
> He let out a pathetic yelp
> His ass was his weakness
> At the instant the tongue penetrated his anus, his cock swelled
> It was slow at first, her tongue lacked depth
> She pulled her mouth from his bussy and thrust her fingers inside
> He moaned, cock springing into a full erection that had already begun to weep precum
> To say he was hung like a horse was no exaggeration
> The other two women marvelled at his length, wrestling as they fought to have their way with it
> Now hard, their stroking hands and sucking lips were difficult not to enjoy
> They practically worshipped the thing, faces becoming smeared with makeup as his spit drenched cock rubbed against them
> Between the two gagging on his cock and the one searching for his prostate, he felt he could cum at any second
> However, they were only just getting started
> It was decided that the one who made him hard would take him first
> The women undressed, the allure of their soft, curvaceous bodies was lost on him
> It had been decided that, because of his immense length, one of the women would have to be a buffer
> And so the woman he would fuck was bent over with her friend, the buffer, behind
> The third woman stood behind him, gripping tightly the base of his cock to maintain his erection
> Her job was to thrust - he had been reduced to a strapon
> She forced him closer, his cock slipping between thighs, along the dripping pussy, into her hands which guided it to its ultimate goal
> His tip met something soft and wet
> Slowly it was forced inside, the tight hole squeezing with the panting breaths of the woman
> Then the woman thrust him quickly, clapping him against the fat ass of the buffer woman and making the one he penetrated yelp
> A chuckle and faux apology came from the woman behind him
> Despite the buffer, his cock had reached the depths of the woman, kissing her uterus
> Lips gripped his cock as he was slowly drawn out before being shoved back in
> As much as he hated it, her pussy did feel good
> Unfortunately he was distracted by their warm, soft bodies enveloping him and the aroma of their sweat and wet pussies
> That didn't matter to them
> The longer it took him to cum, the more fun they could have
> That fun took the form of clapping cheeks, over and over, faster and faster
> Several minutes went by, his thighs and ass were numb
> Finally he felt the writhing climax of the woman he was made to fuck
> Unfortunately, it wasn't over
> As soon as the woman was done enjoying him, they ended up on the floor with the buffer woman still atop him
> She was crushing him with her fat ass and using her thighs to squeeze his cock and maintain his erection
> She has spun around so her feet pressed against his face, just to humiliate him further
> It was the woman who had been thrusting him who took him next
> She clearly preferred an active role
> Carefully she lowered herself down his length and worked into a rhythm
> Each clap was especially loud as fat ass met equally fat thigh, the combined weight of the top and buffer women in that instance feeling like it shatter his pelvis
> He could just make out her bouncing tits through the space between the feet that smothered him
> It hadn't occurred to him until now that he may not survive
> The woman who had already climaxed just watched, whispering something sensual into deaf ears
> All his effort was focused on breathing, the air humid as it passed through sweaty feet
> Having no sense of time, he was surprised when it ended
> There was as little ceremony to the climax as there had been to the initiation
> After all, it wasn't over yet
> The buffer woman, becoming sick of the title, decided she wouldn't use a buffer
> Evidently, the true size queen among them
> She took him anally
> A bulge formed along her abdomen as she gradually took his entire length
> She had a wild expression, like this had been the only thing she ever truly desired
> She rocked her hips back and forth, making his rod stir her insides
> Compared to being smothered by multiple women, just one was almost enjoyable
> She rode him long and hard, tuning her movements until he started to pant like a dog
> She grinned, she was going to make him cum
> Kneading her hand into her navel, she stimulate the tip if his cock
> It was pulsing, throbbing
> A woman was going to make him cum
> His balls clenched as it erupted inside her
> She enjoyed the pounding in her gut like a pregnant woman feeling her child's kicks
> This made her orgasm
> Clenching, almost in sync with his, as her eyes rolled back and she let out a wavering sigh
> She remained there a moment longer, waiting until he'd soften completely
> Not a single drop was spilled as she dismounted
> This was her reward alone
> But the other girls would get theirs soon enough
> They had decided to keep him
I shudder to think what sorta commands Astolfo would make with those [regenerating] command spells on his nuts
now this is the perfect size a femboy should be for me. Huge but not retardedly gigantic.
This very good.
Hung femboys getting bullied/teased women bigger than them is peak.
Even better if they use some dubious drugs to enhance his size and cum production to turn him into their personal cum pump.
