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File: HexManiac.png (1.71 MB, 1536x1536)
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All Editors Welcome!
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Request in moderation
- Do not request edits of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404's anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Avoid posting extra references as separate posts. These also eat up the post count, so try linking them instead.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third" etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the artists! Remember, they do these for fun.
- Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- Remember to use the Anchor for deliveries!
- If you would like to make the new color/edit thread, please be sure to wait until at least page 10 so that our awesome Booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this!

Pictures of past threads are up at the /d/ booru.
Please tag any you have the time to!


If you're looking for a deleted thread try checking
and enter the post # of the thread or any post for which you are searching.

You can also go to https://desustorage.org/d/search/text/artists%2C%20don%27t%20hold%20back/
which has every thread that features this boilerplate.

Previous Thread: >>11144355
Deliveries Anchor
File: kaede_tachibana.jpg (565 KB, 1152x648)
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Request to make their anuses and vaginas un-stretched.
File: Tiki.jpg (3.33 MB, 2322x3971)
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3.33 MB JPG
Requesting Tiki from Fire Emblem Awakening Clean Digital Lineart and Colored

Color Reference
Requesting the guy to be turned into a more bulky version of the fishman shown in the reference below, please.
File: 20241225_045735.jpg (987 KB, 2935x4096)
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987 KB JPG
Requesting the addition of a nice piss stream. Please!
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Requesting a futanari edit for both of the mikos
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Requesting a big dick futa cock-tail edit of this


This is what I mean for cock-tail
File: IMG_0621.jpg (602 KB, 2500x2500)
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make her lip nipples mouths open with visible tounges please
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Requesting decensor, and removal of breast veins.
Full size:
File: 1730734194065177.jpg (709 KB, 2897x4096)
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Requesting to make the hair very long (like how original female Morrigan has)
Can someone edit a big bulge
Requesting pregnancy edit.
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Requesting colors for this picture

Reference for the girls skin,hair and eye color

Make the dick the same color as this femboy's skin

Hq version
Requesting a pregnant belly edit
File: Unnamed.png (545 KB, 2500x2500)
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requesting decensor and a shaved crotch please
File: 2.png (1.92 MB, 2976x4060)
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1.92 MB PNG
Thank you for the edit, It looks great.

I usually just see that guy on 2ch req Chisato, so I thought I''d try a prompt.


They're all very bulging, beautiful, and sexy, and they're amazing and the best.
Thank you for making them.
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Requesting the pussy replaced with a cock and balls. Size doesn't matter, but preferably on the larger side if possible.
Also using catbox for the full image just to be safe.
requesting for uncensoring or for removing the dildo altogether
File: 69584109_p3.png (694 KB, 1297x1437)
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694 KB PNG
Requesting color please.
Color reference:https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9526149&tags=super_robot_wars_x-omega
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Requesting her with a futa cock
Thanks so much anon!
So pale its a weapon in sunlight.
File: GTs2Q2yW4AAX9nE.jpg (422 KB, 2484x2480)
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Requesting big long nipples

File: kasu_(kasunohikari).png (789 KB, 707x1000)
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Please remove the gloves and the hair-bow.
Requesting colors
You can color their clothes whatever

Reference for the femboy's

Reference for the man
Requesting this but remove bulge and make it look like morrigan, hair and facially
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requesting decensor
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requesting a giant futa bulge bigger than a beach ball
Requesting a cock vore edit with the Jellyfish Sisters having much larger balls with visible hand/face prints and struggling inside their balls.
requesting decensor of her pussy if possible also make her nipples more visible and maybe increase the size of her breasts
File: IMG_0729.png (2.5 MB, 2558x3508)
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please remove the pubes and make both mikus lactating
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requesting a cumless edit
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Please uncensor.
File: 342980342098980_021536.jpg (101 KB, 800x1200)
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101 KB JPG
Can someone edit a big bulge
requesting defutafication please, ref: https://files.catbox.moe/s6fc34.jpeg
Requesting huge futa balls edit
please remove the helmets
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nice job anon, thanks a lot
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Requesting her with a futa cock
How's this:

File: 1735752423671044 (1).png (2.63 MB, 2717x1661)
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can someone please edit the left picure to make it more nsfw (nip slip, fully nude, etc) like the one on the right?
Can youy remove the remaining text?
File: 1735313089436 (2).jpg (1.54 MB, 3552x4800)
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Requesting a recolor for the futanari

Reference for her her and skin:

Higher quality
Requesting replacing the knot dick for a human cock.
please remove the futa cock and cum
File: iwztah.png (3.43 MB, 2064x3410)
3.43 MB
3.43 MB PNG
Can someone make her breasts larger?
File: WhiteXMas.png (2.87 MB, 1536x1536)
2.87 MB
2.87 MB PNG
Please remove the hat.

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