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I wonder where it went?

Images of dicks with missplaced foreskins :>>>>
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I cant fucking spell :>

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where did it go?
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Why is this not just called the "circumcised dicks/circumcision thread"?
I love this, and it's hard to find decent art with blatantly cut cocks. Usually they're either uncut or vague / lacking enough detail to tell one way or another. Posted most of what I've collected recently.
Honestly, most people just don't think that deeply about cut/uncut. They generally look the same when erect (yeah, you can see the foreskin rolled back on an erect uncut dick, but it looks the same otherwise), and most people don't autistically pay attention to stuff like the "two tone" look that some cut dicks have either.
Clearly, all those futas are Jewish and were circumcised.
For whatever reason, rephrasing certain subjects in a manner related to the original subject but not directly stating the original subject results in better threads with less drama.

I dont think that a lot of newer/younger artists even know what they're drawing desu. I think a lot of western artists just draw cut cocks out of reflex and forget to add a circumcision scar.
I imagine most male artists use their own penises when it comes to drawing most of the time.
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You mean to say they don't spend hours doing advanced penis research?
Most likely not. If you have a penis and don't think too deeply about cut/uncut (which is most guys regardless of how much the internet likes to argue about foreskin), then yeah you're just gonna use your own dick as a base for penises in your NSFW art.
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Bump !
Does anyone know why there are so many incorrectly tagged posts under the "circumcised" tag on rule34xxx??? You have to filter through dozens of images to actually find a circumcised dick. Most of the images are just people who drew their characters with tight foreskins.

Anyways, after going through 56 pages of bullshit, I'm gonna dump what I think is the best content.
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Also, it is fairly easy to use AI tools to correct/create circ edits with very little effort. See picrel and the following pics.
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Speaking as someone who likes to dabble in AI art generation, you could theoretically make a LORA for circumcised penises.
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That would be really helpful desu. If you decide to make it, keep us updated.

In the meantime have more edits.
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Unfortunately, I'm busy with other things right now, so that most likely won't come from me.

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