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No cuntboy thread?? FOR SHAME!
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i can finally post again

we are so back cuntboy bros
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I've been waiting for this thread to come back
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cuntboy on cuntboy forever
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We have another Vash. Seemingly everyone has decided Viktor from Arcane has a pussy. Not mad about it.
>the not-so-subtle hint at anal
The best image in this thread. More anal, please.
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I am getting better at drawing to make my own
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fuck it i”ll post my own here too
Never stick a red bull can in the pussy
Could I request one where the cuntboy jerks of his clit using a tiny onahole and pisses semen and/or squirts as he cums? :O
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I've fapped to a lot of things, but I gotta admit that wingussy is a new one

also HOLY FUCK. who drew these??
Extra_sh0t on twitter
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i owe you my life
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No offense to you but how the fuck do I get a short ban for my posts for being too toon but this is considered anime looking enough for the mods. I feel like my posts had an obvious enough anime influence. Anyways back to porn
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THIS IS A FUCKING THING? holy shit this is awesome thx anon i didn't even know this existed
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i imagine pregnancy and childbirth is way harder on men
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Both characters come off as very feminine to me, I get the feeling they were written by women and people are clearly picking up on the undertones.
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can’t find them online, what sites are they on?
They're on twitter.
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are you 100% sure you spelled their user right?? i’m not getting any results
How do I even find more cuntboy x female it's so rare...
It feels impossible trying to find cuntboy/cuntboy stuff...bless you anon
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i’ll dump some i’ve got here real quick
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Fuck my bad its atanerrum_.
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Merry Cuntboy Christmas everyone.
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You know what's even better?
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i get that you want more people on your thread but do you have to constantly advertise it in the cuntboy threads?
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Fuuuuuckkk these are so hot
Finally I find cuntboy wax play
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Why can't this just be a cute reverse trap who is insecure about her lack of femininity (boobs) but actually has a lot of it, unbeknownst to herself? Why does everything have to be gay?
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Love lipstick markings
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IS there another word for 'cuntboy' when the character isn't trans, just a guy with a vagoo? I got called a transphobe today for 'defending' this terrible, horrible derogatory term.

I'm leaning towards 'wagyuu', because it vaguely looks like 'vagoo' and wagyu is a beef.

I'm serious btw, this shit can get you banned from severs.
As a cunt boy its important to separate real ftms from a porn term, it is no different than calling a woman a whore. okay in the bedroom bad to a stranger. Some people say reverse futa but thats in accurate and some people hate the term futa.
Huh? I had no idea cuntboy exclusively meant trans. I thought it was just a blanket term for a guy with a cunt.
About twenty-five years ago, when I started coming to 4chan, I was under the impression that a cuntboy was a fictional character with a fictional gender. I was only made aware later that the term is a slur for trans people. And I don't want to be an asshole to anyone - therefore I need a term to refer to this fictional gender. Because I'm not trans and therefore I am not allowed to write trans characters.

Please, I already got banned from a server.
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Sorry but sexualising anyone is inherently bad.
I can only choose to believe you are shitposting, because
>One, it's a fictional term that some delusional idiots have retroactively claimed applies to real people
>Two, this is 4chan, we don't give a fuck if people's feelings are hurt over terminology, we still call people retards here.

We are not going to help you invent a dumbfuck new phrase every time someone decides the existing word is a retroactive slur.
Yea, I don't know what I expected. Preposterous ideas brought to you by 3AM and panic.
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>Please, I already got banned from a server.
At the end of the day are these people you really want to be dealing with, Anon?

I'm sexualising you right now and you don't even know it!
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i’m a trans guy who’s constantly on these threads and i really don’t care about the term cuntboy

i can see why it might piss some people off but that’s how it’ll be for anything ever, if i don’t like something that someone is saying i’ll block them and move on with my life, which is what those people on discord should’ve done

point being: it doesn’t matter, don’t feel bad about it and there’s no need for new terminology (sometimes cuntboy porn is trans, sometimes it isn’t, you just gotta filter through it yourself)
at the end of the day, language is constantly changing via use, but that doesn't mean everyone should bow to whatever the most recent complaint about hyperspecific linguistic details they heard is. One, bowing to whoever is most offended is rarely wise, and two, not everyone agrees over things. The constant shuffling of what the current terms for inclusivity should be, for instance.
i think there's "andromorph" but i honestly don't know what is okay to say.
i stick to cuntboy when it's about art/fiction characters and other more general terms when it's about actual people.
Hello, it's banned Anon, I JUST got banned from a second server.

Both were fandom servers where I hoped to connect with other fans but yeah, I'll just write every single character from now on as a cuntboy.
what server?
The two Jayvik Nation ones, the 18+ and the 'big' one
where is the dickgirl on cuntboy
can someone post an inv link to this server?
Both of those are open servers accessible from Disboard; just search for jayvik
don't let the most oppressive toxic group in history since the nazis tell you how to feel or what you are
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best position ever
More lipstick marks.
Everytime I see tit chop scars it's a turnoff, can't self insert into mentally ill women
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okay that’s cool but how about you contribute
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always some retard complaining but never posting his own shit
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so fucking good
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Are those the only servers that people were talking about or are there others?
>age difference size difference dom ftm
my fucking dick
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there was a doujin i read a while back that fit these requirements really well but i can’t remember the name, i think it was on myreadingmanga
Please I was just on twitter and lost a fourway jayvik cunboy peice and I want to kill myself, does anyone know what I'm talking about?
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New one from Onaka Emi. No translation (yet?) but seems like couple use pill to swap just genitals.

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I love anything involving cuntboy TF but "couple's swap" scenarios like this are perhaps my favorite, you're a god for sharing this
Was it "Who’d have thought the strongest man would get his pussy ploughed"?
yeah! that one
It could be that if you were capable of visualizing an apple with your head, though I do agree with you entirely and wish there was more femboy cuntboy content.
every day, I'm reminded that no james ironwood cuntboy art exists, and every day is another painful one to wake up to

>residents from [my state, a re state] must sign in to confirm age

Well, ain't that some shit? The conservative purge of porn / data harvesting of who's looking at what has begun.
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Party of small government apparently >>11197231
This guy again
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Second piece
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does cuntboy x female art exist or is this fetish exclusively for getting men dicked?
Here you go, I had to go digging for this one and most of it is going to either be cuntboy x futa or girls fucking cuntboys/cuntboys fucking girls with a strap-on and I'm not sure if that suits the bill. Also check out:
God I love jayvik, never in all my years have I seen so much art of a one macho dude sucking so much cunt. Serious bonus that he's weird and disabled
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honestly, now more than ever, but not in whatever way the poster thought this meant.
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There is nothing stopping you from thinking this, especially when many cuntboys are so low on body hair (ftr this is not a record on my part.)

Also, think from the standpoint of someone else, this is just as much of a "trap" for a person of my gender as it is as yours. In what was is it a "reverse trap"?
More of them
I wonder whats the gay man to ftm ratio on these threads
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I'm a bi woman, here to fuck up your ratio either way, and every day I curse God that he fucked up and gave men and women the opposite genitals to what they should have.
This is one of my favorites
Any place to find more cuntboy/trans stuff that isnt here or twitter? Discords welcome too
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