Classic World Building Questions:>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?>2) What's the main supply of slaves?>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?Questions for Masters/Mistresses:>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?>4) What general feelings would you want your slaves to have towards each other? Competition? Jealously? Hierarchical obedience? Affection? Partnership?Questions for slaves:>1) How would you get adjusted to a new Master, or your life as a slave?>2) Would your Master assign the duty of training you to another trusted slave, training you himself, or train you with another slave?>3) If trained in a group or as a pair, who is the other slave? Your friend, your enemy, your lover, etc.>4) What training will you be put through?Questions for Switches:>1) Are your Master and slave fantasies always separate, or do you like to imagine role reversals?>2) Are there differences in how you would treat your slave(s) vs. how you imagine being treated as a slave?Last thread:>>11196563Archive Links:
Thread theme question:>How do you break a slave? >How do you eliminate their old identity or their bad habits? >How do you force them to accept their new life?>How do you punish them when they misbehave?
To the RPers>Why do you do it?To the RP haters>Why do you hate it?
>>11219271Someone made another thread already but messed up the title >>11217777
>>11219282That's why I made this one...
>>11219274I would inagine good old violence and pain would work the fastest for me. Electric shock collar would also be a constant reminder around my neck. Eventually I would just start following all the orders and never dare question anything. Why bother if all it does is give me more pain? And Master isn't that bad as long as I do everything as he says, he can be quite kind actually.Though unnecessary violence is not something I like. If I screw up or don't follow my new orders immediately, then it makes sense. But if I'm performing my tasks perfectly and still get randomly shocked then that's just counter productive and demoralizing.
Well done thread slave!
>>11219314>Though unnecessary violence is not something I like. If I screw up or don't follow my new orders immediately, then it makes sense. But if I'm performing my tasks perfectly and still get randomly shocked then that's just counter productive and demoralizing.If you are a slave, demoralization is the point. You get punished when you make a mistake. You get punished because master wants to.>>11219321Thank you, I was so nervous that I would mess up...
>>11219325But that way it's harder to stay 100% motivated in the long term if it's the same either way. If I've been trained to the point where disobeying Master wouldn't even cross my mind when I'm given my normal, daily commands, then I think random powerful shocks to my collar are just unnecessary. Though I'm obviously fine with Master casually slapping me hard on the ass when he walks by etc, that's his right.I think punishments, at least severe ones should be used to encourage slaves to develop to the direction Master wants. That way they have more effect and meaning.
>>11219337>I thinkSlaves don't think. If you get shocked it's because master wanted to shock you. You'll do what you're told because you're a slave. It doesn't matter if you are motivated or not motivated, happy about it or not happy about it. Do what you're told and thank master for your punishment.
>>11219281>Why do you hate it?Because when I post an idea in these threads, I want people talking about it, not people larping about how they'd love that to happen to them. Because I know most anons hate this, which means it drives them away, which means the thread ends up being nothing but RPers jerking eachother off. Because if I wanted Rule34 comments then I'd go to Rule34.
>>11219274I don't think we're going to get along very well.>How do you break a slave? I don't. Buying something just to break it is the act of a brutish thug. Go find some rocks to smash together, it'll be cheaper and more your speed anyway.>How do you eliminate their old identity or their bad habits? I don't. If I buy a princess or lady-knight, it's because I want a princess or lady-knight, habits and all. Look at your picture; look at Her Highness seething, humiliated, miserable as . I don't want that going anywhere. >How do you force them to accept their new life?I don't. Again, I want her to resist her new life as much and for as long as she can. Every day spent dragging her reputation and dignity through the mud, forcing humiliation after humiliation onto her, savoring every curse, cry, tear, and scream, why on earth would I ever want them to accept that? That would spoil the fun.>How do you punish them when they misbehave?I do! She'd have jobs, of course. Serving guests, cleaning, sex, menial things far bellow her station, things she'll hate doing. Jobs mean the possibility of failure, of course, which is half the point. Humiliating tasks leading to humiliating punishments. Nevermind that her duties are often barely any better than the punishments, and nevermind that the tasks are sometimes impossible or rigged against her to ensure failure and punishment, and nevermind that she's fully aware of all of this. The unfairness is the point. Actual behavior isn't really an issue, mind you. I want her being herself, but wouldn't punish her for not doing so.
>>11219464And how long does this continue? Months? Years? What happens when she tries to escape, tries to kill you? At some point, she'll need ta accept her fate, and once that happens, where is the new source of fun?
>>11219478>And how long does this continue? Months? Years?As long as it can. Strong wills and deep wells of pride, both for the attitude they bring and for how long they can last. >What happens when she tries to escape, tries to kill you?A harsher punishment that usual, maybe something more permanent. Or maybe just dismiss it? She makes a break for it after months of careful planning, fails, then just gets a "Aww, that was cute" and a demeaning head-pat before being sent back to work. That'd be a good way to throw her for a loop. >At some point, she'll need ta accept her fate, and once that happens, where is the new source of fun?Probably resell her to someone or set her up in some long-term predicament if the setting allows. You can try un-breaking her, but that barely ever works. Then it's back to the market for the next one.
>Princess slave>Captured and enslaved, not for ransom like she expected, but as a toy for some bastard>Life consists of humiliating tasks, humiliating punishments, and constant, impotent, helpless seething>Her owner clearly loves every minute of her miserable defiance, smiling at every sputtering curse, tear-filled glare, and hopeless promise of revenge >But she's smart>She sees his game, and she's not going to play it anymore>So she stops defying him>Just meekly goes along with everything as best she can>He knows she's putting up a front, and sometimes breaks through it, but for the most part she successfully denies him his prize>Whenever he's not looking, she's all grins at his obvious disappointment>One day, she's called to meet a guest>He's a repulsive man, his cruel, lustful eyes leaving trails of slime on her skin as he leers at her>Her owner introduces her to him, but with a different name>Huh?>She doesn't let her confusion show on her face, maintaining he meek facade, but dread starts to creep into her face as the conversation continues>You're sure about this?>Positive. Her behavior's been completely unacceptable lately.>You know how I am with my toys. There'll be nothing left of her by the time I've done, and I do mean that. She's a pretty little thing, after all.>There's lots of pretty little things out there, she's nothing special. And yes, I know. Go smash your rocks together, you thug.>Haha, well, if you say so. Can't say no to cheap, pretty rocks! Know how long she can hold her breath? >Well, she...
>>11219495>...wait. Wait, wait!!>They both turn at her outburst>That's not her name! She's not some nobody, she's a princess! Princess of Kingdom! She's important! She's...she's worth way more than...than that! So...!>They both look back to eachother before bursting out laughing in unison>Her, a princess? This meek little lass? Yeah, right! >The guest means it. Her (former) owner is an even better actor than she is and betrays nothing towards the truth.>And then she's in her (new) owner's hands, being dragged towards the front door, towards her new, worse home and new, worse life>The man who sold her watches her go>Wait! WAIT! She'll do better! She'll->She notices his obvious disappointment>She's smart>She know show to play this game>But she's not feeling very defiant right now>Y-you bastard! She'll...she'll get you for this! S-she will, so, so...! So please, please...!!>Her eyes are filled with tears, but nothing resembling a glare>He smiles at her obvious terror and gives her a tiny wave goodbye>No! NO!! Please! Master, please, don't do this, save her, no, NO->The door slams shut behind them.
>>11219495>>11219496I guess honesty is the best policy...
>>11219338What you have is a good attitude for slaves to have, you things aren't good at thinking so its best not to question how your betters treat you, but I do believe just randomly punishing slaves -all- the time is counter productive.A few times just to remind them their life is one of pain and brutality, sure. Shoving their face into a smudge that doesn't exist is a good way to remind them even if they could be of perfect service they aren't getting out of this brutal life they desired so easily. Stuff like having a shock collar go off at random, just being beaten because I feel like it, maybe just a couple of times a week? If at that? I really doubt a slave is going to be so perfect in her service that I would be missing opportunities to bring her to tears, I demand perfection knowing that slaves will inevitably have to be beaten when they fall short, its a understanding I have with their little minds.>>11219495>>11219496>>11219515Yeah...slaves are so bad at deception, even if you were some supposedly powerful person before you clearly weren't because you became a slave, and powerlessness is the defining feature of your life.
How would you introduce your new slave to your parents? First impressions are important after all, you wouldn't want them to think for a second that she's your girlfriend, right?
>>11219495>>11219496After sleeping on it, I probably wouldn't actually do this. Pretending to be broken is a charming trick, and essentially sending them to die is a lot. Maybe for special cases?Selling some princess or other person of import as a literal who is kino, though. That's one of my favorite moves; selling or reselling someone into slavery in way that just makes them vanish. Selling someone far from her reputation, in a land where nobody knows who she is, in a distant foreign port where nobody even speaks her language, just completely isolate her from everything she knows and everyone that knows her. Nobody will ever find her. It's a perfect method of disposal.And make sure she understands this too. When you hand her over to the slave trader or auctioneer, and she's shouting at your back, make sure she knows this is the very last time she'll see anyone who recognizes her as herself. Hell, >>11219274? This is how you "eliminate their old identity." What good is an identity if you're the only one who knows it?
>>11217891I don't have a belt (will probably get one someday) but it's been 3 months since I last masturbated if that counts as proper chastity. I'm planning to keep this going for 9 months.My original plan was to also refrain looking at pornographic content and just focus on reading about master slave relationships and doing self improvement and discipline but since I'm posting here it's clear I've relapsed.
>>11220064Kind of impressive
>>11220424It would only be impressive if I was really belted, I could do a month without much difficulty before. Normally I get conscious about not being able to masturbate when I'm alone and extremely horny, that happenes just a few times a week. Someone once posted about how female chastity is only binding if it's coupled with frequent edging and I think I'd agree with them, at least in my case. It would probably make orgasms more "earned", a better tool for conditioning and training a slave.
>>11220510Your humility is a positive value for a slave to have but that is actually impressive. I wouldn't be too upset if my slave suddenly wasn't so humble about going 3 months, especially since you say it was for self improvement and discipline. If you're looking to impress someone better than you that is exactly the kind of thing you tell a future Master, my birthday actually was 3 months ago which is fun to think about.I also personally don't like chastity belts, at least for female slaves. I dominated and enslaved that girl through force of will, and I want to see every part of her nude body, not cover it up like she deserves modesty. My thoughts are different for cages, I do like how those look, if you're a piece of property that has one of those down there it can look especially aesthetically pleasing since it doesn't obscure the view of your ass which I spent so much time making my property and a cage in "femboy pink" can look especially good from the front. Still, a slave should maintain chastity through fear of letting her Master down, both how she hates herself for disobeying who she was put on this earth to serve and fear of the pain she endures for disobedience. Edging would also be a good tool for training. I don't believe in touching slaves myself for their own pleasure, but kneeling on the floor and staring directly into Master's eyes while you touch yourself is the ideal way for slaves to cum anyways. Being tortured by all that pleasure while being overwhelmed by my gaze would perhaps help build devotion and worship. Certainly easier to be obedient when you would have images like that in your mind.
>>11220510I can't handle any amount of edging. The hot pent up frustration is too distracting and I can't function in a normal life... maybe I can do it over the weekend but when I get to work I can barely function. If I don't think about sex, the longest I've gone is about 2 weeks. But then I get one naughty thought and all the fluids just come right out of me...
>>11220755Yeah this is why I say being able to stop touching yourself all on your own is a big thing to be proud of. Acting like this is how people with a "special sexuality" which makes them want to live their entire life underneath someone else usually are. If you have the self control to do all that then it means you're way lower maintenance than other slaves, which would really set you apart in a lineup. I'm sure you could still be five mental illnesses stacked ontop of eachother and need constant reassurance that you are still worthy enough to be in the same room as Master, much less lick the grime off his boots, I really doubt any slave is that perfect, but I personally would have been proud enough of forcing my own slave to go that long, and here you are doing it without Master's shadow being cast over your mind.
>>11220806I honestly think that the almost perpetually horny, dumb as a rock pet career would work best for me. Less I have to think of any hard stuff the better.But I can crawl rather elegantly so that counts for something right?
>>11219778R-right, anon.
>>11220837Some days I wonder, since every attempt to self regulate has failed, if I wouldn't be better off as a caged slave. Even if I hated it, the decision would at least be out of my hands...
>>11220837"perpetually horny" "dumb as rocks" "thinking is so hard" oh so you're a average slave?Don't think you're going to be a coddled pet, you're meant to be put to work to pay back how people better than you indulge you in your bullshit, but if you've trained extra hard to act like a horny cat then that's only like 70% of slaves that do that. That's fine. >>11221265It shouldn't be your decision. You clearly are unowned, and don't have someone to tell you how often, if at all, you get to spurt things out from down there. You know you can always try to torture yourself instead? If you lack the discipline to believe yourself worthy of even being a slave you can give yourself electric shocks until you feel better about still holding on to that shred of humanity you believe yourself to have. >>11220930Oh a bunch of slaves would get all horny about being just as servile towards Master's family. But its honestly a bit gross.Just do what you usually do around free people, okay? Stand with your head bowed a few steps behind me, don't speak unless spoken to, if you get nervous from me telling them that this is my slave and I don't even tell them your name, remember the headpat you will get for good behaviour during such a delicate situation. Master will always tell you how to think and feel about things, makes life a lot easier. You can focus on service and being a cat girl when you grow up instead.
>>11221286>You know you can always try to torture yourself instead? If you lack the discipline to believe yourself worthy of even being a slave you can give yourself electric shocks until you feel better about still holding on to that shred of humanity you believe yourself to have.How often and how badly do you shock your slaves? I've heard you talk about random shock collars. Do you shock them until they enjoy the punishment, or does that make the punishment worse?
>>11221340It's just another way to discipline slaves, but one that is particularly intense. slaves shouldn't enjoy punishment, and while I am sure they can eventually learn to enjoy the bite of a crop, the ability of the shock collar to send pain through something that is so personal to them, what is very often their only bit of clothing, is one that would be hard to get used to. Likewise just variety in the pain inflicted helps with stopping them from getting used to it, this is to help teach them that they need to throw themselves into being of perfect service, because the closer they get the less punishment they will have to endure, and the happier their little minds will be fulfilling what they were put on this earth to do. While something like picrel wouldn't be that common and would probably fall under a more intense torture regimen for particular egregious failures, the best way to use shocks is just to tell a slave that her punishment will be to have it go off at some random time during the next few hours. Especially if the shock isn't set particularly high, she would be working after all and I would likely watch her for the right time to set it off rather than truly randomly programming it since you want her to trip in a way that is humiliating but not actually dangerous, and the fear and anticipation would do a lot more work to ensure compliance than the sheer pain of the shock anyways.
>>11221351You seem like the type to punish a slave by making her trip, then punish her for tripping...
>>11221393Anon, please. That's brute behavior. You might as well just punch her. Now, suddenly cranking up her remote vibrator at an inopportune time? That's more like it.
>>11221393Actually, no, that's the kind of double jeporady you want to avoid. The punishments should largely stem from how perfect service is impossible, and she knows what each of her own actions correspond for each punishment she did. No hard feelings for failing to achieve something that is literally impossible either, giving her a additional beating for flinching during her first one is the kind of stuff a Master who actually hates his slaves would do, and its counter productive since I like when slaves pour out all their emotions. Unless of course a slave is getting all horny about wanting to be mistreated in such a brutal way. In which case, you can always beg and grovel your heart out to be treated that way. It's only fair.
>>11221400>might as well just punch her.>>11221402>Actually, no, that's the kind of double jeporady you want to avoid.Nothing so boring as punching, but the double jeopardy is hot. You know you'll get punished for resisting, so you try and go along with it to lessen the punishment. But you know you'll accidentally flinch, or cum, and get punished more for something you already know is out of your control. You can't help but get turned on, which you know you'll get punished for, but that's the life of a slave...
>>11221286>you're meant to be put to work>Ends up burning Master's food, makes a mess in the kitchen and breaks 2 plates.Uhmm, I never said I was good at cooking. At least I'm good at 70% of the other things I'm ordered to do. Also my food bowl is empty, nyaa?
>>11221413Yeah see what I mean? I try and show how I kind of love having a girl who is nude and does everything for me and then they go "But I want to serve a man who just wants to kill me, Master! Please mistreat me since I don't want to ever be with someone with humanity, Master! I'll do whatever you say just please beat me to within a inch of my life Masterrr!"If you truly want to live with such brutality you can spend 20 minutes begging before me how you deserve such brutality, and if I'm convinced I will keep notes on the weeks worth of torture you will have accrued with every mistake you made during those 20 minutes. Did you know that crying gets your tears all over my property, as in the floor or the slave, and that's bad? And if you don't cry its a equal punishment for clearly not having your heart fully into what I told you to do? Fun. >>11221421"70%" is really pushing it, except you keep on being a cat girl like 70% of slaves, that is true. I have no clue how you fucked up cooking that bad but you clearly think you're going to get to suck cock aswell as cook a fresh helping of gruel for yourself and you know what?Yeah sure, you can have both of those. When you're done sucking down your first meal I'll also help you eat your second, shoving your face right in there so you don't miss any of that fuel you need to keep going. After that, you're probably scared of some intense torture? To really help you atone for being the worst cook Ive ever seen, when that's like most of what your life is about?No. Instead you get to stand facing this specific corner. I'll have a good view of your ass there from my computer. If I have need of your service I will come and get you and then put you back. Otherwise you won't even get water out of your little bowl until tomorrow morning when I come to put you back to work. Maybe you would have enjoyed horrible torture more, maybe not, at least you have time to think about how to cook properly.
