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I never see too much ovi/egg stuff here. i like aliens/monsters/bugs anything gross specifically, but i don't see threads for that either.

being impregnated, gestation, birthing the slimy things. let's see some of that
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ranken has a lot of really good stuff if you're looking for this kind of thing, i compressed this beyond recognition but this length is the type of content you get for all his gifs
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damn, didn't post. turns out the gif was still too large and i don't care enough so here's a still image. his gifs are long af though
Bit of a long shot here, a very long shot actually, but does anyone recall a game on Newgrounds called Spiritbound? It had a great scene of the girl you play as getting impregnated by a work creature.

Don't suppose anyone has the stills of the scene or a webm perchance?
It was renamed to Shackled Fate and has apparently been abandoned by the author

>Press [F] to pay respects
sadge they went on to try to get rid of their content on r34
cant find much of his stuff anywhere and browsing media on kemono is hell
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Whoa. Source?
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Yakou. Their art has been a gold mine for my ED&D games.
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I love how he shows strong female adventurers being enslaved by monsters and demihumans.
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This is a longshot but does anyone know of a set of images of a minotaur beating an elf adventurer and impregnating her, ends with her chained in his cave and an xray showing the baby. I don't think the art was that amazing and I wanna say I saw it on pixiv but I haven't had any luck finding it
i gotchu
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how do we feel about facehuggers?
Eh. Prefer an alternate version that replicates irrumatio more than the oviposition.
Pretty based desu
I like the pussyhugger animations KGOvipositors does quite a bit especially cause it also has stomach bulge and sometimes even birth, not really a fan of the oral facehugging though because I associate that with the unpleasantry of the movies they come from even if it's the safe "doesn't kill you" porn version of facehuggers.
I lose basically all interest in this kind of thing if it's not in the pussy/womb.
Only if they're thrashing around like they're literally orgasming their sanity out of their heads.
the actual in-game animation was pretty hot
Absolutely love em. Which is a little funny since I know nothing about the movies.
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This place is as good as any I suppose, but does anyone have Wasabizuke/Wasabi/Nu's paid fantia stuff? Specifically April 2023 for pic related, and August-November 2023? I have everything else and want to upload it as a full set but can't purchase due to the credit card restrictions, thank you!
Sparrow can be a little extreme, but he knows his shit.
>"Fairy Tail" bad end
Shouldn't find this funny, but it is pretty funny.
Real happiness comes from finding your place in nature and accepting it
In the setting I use for some of my more complicated ERPs (and then also D&D games and hope my players don't notice), I have this fetish incorporated quite heavily through a certain cult. Inspiration is taken variably from catholicism and scientology.

It's a renaissance fantasy setting. There is a group known as the Cult of the Allmother. They believe that all of the gods are the children of the creator goddess, who was betrayed by her children. All intelligent creatures were corrupted into worshipping these false deities, and it is only the cult that protects her purest creations: the monsters.
Their main activities are the protection, cultivation and breeding of monsters. They might go about this in different ways, however: some go into forests and set up dark convents, some go into cities where they establish orphanages or hostels to gather sacrifices and converts. Some even lair in dungeons. They'll do all of these under the guise of a vague nature cult.

A parallel organisation is the Sisterhood of Subversion. Instead of breeding with and protecting monsters, they will breed with and let their bodies be inhabited by "Void Beasts", creatures from the stars. They view them as angelic, though primarily they are mind controlling, body morphing and corrupting parasites. Instead of breeding with and protecting monsters, their goal is instead to subvert other religions and major societal institutions. They might infect adventurers, clerics or bureaucrats, who will then further the agenda of the cult, possibly as breeders themselves.

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