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First thread of 2025 edition
Previous: >>11184030
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>"you WHAT!?"
>my buddy leaned back in his chair as if my outburst could physically push him around
>"Please, man. No one else from back home is coming, they're all too..." he trails off
>"Scared! Yeah! Giants are huge, they could do whatever they want to use and we can't do shit to stop them!"
>"It isn't like the old times. They're as civilized as any other country now. They even have their own basketball court-sized passports," he tries to counter. "Plus, I've gone there several times, it's totally safe if you don't do anything dumb like break safety rules or be an asshole."
>A flush of anxiety goes through my system when I hear that, but I try to stay on topic
>We go back and forth over it until I eventually cave
>End up taking a very long plane trip and write my best man speech as well
>I am way too much of a pushover
>Ultimately, they are pretty courteous and speak to me as if I'm just any other person, it's just a bit unnerving when they're looking down at you with a smile while you try not to let them see you tremble near their shoes
>Wedding rehearsal night is my first truly harrowing experience
>The chick dominating the West cardinal direction leans down towards me and whispers soothing advice to me
>"Don't worry, I will watch every step I take. I have to match your pace, after all," she offers encouragingly, as if it's any consolation that I'm going to be somewhat close to high heels which will in fact be in motion and not just stationary landmarks
>"I-I'm sorry... first time doing all this stuff," I respond, trying to make it seem like the wedding is making me nervous, "I'll stick to my pre-planned path."
>But BECAUSE I am nervous,
>And because I've never had to interact with a giant before,
>I make an alarmingly concerning joke
>"I wouldn't want to accidentally ruin those," I gesture towards the maid of honor's nice heels
>A clear look of alarm crosses her face
>"What!?" she exclaims, yet still in her hushed whisper, not wanting to make a scene, "Your life means WAY more to me, the newlyweds, and everyone here-- don't worry about how clean my freaking shoes are! Jesus..."
>She huffs, and takes a quick breather before crouching down to pick me up
>I yelp in surprise as I'm lifted way higher than I'm comfortable with, and the platform her hand creates isolates me under her worried gaze before she continues
>"Sorry, but I need you to know something right here, and right now. You're the Best Man. Your safety is part of my duty as the Maid of Honor, it's literally stated in the wedding party's pamphlets as well. I'm taking my role very seriously, because not only would I fuck up the wedding and horrify everyone else, but I'd also be facing potential legal trouble depending on the Department of Foot Traffic's investigation."
>I'm stunned into silence while she dominates the sky above me with her worried expression and anxious tone
>"And not only that, I couldn't live with myself if that happened-- accidental manslaughter is still murder to us. I know you're something of a foreigner and may not know this, but we have to get a license to walk anywhere tiny pedestrians are at, just like driving a car."
>I flinch as one of her massive fingers comes down to pet me for a moment
>It's surprisingly soothing and tender
>Off in the other room, we're given the cue to walk in
>"Shit. J-Just.. just walk at a normal pace. I'm here with you, not against you."
>She quickly puts me back on the floor
>We begin walking
>I go a normal pace, but she takes a tiny step every twenty seconds or so
>The booming footfalls off to my left aren't as extreme as I expected, but they're still shaking my body a little
>And then I remember, she's going extremely carefully right now
>I shudder to imagine her normal pace, a jog. God, imagine a jump rope
>Every step of her's a powerful reminder she's trying not to accidentally kill me
>A few minutes later, we part ways and I take my place by the Groom. It's just us, but there's at least five giantchicks on the other side.
>He turns back to whisper to me, "You did good. She looked way more nervous than you did, trust me."
>Look up and over at her
>She's giving me a relieved smile before turning her attention to the Bride, who seems to be smiling mostly at the Groom
>I thought normal weddings were long
>I thought weddings were boring and long, but my heart is pounding out of my chest already
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Sorry for text errors and crap, as well as the (essentially the same) last two lines at the end. I usually edit typos out when I can, can't really do that here. And happy new year as well
Cute story
Getting an entire lecture from one bad joke seems like overkill though
I think "Sweetie, I'm a million times more worried about your life than you are about my shoes" would have done the trick but I guess she was nervous too
Definitely hiring you as my editor, but I'm glad you understood the gist of it.
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>tfw no short gf to coax into getting a job where she gets gigantified for the work hours
Imagine if she starts to like it after first being akward about it
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>goes from slowly liking it to becoming full blown addicted to it
>takes on more and more overtime just so she can spend more time gigantified
>eventually gets a promotion that comes with perks like being allowed to stay big out of work hours and sometimes even off-site
>spends as much time as possible giant and toys with you whenever she has the chance
>you'e created a monster and it's too late to put the genie back in its bottle
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I love this kind of role reversal. Especially when it's something like a goblin that loves to tease.
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>She sometimes threatens to "pop down to work real quick" when a irrelevant squabble doesn't go her way, which in turn means being put in timeout inside her bra
>on the flipside she asks you if she should "pop down to work real quick" when she sees that you are in a depressed/grumpy state/had a hard day, which in turn means you'll be gently deposited between her boobs, hearing her heartbeat and experiencing her warmth until you feel better