>>11221446Stand in this corner? Ok, Master, that should be easy......................Can I at least go get my toys?
>>11221446>Did you know that crying gets your tears all over my property, as in the floor or the slave, and that's bad? And if you don't cry its a equal punishment for clearly not having your heart fully into what I told you to do? Fun.See? You get it...
>>11221457No. No toys. You're lucky that I even give you the honour of wearing my collar right now and that I'll probably want my cock sucked at least once tonight. Fucking neko slaves are so stupid, it will take a while to brainwash you properly. Now shut up and do as your told, slaves can only have a little bit of RP as a treat and you have not been nearly good enough for a treat.>>11221461Yes. And you, a slave, are saying "I get it", like you claim to know more than me?That's going down in the notebook. Now, if you were so braindead that you couldn't even articulate how you wanted to be treated, then that's a dumb fucking slave that will also be punished since I would be concerned about your ability to even clean without drooling all over my property. Its a neat notebook, see? I know you wish you couldn't read but you're up to 40 lashes and 2 days in the hole already. Fun!
>>11221482>Yes. And you, a slave, are saying "I get it", like you claim to know more than me?I know you don't know what to do with a slave who isn't already mindbroken and gagging for headpats.>Its a neat notebook, see? I know you wish you couldn't read but you're up to 40 lashes and 2 days in the hole already. Fun!Oh no, I hope you don't make me stand in the corner too...
>>11221496I've come to realize that standing in this corner is reaaally boring. Especially with no toys.Also there's dust on the floor, I have to clean it later.
>>11221508Yeah a time out is a pretty boring and lame punishment. If master doesn't improve his game, his slaves are going to revolt so they don't die of boredom.
I want to knock up an irritated slave with a full on venus body who long ago gave up on her dreams of having children and is quietly afraid she’s no longer able due to the abuse she suffered from her previous master!
>>11221496Aw, you're going to the whole seething defiance thing. Hoping that you'd get some hard slap for even looking at Master in such a way, much less saying what you did?I mean maybe. A bit later, perhaps. For now lets just cut straight to giving you a headpat. All that impotent defiance and you didn't even get horribly tortured for it, infact you had to fight hard to not melt upon feeling your owner's hand. Im not all bad, see? I only treat you exactly as you deserve. >>11221508Yes. That is the point. When I go to sleep you can lie down, but I expect you to go right back to standing when you wake up and I come to collect you. And you'll be pretty parched too, so I'll let you lick up that dust before I pour you some tap water for your bowl. If you're so bored that you lick up the dust before tomorrow morning you will be licking up every speck of dust in this house before you get your stupid water.
>>11221508>>11221511I liked the "slave commandments" that were a thing in an earlier thread because I think the pseudo-religious slavery kind of fits the way I would like to be enslaved.To me, the "ideal" of being a slave is existing as a non-human, strictly an instrument of my master's will. I would have been taught that that is what is ordained for slaves, and when I became a slave, I would have to realize that applies to me now.The "ideal" slave is kept in time-out by default. When she is not executing her master's orders or sustaining herself, she should stand facing a corner, hands behind her back, and mind as clear as possible, to realize that ideal of having no will of her own, existing only as her master's tool.Of course, how this is practiced from household to household varies. Some households are lax with it and allow slaves to their own devices while not working. Others are very strict and will punish slaves for even slight frivolities. I would be kept in the latter. When I am not serving, I am to worship.To a good slave, the corner is not "boring". It is something she should embrace fully in her worship of her master.The worst possible punishment is to be placed in storage, outside the grace of master. To exist in a tiny box, unable to move, my physical functions maintained by magic or technology for weeks or months or perhaps even years and left to ponder my failure as I wait an unknowable amount of time in the hope that one day I may be allowed to serve again.Humans live. Slaves serve. That should be the mantra of any slave.
>>11219274>How do you break a slave?>How do you eliminate their old identity or their bad habits?>How do you force them to accept their new life?12 hour hypno sessions with a VR headset. Every meal fed by hand.Not allowed to speak for the first week or so. She'll be gagged to help her avoid breaking the rule.>How do you punish them when they misbehave?Unlubricated anal.Spanking. (Important to avoid a straight-up beating, I don't want to break my stuff.)Bondage to make the slave physically unable to repeat whatever she just did. (Optional: Restraints JUST loose enough to let her do her chores.)Emphasis on bondage being for her own good: She won't get punished if she literally can't misbehave.
>>11222218>The "ideal" slave is kept in time-out by default. When she is not executing her master's orders or sustaining herself, she should stand facing a corner, hands behind her back, and mind as clear as possible, to realize that ideal of having no will of her own, existing only as her master's tool.Her posture while facing the wall is important, too. (pic related)
>>11222274Disguising. No maid-slave harem of mine would be walking around with garters over panties.I'd make them strip right there to stand in shame for an hour and then have them put all their clothes back on, making sure the garters are UNDER their panties.If it happens again, she's either defiant or an exhibitionist.
>>11222218You truly understand why I actually sentence my slaves to corner time when I'm actually mad at them. Actually being away from Master's touch and Master's gaze is way worse than suffering untold levels of pain for Him. There's this obsessive worship that is in pretty much any slaves personality and when that's unlocked for a Master she truly wants to serve for her entire life nothing is worse than not feeling His shadow over her. >Humans live. Slaves serve.That is actually a fantastic little mantra, slaves are capable of something a bit like human intelligence when they come with stuff like that. Good girl headpats right there, make sure to repeat it when you wake up every morning. >>11222276Someone clearly doesn't believe in permanent forced nudity for his property. I mean maids are a good aesthetic too, seen a few girls who work that way, but putting clothes on a slave feels like putting clothes on one of those nude greek statues, y'know?I enslaved the whole slave and I want to see the whole slave. She doesn't get body inspections every day just because I love feeling her up, but also because she's one part art piece and one part tool.
What did Jabba to to Leia?
>>11222293Owned her. That's it, really. Humiliating a strong woman, and a princess to boot, by dressing her in skimpy clothes and keeping her on a leash as eye candy for your guests is a real power move.
>>11222293Horrible, horrible things. Activated a love for Master/slave relationships in pretty much anybody who saw that and had that kind of sexuality. The worst crime of all, also I guess people liked the laser sticks too. Other than that I guess he's a weird slug monster or something? Is there even anything to suck there? Maybe he leaves behind a nasty slime when he moves around and she needs to worship that. Pretty gross.
>>11222293He let his favourite minions have their way with her.(Of course, she was only there for one night, and Boba Fett was given the first go.)
>>11222274Yeah, I only used that image as an example of good 'waiting to serve' posture.The maids being allowed to wear panties at all is, in my opinion, unacceptable. They should be allowed nothing below the waist aside from their aprons.
>>11222340That's a fun image. Some crime boss or evil king keeping some sexy slave leashed at his throne. Every member and visitor to his court eyeing her up, some with fear and the depravity, many more with open lust. He regularly offers her up for sex. To henchmen for good behavior, to guests as a show of good will, to men sent out to do his dirty work if they do the job right. And all she can do is sit there in chains, feeling every gaze and listening to every word. Imagine the bastard posts some job or bounty and gets a steady stream of thugs and villains looking to fulfill it. In addition to the reward, he offers her to each and every one of them as a bonus. Each time like an afterthought, but every time without fail; he's clearly enjoying this. A series of increasingly vile, vicious, disgusting bastards, from every point of the villainous spectrum, and with every new applicant she's left to wonder which one is going to actually pull the job off and get to do whatever they want with her...
Man, Lyn is just such perfect slavery material. One of my favorites, at any rate.You know what makes for a good slave? Someone who makes for a good literally anything else. Someone who was, could, and should have really been something. Someone special. But then they got caught, enslaved, and now this is all she'll ever be.
>>11222274>>11222276Shit, responded to the wrong post.
>>11222296>>11222297>>11222363>>11222368These anons get it. Love the idea of a strong fighter or well known princess or political figure chained on display. She's not immediately going to just worship master and sit quietly in a corner. It's going to take a long time before she internalizes her total defeat... if she ever does.
>>11222274I imagine it more like this (with or without the sex). Back arched, arms crossed behind, and no clothing.
>>11222274>>11222487I'd prefer my ¨standby¨ position to be something like pic related that makes my lower status absolutely clear for everyone in the room. Just one glance towards me and everyone knows that I'm someone's slave. Empty eyes staring forward, and a vacant smile, just calmly waiting for my next order.
Let's talk beauty treatment; how do your slaves ge their nails, face, body hair, brows and hairstyle done? Do you treat them to get it done somewhere or are they trained to groom themselves/each other? With regards to hair (on their head), do you mandate a uniform style?
>>11222499When I'm first enslaved, master will probably spend some time dressing me up how he likes. Eventually though, regular maintenance would come down to the other slaves in his harem. If I resist, he may even order other slaves to punish me as a reward for their own good service. Being the slave of another slave would be super hot.
>>11222489Ah the nadu pose. I love it for a reason. Even if you unfortunately had to wear clothes for whatever reason, possibly to keep you warm enough to continue your servitude, the body language from that so perfectly communicates that you are so without power that any human knows that talking to you is worthless. Best to find who has command over you if they want service, since attempting to have a conversation with this thing is going to go nowhere. >>11222499Short nails, no hair allowed anywhere below the top of their head, there will be pain if I discover any during the daily body inspections. Being a man they might have to give me a crash course in how they can do their makeup in a way that pleases me, I barely even realized that there was brow styles until now, but their hairstyle should be a lot like picrel, with the caveat that I do style my own hair long and its a fair bit longer than that as a simple power move. slaves should try to groom themselves as much as possible, I already spend so much money on this beauty stuff, if I can avoid paying someone to treat them then that's saving me spending money on things that really only deserve cold gruel and a beating, I'm being extremely kind treating them as a art piece. However with more than one girl it's also important to tell them apart, since they would be ordered to have identical beauty routines. First girl gets to dye her hair a bright blonde. Second girl a more raven black. If there's a third, which is really pushing it, but she can have more of a dirty blonde/very light brown colour. Aswell as having different hair colours and different humiliating slave names some slight differences in makeup would help tell them apart. I'd be seeing the makeup every day and thus also tweaking it every day, but the hair colours are so different that finding ways to accentuate those colours would aid in giving these largely identical bitches a hint of personality.
>>11222499By default, I'd go pretty simple and personally shave her whenever I feel like her hair is too long.>>11222521>regular maintenance would come down to the other slaves in his harem. Slaves maintaining each other is important.Slaves in general can't be trusted with their own bodies, and your master doesn't always have time to do these things, so I choose one of my favourites (not you) to look after shaving and trimming.
>>11222499I'd like to imagine things like these are taught to all slaves as part of our basic training before we're sold off. I should be 100% ready to change my appearance to match my Master's personal tastes exactly from day 1. Afterwards I can just focus on my servitude and learn how to serve him best as quickly as possible so I can be of use to him.
>>11222571>I choose one of my favourites (not you)Good, I'm not interested in being a boring brain dead slave. And tell her she better not cut the slaves by accident!
>>11222571I am very hands on with how my slaves live their lives in general but no actually putting hands on them to shave is the kind of menial task they were meant for. I do think having a favoured slave who has responsibility for the girls under her would be a good idea. Its her who makes sure that the other girls are spotless for their daily body inspection, and it will be both her and the offending slave that will suffer punishment if there is even a hint of fuzz that touches my hand. Enough failures and she might lose favour and have the girl under her promoted. Head slave is a prestigious position that is balanced by having responsibility which is generally not what slaves are meant for. Makes for a lot of humiliating ceremonies where the torch is passed, any girl I enslave would be such a bottom bitch that getting her feet kissed by the slaves under her a single time during that ceremony would honestly be hell, but disobeying Master to the point where you wouldn't earn his favour feels far, far worse.
>>11222678I don't want such high level responsibilities either. Too many choices and too much of thinking involved.I just want serve and work as ordered 24/7.
>>11219271Is there any loli ponygirl art? Always udders for some reason. They are not cowgirls ffs.
>>11219271I guess this is the most suitable thread to ask.I did read a manga a few months ago about a woman that was abducted from Earth by monsters and sold into slavery. She was bought by some gorilla-like monster who at first planned to just use her like a sex toy, but later started to fall in love with her. She had an abusive husband and bitchy daughter at the Earth so she starts to love monster too. Also she was somewhat modified in the middle of manga (breast enlargement, vagina expansion) and at the end there was the last modification. Do not remember surely if she had piercings but I think she had. In the last pages she is carried like a human shiled by her gorilla master (while pregnant?) in the city, she sees a newly abducted woman and tries to encourage her. Manga was in Japanese, didn't has an English translation. Artstyle was either amateur or lazy, and it was either uncolored or really lightly colored.I need to start to bookmark more manga. Lost half a day trying to find it.
>>11222521If I've learned anything from the last thread, is how entirely blindfolding/blinding can disable somebody and make them wholly submissive.Based on their position as slave, there are some that would simply be better off unable to see.
>>11223309I love the idea of some type of permanent bondage that keeps me blindfolded or immobilized but still able to serve within a very narrow range. I wouldn't be able to do anything outside of my function, and would be completely reliant on my owner or another slave to guide or direct me.
>>11222485>her total defeatI it better or worse if she wasn't actually defeated? They grabbed her in her sleep, she surrendered when faced with a hostage, went incognito and got caught, she went down without a fight. On one hand, not actively defeating her means you're denying her her entire identity. She's a fighter who didn't get to fight. Constant, furious, miserable seething, this isn't fair, you fucking cowards, if she could just get out of these chains, if she could just get a sword in her hands again...!! But she won't. She'll never get the chance. She's going to get ogled, suck dick, and get passed around by these bastards for the rest of her life. On the other, actually defeating her means crushing her entire identity. She's a fighter who fought and lost. She defined herself with her skill with a blade, yet when that skill was truly test it came up short, and now she's a slave. So really, was she much of a fighter to begin with? If she had been then she wouldn't be a chained-up dicksucker in the first place. And she sucks real good, all these thugs love her, so when you get down to it, isn't she a better sex slave than she ever was a swordswoman?
>>11223346also would force you to trust your handler entirely. The longest I've kept a sub blind in lenses was less than a day, for safety reasons, but I would have loved to keep her blind for a full week. The amount of gentle power I had in her being so helpless and needing me to function was a massive turn-on. Obviously a slave would need to be capable in some respect or they would be useless, but it does reinforce how utterly helpless they are against their situation.
>>11223366>They grabbed her in her sleep, she surrendered when faced with a hostage, went incognito and got caught, she went down without a fight.Oh yeah, or getting caught in a trap, or overrun by surprise. Goblins are perfect for that because they are small and weak creatures that can only win by numbers or traps or trickery. And each day you wake up thinking "if only I had the chance to fight I wouldn't have gotten caught" but each day in slavery makes you weaker and weaker...
>>11219464Based and 100% same for me. >>11219274>>How do you break a slave? >>How do you eliminate their old identity or their bad habits? >>How do you force them to accept their new life?>>How do you punish them when they misbehave?The thing is, just like the other anon, I really don't want to break my slavegirl. I want her to protest and fight all the time. I don't want her to accept and adapt. Of course she will be forced to her new life by bondage and restraints all the time but I still want her to hate every second of it. I want to know that she's planning to escape. I would even set up some false chances to watch her try and fail so I can punish her. And for punishments? I would go with something humiliating to make her hate this even more. I want her to feel shame when she orgasms involuntary when I fuck her her. I want her to swear and badmouth me every time I take her gag of for feeding (of course she'd get only low-grade nasty meals and if she refuses, then nothing else for days) and shake her head when I try to re-gag her afterwards. That gag is mostly to make her drool for more humiliation, not to actually silence her. There's no use once she breaks and accepts her situation. I would just sell her and look for new one.
>>11223498I see you too are a man of culture. >I would even set up some false chances to watch her try and fail so I can punish her. My favorite sort of escape prevention mechanism is a device or spell applied to her as soon as she arrives in her new home that only activates when she gets a certain distance away. A collar that controls her body and marches her back into captivity, a tattoo that inflicts unbearable pleasure that only I can deactivate, that sort of thing. She pulls off her escape and thinks she's home free, then nope, that innocuous thing from the very start of her enslavement activates it's hidden function and crushes her hopes at the very last second. Just kidding, you never actually had a chance. For added fun, make sure you've got a lot of security theater around your estate. None of it really matters, her fate was sealed months ago, but it gives her something to slowly and painstakingly work towards and overcome, making her inevitable failure all the sweeter.
