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"Haven't seen one of these in a long time." Edition
Any kind of cock vore goes.
I'd let the succubus pump the remains inside of me.
File deleted.
Love my mino cock vore
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i've noticed an upsurge in super detailed bulges and good human pred/prey in vore lately. exciting times are ahead
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I think that'd cause some kind of imbalance in the world.
>when futas engage in cockvore, the victims genetic info is permanently integrated into the futas sperm production. When the futa knocks someone up, the resulting children (always a litter of futas each pregnancy) will contain the genetic info of both parents plus all the futas victims up to that point
>Futas usually treat their lovers as eventual nut food to steal genes from UNLESS it's another futa who's of genitals are of near equal size to hers. They form a lifelong pairbond.
>Pairbonding between futas is interesting is that they only spend a few days of the year (or after 2 years) together so they can frantically impregnate each other. Afterwards they go of to consume as many victims as possible so they can impregnate each other again with more genetically rich superfuta babies and repeat the process again.
>Any babies they birth are usually left in the care of female lovers they choose not to cockvore.
what sites do anons use for cock vore content? ekas seems to be the main one but I'm hopeful there's others.
Rule34.xxx is the one I usually use.
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rule34, eka's, pixiv, twitter, thisvid, furaffinity, e-hentai
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Retarded. Gay.
The point is for the prey to become the breeding stock of their superior pred.
Not have the pred get corruoted by lowly preys.
>you'll never be challenged by Champion Hilda
>never disgracefully lose to her then be sodomized by her as she claims your female pokemon as her own
>never shrank down due to her pokemon using minimize while clinging to you then stuffed in her dick
>not hear her brag about all the pokemon she bred before and how your own will be fine additions then sent to her balls.
>never endure her sack as she moves on as you churn away to her breeding slop then pumped into some pokemon in a beastial mating session to be her nect child and ace
Living is a crime
Somebody should draw that because that sounds fucking HOT
One can dream anon
bumper again.
I almost never see Inuteikoku on this board, is he banned or something?
Loli adjacent art.
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Cock lump
Real shame this guy died
He did?
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in search of prey getting mashed to pulp within balls with super squicky, meaty audio
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>cockvored by futa
>cummed back out as a human sized sapient sperm creature with a cute tail
>use magical sperm powers to crawl inside futa’s pussy and head straight for her eggs…
>spend nine months conscious in her womb as your sperm body gradually turns back into a human one
>at the end of the nine months, she effortlessly and pleasurably rebirths you exactly as you were before the vore
>except possibly a little healthier and hotter
Man I love Ryuko.
2. She's all happy now that her prey has been turned into cum and her balls are large, smooth, and soft.
If that Skeleton guy is still lurking, I wouldn't mind seeing Nahida stuffing someone down. As the Dendro Archon it's only right she turns others into Seed.
Speaking of him I wanted to ask him a question.
Is he against males/femboys/traps in all forms in his art? Or is it just them being preds?

I wouldn't mind femboys being prey if that's on the table.
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I just dont get why there has to be snuff. it's completely deranged to me.
>i want a girl in my cock
>just so she can sit there all day
Go be a li'l bitch somewhere else.
Women were made from semen and will return to it as is right.
Only real.issue is 90% is condom disposal. Rarely throat fucking the slopped slut into a belly or up a rectum or into a womb.
Condom disposal is hot though. Imagine having a trophy room full of filled-up condoms with photos of girls taped to them.
I'm gonna be honest.
Not big on condom disposal, or disposal in general.
I think it's more hot if the balls just shrink back down. As if they were never even there.
Maybe the balls are a big larger than they were prior as if they were absorbed, idk.
Just a pair of sloshing balls being the only clue something happened.
Not saying condom disposal is bad, but when 90% of all cv art has it as the end shot it gets stale.
There are so many options but they are so rareky used.
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Self insert preds are so hot to me, love sunnyhero

Also true, what's the point of seeing s girl going down a cock if she isn't gonna be turned into cum
Having her constantly drowning and struggling to stay sane and alive in a cum-flooded flesh prison for your pleasure
Or absorbing them into ball mass to generate more cum and further absorb future victims against both of their wills
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Same on the first, not so much on the second.
I'd say disposal's only hot if the target deserves it, but honestly, I'd rather them either be digested and turned into ballfat/cockshaft meat/a pair of nipples on the balls/tattoos, or churned into a cumslime.