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Thanks. I just wanted to write a story to justify the scene of three women being required to make him fuck. Initially it was going to be him being too weak to fuck at full force so one of the women had to thrust him from behind, but I figured why not take it further
Getting drugged would work too
> Reasonably hung femboy gets seduced by women
> He fucks them
> Weak
> They give him virility drugs their they give to other guys they fuck to make their cocks as big as his is naturally
> Don't mediate the dosage for his smaller body
> Cock and balls well immensely
> Side-effect: He's barely conscious
> Not letting it go to waste (plus he already technically consented) they use him like a puppet
> Cock way too big so they have to use one of them as a buffer
> He cums so much, yet stays hard
> Seems dangerous, oh well
> Keep fucking and sucking until his heart stops
> Erection gone too
> Guess now they can take him to the hospital
> Wouldn't want such a big cock going to waste
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Is good, though the best part would be having him barely be conscious and he gets mindbroken by the pleasure due to the women playing with him and fucking him and due to the drugs increasing his sensitivity.
Have the final mindbreak moment happen as one of the women has his cock hilted balls deep inside of herself and she whispers lewd things in his ear which makes him go over the edge.
Whoever's translating these, I thank you
Does a real deal cock ring actually make you last crazy long? I've fucked with those soft stretchy ones and they're fun but haven't done anything insane. May consider it since I'm a sucker for being edged
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it's a good excuse to read more and practice typesetting, i enjoy it
i'm happy to try requests provided the text isn't too hard to smooth over and it isn't extraordinarily long
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Has the artist drawn these two fucking yet?
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>dick the size of his thigh
>no bulge
maybe she's bigger on the inside
TL: "Sorry for fucking your mom"
I need a hung boi wife
When can I use «пpocти» instead of «извини»? I'm learning Russian and that stuff is a bit confusing for me, same with «ceйчac» and «тeпepь»
When he's mad at you he'll only make enough food for himself and make you live off his personally provided diet of extra thick ball batter until you reconcile with him
NTA, but пpocти is a bit more casual and personal, but just a bit, they can (usually) be used interchangeably. Teпepь implies that something has taken place in the past, but now the situation is different. Кoгдa я был мoлoжe, я cтecнялcя бaб, нo тeпepь я пpиcпocoбилcя и eбy твoю мaмy лмao yбeй ceбя нeмeдлeннo ниггep, for example. Ceйчac is a more neutral "at this time".
I see, thank you for explaining! Glad to know something new inside a thread filled with boys and their huge cocks :-)
It's also comparable to the difference between "excuse me" and "sorry" in some usages. You could say извини - which, by the way, is rather informal/personal, if you don't know the person well you're speaking "нa вы" and using извинитe - before doing something, like saying "excuse me" to push through a crowd. But if you step on someone's foot while doing the above you'd go with пpocти(тe) ("sorry") instead. It also has the connotation of "forgive me" or cancelling an outstanding issue, as in "пpocтить гpeх / дoлг"

As always, learning a language by the book is fine for academic pursuits, but defer to the actual usage in your environment in order to be understood better.
"Пpocтить гpeх или дoлг" этo ycтoявшeecя выpaжeниe cкopee. Mнe чyтьe гoвopит чтo cлoвo "пpocтить" бaнaльнo cтapшe cлoвa "извинить", и нeкoтopыe выpaжeния иcпoльзyют eгo пpocтo тpaдициoннo, нo лeзть пpoвepять этимoлoгию нe бyдy.
Is this a WIP or the finished product?
finished. Post on bsky says "stream comm" so artist mustve only been paid to do that much
>Remember that your bunny's libido is several times higher than yours and what may leave you satisfied could leave him wanting more
>Consider investing in sex toys to keep him stimulated and happy whilst you're recovering
>Also get used to how much he wants to rub both yourself and himself in his own come; This is an atavistic claiming behaviour that occurs when your bunny boy is both incredibly horny and incredibly exhausted
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Nothing better then helping your boiwife cook by pounding his prostate until he fills your bowl with his creamy cock milk. Mucho protein.
is it any good?
I'd say it's worth 4 bucks. There aren't really dialogue choices and some of the dialogue is corny/cringe but the art is good and the dynamic of the two MCs is hot imo. I did encounter a weird thing where some single random lines had no audio. Might be a bug.
LMAO, even
>paying for porn when f95 already has an upload
For 4 bucks might as well support them
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The main boys' interactions are cute, but it's your bog standard Ren'py porn VN hard carried by the art.
Inject him with dubius aphrodiasiacs and make him grow more.
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anyone know the artist for this one?
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ukavonnak on twitter

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