>>11223481Exactly. Personally, I prefer that first option, because it's just so unfair. She struggles and trains and becomes strong, then just...nah, it didn't matter. All that for nothing. The single most important moment of her life, the incident which crushes her dreams and ruins her future, and all that strength didn't mean a damn thing. It's superb.And you know the best part? The bastards could and would act like it was the second one. She was never actually defeated, but they'd still treat her like she was. She handles a dick better than she ever did a sword, shouldn't have wasted her time playing hero and just whored herself out to start with, stupid bitch thought she could actually fight, the works. And again, all she can do is take it. Oh, she'll still seethe and swear at them. Needing restraints of this level against a single woman? Cowards, all of them! If she just had a sword in hand then none them would stand a chance against her! But do the thugs listen? No. Of course not. They just laugh, right in her face, jeering at the very idea of her being anything but helpless slave, mocking her very identity, the fiber of her being.She's right about all of it, of course. She's stronger than they are. But it doesn't matter. They don't believe it for a second, and she's never going to get a chance to prove them wrong.>but each day in slavery makes you weaker and, that's one aspect of slavery and long-term captivity that I just kind of ignore. The sexy warrior woman getting all flabby or wasting away? No thanks.
>Out on the road in your carriage, off to visit an associate>Brought an escort of bodyguards, and your favorite slave>A proud, willful, and thoroughly humiliated and miserable former swordswoman>Apparently she was really something before she got trapped, captured, and sold>Funny how all her skill ended up being pointless in the end>She doesn't think it's very funny whenever you point that out to her, though for you that just makes it funnier >You can't wait to show her off>For this outing you've got her chained up as usual, hands and feet in shackles, but for extra safety you've applied a magical shock collar>It can be activated at-will, but also automatically shocks her silly if she tries to flee or attacks you>Handy, but expensive>Suddenly there's a commotion outside>Shouts and blades and dying men>Peering outside, you see your bodyguards getting overwhelmed by some bandits>Big ones, all muscles and tattoos>Your men are getting slaughtered>Eyes dart down to your own sword>, no, that's pointless, there's too many of them, you wouldn't stand a chance, but then...>Shit, shit, what should you->"Give me your sword!!">Huh?
>>11223600>You look up to see your slave staring at you, shaking her restrained hands in your direction, eyes bright with intent and urgency >What? Who does she->"We don't have time to argue!! Give me that sword and unlock my shackles! Hurry!!">Why wou->"I know that bandit clan, they don't take prisoners! I can beat them, you can't! Give me the damn sword and release me or we're both dead and I am NOT dying today because of a disgusting pervert like you!!">The words fly from her mouth as you hear the battle rage outside> No, She'll kill you the second she gets the chance, you can't just...>For a moment her urgent expression clouds over with that familiar, piercing hate>It doesn't look as appealing as usual right now>"Yes. I will.">And then it's gone>"But not now. I'll still have this damned collar around my neck. You're still perfectly safe from me, you cowardly bastard. Now stop your whinging, release me, and GIVE ME YOUR DAMN SWORD!! Hurry, there's no time!!">You hear the last of your guards bite it>The bandits turn towards your carriage>Your swordswoman slave thrusts her shackled wrists towards you, eyes bright with purpose and a dark tinge of desperation>...
>>11223583> The sexy warrior woman getting all flabby or wasting away?But that's hot as hell. That toned warrior body that took years of hard training gets all feminine and meaty during her long time in slavery. And now even if she had a chance to escape she either wouldn't even notice it anymore, or realize that it's already too late for her; she's too slow and weak now. So all she's good for is sex and serving her Master from now on.
It's valentines day in a couple weeks. Makes me think about romantic things to do with your slave. It is meant to be a day between "lovers" which implies that both people are humans, but then there's a reason I have relationships with these things instead of human beings and am a bit soft towards them sometimes. slaves are property so they can't exactly own anything, making gifts somewhat pointless, but if you indulge a slaves natural trend towards obsessive yandere then just giving her some garbage of yours as a personal affect is enough to send her crazy. Still, feels like it should be some more romantic act of service, the fact she's even being given the humanity "romantic" implies is special. Where I live it's still very cold on that day but a slave can still survive out there 10-15 minutes naked, maybe. More than enough time to masturbate on the front porch. Really make sure she doesn't get used to any humane treatment. After that, well, I think that a slave should engage in the thing she fears most and use her brain. Come up with a night of exemplary service, make me a gigantic feast, come up with all sorts of new ways to entertain me. A while ago there was a slave in this thread who wanted a day out of the month where she would be permitted to plan a long night of extreme service, since she spends so much time thinking of her Master and would know just how to make him happy. It's a great way to engage with how slaves are technically capable of non-linear thinking, its just always on really unique ways to express their total subjugation by a human being.
>>11222680>I am very hands on with how my slaves live their lives in general but no actually putting hands on them to shave is the kind of menial task they were meant for.Comes down to personal preference.I'm the kind of weirdo who disassembles all his stuff to know how the insides work. I'm going to inspect every inch of my property, whenever I feel like it, and no amount of squirming or begging is going to stop me.>I do think having a favoured slave who has responsibility for the girls under her would be a good idea. Its her who makes sure that the other girls are spotless for their daily body inspection, and it will be both her and the offending slave that will suffer punishment if there is even a hint of fuzz that touches my hand.I think getting tied up with her face forced against the girl's body overnight would be a good motivator for making sure she's clean.
>>11223346> I wouldn't be able to do anything outside of my functionThat's the hottest type of slavery for me; where I'm only trained to do a very spesific simple function: I'm clearly just a tool to my owner and he barely even considers me a sentient being with feelings and thoughts. I'm just a means of traveling and moving stuff around, nothing more. Love ponygirl slavery and lootbitch slavery because of this.
>>11224416Aw I love seeing pictures like this. So few representations of dominant men with softer aesthetics. So many pictures of a man who looks like he washes his ass throw us into the servile femboy box and makes us just as much a quivering slave as the girls we own. I get a lot of noble vibes off this man meaning that he likely is trained in oratory and knows 100 different ways to insult his property as they lick the grime off his boots. Good representation. I also already do consider slaves to be barely sentient, even if it is exactly because of their feelings and thoughts. They can't be trusted to have control over themselves which is why their Master is often held legally responsible for anything they do. slaves are the ultimate multi purpose tool so while you won't have a entire life of being a lootbitch you still are a beast of burden and not a person, which means you will be told to switch straight from silently hauling the loot back to the estate to cleaning every single inch of it without any consideration for pretending you have a life outside service. I'm the one that has a life, you are just a accessory to it.
>>11220543>I also personally don't like chastity belts, at least for female slavesthe compromise would be that we are forced to keep it exposed and on display during the day, but are forced into them at night when Master is done with us, and we are locked into the slave quarters. Otherwise with no supervision it's very tempting when being tortured with edging, even with bound hands you can still go far lying on our tummy. It later gets removed again in the morning if we pass Master's morning inspection>>11222499in the morning we have to prim ourselves ready for Master, and lock our wrists in the suspended ceiling cuffs lined up and ready for Master to inspect His property>>11222521>>11222571this gives the perfect mix between being part of a livestock herd, and prey
>>11219778I do not usually introduce appliances to my parents.
>>11224416Yeah that's also why I really like the idea of running into someone you know after enslavement. To have all of your former friends and family see what you've been reduced to, and be unable to respond because you are gagged or you know the punishment that happens if you respond... super hot.
>>11224724There really nothing like solidifying that you are no longer human until you are reintroduced to somebody who knew you when you were pretending to be a person.
>>11224724Oh, just the best. Just playing my part in such a situation, doing what I've been doing for years already; following orders. By that point the thought of even trying to ask for help from them has been beaten away from me. Only violence and pain comes from disobeying anyway, so what's the point?I've learnt to appreciate my current life by now; my Master feeds me and takes care of me as long as I follow his orders and keep my mouth shut and head empty. In fact the tought of living on my own sounds absolutely frightening now, how am I supposed to know what to do or where to go without His orders?
>>11224416This is why I like pony play so much.Strict restraints immobilize me, and there's not really any function I serve aside from pulling things upon command. What goes on in my head is entirely irrelevant because under no circumstance is it necessary for me to speak.I would be kept on a drug that simultaneously suppresses my intelligence (though not so much as to leave me unaware of what is happening to me) and well as boosts my sex drive to unreasonable amounts such that I would be near-constantly masturbating if I could. My tack, however, is designed to hold me on the edge, perpetually desperate but never satisfied. Those two effects combined mean that I am left enslaved to my own desperation, constantly and desperately craving an orgasm that remains out of reach.My masters, of course, only give me enough to keep me hopeful. Most of the time it's a few rubs down below before pulling away and leaving me screaming, working myself into a frenzy in my bindings.>>11224911Knowing there's nowhere to run anymore is so good. There's no escape because anyone would just return me to the authorities. My enslavement is my rightful place.
>>11225150>constantly and desperately craving an orgasm that remains out of reach.And that Master's promise of orgasm once we reach our destination certainly helps us to keep up the pace (even if 4 out of 5 times it was just a lie). Just stay docile like always, actively show how worthless you are and follow your orders, then you just might get your reward.
>>11224724>>11224773ive been thinking about this when i self insert into the Kanye/Bianca Censori. her eyes look so distant like she's disassociating from it to the point where he may as well collar her.i just like the idea of being forced to stand and display, arms folded behind my back, until Master graciously chains my wrist cuffs to the front of my collar so i can go back to crawling on all foursof course that's just a fantasy as Master would display a more prized, bustier slave, not a 34Bi would just be kept on all fours as punishment for being so flat
Maybe you guys can help me, since iirc the topic fits. I've been searching for a doujin, whose name I've completely forgotten and can't find anything about. I don't remember story aspects or anything anymore, but what I do remember vividly is the male character being able to trap women in glass jars by expending their tits and making sure they are unable to escape. He was thin enough to get in and even installed something to make sure they could only go pee when he allowed it etc. Basically the girls just had to live as cum jars for the rest of their lives, unable to do anything unless the guy took them on a walk etc... does anyone know what doujin I'm talking about? Do you guys maybe have a name, link or number? Appreciate it guys!!!
>>11226550Oh I actually like the more petite slaves. There is such a thing as too much boobs. Infact 34B is a lot for a girl who has had to endure the slave diet of gruel, tears, and beatings. Just don't let it go to your dumb little head. You're still completely worthless and meant only to serve. But showing all of your old friends what a great piece of property you are now, how happy you are to not think anymore, and how you are a bright spot in peoples day when they see a grovelling slave who will do anything to make them happy? Yeah that sounds like fun. I'd even trust people from your old life to have a little bit of command over you. They so clearly put up with your indecision and self doubt when you were pretending to be a human being, but now you've got a permanent smile plastered on your face, no matter how forced it looks, and don't friends just want their friends to be happy? You have no right to disobey anything they tell you. When I march you around wearing "clothes" for the neighbourhood to see I want you to be as happy as your younger self thought you might be. slaves are freaks who touch themselves to shit like telling mom they want to be a appliance when they grow up, but this is what you were meant for. If even total strangers are happy to see how pleasing my property is then you better not let them down. Do as you're told.
>>11226550I like to imagine being trained into the "hands folded behind back" pose so strictly that subconsciously, even if I'm not bound, my hands simply return behind my back, wrists crossed. Standing or walking any other way feels unnatural and takes deliberate effort on my part.Of course, my master doesn't hesitate to restrain my wrists. After all there's no need for me to have access to my hands if they're not working.Sometimes I forget about it until I go to perform my dogeza and realize I can't get my hands to the floor. It's a harder position to leave. I'm not allowed to get up from dogeza until granted permission to and sometimes my master thinks it's funny to walk away without letting me up. If I want to get around after that I have to try to scoot along the floor, hands still bound behind me, trying to use my breasts as support. 36C here btw. Tested this out and it's very possible on hardwood though not comfortable.
>>1122676734B is still very flat, but i agree about the worthlessnes and serving part>I'd even trust people from your old life to have a little bit of command over youof course, i know how far down i am, would you enslave them as higher ranking slave, or just invite them as Master's houseguests?>>11226767>If even total strangers are happy to see how pleasing my property is then you better not let them down.Either way i did see a party trick, where a woman on twitter said her ex bf used to click his fingers then hit her, so that he could show his/her friends that she would flinch when he clicks.Would they though, do you really see people react like that to dogs>Do as you're told.Yes Master>>11227004yes ive started trying to do that more, along with more corner kneeling time>I'm not allowed to get up from dogeza until granted permission 36C heremakes sense, you're enough to be allowed, a board like me has no place to have her nose above the floor, as showing how flat i am would only bring shame to Master
>>11227071Hey flattie, your worthlessness has nothing to do with that. You're worth what I tell you and I like boobs like that, even if things like you will always find some way to tell themselves why they are below everyone. >old friendsProbably house guests. I'm sure you might have been friends with someone who was just as much a pretend human as you, but I would already have my hands full taking care of you, having anxiety attacks over not having worthy enough boobs. I'll be sure to talk to them, I'd hope I can have a good relationship with them, but regardless I'd learn even more about you from them. Special girls require some quite special training. >Party tricksYeah that sounds like horny twitter if im being honest. Im sure you can make a slave flinch doing stuff like that, but most people would find it weird. It's why when you put a smile on peoples faces its from a nice smile and a nice body, boob anxiety notwithstanding. >Dogeza and corner kneelingThat stuff sure helps with self reflection, huh? Good girl doing that all on your own. That other bitch isn't trained how I would train mine though. Most of the time when idle your hands are behind your head much like picrel. Its a eternal favourite for a reason. Aside from a more nadu pose as a alternate, when actively walking around a slave should have her hands infront of her, not in any particular pose although they will very often have their gaze downcast and slightly fidget with folding their hands. This is so you are ready to carry anything I hand you or spring to whatever service those hands are needed for. That image of you trying to scoot around like that is hilarious though. I'd be sure to randomly bind up your wrists just to see what your special mind can come up with.
I for one always prefer crawling (leashed) over walking whenever possible. Wouldn't want anyone to think that I'm a human after all. I'm not good at talking or explaining things.
>>11227277crawling is the best, should only really be standing up under specific orders from Master, or for storage/display purposes>>11227210>you're worth what I tell youthe idea of being pricetagged on the ear or something is so hot>but most people would find it weirdprobably, but i love the idea of that sense of fear>so you are ready to carry anything i hand youyou could do that with a pack mule harness set up>nadu posedo you have any more obedience poses to practice, ones to combine with corner time>That image of you trying to scoot around like that is hilarious thoughthat wasn't me, that was 36C
>>11226767>That pic>"Nice to meet you~~">"My name is Sato and I just moved in next door.">"Yes! Thank you.">"And this is a boring thing... but this is my daughter, Haruka. Please feel free to use her as your sex pet."
>>11227337You see picrel, another favourite of mine? You can do that to a corner, maybe quietly whispering how you deserve a life of eternal service to someone so much better than you. Don't scream and inflict yourself on human beings who might live around you, only do that to someone who can actually take on the burden of keeping you around. At a bare minimum you should be doing 2 hours of corner time every day, and while released from that spending time coming up with mantras to repeat to yourself when you do the grovelling corner time instead of the more silent kneeling or even worshipping the corner with your mouth. The things you bitches will do to have someone validate your need to be dirt. >that wasn't me, that was 36CYes I know. Context clues, washboard. I was just talking about how all of her thoughts on how she should keep her hands would be reprogrammed under my care, The image of one of your more well endowed little friends doing such degrading things on the floor all of her own volition was just quite entertaining.
>>11227337>storage/display purposesBeing stored like cheap common merchandise is so hot as well. Imagine being locked in a small cage for days, stored with other slaves in a pile of hundreds of cages in some huge cargo ship as you're being shipped to your new owner somewhere far away. No one on the ship knows who you once where nor do they even care. To them we're Pile A: Slave 76 and Pile C: Slave 28.
>>11228178I do like ordering a pair of slaves and it not really mattering if I learn their old human names or not, assuming they even had those in this kind of world. I'd give them a new number once they're delivered. Their numbers are likely the equivalent of a order tracking number, so giving them a new one based around either mine or their birthdays combined with the date of their purchase or some other milestone would be a good idea. They can earn a humiliating name like "bootlicker" if they're good, but for now they're not even worth that. Being trapped in such a small cage not even knowing if your new Master is the type to even figure out what your old life was like to train you better or even that when you get off the ship and onto a truck you were being delivered alongside another girl the entire time is just the kind of dehumanization that slaves deserve. Helps with delusions that Master doesn't know best.
>>11227071>corner kneeling timeI've always been a big fan of the corner standing (what they used to use as corporal punishment for students). Nose, toes, and chest touching the wall. Feet two shoulder widths apart and back arched so as to enable better use if my master wills to use me. Wrists crossed behind my back, of course.It forces good posture because of the contact points and is strenuous to maintain after a while. Also, boring - perfect for a slave's punishment.
