Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.>previous threadhttps://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11147241/#11147241>To addLet's try to actually post porn please. Long discussions are a given with threads like these so if you're gonna post some text, at least post a picture related to the thread as well.>Question of the dayToday's about dick size. For bottoms, are you okay with having a top be smaller than you? Also what's your preferred size and what's your cutoff for "too small" (assuming you have one)?For tops, are you happy with your current dick size? If no, have you ever considered things like jelqing?
Oh, a new thread.>>11151842 was hottest for me last thread. Fantasizing on a resonance frequency kink when you shouldn't definitely definitely takes over the brain much more than even "dedicated" fantasies can, and often (perhaps because) it can pop up unannounced/unexpected and get really distracting. I was surprised dusting off old bits of writing by how feminisation half sprung-upon the main character still held my attention and made me want to add to it.>>11217461Best I can tell anal is like, 90% mental, so dick size is completely subordinate to having a good rapport and scene. Too small is anything that looks stupid.
>>11217461>tfw bottom but prefer pussiesI'd like my own dick to be smaller, having a bigger than average one is a bit of a hassle ngl
>>11217711How big are you anon?
>>112177117,5Not exactly super big, but it sure makes tucking and wearing cute clothes/lingerie noticeably more tricky.
>>11217977Meant for this anon >>11217914
>>11217977>>11217986>7.5It sucks that fems are just naturally big like that. I started at 6 inches and had to jelq my way up to 8. Shit's not fair.
>>11217529>Too small is anything that looks stupid.What exactly looks stupid for you?
>>11218675Anything smaller than looks proportionate on an adult/teen. I don't understand emasculation.
>>11217977>Not exactly super biggirl, that's huuuge
>>11217461Guess the QOTD wasn't connecting to people. Feels like this thread is only active when people are having arguments.
>>112296672n5 art is finite and we've seen it a hundred times already
>>11232419Fair. This thread was more so to find more art of hrtittied femboys. Guess art of that kind is more finite than I thought.
>>11232642Posted the same image twice. My bad
Seeing how this is the hrt femboy thread, I'll ask this question here.One of my favorite tropes is when a guy is voluntary feminizing themselves, but is pretending like he doesn't like it or he's only doing it for a utilitarian reason. Does this trope have a name?
>>11233083I wish that was more common. The few pieces of art that has femboys with boobs are usually forced feminization which I'm not too much of a fan of. But I tolerate it.
>>11233083that's just transmaxxing with extra mental hoops lol
>>11233083I'd call it "the femboy pipeline", but that's just me. If I could boymode like this >>11233304 I'd be in heaven.Speaking of which, at what cup size would you consider a guy having moobs? I did a measurement of my bust and I got B-cups, but it's mostly fat and pecs - no tissue. I've been using Purea Mirifica cream for my butt for fat gains, but since I heard it also works for the bust I split my usage. So far I'm liking the results on both ends (it mostly affects texture, no inches gained yet) but it's the best lead I got so I don't want to give it up just yet. If I do gain some sizable mass I'll be sure to share results.
>>11233315Isn't that like the whole point of this thread? To show femboys trooning in a more reasonable way that isn't just flat out futa?>>11233467Why not just take estrogen?
>>11233526Because I tried bovine ovaries and pm supplements and the pain in my dick and balls was too great to bear (plus I want kids and like pregnancy). No insurance also complicates things as I don't have a stable job, and I can't bottom because I feel nothing in my prostate. Much easier to top, and if I'm getting shitdick it better be for a good reason.Guy that likes femininity =/= tgirl, apparently.
>>11233573Okay but using Purea Mirifica cream is one hell of a cope. Why not just exercise at that point?
>>11233934Sure, if your goal is to breastmaxx and buttmaxx you will eventually have to bench for an extra cup or do some squats for an extra inch or two on the hips. However, you will get past the noob gains stage of bodybuilding and it will get exponentially harder to build muscle, not productive if you have hobbies outside of bodybuilding.The idea behind using pm cream was from the bottom heavy boys thread using this graph. There was a volufilline discussion but the data shows that pm is much better for this. Unlike the supplements that go straight for the T, the cream doesn't affect T levels so you can still get hard without tgel. I think the limitation is that it only affects the fat cells near the top of the skin, so gains will slow down once the cream can't penetrate any further and only affect the top cells.
