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same rules as last time:
>post pictures of women growing bigger
that's it.

>how's this different than the main /size/ thread?
sometimes it's more about the journey than the destination amigo

other things are allowed (like breast expansion, feet, ass, etc) if female giantess growth is the primary point of the image.
>no dudes
>no girls that look like dudes
>no AI sloppa

Last thread: >>11101835
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Nah, the one I'm talking about's way older than that, like I want to say 2009 at least, but that actually is decent slow-to-rapid growth reference, so I'll also reference that, thanks. My biggest problem I find is writing with characters after they got big, describing things for them to do and such, that other one had it in spades with a medieval fantasy setting to boot.
Nice job, I'll have a nice time reading that!
still want that AZ kronii animation...
Has he seriously not posted it to his newgrounds yet???
is a castle a good building for a giantess to grow out of?
he will post it publically once the sound is done, and this can take a really long time
Yes if they're royalty. But if it were up to me I'd give a little something to the maids as well.
okay, though i feel like it would be more interesting if the maids were the main focus
Maybe. What did you have in mind?
>Giantess artists in a race to see who can come up with the largest scale possible like mathematicians competing to come up with larger and larger numbers
Makes me chuckle
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I'm not sure where you go after someone grows out of the universe and into the multiversal plane of little bubble universes
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not that anon but i think sometimes the innocent maid deserves way more just because of how meek she normally is

That does sound pretty lit idea.

>Female royalty become bigger via a magic potion or curse
>somehow the maids are not only also affected by it but grow even bigger than the royalty

I'm saving this for later
remember when analternateusername took ONE commission and then never again?
at least it was pretty decent
i cant not see just like, source. the source-ness of it all
Lajest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6R8uTCMQtQ
yeah, some people cheat a bit by using a lot of SFM assets, but it's something at least

Does anyone have an AI extension or modification video for this growth video?
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you know, an anon many threads ago tried to use AI to make a couple scenes of this anime into 60fps. is it what you're looking for? maybe not, but i found it funny that I was cranking my hog to this just the other day and you just so happened to post about it. never seen the full giantess scenes of this posted, a shame she doesn't grow on camera beyond this.
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Thank you very much
oh hey, this my video
The growth scenes in this anime are really amazing, it's a shame that there aren't many growth scenes like this these days.
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>Scale is infinitely repeating.
>The multiverse is contained in a subatomic particle.
>One day, you notice an ant-sized girl. She can communicate with you using a speck of graphite on paper, although you need a magnifying glass to just barely make out her writing.
>She claims to actually be a giantess and that she'll eventually grow big enough to speak to you properly.
>Sure enough, she does. Once she can speak, she tells you that she outgrew her entire multiverse, which was actually inside of an atom in your body.
>She continues to grow and grow and grow.
>Eventually reaching your size.
>Eventually exceeding your size.
>Eventually too big to fit in your house.
>She says she'll be too big to talk to you pretty soon, but that she really appreciates you harboring her multiverse.
>She grows so massive that she's mostly out of Earth's atmosphere.
>She jumps and flies out into space, wanting to get far away from Earth so you're not hurt.
>She gets so big that she can be seen in the sky despite her distance.
>For a while, her body eclipses the sun for a short period every day, until one day it goes in front of her.
>The image of her in the sky becomes less and less clear as she gets bigger and further.
>Once she's bigger than your whole multiverse, she repays the favor, swallowing the particle so that you can be part of her forever, just like she was to you.
>Onto the next one.
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evergrowing/nonstop growth is extremely underrated
giga+ is shit
Giga+ is gold
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TDE or TheSpaceSpeck. They seem to have disappeared off of Twitter and other sites again, or at least I failed to find them. It's an image I received from them as a commission, as is the one included in this post.
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And this one! Sorry she's not actively growing in this image but I assure you she is always trying to get bigger.
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thems fighting words
Right, now the name sounds familiar. I wish they would work on whatever mental health issues they have that causes them to constantly go ghost.
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does anyone have the whole thing? can only find 3 low res pages
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holy shit, i had no idea they made a follow-up to this doujin. honestly out of all the random one-shot size doujins the first one might be my favorite of all time, hachimitsu is the artist i believe and it's pretty great. if there's a second chapter i gotta see it, if anyone has it i WILL suck your dick (straight)

pic related is from the first chapter
I love Hachimitsu because they draw both smaller size differences (half-size, mini-gts, etc), and absurd giga scales, and both look fucking great.
Mitogawa finally stopped fucking around
Essentially, she grew from being horny
After reading the translation, it appears they're going to try to shrink her back? Please please let it "fail".
this one was uploaded to hachim_lounge on twitter, acc was suspended, honey_lounge2 is the new one but doesnt seem to have anything related up

found the other 3 pics on a korean forum with google lense, post dated mid 2023
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just checked, high res here


additionally, anyone has a source for this?
While I hope for this too, I'll also settle for her growing even larger for x reason before confessing her feelings.
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OC of mine drawn by Setz. Absorbs Souls gets more big.
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To my eyes, there has to be a climax plot. The solution to her size can't be that straight forward.