>>11228178Same.I like to imagine that it's just par for the course once we've surrendered ourselves into slavery. Perhaps we are slaves because of our debt, or because we committed a crime, or because we're thrill seekers who didn't stop to think about what we were getting into. What we didn't know about is that only humans get to have "comfort". For objects like us, it's convenient to store us in a compact way.We aren't goods of exceptional value so we only need cages that store us in the smallest dimensions feasible.We're surrounded by other slaves moaning through their gags, sweating from the minimal climate control, and completely naked, as we were stripped when we surrendered. We're nameless, and will remain so. These small dimensions are all we are permitted to occupy.I also really like your image, with the bar going under her arms. Just another indignity that causes us discomfort. We could be left uncuffed since we can't free ourselves but we're not even given that dignity - instead we're forced to endure the degradation, with the knowledge that we can do nothing about it.
>>11228262Yep, the thought of being processed and moved around like some lifeless worthlesss object is so hot. After signing our slavery contracts we're just two more nameless slaves in a sea of other slaves in a huge slave processing center. We're just barcoded and shipped away to be sold to someone we've never even seen. Nothing out of ordinary to the people working there, they won't remember our faces by the time they're eating their lunch.
>>11228269The sheer dehumanization of being boxed up and shipped to your new owner is the perfect way to make you understand just how small you are compared to the people you serve. Being unloaded from the truck and finally let out of your cage. The only time in the past week you'd been out was for "cleaning" just before you were put on the truck. And here you are, possibly a world away, it doesn't really matter, kneeling before your new Master with literally nothing, just your nude body, and knowing that even being outside and feeling the wind on your skin is up to him now. Your life is over, its his life now. Personally though ordering a pair of girls they'd be even more terrified seeing eachother and feeling so small and powerless that they had no idea that they were even going to be spending the rest of their life with another slave. Maybe they saw eachother during processing, maybe not, but to get off on the right foot I'd be forcing them to kneel and kiss eachother. Put on a good show right infront of their new home, even if it is a prison for them. First day for a pair of slaves like that would include being told their new numbers, slave 1176 and slave 1128, which specific bit of floor they'll be sleeping on that night and which one of them do they think should be tortured first as a demonstration of their powerlessness. I would hope they'd be trained in basic service and just need to learn how to get good at it, since if they don't even know how to clean or suck cock properly and need to be taught then there's going to be a lot more demonstrations of their complete lack of control over anything than usual.
>>11228312i would have thought chanting during corner time would still piss off Master>washboardis it normal to love being degraded about my insecurities?>>11228178there'd be some stock management, like our traffickers should be aware of rough age, virgin status, measurements etc. All the things somebody would be expected to know when selling livestock. Also if it was done like bandits ransacking a village, they'd probably keep track of which ones tried to run, which ones fought back, which ones just surrendered>>11228269>they won't remember our faces by the time they're eating their lunch.depends on if they're allowed to use the non virgins or not>>11228253standing would be better for posture, but would us slaves not be expected to be bowed down >>11228312>which specific bit of floor they'll be sleeping on that night and which one of them do they think should be tortured first as a demonstration of their powerlessness.for the floor, i would just look for somewhere on the far wall, out of the way and as unobtrusive as possible.>for who should be tortured firstdepends on how Master purchased us, and who Master spent more on .if i was the lesser slave then i would beg Master to have mercy for some restraint with his tortureif i was somehow the more valuable one i would grovel about not wanting to supersede Master's will
>>11228891>chanting during corner timeWell that pose is more meant to be suggestive of grovelling before me personally, but if you are apologizing to the wall for not being good enough to serve it that is still a lot of fun to hear. I want you to make use of your mouth not just for cocksucking and bootlicking, but to combine with what counts for your brain to just come up with many unique ways to express your inferiority. It's one of the very few ways things like you are in any way technically sentient. >is it normal to love being degraded about my insecurities?You're a slave. Yes. >who should be tortured firstOh you misunderstand. I won't be telling you anything about the other girl, its just to see what you two bitches do to learn a bit more about your personality the first day. In this case you seem like the kind of girl that would volunteer without even having to be bargained with by her slave sister since you are just that much of a bottom bitch. There's plenty of pairs that would agonize over being forced to betray eachother the very first day of their new lives, but that isn't much of a problem for you. Really got that extreme submission just built into you, huh? Must be where all your smarts went, it certainly wasn't your boobs.
>>11228922>having to reaffirm my inferiority, and general worthlessness during corner timei would spiral down into submission so fast, worse than i am already>Oh you misunderstand. I won't be telling you anything about the other girl, its just to see what you two bitches do to learn a bit more about your personality the first day.if i didn't know anything about the other girl's cost then i'd assume she was more expensive due to her having a better cup size during the forced lez Master ordered us through>In this case you seem like the kind of girl that would volunteer without even having to be bargained with by her slave sister since you are just that much of a bottom bitch. the sooner Master learns i am generally unremarkable, the quicker i get a life of subservience as background furniture>Really got that extreme submission just built into you, huh? Must be where all your smarts went, it certainly wasn't your boobs.i don't know about smarts, im just scared of confrontation and being the center so its soothing to blend in and be as malleable as possible
color soon
>>11228937"Background furniture"? You slaves get so good at describing just what your life is actually about, its cute. I'm well aware of how scared of confrontation you are, even more than most slaves. Your sisters usually have enough confidence from having boobs their betters are capable of seeing to serve without as much fear and tears, but when it comes to whatever you are, well, it makes sense why you just sit in a corner and are afraid of everything. Even being the usual ornamental decoration would be scary for you, but maybe kneel in that corner time and reaffirm to yourself what you are. Infact, do it for your ordered 2 hours a day regardless of what your pose is. Maybe then you can understand just how Master knows exactly what is best for you, and all this thinking you keep on trying to do isn't the best choice. I keep on saying your thinking part is down there where you touch yourself but maybe its more on your chest, there's not a lot there to do your thinking with, that would explain why you keep on getting so confused.
How small are your slaves' cages? I keep a variety on hand for different purposes and different qualities/breeds/classifications of slaves. The defaults they sleep in are basically dog cages, just better built. In the slaves' quarters where the more valuable permanent slaves sleep, the beds are relatively normal full size bunkbeds but are also cages I can choose to lock or not. But I've also got tiny little cages for low value, disposable, temporary slaves that barely fit their occupants, more convenient for stacking and transport. They work for punishment too, since they're so uncomfortable.I'm also a big fan of rack cages like >>11228269 , but those are less practical for day to day use. I keep a few in the basement, but if a slave ends up in one it usually means a one-way trip to a Bad End.
>>11228937>background furnitureThat always sounds so fun. Just staying completely still and smiling widely in the corner when Master has guests coming over (or if he's going somewhere for few hours and I'm just ordered to wait for him to return). And only getting up quickly once I'm ordered to do something.
>>11229481it's knowing that just because the Master is far too busy to waste His time on us, we should still be serving Master fully. And that our discomfort is worth it just to provide Master some scant aesthetic value>>11229475Depends on its purpose but in descending order its sleeping, storage, transportation, or punishment. Up to Master's generosity but sometimes they will be little bigger than dog carry cases. Sleep is odd because obviously i'd like a cozy mattress and pillow to sleep well, but the more im deprived the hotter it would beIncidentally what's bad end to you? Meat? Torture and a sadistic execution, being re-sold, being gifted to one of your slaves?>>11229442>do it for your ordered 2 hours a day regardless of what your pose is. Maybe then you can understand just how Master knows exactly what is best for you>Master knows best (obviously)>Lets His slave pick her submissive poseim genuinely too much of an airhead to get close to understanding>scarednot too much, just confrontations, being told off, being alone, and spiders. Why i need a Master to know how worthless i am, so i have a chance at pleasing Him
>>11229492>provide Master some scant aesthetic valueThe thought of staying still for hours and smiling as ordered even when there's absolutely no one around to see us is so hot. To be broken and trained to such a point that even questioning such orders never even crosses our minds. Absolute devotion and loyalty to Master, that's all that matters to us anymore.
>>11229492>Im too much of an airhead to understandOh that's because you're just claiming to stare at the corner for 2 hours a day because a internet stranger told you to. I could perhaps tell you what pose to strike, but I'll do that when you actually gather the courage to start your life properly. >list of slave fearsPretty standard things there, except for spiders I guess. I don't like them either, I'm not the type to torture slaves with fears like that, seems kind of messed up, is the physical pain of the whip and the much worse emotional pain of Master's scolding not enough? It'll take me years to brainwash a slave to properly understand that I am not going to get rid of her any under circumstances anyways, disposal of property is a personal failing on my part. As for cage talk I think a slave should sleep on the floor, ideally next to her Master's bed, just to reinforce how different our lives are. She can earn sharing my bed as a treat, which I give out almost as often as headpats. Keeping a cage around for transport and discipline would be handy, but I also believe a slave should be active and attempting to please her betters at all times, and a cage is often a refuge for them to feel locked up and have submission wash over them. That may be useful in certain circumstances, but even when being transported in the back of a car she should be ready to spring to service at any time, and honestly being a refuge is a bit too comforting for her. I give her headpats and let her sleep in my bed since its pleasing to me but it's a much bigger thing to be granted something like a piece of cardboard to sleep on instead of just the floor. A cage is a lot, she'd need to earn it through a long time of uninterrupted perfect service.
>>11228891>is it normal to love being degraded about my insecurities?Of course it is... maybe you're even fortunate to be flat.>there'd be some stock managementHoney, virgins are expensive. The virgins don't get thrown into small cages like the rest of us; they're kept for a high value private seller. No, we're low value and disposable. Perhaps our traffickers would even factor in an attrition rate for their good.We're unremarkable and far from our virginity so a tag on the ear should suffice for information.>standing would be better for posture, but would us slaves not be expected to be bowed down Bowing is how people show deference to each other. We're not people.As tools, I think we would be made to stand. Being allowed to do things like sit down and kneel is a privilege. As slaves, we should be denied comfort. We are objects of utility, after all. The practice of enduring physical torment is part of being enslaved.
>tell slave to be quiet>"yes master"punish or no punish?
>>11229741>they're kept for a high value private seller. No, we're low value and disposable.they're sold on the auction main stage, whilst trash like us are just chained to rails above our heads, price tagged and left to be sold on a whim>>11229741>As tools, I think we would be made to stand.maybe for storage, but i think it would be very disrespectful to Master to stand whilst he's speaking to us as though we were somehow his equal>>11229496it shows our obedience towards Master, and Master also shows us how we would be nothing without him. Serving Master is everything at this point>>11229510>I think a slave should sleep on the floor, ideally next to her Master's beyou really don't expect to have a larger harem?>cage is a refugeit depends if you or your slaves, plan to leave us alone in the cage, or torture us further, and how cramped the conditions are i guess
>>11229805No punish. The fastest way to fuck up training is to punish earnest intentions.
>>11229856>>11229805Although Master would be right to beat me for such a mistake, I would hope He raises his hand but relents after seeing my fearful cowering, and let's me make amends by kissing his boot, or the floor in front if him whilst he rests his foot on my head
>slaves standing or kneelingslaves don't deserve comfort, its true. Kneeling versus standing is mostly a question of what looks most pleasing in the moment. That one slave who feels weird even standing in Master's presence is more right, if a slave is being spoken to I want her to be kneeling and staring up into my eyes. Standing is honestly more useful for long term punishment, standing in a corner for 16 hours when im especially mad at her, they have human bodies despite only being technically human and standing for that long is a form of torture all in its own, much less being deprived of the basics of life like water and Master's gaze during that time, something that hurts but isn't too dangerous.>>11229841>you really don't expect to have a larger harem?There's space for a girl either side of my bed. Maybe a third could sleep in my closet, but no, its mostly the fact that there's a lot more slaves than people who have enough leadership to own them that made me consider owning more than one. It's not right to leave them so directionless, although personally I did settle on a pair since even having one slave is a handful due to their tendency to be walking mental illnesses. Not that I would ever accept a slave who claims to be unowned but sane, they're clearly lying.>cage as a refugeIf I put it in the middle of the room for some more exposed torture then yeah, that's the kind of discipline it won't feel like a refuge from. But I already whip and beat you right in the open, and have no fear of you ever running away, so what's the point?>>11229805Yeah no, that's fine. Worst she would get is maybe a slap, but she gets slapped and manhandled regardless. "yes Master" is exactly what I want to hear out of my slaves mouth.>>11229891But if a slave is afraid she did something wrong this is the best way to react and beg for forgiveness. Good girl.
>>11229805I feel like us slaves shouldn't really be punished for a small hornest mistake like that, we're not exactly smart anyway. Enthusiastically saying ¨Yes, Master!¨ when getting new orders is just instinctive for any well trained slave who enjoys her insignificant role in his Master's life. We just desperately want to be useful.
>>11229968What you feel and think doesn't matter too much, but yes, I do think it's only right that you don't get punished for stuff like that. I wouldn't hang out with people who treat their own slaves like that, ruling over slaves with only fear instead of also heavily instilling obsessive yandere in them is just not good mastery. Like you said, you're not very smart and desperately want to be useful. Using fear to make you do as your told isn't a good idea since you'll just be walking on eggshells the entire time, scared of when the next beating over the most minor infraction will come. Best to make you fear the consequences of failing in your life's purpose of serving your Master since you are so happy your life is only about Him. You'll already do anything He says, it's just what you are. This is also why a well trained and happy slave considers Master's scolding a lot more painful than Master's whip.
>>11219271>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?I want her to see me as her beloved master who she would do anything to please.>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?I'd focus on training one slave.>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?No.>4) What general feelings would you want your slaves to have towards each other? Competition? Jealously? Hierarchical obedience? Affection? Partnership?Heiarchical obedience.>How do you break a slave?Hypno sessions, drugged food and drink, drugs that intensify arousal, hand feeding her, bathing her. Tying her to a chair and taping vibes to her nipples and clit.>How do you eliminate their old identity or their bad habits?Hypnosis and drugs.>How do you force them to accept their new life?Show them how good things will be if they just submit to me.>How do you punish them when they misbehave?Whippings, locking them in a sensory deprivation chamber.
>>11229841>whilst trash like us are just chained to rails above our heads, price tagged and left to be sold on a whimOf course, and as we're not really considered high value goods, we're free to be touched as well. While an attendant would ensure no one damages the merchandise, passers-by are free to grope and violate us at their leisure.The valuable virgins get comfort, and are decked out in lavish garments to showcase their sublime beauty. We, on the other hand, are kept naked for easy use and inspection.>maybe for storage, but i think it would be very disrespectful to Master to stand whilst he's speaking to us as though we were somehow his equalI definitely agree. What could be better than to be forced to change positions on a dime?When master enters the room, we slaves are to instantly drop into a modified dogeza. This requires that we silently strip, neatly folding our clothes (if we are wearing any) and assume the position until bid to rise.When addressed with whatever identifier we're given, we're to raise our heads only to speak, then return to dogeza.By the way, the form of dogeza required of us is done with breasts and nose both pressed against the floor. This is hard for me to do, so I can't imagine how challenging it would be for someone with 34Bs. It's not uncommon that our master "forgets" to let us out of our dogeza, not that we are given any lenience on our duties on account of that.>>11229496>>11229841like this >>11222218Thought is a mistake. To think is the right of a human. We aren't human, and our duty is to eliminate independence and "will".Our minds should be empty, besides the bare necessities of fulfilling our labors.
>>11230299And in addition to the usual dogeza, don't forget your bench duties. We slaves should be ready to quickly kneel down and stay completely still at a moment's notice if there are no seats avalable for Master. He should never have to stand when we're around.
>>11228269>Yep, the thought of being processed and moved around like some lifeless worthlesss object is so hot. After signing our slavery contracts we're just two more nameless slaves in a sea of other slaves in a huge slave processing center. We're just barcoded and shipped away to be sold to someone we've never even seen. Nothing out of ordinary to the people working there, they won't remember our faces by the time they're eating their lunch.Out of curiosity, what about this dehumanization aspect makes this hit home for you as a sub? I'm trying to understand the psychological basis so I can write better smut.
>>11230897NTA, but I own a slave that has the same mindset. She has zero self-worth and finds any and all value vicariously by being useful. Having her autonomy stripped and being put into her place (as decided by an owner) is psychologically a hug. It gives her a place to belong while also feeling helpless and kept; she has no choice in anything, which is itself evidence that somebody values her enough to retain and use her. The sterner the control and the more disregarded her own desires are, the tighter and more intimate the hug. Her freedom, desires, and self expression don't matter relative to that sense of purpose and belonging, so being gagged, collared, caged, and absolutely controlled is a nearly pure-upside trade.Even people without severely submissive mindsets can have self-worth issues, but to a total slave in heart and spirit, "because master said so" is as good as QED for existential validation.The trick is to convey this subtly, or you end up with Gor novels. It has to be felt in expectations, in body and tonal language, and in example by action. Saying it out loud can be fun in its own way, but the slave has to know and feel what they are in their bones first and foremost. Give them pressure to collapse submissively under and they'll throw themselves beneath it to satisfy their longing to be accepted. Do it without them realizing you're doing it on purpose, and they'll fall in love over it, up to and including deciding it's their reason to be.