There are so many possible applications
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How many hours for cosplay permissions off-site?
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Recap from last thread. Sorry if I missed yours, etc...
Role reversal reversal >>11184247
The weakest race >>11184653 >11186640
Good assistants are hard to come by >>11187174
Tiny grimderp >11188088 >11188138 >11188174 >11188198 >11188534
Fight, flight, freeze, shrink >>11189451 >11189456 >11189457 >11189458
Robot Maid Protector >>11190576 >11190577 >11190578 >11190580 >11195955 >11195955
Tinytips >11194180
Quick healing spells >11194223
>Our system thinks your post is spam
God dammit, I thought we were done with this BS... Does anyone know if a 4chan pass gets rid of this crap?
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Would a giant gentle vampire gf work?
the skeleton is plastic and just an accessoire btw
>accidentally forgets to remove you from her chest during one of these incidents before she shrinks down
>realizes that this way she gets to feel big even when off work hours and not allowed to be embiggened

With her work bringing in the kind of pay it does it's not like you need to be free to earn your own wage for the relationship either, so expect to spend a lot of time in there.
where are the writefags when you need them?
Greenanon fucked off due to psycho cruel fags raiding weekly and everyone else is long gone
>psycho cruel fags raiding weekly
Or maybe you autistic fags just simply can't ignore obvious bait
>arrested development: the thread Is incapable of ignoring things that upset them
Imagine my shock. To be fair the majority of the posts were attacking green directly so even if no one reacted I could see why he'd leave regardless.
need more of her giant loli form
was turned into a loli in the manga and they tried to make her big again but ended up just making her giant
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Do you guys actually believe this?
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Greenanon probably still lurks here, but there is a reason the gentle thread doesn't bother to keep an updated list of other active named writers anymore. Thank you "recap from last thread" anon for your service
there's no reason to write for this thread compared to just posting on giantessworld and DA or whatever
>you won't get any comments, much less actual feedback
>you are likely to get insulted by a troll
>your work will be forgotten about within one thread unless you are as prolific as greenanon is and constantly feed people new content
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I used to post greens here all the time and people seemed to enjoy them. I just stopped posting because I got burnt out and lost motivation to write. I have about a dozen greens that I started writing and then just never finished before moving on to something else. That's the same reason I've never posted to Giantessworld or DA. Even at my most prolific, I was never motivated enough to finish a longform story.
>your work will be forgotten about within one thread unless you are as prolific as greenanon is and constantly feed people new content
I don't know about that. I'll be thinking about that robot maid green from last thread for a while.
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I know that feel of being unable to finish. My ADHD is strong, so I tend to bounce around between projects.
Also, yeah, that giant maid bot was amazing. Hoping for a happy end and for someone to get lewd calls from the robot.

