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Futanari on Male, Dickgirl on Male

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Daily reminder that No Nut November only applies to males. Futas are free to cum (inside of you) whenever they want!
It counts as long as they cum inside a boy
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does it still apply to males nutting from getting their prostates bullied by futa cock?
She made him lose then, simple as.
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Any non-slop pics of this general concept?
I like this guy's art. His girls look really cool. Not a fan of the hairy butthole though
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Love it
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Dude's a Goldmine
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His art is good and unique, but like a lot of Japanese artists, he has a bad habit of deleting his pictures and accounts, before reappearing again sometime later with a new account. I know for a fact that he never re-posted many of his earlier pictures.
This is a problem throughout the niche jap/korean fetish scene.
Just save whatever you enjoy and do better by backing it up so that you can enjoy it for the rest of time.
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Fucking NEED
>oh no
>i have done the dishonaburu
>craftin the porn
>none will hire me now
>burns everything salts the earth
>3 months later
>repeat cycle
Why must they be this way?
Then stop looking at futa on male. Simple.
you might end up coming back every once in a while though
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This artist has made two of this series now it's just so good.
Hung subby futa learns to be the personal dominatrix of a trap
Social anxiety. Getting praised for drawing unnatural and transgressive art confuses them.
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forgot my pic.
Do you have any of his former account works?
It's fucked up but I've been thinking of drawing more futa on male monster. Reverse-rape monsters like dragons and minotaurs.
The sturdier the male, the more he was built to take futa cock.
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This feels like a part of something longer.
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Just 3 pages. Not released yet.
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Please do. Futanari thirsty for monster ass is so hot, but people only like monsters x futa when they're fucking futanari and making them cum which is hot, but like c'mon.
Not exactly what I'm talking about, but this doujin is good
The idea of a futa elf raiding a goblin cave and fucking the males has been knocking around in my head for nearly three years.
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That kinda exist, but artist who used to draw stuff like that doesn't really anymore.
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Futanari 'Monster Boy' Fuckers.
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There is severe lack of dickgirl on masculine men rape
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Pretty sure he has an extra page or two for all his comics on his patreon
Annnnnnd it's ruined
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Uploaded some old high res stuff for free on his patreon again
Do you remember the artists that hooked you on this fetish? For me it was Potato House and DTiberius
Angel Blade, Reddyheart and Doug Winger. If it wasn't futa on male art, I was still attracted to the dickgirls more than anything and waited years for the futa on male art to start taking off.
On top of these, I somehow forgot Nobody In Particular, pic rel especially
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Nobody In Particular was definitely a big one for me, especially since they did generally kinkier stuff than most other futa on male artist back then.
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I can tell you the exact doujin that hooked me. Piririnegi's Shishunki Poolside (Image unrelated)
On a side note, would it be weird to write a fanfiction to a doujin? I always wanted a follow up, but that artist has long moved on from this work.
People have written fanfics of fanfics, so a fanfic followup to a doujin wouldn't be that weird.

NIP and Potato house were the earliest ones I remember. It used to be so hard to find any futa on male stuff back in the day.
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He did add this years later
Gura Nyuutou
The lady Chloe one for me is also one of their best.
anyone has that pic with office lady-futa having a crush on a male colleague and being embarrassed over her erection? Been looking for it for a while, but couldn't find anything on boorus
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He does skeb commission. Personally I was introduced to him by "Lady Dickgirl's Absolute Supremacy Doctrine" (or something like that). I think he peaked with Oshioki Time.
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This man a made that but only got two pictures with that idea.
I'm just an amateur artist and that's what I came up with for my game
I've seen worse.
Keep it up.
Wait your still working on your game? I thought you put it on hold or something.
I'm more an artist than an actual dev.
I'm just a slow artist so progress takes forever. Not taking in account the time to do more play-test scenes for stuff that I'm constantly rewriting and inserting new drawings in RPGM. My last update was in June on my itch but I've haven't changed much stuff since then. My goals were to add some monster girls lose scenes for the MC that are missing, like the Drider.
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What a nice futa. Gotta make sure both parties in the couple get a taste of her dick.
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Does anyone have the image noir fucking the commander and kissing his neck while blanc is kissing him?
I remember seeing it on skeb but i cant find it
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This tweet had me thinking she had modified David into that femboy.
Its apparently someone's OC, but im going to choose to ignore that.
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Any of you read desuvult's stories on ao3? they're kinda shit, but also a guilty pleasure. he occasionally has a good idea but doesn't have the ability to actually bring it to words. I think he might be genuinely retarded or esl.
I'm not familiar with his work but his stories don't sound too interesting to me when reading his synopses. My guilty pleasure is MisterretsiM, but he doesn't exclusively focus on futa-male relationships.
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