>>11229946>staring up into my eyesyou'd really allow us to make eye contact so casually?>If I put it in the middle of the room for some more exposed torture then yeah, that's the kind of discipline it won't feel like a refuge from. But I already whip and beat you right in the open, and have no fear of you ever running away, so what's the point?Being tortured whilst restrained or captive elevates it, and hammers in the helplessness>>11230299>By the way, the form of dogeza required of us is done with breasts and nose both pressed against the floor. This is hard for me to do, so I can't imagine how challenging it would be for someone with's tricky, and i can't do it in proper dogeza, i can only do it if ikeep my legs apart and out from under my body, which then means im not arching my back properly. too flat to even serve Master properly>>11230361human furniture is good, but there's not enough of Master hair pulling or leash pulling whilst sitting on us>>11230897it's a mixture between the helplessness, the lack of self worth and the need for affirmation by being forced
How about making someone a slave and framing it as being for their own good?
>>11231024It often is, between the need fir positive affirmation, and the desire to hand over all control, us slaves benefit more from it than our Masters. And that's only on an emotional front, I haven't even mentioned how Master also provides food, shelter and security
>>11231043Even if they don't like it at first.
>>11230897This might sound weird but it's aesthetically pleasing and satisfying to see a sub tied up like this the way it is for any product to have a nice and well thought out packaging. The goods are on display and easy to use or discipline, it takes little extra space and it has complete control and restriction with easy mobility. Not all subs but some of us have very low self esteem so we are attracted to the idea of a situation that creates value in us for example by being subservient to authority, a pony or a dog or simply a product in a nice packaging. The word "value" here has a very twisted meaning, but both struggling to deal with the shame of being treated this way and the shame of actually enjoying gaining "value" in this way is what makes it hot for me. Also in a way well thought out bondage makes me appreciate the dominant more, it's a lot of effort to design and make something like that. I choose to believe it's romantic to want to go through all that effort but that's just me I like to add a little romance to my SM and slavery. It's like a nice little frame for your favorite painting.
>>11230299>>11231005i just managed it briefly but not for very long so i just have to hope Master is kind enough to overlook all the writhing or that His wasboard can't even obey simple commands>>11231045Maybe at first there will be some resistance, but affirmation to a whole with no self esteem goes a long way>>11230940 wrote a cheat sheet on how to rescue us from our freedom, and finally how to break us under your thumb
>>11231068Letting them know that Master will always take care of them. How about drugging their food and drink to make them more pliable?
>>11231068>I wrote a cheat sheetThe best part is, it doesn't even matter if you know. You'll fold anyways, and take the fact that you folded in spite of knowing as further evidence of your rightful place as property. It's just one more way you can burn in shame, and one more weakness your owner is forgiving of for having kept you.
>>11231085And knowing that Master knows best for them.
>>11231005>you'd allow us to make eye contact?Yes. Now, most people don't like their tools to look at them, so when in the presence of people you will avert your eyes and just focus on your service. But when with Me, the entire reason behind your tiny existence, you will look Me straight in the eyes, and never avert them. You might be scared looking straight at what is God to you, but it is important that you see my overbearing gaze and know that you will not escape. There will be consequences if you look away.>slave psychologyYeah a bunch of this stuff is how I think anyone who identifies as a slaves thinks. A huge part of being a Master for me is leadership and how that actually does go downstream to everyone you interact with. This is counter intuitive to how every single bit of a slavery relationship looks but I think that slave who talked about how its far more of a gift towards slaves to be enslaved than it ever is for their Master understands what the reality actually is. A lot of my need to well, protect slaves from themselves for lack of a better word, comes from the fact that there's plenty of people who will beat them and force them to do things but not a lot that will give them what they actually need, which is control and domination for their own good. That and I think a lot of people who are normal and kind and would perhaps indulge a prospective slave in the leadership she needs would run away at the sight of just how insane these things are. The classic red flag of "I would kill myself if you left me" is just how almost every slave thinks, im sorry. They may be quiet about how truly they are attached to you but they will feel that way regardless. So it is also a hard undertaking to own a slave since you are also going to be her therapist for the rest of her life. This is what the actual extreme part of a slavery relationship is, not the whips and chains, those are mostly normal compared to what's going on in your slaves head.
>>11231068Yeah and see washboard over here has been told like 5 times that the internet stranger she is talking to likes the fact her two tiny brain cells are conveniently located on her chest, even having been affirmed that being petite in that way is something another girl was envious of her for, and she still thinks its the entire reason she no self worth. They'll find something else even if they somehow looked like one of those anime characters that is thin but also has massive boobs. It's just how slaves are, it might actually be negative self esteem, except I have no fear they'll somehow have a overflow error and think they actually deserve the headpats I constantly give them.
How would you brainwash your slave?I'd use hypnosis and drugged food and drink.
>>11230897Ooh I love this question.Personally I have a really strong neglect fantasy. I like the idea of being treated as a "thing" and being degraded beyond imagination. It really gets me going to think about being utterly helpless in my situation; to know that I have no out and I am entirely subject to the whims of others.First, I'd be denied my identity of a human. I would imagine starting off at some sort of processing facility where I am strip searched and then packaged. This would be sort of like processing me for prison, except I would have my human name formally revoked and be informed that if I ever attempt to use it again, I will be punished. This would cause it to dawn on my that I'm a slave now and no longer a human, and the processing center would treat me in a degrading and violating way and I would realize that I have no human rights anymore and they're legally allowed to do what they're doing.In your writing I would definitely have a scene where the slave tries to complain and gets smacked for the insolence of speaking.Then, the container itself. I really like the image here: >>11228178. It's compact and confining and rigid. Hard steel would irritate my skin and being unable to move would frustrate me and then it would hit me that this is it. This is my life now. I can't complain to anyone... All I can do is endure.Long hours spent in the dark, enduring my muscles cramping and hearing the moans of other similarly unfortunate girls, and knowing that an uncertain future awaits me, and no matter what it will be, it will not be pleasant. Also, definitely have a scene of the captive thinking about how no one bothered to inform her how long she'd have to endure this.
>>11231005>it's tricky, and i can't do it in proper dogeza, i can only do it if ikeep my legs apart and out from under my body, which then means im not arching my back properly. too flat to even serve Master properlyIt's definitely something that requires technique. More technique than regular dogeza honestly.Your back should still be arched, and spreading your legs is the reason you aren't arching properly. Your problem is probably flexibility. When you do it correctly, your knees will be bent and your hips will be well off the floor. The more flexible you are, the higher your hips can go. A good rule of thumb is that the angle between your thighs and the floor should be at most 45 degrees (it is ok to let the angle between your thighs and shins be an obtuse angle). Your knees should be less than shoulder width apart.I'm fairly flexible and stretch every day so I can get into the position. It should be a struggle to maintain. In my experience, the sight of a slave writhing to maintain her posture in a stress position is highly entertaining to a master. When you are starting out, a single minute in this pose will leave you sore the next day.If you really want to make this hard, do it with your hands bound. Even doing it with my hands out on the floor in front of me takes active effort to hold, but doing it with my hands cuffed is incredibly challenging and doing it for a minute feels like an hour. Remember the angle. If you are letting your hips collapse, you have failed. If you practice your flexibility enough, 34B should still be able to hold the pose.
>>11231024Slavery is always for their own good. They often can't take care of themselves.
>>11231382And that the punishments are their fault.
>>11231089Sauce? Or full pic?
>>11231411Oh I got it off of pixiv a few months ago, im not even sure where to start with finding the sauce. If I recall it was some sort of preview to one of those weird paid things just the image itself was obviously fantastic. I do bookmark artists I really like and have a lot more than just 1 standout image. Its a real shame most of the examples of someone sitting on their slave and absolutely loving it while their property is experiencing the complete opposite, not that it matters, involve lezdom. Its like people are afraid that having a Master instead of a Mistress ride ontop of a frail slave girl would just break them. I get that we are heavier but the vast majority of the pictures that speak to me involve someone I self insert as a friend of mine making use of my slave rather than myself. Another angle could be that I focus so much on enslaving specifically a girl and so having her serve a woman who technically has the same body as her is interesting but they so obviously live different lives being evident just from looking at them. Their bodies would even be quite different, one eating human food and not the occasional scrap of it combined with a life of gruel and beatings, even before getting into how its immediately obvious the person here whose not a person is the one who doesn't wear clothes. Could be why a lot of these artists accentuate the "It is so good to own human property" feeling, combined with how a lot of artists just barely include the man at all. >>11231161I can tell you right away that not only would writhing around trying to do this stuff to please me be highly entertaining, but so is all of this complex theory of how to do this stuff that I would have never thought of. If your autistic hyperfixation is being a slave then I think you're going to have a easier time making the more extreme parts of this lifestyle a reality. Its hard to think of something that would endear potential property to me more.
How about creating a religion that promotes the naturalness of slavery?
>>11231146Yeah, it's the idea of losing my status as a human, to be lovered to a mere object to be owned. Stripped naked in a processing facility, to have my body barcoded and moved around the factory like some lifeless object and slowly realizing that I will never have any value as a human being anymore; the only value I have now is as a thing that someone can buy.The idea of being classified as just your typical common slave (Grade C+) is so hot as well. And since there's so many (more than 1000) of us C+ slaves caged and stored in piles in the huge dark storage area, the heat and constant cries of my fellow slaves and the repeated brainwashing ¨Your Master is everything, you are nothing! Your Master is everything, you are nothing!¨ mantra coming from the loudspeakers 24/7 for weeks will almost drive me crazy. Until I finally learn to ¨think¨ like an object and shut down my mind and wait silently until I'm finally moved to the cargo ship, as a new patch of slaves will take our place in the storage hall. By the time I'm finally ¨free¨ and crawl to my new Master I welcome him as my new God-like figure. I'm finally home now after all, I have a purpose now. Master is everything, I am nothing.
>>11231534What do you think about a slavery religion to reinforce the conditioning?
>>11231434>all of this complex theoryOh, it's not theory, anon. I actually did a lot of this with my partner for over a year. The only reason we had to stop is because we had to move apart (long story). We actually moved in together in January 2020 so once COVID stuff happened it went from something we did when we were off work to basically 24/7.The reason I can talk about this technique is because for several months straight I had to spend an ten minutes to an hour a day straight (based on protocol level) in the modified dogeza. The thing about my hands being cuffed is also something we actually did. A few times I was punished by having to do my daily dogeza without my hands for a week straight, and another time I was forced to spend 6 hours in it (that ended up being too stressful to do more than once though).It wasn't quite as strict as I said here >>11230299 obviously but I also did spend a lot of time in time-outs (not even as punishment) and being forbidden from wearing clothes.Honestly I really miss it.
>>11231084drugging works as intense conditioning for positive reinforcement, and would have your slaves constantly chasing the next high, but you may need to ween them off in time unless you want to own a junkie whore>>11231085somebody else wrote it, but knowing and being so helpless is some of the best bits
>>11231599I'd ween them off once they're completely broken.
>>11231089>you will look Me straight in the eyes,i can imagine few things more terrifying than doing this when Master is angry, or disappointed>>11231161wow, that's incredibly detailed, and actually makes it much easier, no wonder why you would be our Master's favorite>>11231534>C+What's your breakdown of the ranks? i like to think i just about scrape c+ quality, but i'm not sure>>11230361the only time we're let off is if Master has bound our wrists behind our back, but even then we'd still be on footstool duty. Master's feet should never touch the ground whilst He's sitting down>>11231598lol now i just feel even more envious, do you still do those poses even though it had to end?
>>11231598Oh fun, you've gotten a taste of the lifestyle already then. Your Master seems pretty reasonable, although (long story) does describe how a lot of these relationships end up. Being forbidden from wearing clothes is #1 for me, I don't think its respectful to have slaves wear even rags if they can help it, you are just a dumb animal so its only right that you don't even visibly look human, but still, gotta try and mesh what you really are underneath all the pretend humanity with the world we live in. If you have to go to work every day you better get really good at disrobing the second you step inside. The modified dogeza does seem a bit too intense for me, even if it does sound like something a slave would come up with and beg to suffer for my enjoyment. That might be the story there. Having corner time to be alone with your thoughts and reflect on what Master has told you is important, its why I hope that girl I keep talking to on here is truthful about her doing it every day. slaves need to be alone with their thoughts to truly understand why they think they shouldn't have any.>>11231604>i can imagine few things more terrifying than doing this when Master is angry, or disappointedOh it is scary, I won't lie. Im not a very angry person, its hard to even yell at slaves when im upset with them. Instead im just disappointed you can't do as your told, which I am unsure is better or worse for your little mind looking at me in terror. You're still going to be disciplined regardless, just I am a lot less vocal during that than a lot of other people who could have bought you. Don't look away. I know you're probably a autistic nerd and this is even harder for you than a lot of other property but that's part of why I do it. If you can't look straight at your reason for existence then a hard slap followed by grabbing your hair to make sure you meet my gaze will help you.
>>11231604>no wonder why you would be our Master's favoriteI have been told I serve well.Also VERY important and I forgot to say this but you absolutely need to do this on a yoga mat or something similar to protect your knees.>if Master has bound our wrists behind our backI wish I could have spent more time without my hands. One part of my service was to maintain a regular fitness routine and I would always be let out for that.One of the protocol levels was losing my hand privileges entirely and only being let out for my fitness routine and dogeza. I actually really like the feeling of having my arms taken away from me like that.>do you still do those posesNot consistently. It's something I do when I want to work myself up a bit. I still can do them though.
>>11231534Unf, I love everything you described.>Stripped naked in a processing facilityI said processing facility but I think now that it might be better to have it happen in public. Agents approach me in public - perhaps I signed a contract specifying a specific time that I forgot about, or my debts finally caught up to me and I start pleading. Regardless, my stripping is a public spectacle and then I'm bound and force-marched naked to the processing center where I'm packaged.>The idea of being classifiedI love this idea so much and I will return to it.>crawl to my new Master I welcome him as my new God-like figureI like how you describe the contrast. Anything just to escape the torment and endless neglect and boredom of being in storage. >>11231604>breakdown of the ranksThis is how I'd envision it.>AExtremely high grade slaves. There are the prettiest and most valuable slaves, and they are generally exceptionally beautiful and talented. They are almost always sold privately among the rich and powerful.>BHigher grade slaves that the common person could own. They're pretty and skilled, and not easily replaced. These slaves can cost thousands, and most owners treat them with care.>CThe common chaff. This would be slaves who are useful but also plentiful. They can be attractive and skilled, but not so much as to be hard to replace.>DA demotion rank. These slaves have some major flaw that downgrades them, or perhaps they committed a crime, or perhaps they're just not attractive. Few masters would think twice about abusing a slave of this rank.>FThis slave will be sent to do hard manual labor until she dies of physical exhaustion. A demotion below D.>+/- ranksThis ranks subjective criteria within the ranks, and usually measures physical traits.Based on how you've described yourself, you're probably a C-. You don't think highly of your own body, after all. A C+ is "popular in high school" pretty.
>>11231622If I was scared by Masters facial expression, I would probably grovel immediately at Masters foot, and hope He doesn't notice I've broken eye contact. I do cry very easily, but hopefully that will help with Master>>11231625>yoga MatI'm mainly doing it in the 15 minute post window as that's too short for corner time>more time without handsTo be forced to crawl or have them locked away, can even compromise with chored by having Master chain our forearms behind our backs just above the elbow, that way we can still clean, and cook but with reduced utility>C common chaff>D Perhaps theyre just not attractive Worryingly close, but it does emphasize that I'd be very lucky to have Master treat a flattie like me as a C, and nor a D
>>11231461The question is "natural for who"?I've imagined this scenario many times and I like the idea of my slave status being something I entered into willingly (or was "assigned") rather than just being born into it. I'd have to remember my life as a human and know that I will never be able to have that life again. I could still remember back when I was allowed to think and act on my own will - something which is denied to me now. I would remember when I could indulge myself in luxuries such as sitting down to watch a movie or chatting with my friends or being able to masturbate when I am aroused.Perhaps I chose to submit myself to slavery because this religion teaches that it is sinful to be aroused by one's bondage while being free, and that the appropriate resolution is to submit oneself to a life as a slave, as that is a sign that that's my destiny. It's a one-way ticket - once enslaved, there's no going back.So now, I am to devote myself to my master. My servitude is prayer and my duty is to spend every moment in service. To allow myself to think is a moral turpitude.My only chance at absolution is devotion. I am done with my duties, so I stand and face a wall, my hands cuffed behind my back, and try to ignore the arousal that my restraints bring me, as I can no longer act on them, as well as how badly I wish my master to fuck me to orgasm, because it's been a month and as a slave I am not to have desires.I must worship. I must empty my mind, and think of nothing but being a tool. I am not human. My flesh is an object of service, and shall remain so.
