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Or CFNM for short.
Because helpless naked guys in front of powerful women is hot.
Last thread: >>11169286
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Was he stripped naked as part of the trap?
It wasn't a trap, she just forcefully made him strip then tied him up in the woods
Of coursh!
It's hotter if it's a trap, though.
Presumably she simply cut away his clothes bit by bit once he was trapped and unable to resist, unwrapping him like a present.
That's kinda hot even if it looks very hard to do judging by the way the ropes are around his body.
awww...so tiny and cute ^_^
I love this artist.
Should male armor become more sexualized, while female armor gets more covered up?
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What a coincidence, I also love editing this artists works together to create CFNM scenarios.
Very based, care to share?
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I only have 2, this is just different version of the one >>11206984 made.
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and this one
Love these! I wish there was more way to make cfnm edits for their art.
I do too love making simple cfnm edits, trying to find other artists to try it on
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Love this fetish!!
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I love it when the girls encourage it or want to see it, and then just take it all in god CFNM is by far my favorite fetish nothing else comes close to it.
Cute. And I agree, playful CFNM is the best.
Absolutely! It's my favorite too, really wish there was more content out there...
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You can always commission or make some CFNM art yourself
Kune seems to do a lot like that but most of his stuff is locked behind fanbox:

I'd buy it myself, but because the characters are young and loli/shota is illegal in my country I don't want to risk it.

Would anyone be interested in ripping his fanbox if I made a bounty for it on e-hentai?

There's 10 works listed under the fanbox section here I'd love see, most have english translations too.
So do I have to pay for the Gold Plan and I get access to all their content, or do I have to pay for each one individually? I've never used fanbox before.
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I want to be strip searched by a female cop like this
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Not him but i have for my favorite Zelda ships
(Link x Malon and TLink x Tetra)
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Always found it funny they added a scene of TLink stripping nude in front of Tetra in the Phantom Hourglass manga
Can you post the TLink and Tetra pics?

Pretty sure you just pay for 1 plan I thought it was the 500 yen one you need, but looks like the 1000 yen one is the only one that gives you access to everything, if it's not that way and you have to pay for them each don't bother, but I'm pretty sure its the former, Fantia is the only site that has a stupid system where once you pay you only get access to new stuff not old stuff think fanbox is just all of it.

If you're planning to do it let me know I'll make a bounty on ex and drop 1000 hath on it for you to fulfill.
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I love when the great hero is humiliated in front of the female protagonist!
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Link is probably the character with the most amount of CFNM art out there that I've seen
i disagree, i don’t see it all that often.
What other character has more?
Battler from Umineko
Not as much as Link, but Battler does have more than the average
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Monbetsu Kunihara: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/79906243

He draws Link naked a lot and sometimes in CFNM scenarios too.
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This is my favorite work of his
He also goes by keirenkun

Another one I found really hot recently I love imagining what the scenario is around this.

In my head it goes something like
>both boys are friends
>boy on the left is younger brother of the girl
and it pans out like
>"nee-chan can you help us out with something"
>turns up to them totally nude
>"we can't decide who is bigger, can you be the judge"
>she ends up totally fixated on her brothers friends cute dick because its the first one that's not her little brothers that she's seen
Neat found a new pixiv tag I like
Very hot Anon, thank you
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Does she have claws of kryptonite?
I have also commissioned some CFNM work, mainly for Nemissa and Yuichi from Soul Hackers.
Can you post them as well?
They've been posted on the other board, 2 by me and 2 by others, but here they are regardless

Very nice, thanks
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>Because helpless naked guys in front of powerful women is hot.

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What did she do here?
She was teasing him but nothing actually happens afterwards
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>start watching Hanako-kun this season
>suddenly remember Nene


I want to be Hanako-kun.
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Anyone into Narcissistic CNM? (Confident Nude Males)
Guys who are so proud and in love with their looks that they'll go around in public without a stitch just to flaunt their superiority. Absolutely loving the attention they're getting, surrounded by lustful women cooing over their gorgeous looks and fondling their perfectly chiseled bodies.
Definitely, it's not something you usually see but always great when it appears. Usually find some stuff like it under the 'penis awe' tag. One of my favorite types of cfnm.
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I love stuff like this, might fall into this category too >>11212120
that is one hot scene, love stuff like this!
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Guys being asked to expose themselves in front of female doctors is great too, I wish this doujinshi didn't get straight into sex though would have been hotter if there was actually an examination before. I just find the idea of a woman getting an eyeful and seeing all your intimate places as part of her job really hot... no sexual CFNM is so good.
I've always enjoyed cfnm more in when it's in a professional environment, any type of casual cfnm like >>11212998 is also great. One party being embarrassed while the other acts as if it's nothing special is just too hot.
Imagine if Link was told to strip FULLY naked when he fell asleep at the Shrine of Resurrection, the opening would've left a bigger impact.
If Nintendo didn't have to appeal to the kiddies, we could've had the option of an underwearless Link, would make the the scenes of the characters reacting his lack of clothes way funnier and hotter.
By late to end game, Link is skilled enough that he doesn't actually need any armour. Even most of the effects can be replicated with meals and potions.
There's something really hot about a nudist Link, hearkening back to the heroes of classical mythology.
Travelling across Hyrule with nothing but the Master Sword in hand, wrestling Ganon and being summoned back to the castle for a parade in his honor. All of Hyrule basking in his bare glory as the centerpiece for a massive ceremony.
Someone should make gifs or webms of the BotW nude mod. i would but my computer can’t run yuzu
The flopping is real cute.
Got any of the flaccid one? take him to a windy map!
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This sounds really gay but I unironically wish I had my clothes stolen once.
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it’s morally correct when a woman does it to a guy!
The best cfnm doujin I've read is Inga Ouhou <- Suppadaka Sokutei by kune kune project. It's on exhentai.
you should post proof to verify this claim
Just look at this thread, and thread before, it's mostly Link
agreed, esp with doctors. sauce on this page?
BOTW/TOTK Link is free use anyway, since the Great Fairies keep raping him.
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thanks anon
anything with a naked femboy?
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Only three I can remember off the top of my head:
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the small penis humiliation makes it even hotter!
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Being a Mothwoman breeder
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Cfnm mods should be a thing. Would be fun to play an rpg or something where all the girls are dressed fancy while the guys are wearing nothing but stuff like cages and collars.
Huh, did my post get deleted?
Which one?
False alarm, for some reason the thread wouldn't update on my end
Oh ok
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There's a lot of cfnm in Dragon Ball
GT too.
Wish Super had some
Super sucks too much.
Love this guy's content, so much femdom with some cfnm tossed in
interesting. How would she achieve this end?
Wonder that too.
This pose is always so hot.
nvm, iqdb came in clutch:
Thank you Fujimoto for many years of femdom and cfnm to come
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I've fapped to this twice now and I'm still not sure I understand why he was sleeping nude in the club room... but either way where this went after was hot.

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and Death of the Endless
I want to be left naked and to be controlled by a powerful mistress
Wouldn't this be easy just installing nude mods only for the males?
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Fuck that's hot, the handling
Samus and Link CFNM...not a bad combo
Females pulling down male underwear is kino.
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wow, she’s pogging!
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Love it when girl's get handsy
Persona 5 would've been better with a scene like this
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any games with an actual scene like this? closest i can think of is Spirit Tracks but sadly Zelda has to look away.
Only thing I can recall is from Neon White, where the red girl walks in on the main character about to take a bath and she starts teasing him before he yells out for her to leave, they don't show anything though.
I wish more games had cfnm scenes
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