>>11234149Well if your goal isn't to look good but instead is to just have boobs to play with then by all mean go for it. I've been in threads with people who try all sorts of things to try and get femboy results without estrogen. I've seen things like aa mono, raloxifene, creams, suction devices, etc. When you actually see them though, they just look like normal dudes. Not even at least feminine ones.>that's a bit of a lie, I did see one person with good results from aa mono and another with raloxifene but they were very young and probably had pretty good genetics.So keep looking at graphs and data sheets if it helps with the cope I guess.
>>11234272Bruh, I'm not going to give up my penis, I already told you why. The only possible way to pull off being a passing tgirl with healthy sperm for kids requires a six figure income and a perfect routine, just one fuckup will ruin everything unless somebody learns digital immortality or cloning sexual organs of the opposite sex. Besides, I'm already a 30yo boomer, so if I could be a busty (fem)boy instead by recomposing my fat deposits and fixing my jaw and hair, sounds far more plausible than something I never had a chance in the first place.
>>11234429>30>trying to be fem in general Jesus anon...
>>11234429The defeatism is strong with this one. >I never had a chance in the first place.\Not with your attitude that's for sure
>>11234448Nothing wrong with that.
>>11234448Some people get lucky with their genetics. I've seen quite a few post-30 trannies who pulled out impressive transitions.
>>11221042some people say anime characters have no proper recognizable designs, but i could tell this was kurapika without having opened the pic yet. probably because of the hair.wonder if this is exclusive only to the most popular ones.
>>11234462>i could tell this was kurapika without having opened the pic yetProbably because of the haircut, it isn't very popular these days, makes Kurapika's design from the late 90s instantly recognizable + the "feminine boy" theme of this thread
byebyefr0g is really good at this
>>11234456>tranniesThat anon not only is a cis dude, but is also probably not fem in the slightest. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of guys who are fem in there 30's but those are incredibly rare and are an unrealistic goal due to some of them having good genetics, tons of work done, taking estrogen behind the scene, or some combination of the three.
>>11217461>>Question of the day>For bottomsGenerally, I prefer smaller ones to larger ones anyways. It's not that I actively dislike big ones, and sometimes a big one hits just right, but usually, I prefer small to average ones. While I'm being picky, smaller, and uncut are preferred. I'm not gonna rule out a partner 'cuz of their dick though.However, from the perspective of bottoming, being smaller than me would be a problem, if only because>For topsMine is just on the verge of being too small to be usable. I don't have the leverage and rigidity to top for anal, or be especially enjoyable for vaginal if you don't have a small penis kink or something, and I outright can't reach for anal if that ass is phat enough. I personally don't mind this as like, a self image thing, I actually like it and think it's kinda cute, and I don't mind using a strap on, but it would be nice to be able to actually use it a bit, now and then, even if only because it IS pretty fun to do a little cock bullying. I don't have an intrinsic problem with a top being smaller than me, it's just entirely a practical one, 'cuz any smaller than I am means it's not gonna do much. If they know the cheat code to make it work, though, by all means. They'd otherwise better be willing to use toys and straps, and while I'll happily suck it, that's more like me topping than bottoming. In my mind.
is hrt with the goal of becoming a femboy a fool's errand?
>>11236036HRT / estrogen is a powerful drug that can be dangerous if administered without the endocrinologist's supervision so make of that what you will. Me, I wouldn't do it purely for the fetish and suffer any potential side-effects.