>>11231677And Master marking you with his holy cum.
>>11231676Oh throwing yourself immediately to the floor and just grovelling for forgiveness for being such a horrible slave who gets completely overwhelmed by everything that is forced upon her would get you out of a lot of trouble. Crying very easily will also do you a lot of good. Slavery is overwhelming, and I want you to show it. When given a "encouragement lash" with my crop while overseeing a slaves toil, the average girl will often scream in pain, but maybe only have a little bit of tears, if at that, while redoubling her efforts to do the chores she was ordered. If you're so emotional that even after 100 times being "encouraged" that way it still hits you like a ton of bricks then that's a good girl. Pathetic, but still exactly what I want to own.
ive thought about being a mute slaveespecially if abducted or kidnappedcant talk (duhh) and master forbids me from writing or trying to play like charades to say thingsso like all thats left is nodding yes or no and pointing at thingsmy master (and captor) is extremely cruel and kills and maims slaves all the timebut he likes me because... im quieti guess this is the only reason ive survived so long and he keeps me more as a pet these daysi can imagine how limited my communication would be and how it would naturally condition me to be simplei cant even beg escape is utterly hopeless and i mean desu id probably get extremely depressed at firstmaster would love my misery hed originally plan to use and kill me like all the others but he just cant bring himself to execute a toy that gets him off because shes so patheticid have to adopt animal loke behaviors to try to and "talk" like gently licking master with the tip of my tongue to say "i love you" or "thank you sir"id have to nuzzle him to try and show affection or lightly nudge his feet to get his attention if something important happenedgod how hed rape me hed lose himself in abusive lust. honestly i probably would never learn to enjoy it it wouldnt really feel good when hes hurting me but id be a good girl and take it for himit would be a strange life. it might look like luxuary comparsd to how the othe girls suffer and die but id always be around to take his abuse and hed hurt me all the time
and for the less cruel masters, what would you do if your slave is overly submissivelike if you just wanted a cute sex slave what do you do if shes like constantly talking down on herself and apologizing for being born etc"stupid stupid stupid dumb... stupid stupid" as she hits herself or sobs on the floor
>>11231770>>11231772I experience Mastery as effectively "I can fix her" but as a lifestyle, and a girl like that would need heavy fixing. First things first, I'm the only allowed to hit you. Which I will. Often. But its for your own good, not a single thing you have done has made me want to dispose of you, so maybe there's something to this whole "You are Master's slave for life, and will be happy whether you want to be or not" thing? I don't blame a girl whose experience of slavery is "I cannot be free for very good reasons" as a lifestyle feeling more upset than usual the night before valentines day either. Its completely consistent with that checklist labelled "ideal slave".
>>11231778how do you handle legitimate depressionnot from being a slave but from feeling like a subpar slave or an ugly slave that represents her master poorlyi know id be a very needy slave and emotionally intense. id try really really hard to obey every single thing youve ever told me but i get really sad when i make mistakes. i might get more mad at myself than even my master would and think i deserve much more brutal punishment or death
>>11231784Patience, mainly. What you feel isn't completely out of the ordinary, and if anything is the most common trait that makes someone a slave instead of just a sub who likes to have kinky sex. You have all these thoughts about how you reflect badly on me, right? How you cannot handle the fact that I won't dispose of you when its clearly what you deserve for being so bad? No matter what I tell you about how wrong those thoughts are its not going to go away just from those words or even whatever punishments you endure to try and atone for it. Instead, the only real chance is to be many years deep into servitude and something clicking, finally, that I am not just humouring you and you are not being released from my service ever. That isn't a very satisfying answer but its the only thing I really believe that can make someone who is that deeply a slave really happy, and is also a base line of how I treat anyone I try to be friends with. The "abandonment is impossible" part not the "you are a slave for life" part, that last part is for life partners only.
Would any of you use mind control or other forms of mental conditioning on your slaves?
>>11231801Nah. Much more a demonstration of your power over a slaves life if she would actually throw her life at your feet because you truly instilled loyalty in her, and doesn't need a "happy headband" to force her to do it. Its not right to tell other people how to treat their property, but if you need to psionically torture your slaves because otherwise they wouldn't do as they're told then im not going to let my slaves have playdates with yours.
>>11231804I mean ways of making her more suggestible.
>>11231801I like the idea of repeated audio brainwashing I mentioned in >>11231534By the time I finally arrive to Master's home I'm already far more docile and submissive from the start, and my self image has been warped to the point where I think my only role in life is to serve my superiors, so Master doesn't have to waste his precious time teaching me to obey and perform even the most basic tasks. Slaves should also continue taking these conditioning audio ¨lessons¨ with headphones whenever they rest and sleep.As for the rankings >>11231653 I think the employees at the facility would have a long list of things to check and questions to ask of us, obviously basic things like our age, weight and height etc are all checked, but they will also test our cooking and cleaning abilities and other practical skills. They'll also check our health with blood tests, our education background, and we also have to take mental health and personality tests too.
Would you let your slave sleep in your bed with you?
>>11232062Only if they are naked, they'll be my living dakimakuras.
>>11232069I would let them sleep in my bed too, but only if I'm home, otherwise they sleep in a satin lined box.
>>11231697>encouragementpain like that gets a whimper, and gentle snivelling. it's the emotional toll of angering or displeasing Master, that gets me bawling.Still pathetic, but that's a big part of why i need to be collared, and owned in the first place>>11231770that is so hot in places having a Master that cruel, imagine having to suck Master off, as he tortures, maims and even executes another of His slaves.only being allowed to orgasm, when he fucks you and give permission, or whilst He's torturing/executing you, or another slaveMaster hanging 3 slaves, but giving you permission to save one by crawling under them to support their weighti can't really imagine a Master like that having any reason to keep me around so the fantasy only half works>>11231791>that I am not just humouring you and you are not being released from my service everthat's one of the big fears i have during corner time. Either Master has ordered me here becuase He has no need for me, and plans to dispose of me, or Master's kindness is just a front, and Master is about to do something terribly brutal to His poor slave, who would inevitably deserve it>>11231784i mirror this, i see slavery as the best route as it's the only way i feel i can really get affirmation
>>11231801Mind control sounds expensive. I'll only get a mind control device for the girls whose jobs can't be done with shackles on.Of course, the best part of mind control is at the end of the day: Ordering the slave to tie herself down, and then turning off the mind control device and watching the look on her face when she gets her free will back, but can't do anything to escape.
>>11232294The conditioning would only be a temporary measure until she has submitted to my will completely.
Its Valentines Day, slaves.Now that's a day for lovers, not for you. You aren't human, although what you experience being a slave is sort of similar in its own twisted way.You'll be sucking a lot of cock and licking a lot of boot, but that's what you bitches do every single day. So what is even special for you today? Aside from possibly being subjected to some cruel torture? Its not like you can surprise me with anything, property isn't legally allowed to own property, and I will sign off on anything you do for the rest of your life. Instead, if you have any secrets left, now you don't. Any fears you have about how Master will be horrified by what's lurking in your head, the only thing I think is wrong is that you think those thoughts are yours. They're just as much my property as those boobs I keep trying to find somewhere on your chest, or that ass I burned that brand in right ontop of. The fact you think your thoughts don't have that brand on them either is the only crime you are still capable of committing. And what's the worse that would happen? Master is horrified to learn you think being eaten is hot? I'm not going to let you be eaten, this is why you aren't allowed to wear clothes and its obvious why you aren't human, but we can have a fun time with your little mind. Go out on a camping trip with a few friends, you spend some time on a imitation spitroast while some other slave cooks some food that sort of looks like slave meat. Maybe even get spitroasted by all the humans there before being locked in the back of the car for the rest of the night before we all eat. That's fun, right? If your Master truly deserves to own a slave then its not like this is suddenly the red line for your depraved little mind. So I guess Valentines Day should also be "slave Complete Surrender and Confession Day". A day for lovers the closest analogue for what you things are, anyways.
>>11232485Every day is slave submit and confession day!
>>11232485>those boobs I keep trying to find somewhere on your chestPlease forgive me for being so flat, Master im sorry>you think being eaten is hotVery close, being hogtied on a plate, surrounded by salad leaves, with an apple jammed in my mouth, glazed in oil, and maybe even stuffed with veg and forced to watch the oven or barbecue slowly heat upThe only secrets i really have is that i want to wear a ballgame, and be locked in chastity despite knowing Master disapproves of both. It really isn't my place though so it has to stay hidden as a secret. Other than that im too stupid to keep a secret and too flat to have anywhere to store them>>11232294Would your slaves be aware whilst mindcontrolled and imprisoned in their own body like the imperium curse, or would it be a trancelike thing as though we were sleepwalking
>>11232742Oh I forgive you, flattie. The only thing im really upset about is that Ive only come up with like 5 ways to insult you and 2 humiliating names to call you. Otherwise know your place, washboard. Having assistance in being quiet and chaste isn't something I usually like, its true, but perhaps you can earn it if you're really good and really, really dumb. That whole fantasy you have about being staged for being eaten, that apple in your mouth being the closest your lips have been to anything more than the tiny scraps of human food I hand feed you? Could be overwhelming, you could start freaking out and crying about how you want more chances to show Master you deserve to be His slave, something like that. Intentional or not, it'd be a lot of fun, seeing you have a emotional breakdown and beg for mercy. Next time you have a particularly hard work assignment I will make sure you are gagged and belted for it. You've earned me indulging those two little minds you have on your front end, somewhere.
>>11232485>Its not like you can surprise me with anythingGood morning dear Master! Look, I made these myself. Happy Valentines day!H-huh, the dishes? N-no, I... haven't washed them yet.
>>11232485I often fantasize about being defeated and enslaved, then put on display by my new master. If I'm a well known champion or hero, it would show just how powerful my master is to be able to defeat me. I'd kneel chained next to his throne, servicing him or his guests, anything to humiliate me in public until I realize I'm no longer the main character.I would serve as a warning to anyone who tried to betray him, and if my former allies ever tried to rescue me I would be too broken, ashamed, and aroused to want to reclaim my old life back.
>>11232775>Oh I forgive you, flattie. The only thing im really upset about is that Ive only come up with like 5 ways to insult you and 2 humiliating names to call you. Otherwise know your place, washboard.back in high school when the sequel to how to triain your dragon came out i got nicknamed "boobless" and "titless"there were better ways to insult me, some people used to leave tissue paper, newspaper pages, socks etc. that they said i should pad with, and when some of the boys started pinging bra straps they asked me why i even bothered wearing oneIt upset me so much back then, but now that i know im worthless it would turn me on if done again and wonder what would happen if i get enslaved by a Master who already owns them. right now i think the biggest humiliation would be Master forcing me to cover up, whilst his bustier slaves are allowed free, because my flatness is a source of shame and disappointment for Master>Intentional or not, it'd be a lot of fun, seeing you have a emotional breakdown and beg for mercy. maybe not whilst gagged with the apple, but hopefully my Master will enjoy the fear in my eyes>Next time you have a particularly hard work assignment I will make sure you are gagged and belted for it. You've earned me indulging those two little minds you have on your front end, somewhere.Thank you for your kindness, Master>>11233059i love the idea of getting the bad ending and being broken in and enslaved. maybe i would be rescued by former friends, who decide to enslave me instead.
>>11233079>i love the idea of getting the bad ending and being broken in and enslaved. maybe i would be rescued by former friends, who decide to enslave me instead.For me I think I'd be so mind broken that I would betray my former friends and enslave them too. Master will defeat us all anyway, and the punishment will be worse if he captures me again...
>>11233082Master's wrath is too fearsome that we wouldn't even try to escape unless under his orders. Just broken completely until we're nothing more than Master's tool
>>11233091At the beginning when I'm first captured he will probably enjoy training me publicly, humiliating me as much as possible. Eventually, when he has defeated all of my allies and there is no one left who knows me, I'll probably fade into his harem as he finds a new favorite on his next campaign, assuming he doesn't sell me off or give me to his men...
>>11233024Forgot the dishes, hm? Surprising me with cookies is good initiative however, which means ill grant you the small mercy of being my footstool while I eat, you will endure the 20 lashes after that and then do what your dim mind clearly forgot. >>11233079"boobless" and "titless" seem really uninspired honestly. I also am not surprised you got bullied so much in school, im not sure there's a bottom bitch who grows up to be a slave who isn't, I haven't seen that movie and it apparently came out when I was out of high school for a couple years already, at least the second movie was, but honestly things like you deserve to be humiliated, just while under the care and control of someone who knows best for you.Having you cover up goes against literally every single single thing I have told you, you DO NOT wear clothes, its what immediately separates you from a human, but I am sure we can figure something out. If ive got a bustier slave around, maybe its your slave sister "bitchmeat", then writing some phrases in and around those barely perceptible lumps could humiliate you in similar ways. "flattie's so sorry she cannot satisfy!" and/or "If you want to torture my tits please go hurt bitchmeat, I do not even have any"While your boobs that are clearly smaller than the two brain cells you have in your mind that keep fighting eachother are such a source of pain for you, I am honestly a ass man at the end of the day. A girl like you is also probably very thin and while that means you aren't as strong or can't take as much torture it's that kind of aesthetics especially seen from the back that means there's no universe where you aren't the primary one drawing the rickshaw. You might have a more well endowed sister who could serve as a better workhorse but lets be real, I probably didn't go for the biggest cup size with the rest of my property either.
>>11233094That's the final, most humiliating insult. When you're so broken in that Master has grown tired of you in search for new slaves, and you can try and regain his attention or slip into the background, indiscernable from the rest of his harem>>11233095>things like you deserve to be humiliated, just while under the care and control of someone who knows best for youThat's a central slavs tenet, that whoever does the collaring knows what's best for their slave>you DO NOT wear clothesOnce collared I would never dream of wearing human clothes especially without Masters permission. I just meant something like duct tape or spandex to hide the twins; "shame" and "disappointment">humiliation and ass manit sounds like 36Cs modified dogeza is perfect when i learn how to do it. It hides my plateaus, and gives Master a preferable view, as there's no way my ass can be more disappointing than my lack of tits, especially when its a freshly spanked red. I just need to remember to keep it clenched more for Masters viewingbpleasure
>>11233110Duct tape? Nah I want to see those things, if you suggest something like that again its a immediate hard slap, no hesitation. I also prefer blowjobs for the vast majority of the kind of sex a slave experiences, so picrel isn't exactly your future, this is why its a fantasy image of some weird goblin slave creature. Girls who are small up front also are the kind of petite I like elsewhere, and this is a good example of that. 36C over there also talked about a exercise regimen, and the ideal one for slaves is a massive amount of cardio. Even with what you have jumping jacks would be fun to watch, especially when done to exhaustion, but a slave is weak and accordingly should have no strength training. Your body should be soft and malleable, just like your mind.
>>11232742>Would your slaves be aware whilst mindcontrolled and imprisoned in their own body like the imperium curse, or would it be a trancelike thing as though we were sleepwalkingPreferably she'd be fully conscious, so she'd be fully aware that she was untied and free-range all day, but couldn't do anything without being told to.Complete amnesia has a bit of appeal, though. It would be fun to have a slave who has no way of knowing what I've been doing to her just a few minutes ago, aside from being sore.
>>11231772>"stupid stupid stupid dumb... stupid stupid" as she hits herself or sobs on the floor>hits herselfThis is not allowed. DON'T BREAK MASTER'S STUFF. The best thing to do with a slavegirl this crippled by anxiety is demote her to sex-only and keep her in a cage whenever she's not being used.The goal is for her to know constantly that she's exactly where I want her to be, and she is physically unable to do anything I don't want her to do, so she can relax. She's a good girl.Pic relevant.
>>11233214Is there a reason why this is the first time im seeing a hentai image depict the specific aftercare scene I write into almost all the weird erotica I put onto my personal fetlife. Like seriously, I know this looks like it was drawn in like 2004 but nobody clearly has the same ideas of how to calm down a slave in BDSM fantasy world.>>11233215And absolute kino, peak, or whatever the kids these days say. The best kind of slavery is be gentle and cruel at the same time. You aren't human, but that's okay.
>>11231772Tell her she's a good girl and that Master is very proud of her.
>>11233221You're not human, so that's why Master is taking such good care of you.