Fatal stuff just doesn't get me off. Ending a life's a waste when you can keep them as your loyal servant forever, and isn't it hotter for them to keep existing while trapped in a state of existential despair knowing all they'll amount to is a sentient pump-n'-dump?

Read the tags off the original post, apparently she was churned into a statue made of cum. I'd like to believe she didn't die but is instead in a permanent state of arousal as sentient cemented semen.

I got an idea for ya, anon. It's a bit rare, though, so bear with me:
Imagine this: a woman's having sex with a dick sliding in and out her body. Lost in the moment, she realizes she's slowly freezing up.
Her body's turning transparent (either rubbery and pliant or hard and glassy), and she can see inside herself as she begins transforming.
The dick sliding in and out of her is slowly dissolving her from within into a puddle of semen.
Right now she's seeing double: she's currently seeing through her own eyes, but as the transformation continues, her vision is split between her eyes on her body, and her increasing PoV as the sentient cum being trapped in her own body.

As her lover climaxes, the poor woman's permanently turned into a glass bottle/sentient onahole/condom in the shape of a human filled with her cummified self, begging to be turned back and to move again. Since she's transparent, her cummified self can still see from within, and she can only helplessly froth and bubble.
Oh, and her tits can be used to pour herself out.

...as for whether or not this counts as cock vore, think of it like how spiders inject meals with liquefication enzymes, and then sit back and slurp their prey.
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(On that note, the artist for this is Mobhunter. Kinda wish someone would upload their arts featuring a girl being filled with cum while being petrified...)
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Anyway, this sequence from Mou features something I really like about cummification: instead of rendering the girl into a nondescript churned mass of semen, the pred turns them into sentient semen-slimes she can have sex with.
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I wish Mou did more stuff like this.
Really like how imaginative cock vore can get when it cums to transforming people.
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I like reforming. You can turn a girl into cum over and over again.
girl turns into sentient cum slimegirl
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I prefer to see girls nut some bois. Hard to find futa on male CV.
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I'm a fan of cum slimes too.
God rasha does such obscenely good bulges
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>Also true, what's the point of seeing s girl going down a cock if she isn't gonna be turned into cum
It's because it requires thought, and fatalfags don't have a single one in their heads.
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Just a femboy pred with his kitsune gf apparently.
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Digestion is the best part for me, but good cock vore is good cock vore regardless of how it goes. I think cum slimes are fucking hot, and safe cock vore where it's just a sexual experience and not a fatal one is hot too.
But I think cock vore lends itself well to really weird perverted fetishes, which is exactly what I'm here for. For me, digestion of another person into gallons of semen is just what does it for me. It just tickles some part in my brain that someone gets digested away inside of a purely sexual organ, knowing how weird that sounds.

Penis expansion as the balls shrink is a really appealing version of that. I prefer balls that really actively digest the prey, then expel them in a super messy orgasm. I like to see the prey's mass all nastily go somewhere.
Really any artist that's got the sauce though is welcome. Good cock vore still needs to be good porn, and you can get so creative and so hot with it.
>>11192325 is right, there's a lot of room for variety here
I don't mind drawing guys if they're on top having sex with girls/futa, but I'm just not too interested in seeing guys in vore in general. There are some traps/crossdressers I'd be good with drawing (either position), but it basically just comes down to how cute I find them
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I still wish I could cock vore just to see what it's like to have people in my balls, melt into cum, and sit on them life a bunch of beanbags.
New Years bump.
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Got a source? Reverse image search ain't showing anything
It's by ClariAriKari, for some commissioner. Not her chara.
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Should’ve started plapping her.
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mura has stuff out
Does she already have prey in her balls?
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And I don't get why faggots like you bitch about fatal in every general vore thread instead of making your own without icky digestion.
Fatal cock vore with condom disposal is always the best. Nothing like a trophy room filled with the musky remains of countless women. Their bones floating in a sticky, salty muck they will never escape from and their latex coffin adorned with a desecrated picture of their previous form.

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