Ideally it would be cool if the resolution of going back to normal backfires and makes her growing go out of hand. So much so the supporting characters have to scramble and find a way to return her back. Until HOPEFULLY she's titanic sized they shrink her back. But not back to normal but back to 8 meters. Then they rejoice that she's back to "normal".
Then, to grant some level of 'normal' afterwards for persistance in the story, have her shrink back, but not all the way. I definitely like the idea of them having a viable ability to live with normal sized folk, but with some strong adjustments. My personal perfect zone has always been that 15ft to 50ft area, so they're unnaturally big but you could feasably feed the newly minted giantess.
Was meant to be quoting >>11166948
, and lost a bunch of the text I wrote anyway when I copied it to recover it later.
Wow, the posting system on this site has really gone to shit, hasn't it? It won't even let me delete that last post either for some reason.

What I was meant to say was that this is the ideal scenario, where you can have a full bredth of sizes for a giantess to reach across a story/comic or whatever, so as to cover a lot of the bases of size brackets, like mini-gts for the initial growth all the way to giga for a finale/climax.
Damn some good stuff from this atlast.

>Ideally it would be cool if the resolution of going back to normal backfires and makes her growing go out of hand. So much so the supporting characters have to scramble and find a way to return her back. Until HOPEFULLY she's titanic sized they shrink her back. But not back to normal but back to 8 meters. Then they rejoice that she's back to "normal".

I'll settle for her going back to normal but she's like 8 feet tall.
It barely lasted one page and was rather quick, nothing to get crazy about
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where is it? cant find it on his pixiv
good find anon, ty very much,

you know, is there any chance this is just a 4-page one-off and isn't a real chapter? the lack of any dialog or speech bubbles other than "!" sound effects makes me suspect this is all that exists.
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sadly, that's seems to be what the japanese post says
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kinda wish there was dialogue in some of his works. Top tier artwork but you can only do so much without dialogue.
I just want to see the rest of that Beladdy mona growth animation

what's up with giantess creators drinking themselves to death
i might be retarded but is he actually dead
Man I love lips so damn much. Extremely underrated in size.
>growth but their clothes dont rip apart
like cake without icing
Post guilty pleasures

Wow, it's like I'm really back in 2001.
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im actually glad there isnt, good dialogue is hard to come by, often saturated with detail. I want my actions shown, not told
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younger girl outgrowing older girl is so good
ah this one is a classic
It's shit.
** Kemono posted that their Patreon importer is back online. **

Someone should test it on FaterG’s stuff.
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New kino just dropped.
this webm is fucking awesome
source for webm?

not a size artist btw
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I had to do a double take to make sure I was in the right thread, but it doesn't look like she growing in this webm.
Who is that manga page artist?
It's a oneshot. mangadex has the artist name yasunari ito. I sincerely hope they have the chance to make this a series.
honestly it's so easy to make a growth video decent:
>get a good voice actress
>have her MOAN every time she grows
>add some rumbling sfx
Optional: then add at least one of the following:
>breast expansion
it really is just that simple. i'm glad lajest understands that to make this content into something appropriately sexual, adding well voice-acted moans goes a long way.
Come on, give them a break. It's still an awesome 10 minutes long video.
i think velvetlilly is the only one remotely good VA
and she is basically everywhere now
lajest is one of the very few artists still active who don't need to constantly stroke their own ego and just make what people want to see. Glad that he's still going strong despite the mental health gay
This little faggot picked out the only scene in a whole ass 10 minute video that contains a single error and then went out of his way to make this
>t. lajest
you forgot to put your watermark on this one lewdssonk
>voice acting

voice acting literally sucks and azmaybe decided basically on his own that all size videos should have voice acting and everyone was like "yes,my liege"
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Gentlemen, we have to discuss this burning question I have, which is, why is sex growth so rare these days?

You'd think an idea of fucking the shit out of woman and making her grow would be everywhere, but alas.
>why no sex growth?
Probably because this fetish is dominated by virgins who have fallen so far down the rabbit-hole that they barely even associate "sex" with "sexual" and are only interested in kinks.
>t. virgin who has fallen down said rabbit-hole

contrary to what I said above, I do still like some sexiness in the kink and hearing her moan sexually goes a long way.

akuji-saito is pretty good too.

mmmm not so sure about that, I think lajest probably does have an ego or he wouldn't freak out when he gets criticism.

then again, i'm starting to see why he has so much mental-health-gay: a quick browse through the comments on his patreon videos has a shockingly high amount of people offering tons of nit-picks, like some guy complaining about the guy holding a gun to the girl's head in >>11171851 "not belonging in a fetish video" (what). i think after months of having to deal with superspergs complaining about every little thing in your work, i'd get stressed out too.
There is an Olgaf comic about a woman who grows when she fucks, but i havent seen it much in comics (I think its because sex is hard to draw)

Tail Blazer's best shit is his giantess stuff

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