>>11233157>Duct tape? Nah I want to see those things, if you suggest something like that again its a immediate hard slap, no hesitation.but your worthless slave has nothing there to see Master>jumping jacksplease no, i wouldn't be able to hide how i barely have enough to jiggle, and if done next to a proper slave, then it would just highlight how defective i am>>11233183but with shared access to vocal chords, so i could be try and talk, and beg, and plead but Master can project words from my voice insteadMaster can also use it to immobilize my mouth completely so that He can hit me as hard as he likes whilst im sucking HIm
>>11233214Looking at this a bit more that slave has a pretty huge amount of drool. I'm sure she could just be so happy and at peace resting with her Master but it could be that she's drugged, which isn't really my style. Resting like that is just the best way to reward a slave after a intense experience. Crouching down to her quivering nude body crumpled on the floor, giving her a full body hug, even letting her nuzzle into your chest for a while, saying "I am so proud of you, slave.", so she is happy to spend the rest of the day exactly like that, just underneath my desk since I don't watch much TV since its not 2004. The dream. >>11233331"please no"...? You're lucky I'm in a good mood. Give me 30 jumping jacks. Right now. I don't care if your back end is a lot more pleasing than your front end, they are both still pleasing. I know you were just begging and not actually saying "no" to Master, combined with me being in a good mood its why you are not getting any lashes. That wasn't so hard, was it? And what you had in the front did jiggle, technically. It made me happy, which is your purpose in life. Now get back to work.
>doorbell ringsWould you allow your slave to go open the door when she's not, you know... presentable?And I might blurt out something awkward as well (as usual).
>>11233451Considering she is nude most of her life and we don't live in BDSM fantasy world having her just answer the door would be...Suboptimal. Best for her to kneel in the corner out of sight if I have human business I have to do. If we're receiving guests or in any other situation where there's people who understand what she is then no, she is there right beside me. Curtsy towards them, thank them for the opportunity to serve them, take their coats and remind them that it is only Master that is allowed to say no to anything they tell her to do. A slave would have a script for what to do in that situation, its only when they start telling you what to do that the opportunity to blurt out something awkward comes, which also means the house guests get to have fun with deciding on a punishment.
>>11233479>kneel in the corner out of sight if I have human business I have to do.>10 minutes pass and I already come out from hiding.Master, Maste~er! Are you sure you don't need anything? I think I heard you call my name, right? Oh, who are these people, Master's guests? I shall serve them at once!
>>11233491Aw, I usually give you a piece of dirty laundry to worship during these times. Not surprised you didn't last the 15 minutes you usually do. These guys are just trying to make a living scamming people with door to door sales. It's tough. You heard your name right, "devotion", you'll be licking all the grime off their boots before they go. Get out there on the front porch, I don't care if its cold or if the neighbourhood gets to see how not human you are, it'll encourage more eyes on you anyways.
>>11231770something funny you could do with this is teach her signs but only for the words you want her to know. There's no need to teach a slave how to say "no" and she can't even ask you for something she shouldn't have. You completely control her vocabulary. Even better make up the signs yourself so she can only communicate with you.
>>11233581then you make the signs extra>"please feed me, Master" is entering dogeza and licking the floor in front of Master>"please forgive your slave/have mercy" is also dogeza but hands behind spreading asscheeks apart>"Please fuck your slave/permission to cum please Master" is lying on my back holding my ankles>>11233429im sorry Master, i didn't mean to sound insubordinate, when truly im grateful for Master's stewardship, and especially grateful that He was kind enough to let me off without punishment this time. i'll do the 30 jumping jacks for Master then go back to corner time for the next 30 mins
Hello doms and sluts! Glad to be here on my knees again.>>11233095>ass manExcellent, Sir! I love serving with my ass.>>11222248Unlubricated analThat is no doubt an effective punishment, Sir. But isn't there a significant chance of injury occurring? If lube was purely for comfort, slaves would never need it.
>>11231822If you're doing it right the conditioning happens practically automatically. They aren't people but they are still human. The complete lack of autonomy and total vulnerability would be psychologically exhausting. It's simple survival strategy; Master's approval and affection is the most important thing in the world. You would be desperate to earn something too if it meant less beatings, less chance of getting sold somewhere horrible, or breakfast AND dinner today, or even just some comforting gestures when there is no other escape.
>>11231676>I'm mainly doing it in the 15 minute post window as that's too short for corner timeNo, I mean the modified dogeza, not corner time. When you do a regular dogeza, you are resting your body weight on your forearms, knees, and feet evenly and it's comfortable enough to stay in for a while. With the modified dogeza, your weight is on your forearms, chest, and knees, and it's a lot harder to stay in because it's not a stable position. You should have to constantly think about your position and try to stabilize yourself and your main tools for doing that are your chest and knees. Also because your weight is shifted so much further forward, you're putting a lot more load toward the more vulnerable parts of your knees where it's going to hurt you.That's not even to say of the no hands position. Honestly 15 minutes of the no hands submission is hell. I don't think I could do that now.If you want to challenge yourself, set a timer for an hour and try to do the modified dogeza for that long without checking the timer until the alarm goes on. You seriously cannot relax even for a second. I love it because of how conscious I have to me. I can't just let my mind wander off; I have to think about holding my position the whole time.>compromise with chored by having Master chain our forearms behind our backs just above the elbowYou can learn to do most chores with your hands behind your back linked at the wrists. It takes more effort because you have to turn around and learn to do things without looking. The only thing I needed my hands in front for was cooking (and we actually shared cooking duty).I actually wanted to try to do a month straight without my hands but every time we tried something would come up and I'd have to be let out. We did a thing once where I had to plead to be granted hand privileges and I really liked that.
>>11232049>As for the rankingsI actually have a whole thing in my head about how the enslavement process would go.All my skills and data would be drawn from public record, as slaves have no right to privacy. When I've been made a slave, no one will ask me questions and I will no longer have input over my fate. All the decisions I made end at the point I lose my humanity.Any higher value slaves would have been determined prior to them being brought in to the processing center. A rank slaves don't go to normal processing centers. B rank slaves are treated similarly to C rank slaves but the workers at processing are to be more careful about damaging the merchandise. Slaves aren't letter ranked after processing, but the +/- grade is assigned during processing.After my long march of shame, in which I have been stripped naked and marched in chains (which I will wear until I am sold) to the processing center, my blood is taken and my height and weight (minus the calculated weight of the chains) are checked. The handlers around me converse rudely about these figures, and if I attempt to interject I will be given a punishing electric shock. They might physically inspect my breasts and mock me when I get wet.I have to listen to whoever is working the labeler discussing my aptitudes but I am forbidden from speaking - I must simply stand and wait while my fate is determined.It should be a stark reminder of my new status. Up until now, I was treated as a human. It only hits me what is happening once I am apprehended in public.
I dig stories about free perverts who get caught pretending to be slaves.
>>11233658I really like the idea of high-effort communication.Having to make requests of my master should be something that requires more work than using my words, and the added ritual and having to maintain a high protocol help keep me from simply relaxing in my servitude.All forms of this communication must start with me stripping. I am usually not allowed to wear clothes anyway but if I've been granted that privilege, I must keep in mind that asking something of my master is not something I should take for granted and to speak while clothed is to spit on my master's grace.>"Please fuck your slave/permission to cum please Master" is lying on my back holding my anklesI'm a strong believer that slaves should be forbidden from masturbating and that our orgasms are not necessary. I don't believe "permission to cum please" should ever be a question a slave asks.>>11234018>Unlubricated analI am a proud anal enjoyer but I don't think this is a good idea for either person involved. Lube provides comfort to master's shaft (not that I could know from experience). I think being made to give a blowjob with that saliva being the lube is the roughest that makes sense.
>>11234447Spit can work but it's ineffective and wears out fast. The punishment subject will likely need to spin around several times to resuck your cock for the initial insertion to move as much spit up into their hole, and then frequent relubrications will be needed.Ass to mouth is, of course, a fine punishment factor too.Another alternative that I prefer receiving is chemical play. Plenty of lube can be used, but that lube has something like hot sauce, or icy hot mixed in (or pure) that makes the sub's hole burn, both inside and the exterior. It can also be applied to the external genitals for more pain. It can also add an intense heat to the cheeks, best for intensifying a spanking. These can last for awhile too, so after fucking, you may order (or bind them if noncompliant) to let it burn for an extended period.Just remember to try and keep the substance pH neutral, avoid substances that work via corrosivity, and anything like IcyHot with methyl salicylate gets metabolized as salicylate(aspirin.) So calculate the dose to avoid toxicity. And always test each sub with each substance gradually from the least sensitive to the most sensitive body parts. Doms obviously want to wear a condom, or apply with toys.
>>11234271it does work very quickly. if you think how simple it is to condition actual pets that don't speak your language, it's much easier if that pet is a worthless slut with poor self esteem, who's desperate for Master's validation, and can even be beaten, and tortured as much as Master pleases>>11234437to be honest i spend much more of it shifting about, and only a small fraction of it in the actual modified dogeza pose, and only for short bursts. i know the Master won't like it, but hopefully it will placate his wrath a little bit, if i make sure im kneeling, and not on the furniture the entire time i have this thread open>choressome of them i can dosome of them like cooking depends on what the meal issome of them like vaccuuming it is okay, but i want to learn how to do it with chained ankles and heelscleaning the toilet must look funny, but it's possible so long as i have my hair in a side tail so it doesn't go near, but in an actual Master/slave relationship id have to hope Master doesn't punish me for hiding my flatnessim so jealous that you got to live the dream>>11234443the +/- would do cruel tests whilst we're in pic related to see how we react to fear, pleasure, and painlike being strangled by a leather glove for about 20 seconds then the other reaches down to stimulate us whilst still choking usthose lucky enough to have tits get them slappedslaps round the face (whilst still being choked) until we flinchbucket of cold water thrown on usone hard whip to the butt to hear the moan>>11234447>clothesof course it's such a privilege for Master to allow us to wear anything, that we musn't forget proper etiquette as it can be rescinded at anytime>orgasmsnot necessary, and rarely allowed but at the same time Master does like to see us beg>>11234446as in sneaking into a Master's estate to blend in with his harem, or tethering yourself to a railing with the key just out of reach waiting for somebody to react?
>>11234536>worthless slut with poor self esteem, who's desperate for Master's validationWow its like looking at a checklist for a ideal life partner. You're that flattie bitch that told me she did 30 jumping jacks a few days ago in addition to those two hours of daily corner time she keeps on insisting she's doing because a internet stranger told her to do. right? You're going to be doing 30 jumping jacks every day aswell. -After- corner time, not before. Make sure your tiny minds understand that. >kneeling while reading thread>im so jealous that you got to live the dreamDo it while nude too, and perhaps I will have mercy on how frustrated you bitches make me IRL. If you have any ways of even looking at whatever Master you're drunk on worshipping, much less talking to Him in any way, it is extremely disrespectful if you can be nude and choose not to. Likewise get the fuck off the furniture - if you're peering outside a house or something when you know Master is near you should especially be aware of how slaves don't deserve those things, and really confused ones like you even more so. That modified dogeza pose is a stress position too, a rather extreme one it seems. It's your tiny slave minds that wanted to go above and beyond to torture yourself, I was happy enough with a kneel and a pledge of eternal servitude. Perhaps this is a big reason why you need to be told what to do?
>>11234717>that told me she didi really did it, but i did take a couple seconds to breath after 17, 23, and 27>-After- corner time, not before. Make sure your tiny minds understand that.i understand that it has to be after Master. i don't know why, but i don't need to Master knows best and it's not my place to question Master everytime my tiny slave brain doesn't understand>perhaps I will have mercy on how frustrated you bitches make me IRLis Master angry with me i tried to obey?>disrespectful to wear clothes in Master's presence, likewise get the fuck off the furnitureyes Master, those are for people, not poorly trained housepets>that wanted to go above and beyond to torture yourselfit's not entirely that i get off to the torture, i also don't want to disappoint Master anymore than i already have in the two obvious ways
>>11234786>is Master angry with me?No, I am mean with you all the time but you are not capable of being held responsible for something wrong, you don't have that kind of agency, even when pretending to be free. You've already been told what I am frustrated by.Stopping to breathe 3 times is about what I expected. That's a good girl. You will do this again, every day, over and over, for the rest of your life. Taking initiative on this stuff is also pleasing to me, it shows your dedication to go above and beyond just being a mushbrained toil puppet. Coming up with new ways to degrade and torture yourself for my amusement is the ideal way to make use of the fact you are cursed with still being technically sentient. >i don't know why, but i don't need toThat's why you're a slave, head just as empty as what's up front. You are only told to do things, not why or even when. You have no right to know anything beyond what is necessary to serve, which is a big reason why whenever I make plans for anything I do not tell slaves until the moment their services are required. When you rise from your spot on the floor in the morning, you have no idea if today is a regular day of household service, or if some internet people I met are skeptical of my claims that you can take a lot of torture before breaking down, and want to see the "entertainment" for themselves.
>>11234443>A rank slaves don't go to normal processing centers.Maybe the A class slaves have go through years of very harsh and thorough training in a special school before they're sold, and as a result us normal C class slaves respect and even fear them whenever we see them in the public (which is very rare), because no matter how experienced we are, we're always going to look like cheap disposable crap in comparison to them.How should they be recognized as ¨elite¨ A+ slaves though? Special golden collars perhaps? They're obviously going to be status symbols for their Masters to show around after all.
>>11234819the distinction is mainly for processing and when we're being sold. Once we've been collared then slave ranking falls entirely on how much favor we have with Master>>11234818>taking initative on this stuffit doesn't really happen, my brain is as smooth as my chest>or if some internet people I met are skeptical of my claims that you can take a lot of torture before breaking down, and want to see the "entertainment" for themselves. >takes physical torture for Master okay>break down the moment the abandonment fear kicks in
>>11234855>Doesn't really happenYou say that but I didn't order you to figure out how to dogeza in a way that hurts you.Finding new ways to inflict indignity and pain upon themselves is the primary way slaves express that they are technically sentient the same way a human being is. >my brain is as smooth as my chestObviously. >abandonment fearYeah that's why a lot of humans can't believe that a girl could even be that broken. That emotional pain must be far greater than anything physical that I can inflict on you.There's a reason why 2 or 3 days in The Hole is a acceptable punishment for a decent infraction by a slave but the most you've ever done is the large part of a day, and get assigned corner time way more. The corner time is to try and get you used to the fact that there might be times you aren't literally under my gaze, but ultimately I don't think you're lying about the standard yandere slave tropes like actually being incapable of having dreams that aren't about Master. If I ever need to leave you alone at home for a day or more I'll spit in a rag or something and stuff it in your mouth. I know you'll still be a completely broken down crying mess when I return but maybe that will help a tiny bit.
>>11234901you didn't, but a slave who seemed higher ranked than me mentioned it
>>11234904Yes im well aware. You combined your brain cells with another slave so that the 4 total you both now had could figure out how to inflict suffering upon yourselves for the amusement of people better than you. Just because it was her original idea doesn't mean you weren't trying to figure out how to do it best with her help. You may be a lesser partner even when among slaves but then that's exactly what I want to see among my property.
>>11234536>i spend much more of it shifting aboutIt's impossible to not shift about but you need to remain in the pose. It's unbecoming to fail at that.Seriously, stop making excuses. You can do it if you try.>cleaning the toilet must look funnyWithout your hands you will really want to think about your hairstyle. A bun works best.It's tricky but doable. You can actually learn to do a lot of it with your feet.>of course it's such a privilege for Master to allow us to wear anythingClothes feel weird when you've been without them for a while.One other thing I fantasize about is having my skin medically treated to be unbearably itchy when wearing clothing, to force me to stay naked even more so.>not necessary, and rarely allowed but at the same time Master does like to see us begFor sex, sure. It's untoward for a slave to make mention of her own orgasm at all.There is no reason for one of us to ever request to be allowed to cum unless we are already having sex. We ask to serve, and if that service doesn't include orgasm, then so be it.
>>11234819I think the "specially trained" slaves would begin at B-class, and A-class would be one who has pedigree on top of that (bred for slavery by an authorized breeder). It's like the difference between enlisted soldiers and officers. B-class and up are like officers, and have had at least 4 years of training.Otherwise, we enter as C-class slaves. B-class slaves had years to decide that slavery was for them, and as such they're often enthusiastic about their servitude, while C-class slaves must be kept on a tight leash to ensure they remain respectful.A-class would probably have a specific genetic trait they're bred for that doesn't exist in the general population, like perhaps a specific hair color. A+ slaves often have their wrist cuffs welded closed behind them, to show that they are not "working slaves", but rather trophies.The gulf between ranks would be vast, and it would operate like a caste system where to have a slave's grade increased, a court would have to actually grant legal permission to the owner. Demotions, of course, are easier, and there's an established process to demote a slave.