>>11236036Not really. Honestly it's the first step in the right direction but it's not the only thing you need to do. It's like eating healthy if you wanna be buff. Sure you gotta eat right but there's still exercise.>>11236151Why do you guys make it sound like taking estrogen is like rocket science. Most of the unintended bad stuff I've seen that comes from estrogen are usually when femboys try to modify their dosages to minimize boobs (aa only, raloxifene, extremely high dose injections, etc) the worst effects from those that I've seen (heard from people who tried) are as follows:>minimal feminization >uneven boobs>osteoporosis >seizuresAll of these effects happened because a femboy try to get the benefits of hrt without the boob growth. Boobs are hot on femboys but if you really don't want them then save for top surgery. There's this Asian femboy that did just that and it turned out not too bad. But for the most part just don't be an idiot. Either listen to your endo or if you don't wanna be hon-dosed then ask /hrtgen/ on /lgbt/, look at the website instructions if you're DIY'ing, or a simple google search. You kinda have to actually "try" to make hrt dangerous.
>>11236451>There's this Asian femboyName?
>>11236694I don't remember but I'll try to look for him. He basically used hrt, had top surgery, and got ffs. He looks a little too doll-like but he does pass.
>>11236451Is ralo that bad? I was thinking of using that, estradiol, and bica for minimal/no chest growth
>>11217461QOTDWhen I'm searching I explicitly say I want at least 7. It's rare to get higher than that, but I won't say no to like 5.5 if I'm super horny and he's hot. I've worked myself over enough (safely) to be able to take larger, and I have, but it's made me undertake some dangerous actions since it gets me slutty. Size matters. I can't throat much over 7 though. And to the folks out there feeling bad/old, I'm just a CD. I knew I wasn't a "man" when I was a kid but transitioning wasn't an option for me, and I ended up building a life I didn't want to abandon. Now my kids are grown and out, I'm in my late 40's and divorced, but I'm in decent enough shape with the right thighs and butt to bring in a decent fuck once a week. I just go bare bottom with a hoodie and thigh highs and fake breasts or wear a mask or something. Hasn't turned anyone off yet. Dick is easy to get. Flattering clothing is easy to buy. Just be safe, eat right, be safe, exercise often, be safe, be safe, and be safe.
>>11236886Again, people's results varies. For some I've seen it work, for others it did jack shit, and for a few they got serious side effects like seizures. Honestly it's probably just based on genetics. If you have big boob genes, you're gonna get boobs and vice versa. There's also the fact that we don't see these users on a day-to-day. We don't know how their lives are affected from this. Raloxifene was made for guys using steroids who got minimal gyno, not trannies. Just accept the boobs and move on.
>>11237032I mean, it's good you had a wife and managed to raise kids and all but jesus anon, never expected a CD man in his 40's to be in this thread. You ever wish you transitioned sometimes?
I want the bare minimum of this, really I want to combine the features of this thread with that of the ambush thread and achieve like some kind of male milf/housewife aesthetic. I've already got a pretty nice butt but I just want to make myself a little more like a male bitch>>11217461>Question of the dayAll bottoms should be caged, then you don't have to worry about who is and isn't bigger.
>>11239305I want to just present as "fuckable" ultimately
>>11239305flat chastity cages are so ugly. Artists need to end that fad.
>>11239305>I want to combine the features of this thread with that of the ambush threadSo essentially you wanna be zelonguinho on Instagram but on estrogen? Based.
>>11239439Chastity cages in trans adjacent content are cringe in general, I prefer that cocklet to dangle helplessly, it looks (and feels) way hotter.
>>11239676I used to think the same thing for a long time but that was only because I'd only see gross old "sissies" and mid trannies with a BNWO fetish use them. But after seeing some genuine attractive trannies use them I think I've changed my mind on them. It's a bit of a fashion thing.
>>11239753>It's a bit of a fashion thing.This. It's a cute, feminine accessory. But they should have a natural feminine curve and demure aesthetics, not something that looks like the nozzle of a salt shaker.
>>11239305>I want to combine the features of this thread with that of the ambush thread and achieve like some kind of male milf/housewife aesthetic.I wanna do the same thing basically. Have you made any steps towards it yet?