>Implying giantessworld comments are insightful
>all my 'reviews' are just people saying my stories are interesting or that they like them
>the only actual feedback I got was from a gentle thread where I should focus on the characters feelings
>DA favourites are either bots or lurkers with nothing to say.
Its only better by a thin margin anon

I've saved my greens from different threads on pastes.io. And what stories I haven't posted aren't all that great or better than what I already wrote. I think some of them have gotten worse in some areas.

Any way, to lighten up the mood I'll post a thing I did for new years gift and forgot to post last thread. It's my first story featuring a shrunken guy.

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>That short story
Is cute. From the last post of yours I saw, the one with the giant facesitting, I want to say this is a significant jump in quality. I love that you gave the tiny male a bit of a personality. Really underfocused/underutilized aspect. Recently I tried writing a short story about a catboy and a dragongirl that was at least 30ft tall, and they basically shared the same braincells. DG was shy, kind, and worried about the expectations placed upon her by her dad and mom. CB was cheerful, upbeat, and adventurous. They meet in a cavern/dungeon, and the CB tells her, "Hey, lady, you have to be careful, there are monsters here." She freaks out and travels with him out of fear. I've been busy though, so maybe one of you creatively inclined anons can salvage it if you want.
I'm half-awake, so take my critique with a spoonful of salt. I noticed at the start that you could have emphasized the size difference between the two more. Don't feel bad about that. I've just started writing stuff like this myself and I'm still learning the nuances as well. E.g: Sasha's chest was never something to write home about, but even those mammaries looked like hills now.
If you're up for it, and this is going to sound weirder than I intended, I recommend doing roleplay with experienced roleplayers or trying to find public roleplaying logs. Doesn't have to be sexual/fetishy, but giantess oriented ones will help. The reason is that you'll be able to see how people describe sensations and setting a scene.
>E.g of a beach scene: X dug their feet into the warm, wet sand. The sun beat down on them. A thick scent of salt hung in the air. Gulls chatted in the distance.
Perfect for mouthplay. Though, vampires are OP depending on the setting, so a giant vampire could be really broken.
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Possible to commission a short story fleshing out of either Cosmic Stranger or Giant Assistant?
>Pick her up from work
>You find her in the lobby, already back to normal size dreamily staring at her own gigantic maid uniform and shoes, breathing
Sorry anon, I'll take and give money when I'm ready and that just isn't today. Besides, I'm already writing a short story fleshing out Overreactive among other stuff.
Not sure how Cosmic Stranger would be fleshed out more but I would have an easier time outlining Giant Assistant.
What did you have in mind anyhow?
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>there's no reason to write for this thread compared to just posting on giantessworld and DA or whatever
I disagree. GiantessWorld replies boil down to: "this got me horny, 11/10" or "needs more of my fav subfetish." Such comments are good at stroking the ego but not improving as a writer. I've put out absolute tripe on the website and people have lapped it up. It feels like you can too easily stagnate by focusing on the GW audience.
This thread is still good, despite the faggots that have constantly attempted to derail it over the years. Sometimes you get useful feedback concerning your creative efforts, other times you find fun and creative ideas that spawn into long form greens. You are more likely to get shat on in the main thread because there are a few outspoken autists that are trying to kill off greentext/writefag culture for whatever reason.
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I would not be surprised at all to find out I have undiagnosed ADHD. For me, it's a constant cycle of:
>Have a fun idea for a story
>Spend a few days working on it on and off
>Slowly get bored and move on with it half finished
>Never touch it again
Cute story! Love a giant tomboy who's secretly a big softie. I also saved all my greens on PsstPastes. Guess I might as well repost the link in case anyone is interested. "Can I Borrow Your Heart?" is the gentle story I'm most proud of:
I was talking about the "raiding"
Is that Satsuki?
Sauce? Sauce!?

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