>>11240489I workout a lot, I should probably start wearing some kind of waist trainer. I’ve looked into things like spearmint tea and saw palmetto etc but wanting minimal feminisation is kinda awkward. I need to diet more desu but I don’t want to lose my cute bubble butt. I also pump my nipples a lot so I think they’re definitely bigger and more feminine than average. I’ve been reading the archives for stuff like other anons using things like volufine and other supplements but some of them are too extreme or specifically for inducing lactation
>>11240567Is there a reason why you don't wanna try estrogen anon?
>>11240683Not him, but I don't wanna fuck with my hormones, that shit is too risky to do it for a fetish I might get bored with in a few years. Then again, I don't take any questionable supplements too.
>>11240769It depends on the life style but if you're a gnc gay person, it doesn't really change things. The only real deciding factor is if you're someone like >>11237032 who actually wanted children.
>>11239439I like cages, but if they're larger they're unappealing to me. Part of the reason I like it is so that it can't be used NOR get hard, so they're absolutely a bottom. Cages that are long or obviously don't prevent erection are pointless.
>>11240911Wanting more androgynous body but also wanting to have children in the future (without artificial insemination) AND on top of it being asexual and heteroromantic is suffering...
>>11241102>AND on top of it being asexual and heteroromantic is suffering...How the fuck does being asexual and heteromantic work?
>>11241110I experience platonic love and a need to care for someone. I don't want/need to have sex but I can do it for the person I love to bring them joy.
>>11241245Such a selfless, considerate person you are. I hope you live up to your dream!
>>11241245Never understand the whole being asexual thing desu. Like, you'll see the hottest thing known to man and you'll go, "meh"? How does that make sense.
>>11242403I can appreciate what others find "hot" for the aesthetic, but I don't get aroused. I can understand the qualities that make something "hot" and extrapolate it on other things to tell if they will be "hot" to others, but they still won't do anything sexual for me.
>>11242871Maybe just shit taste idk. Still find it hard to believe. Like have you ever had sex with anybody?
>>11243679Dicks shrinking from HRT is the hottest shit ever
>>11243732Never been with someone pre and post hrt. Does that actually happen?
>>11243799>Does that actually happen?Yes, but the extent to which it happens differs from person to person.
>>11240683I don't see myself as female and eventually I would "retire" from this kind of thing.
I just want to get rid of my facial hair. Then I'd be unstoppable.
>>11244059Can this be done cheaply?
>>11244063Define cheaply. It costs 65 euros to do where I live once every month or two (depending on your sensitivity)
>>11244099Less than 80 dollars at least. Kinda a pain it has to be done routinely somewhere. Be nice if it could be DIY.
What are these supplements that induce lactation you speak of?
>>11243679>Like have you ever had sex with anybody?Yes, I had 6 female partners and 3 male ones. Tried both topping and bottoming, for both sexes.
>>11244372NTA, you can have a low sex drive or just be not interested, that's fine.What I'm wondering is that, given that, why you're in a fetish fap thread?
>>11244627Because of the androgynous aesthetic. Some of the pics are really pretty.
>>11244779Why not just transition and go through insemination anyways? Most people who usually go for natural fertilization because they like the process of having sex for impregnation. As you said, you don't really care for that. It kinda sounds like you wanna conform to societal norms which isn't bad on its own but you got to consider that not only are you ace but you wanna be androgynous too. I'm not saying you gotta be those flammer fag parents conservatives bring up as reasons why fags gotta be killed but you can still go through insemination and not be seen as weird. Plenty of regular people go through that as is for plenty of reason that aren't hormone related. My cousin recently had to go through that and he has a pretty normal life at least from an observer pov.
>>11244830I can't find any issues with your arguements and yet artificial insemination still for some unknown reason doesn't sit right with me. Please excuse me while I need to analyze myself.
>>11244101I remember there once was a thread on /tttt/ linking to a blog post about the DIY contraption someone had used to do her own complete electrolysis@home. Sounded unpleasant and a bit dangerous but technically very plausible. If that doesn't scare you, you could try googling and/or asking around for it.
>>11246237Probably a good way to turn yourself into a crispy skeleton if you're not careful. It's not easy being pretty.