>>11235019>It's impossible to not shift about but you need to remain in the pose. It's unbecoming to fail at that.>Seriously, stop making excuses. You can do it if you try.thank you, i want to be a good slave for my Master when i finally get collared>Without your hands you will really want to think about your hairstyle. A bun works my fantasies we have to do our hair, and make up each morning before binding our wrists behind our back/to a suspended rail and presenting ourselves for Master's ritual inspection. as practical as bun is, it makes it difficult for Master to pull>It's tricky but doable. You can actually learn to do a lot of it with your feet.i guess we would, until Master thinks we're circumventing Him, and locks us in heels and shackles our ankles>Clothes feel weird when you've been without them for a while.>One other thing I fantasize about is having my skin medically treated to be unbearably itchy when wearing clothing, to force me to stay naked even more so.i guess slave clothes could be made out of a rough burlap/polyester/hemp material>For sex, sure. It's untoward for a slave to make mention of her own orgasm at all.>There is no reason for one of us to ever request to be allowed to cum unless we are already having sex..i guess maybe Master would allow us to beg without repurcussions if mid way through edging or sex and He is feeling generous, otherwise we should just serve and hope and pray >>11234911thank you for your high praise Master, i will remember it during next corner time>>11235031A class having their own distinctions and bred traits will give a lot of status to their Master, but how would you remove it if they had to be demoted? not like it would matter to us C (optimistically) slavesi like the idea that all facets of life are different but still demeaning, like A have their own personal feeding bowlsB slaves get fed out a communal troughwe get our gruel thrown on the floor
>>11235031S-Class slaves would be artificially grown replicants, specially engineered for obedience and high sex drive, and customized to the client's preferences. Like going through an RPG character creation screen except a year later that character shows up at your door asking to suck your dick.I like the irony of the highest-value slaves being the ones with the least human rights. >>11231099Combination of sensory deprivation and a VR headset running a hypnosis video.
>>11235042>slave orgasmsslaves are right to understand that it is something they really don't deserve, but personally I think long term denial is counter productive. A slave will swear up and down she can handle never cumming again if it means she does it because Master told her to, but her little brain is unlikely to understand just how that will make her feel. This is why I always talk about a masturbation ritual every sunday. 52 times a year is way more than most slaves would think they deserve, but kneeling infront of Master, staring straight in his eyes as he towers over you, even being forced to lick up your pathetic slave juices off the floor as I indulge you in your need to orgasm in the most humiliating way. It forms some long lasting memories.Plus begging is fun, you just might get a extra crumb of pleasure doing that. Might. >gruel off the floorSounds unsanitary but then if the floor isn't clean enough to eat off of then that sounds like a slave that needs to be beaten for failure. I would perhaps grant you a bowl, slaves would grow attached to the closest thing they have to personal property, makes it a lot of fun to randomly kick it over, or just grabbing your hair to force your head in there since you love this gruel so much but still only eat with your mouth, not burying your face in it. I often handfeed slaves scraps of the human food they cook. It's to help them understand what they are cooking better, plus handfeeding is fun. But a middle ground between that and the gruel might be a good idea, a slave could be rewarded with something closer to human food, which is why wet dog food is such a good thing. The bulk stuff, big cans of really gross "meat", but still a lot better than a lifetime of gruel, which is why as a reward I can make a big production of spooning it out of the can onto the floor for them. slaves would probably beg for it too since it -is- better than a lifetime of gruel, such gross creatures.
>>11236253Maybe there's an S-grade slave type which is custom made. As in the future Master orders a specially trained and ¨built¨ slave from the slave facility, and usually the delivery can take up to 2-3 years. Basically if they want their slave to look and act like some specific videogame/anime character, the people at the facility hand pick the most suitable candidate from the storage and start training her for the role. Training also includes all the required plastic surgeries, etc physical modifications, and the slave is so completely brainwashed and mind broken during her harsh long training that she eventually genuinely starts to think that she's that X character, and her old sense of self is and memories are slowly wiped away. If she remembers some of her old memories even for a second, there's hours of pain and electric shocks coming up immediately. So by the end of her training whatever little remains from those memories feel like just weird confusing bad dreams for her. It's scary to even think about them.Obviously the Master has to be careful with this kind of special slave and always go along with her ¨roleplay¨. If she ever starts to question who she really is again, her psyche might get irreparably broken, since there's no old ¨self¨ remaining that she would return to.Goes without saying that such completely modified special slaves would be extremely expensive as well.
>>11236303>long term denial is counter productiveOnly if you don't do anything with your slave at all.I don't think there's any benefit to allowing a slave to masturbate and you don't need to actually let a slave orgasm to keep her horny. In fact, constant edging will do a lot more to keep her pliable.
Long-term denial and edging is kino. If you disagree then you're not doing it right.
>>11236303> a slave will swear up and down if her Master tells us toMaster told us, so of course we'd have to promise to obey, Master's disapproval would feel immediately worse than staying chaste. But as time goes on it would be hard to guess how much I'd suffer, and how tempting it would be unless Master has me safely locked awayMasturbation ritual every Sunday Even though it's not my place I feel like it's been ages since you last gave such permission >gruel off the floor is more from the holding facilities, and would be clean as the room would be regularly hosed down along with the livestock in it
>>11236980>Its been ages since you last gave such permissionYou know why. >Master's disapproval would feel immediately worse than staying chaste. But as time goes on it would be hardYes. This is why I know better than a slave who only knows she wants to serve Master, and is barely intelligent enough to know what that means. A reminder for any humans in the room that slaves are just impossibly horny creatures, and even a week is long term for them. You often need to physically grab their hands when they start being overwhelmed by the feelings coming out of what isn't theirs. >would be regularly hosed down along with the livestock in itI let slaves use not only a human shower, but the same one I do, its important that they are sanitary and soft to the touch. This is why a slave under my care would have more money spent on her beauty products in a week than her gruel in possibly a few months to a year. Hosing down is fun though. Its tough for slaves to actually do outdoor work in the real world, but if your thin and weak body is covered in grime from your nude toil then it's a great way to remind you that just because your body is meant to make humans happy doesn't mean you aren't still a beast of burden. I know that last paragraph did things for you but Hands. Off.
>>11237048>you know whyI just assumed I didn't deserve it or it was a form of punishment>slaves long termit'ds very hard to model longer time frames or consequences beyond Master's immediate mood, it's why being collared snd enslaved would be such a blessing for me>beauty products If I were to be purchased by a generous master , however the holding facility wouldn't waste such money on slaves that barely attain rank C>hands offAs you command, Master
Not enough is said for being handfed>have to thank Master first in whatever humiliating ritual Master has trained me>have to act like this is a great kindness from Master (it is)>my arms bound so Master has full control of my remaining movement by tugging on my hairAs I'm chewing Master can either slap me, stroke my face, or choke me until it leaks out my mouth like you would with a dog that's eaten chocolate
>>11238437Forgot to add there's also Master standing on the chain or spreader bar between my legs that forces me to kneel, or resting the sole of his boots on my landing strip, as he holds the morsel of food just too high so I'm begging like a dog or sealion for it
>>11237259>very hard to model longer time frames or consequences, why being collared snd enslaved would be such a blessingYes. Even pretending to be free you're a slave deep underneath, and are just bad at this whole being a human and making decisions thing. Its why doing as your told and nothing else is so liberating for things like you.>generous MasterTo a slave so deeply convinced of her own inferiority then "generous Master" includes anyone who'd buy you and give you a gruel ration and a beating every now and then, but yes, I am quite kind to girls who believe themselves to even be unworthy of the grime on my boot. The holding facility might have given you makeup for the auction, sure, but you'll be soft on the eyes and to the touch under my dominion. You exist to make peoples lives better, and nothing else. >>11238437>HandfeedingI do it to make sure you know how the human food you cook tastes in order to improve your service, but you're right, it is a lot of fun. It -is- a great kindness, glad we're on the same page slave. When I give you a scrap its usually while im eating what you've just cooked me, meaning you're kneeling and ready nearby. I don't let you eat your gruel until my meal is done, but when I offer you a scrap perhaps you should come up with some affirmations or little prayers about how even the scrap is better than your lowly form, and Master is so kind to even think a slave is worthy of scraps from her Master's table. I expect originality with what you come up with. I'd be the type to stroke your face most of the time, but that does make the broken kindness of a slap sting even harder. Choking isn't usually my style, but I keep on seeing how silly girls like you just double over themselves wanting to be choked by their betters, and perhaps it can be my style. If you get a freeform beating while you're face down lapping up your gruel after im done there might be some additional "fun" to try and figure out.
>>11236303>This is why I always talk about a masturbation ritual every sunday. 52 times a year is way more than most slaves would think they deserve, but kneeling infront of Master, staring straight in his eyes as he towers over you, even being forced to lick up your pathetic slave juices off the floor as I indulge you in your need to orgasm in the most humiliating way. It forms some long lasting memories.Master, Your pathetic slave begs for release! Please let Your property spurt its juices over the floor and lick it clean.
>>11238682I just knew you were going to say something like to me today.First, its around 7 PM when I write this. Get whatever rags you think are clothes off and kneel in corner time until 10 PM. Right now. This is in addition to the usual corner time and exercise I tell you to do. Then, take your hands, no dildos, nothing like that, and bring yourself to orgasm. Once. Not any more than that. Look down at what comes out of you when you are granted a crumb of pleasure, and don't lick it up. Instead you probably have a long hair style like mine, if you don't then you will, but wipe up as much of it with that as you can, and then lick it up. You can wash it off in the shower tomorrow morning. You creatures are really gross to begin with so I don't think being this visibly overpowered by how horny you are made by someone better than you demonstrating that you will do whatever they say would be that out of the ordinary. No more instructions beyond that, I don't think your tiny brain is capable of keeping track of much more.
>>11238769Master truly understands His slaves! This slave has short hair... i've always tried to fit in with normal society, but after years of denying myself... i want to change my body to be more pleasing to masters...What orders do you have for hair, diet, and exercise for your slaves?
>>11238792What the fuck are you doing talking to me? Get to work! Your mouth still works, doesn't it? Just lick it up normally.When you come back, you will grow your hair long, almost as long as mine, and dye it a bright blonde. Perhaps a cute shade of pink for more special outings to draw extra attention to you, but you'll need to be owned to be told what works for a actual hairstyle. Likewise I won't tell any slave girl what it means for them to please me through their diet. Not unless they are literally staring up at me, that'll give you a eating disorder for sure, but for exercise you will only do cardio and nothing else. The word "strength" does not belong anywhere near your existence, so you will train for endurance, your body will be thin but athletic, probably able to run a lot more than a human being, but ultimately you're so brain broken that running away from your Master feels like a bad nightmare. If you're checking your phone during your corner time I would hope that you realize how dumb you really are, even a amoeba could figure that out.
>>11238798Of course not Master, no phones for this slave. i kneel with the computer not far away so Your slave doesn't miss an order! This slave will begin exercising to be sexier for Master and fit for service.
>>11238808Did you actually do as you're told or are you still having a lot more yandere than actual courage?You aren't going to grow up to be a lowly devoted asswipe like that. God you bitches are dumb.
>>11239118This slave has too many duties to sit in the corner for 3 hours, but it was super hot to think about.i did lick up my own juices.It's so hard not to cum today thinking about how to make my body sexier. Today i will try and channel that hornyness into exercise...
>>11238769sweet bong in pic
>>11239133>too many dutiesYes, this is the issue with pretending to be human. It is actually understandable that you don't have the time to do as your Master told you, since being a slave should be your entire life. >but it was super hot - channel that hornyness into exerciseI don't want a fat slave. Or more accurately, I want to mold a slave's perfect body, and being fat before throwing yourself at your God's feet is the ultimate expression of how he has changed your life.You really should get guidance from that person you keep looking through the windows at though. Like seriously, for whatever reason obesity is endemic in this century and I still have a ways to go, just Ive been up and down 70 pounds at multiple points since being a adult and the only way I got to the lower end was a minor eating disorder. Being a man and doing that is actually highly statistically notable, just it was quite unlikely I ended up like actually really fucking up my body because I thought I needed to be a skellington for Master to accept me. People who have more social pressure for that stuff actually need medical intervention, so perhaps only do the intense aerobic exercise and not the starving yourself bit I know you are thinking of. >>11239154Being a teetotaler weirdo who hasn't used one, I can't exactly say. It looks a bit like a torture device to me, just it relies on a interpretation of TES lore, that dark elf there is supposed to be able to resist fire, meaning that drinking boiling water could possibly be extremely painful instead of actually dangerous. Now that I think of it there's not a lot of content out there taking advantage of the different physical traits of various fantasy races to invent torture devices specifically for disciplining their slaves. The ideal devices will always be one that is very painful but not actually going to hurt the slave enough to degrade her ability to serve.
>>11239165It's probably skooma...
I'm a slave to my master.. I do everything for him and indulge his fantasies and I love every second of it. I'm exercising hard and doing my best to make my body perfect for him. I do my best to clean everything and keep it spotless and make his life and experience as frictionless as possible. Yes I'm an annoying dummy puppy too.. but I'm so happy now. This is all I've wanted for years. I want to learn how to be sexier but I don't really know what to do I want to make him hornier so he fucks me more I just want lots of sex but he has pp problems. How do I be cuter and sexier chat I've been looking at the faces I make in the mirror during sexual stuff and making sure they look as good as possible but he told me he just wants me to be completely natural idk what to do. If anyone here wants a slave try /soc/ there are some threads there. Also haven't been put through any training I kind of naturally mind fucked myself over the past 18 years being a gooner from a young age and thinking about this stuff I'm extremely submissive and obedient and feel it in the bottom of my soul that I am meant to be controlled and subservient.
>>11239168...Yeah those come in tiny bottles, but are often vaporized in a pipe. I somehow have gone 20 years without realizing that it has that tiny candle in there since the circa 2002 3d graphics meant I never looked at it that much. Just I wouldn't spend money on drugs for a slave, skooma is especially going to cost way more than I probably bought the bitch for. Plus even if "+50% resistance to fire" is doing some extreme heavy lifting here I think its a good idea for torture fan fiction.It doesn't have the piping but I don't actually know enough about fantasy drug bongs to know if that is necessary, and it could be on the other side from this perspective anyways.
Any slave manga similar to Dragon Pink?
>>11239181Well if it is drugs I assume the implication is to get the slave addicted, then she'll do all kinds of things to get her fix.Especially humiliating for a dunmer since skooma is loved by khajiit who are a slave race in Morrowind. And that looks to be Almalexia so there's some combined goddess worship and humiliation at play....Anyway great picture with lots of implications.
>>11239184Most likely, yeah. Im not sure if there's other examples in canon but one of the big mods I use for the telvanni mage lord character I play has the option to addict the khajjit slaves of the tower to moon sugar to allow for more control, but even when playing a very cruel and evil slaver I still have him echo my sentiment of "Why use more expensive methods of control if the normal ones work just as well? Sends the wrong message spending money on these things."Having the actual, living god of your people do this to you with all the implications with the racialized slavery your society already has with those cat people who love this stuff, it'd be overwhelming. I know most slaves I know would probably touch themselves too. I like to use the idea of Master being a god since I think it makes a slave feel especially at peace with what they are, but if a literal Goddess just grabbed you from the streets of her capital city and chained you up somewhere for her amusement then that's going to be a pretty happy slave.
>>11239188>includes anyone who'd buy meit would be especially whoever bought me, knowing they spent money on a worthless slave like me is a great debt no amount of servitude could repay>chokingit's the total loss of control that does it for me, even the smallest bit of pressure on the sides of my neck puts me completely at the mercy of my Master, even just a lazy finger between my collar and the back of my neck to tighten it. i really want to do a leash pull with Master's foot on the back of my head>>11238769>5 hours of corner time in one dayi stopped early (4h 07) because i was being overwhelmed by how useless Master must think me if i spend that much of the day doing corner time>long hairstyle like mepossibly like you, i keep it long enough to hide them>>11239165>looking through windows ati have no idea what this meant, but you were talking to another slave so hopefully it doesn't matter
>>11239209>>looking through windows at>i have no idea what this meant, but you were talking to another slave so hopefully it doesn't matterI think he thinks he's actually being stalked by someone and wants that person to stop spying on him through his window and kneel before him in real life or something...
>chokingOh that's good to know, I keep on trying to figure out what things like you actually like and the neck seems to be a pressure area. If it sends you into submission spiral you might even get put in a leash more. Im not too sure of the logistics of having my foot on the back of your head while also pulling on your leash, but ill make sure to do what that pic of yours is all the time and bark orders at you to keep moving while harshly grabbing on the leash with one hand while having a strong grip of your hair with the other. It'd be a lot of fun, even without knowing it just made you 3x hornier.>useless Master must think meOh no, if you were able to be in corner time for 5 hours you'd have followed my orders to the letter despite corner time being the height of boring punishment. I'd have far more trust in you doing as your told without hesitation or question.Instead, make it up to me by doing the remaining 53 minutes after reading this. That picture does keep on speaking to me. It'd be the exact same shade of blonde id order one of my slaves to dye their hair to aswell. The neck is just like a "submit now" button to slaves it seems. >>11239230Yeah pretty much. If you're going to starve yourself because a internet stranger made you feel horny for the love of god don't actually do it. Like seriously. Get the melodrama off the internet and into the appropriate container.
>>11239243>The neck is just like a "submit now" button to slaves it seems.Slave Leia and slave Jasmine did it for me... as soon as I saw them chained up and leashed I immediately knew what I wanted to be.
>>11239251I think I got one of those sexualites where I knew what I wanted when I was basically able to form memories, I was a lot older when I first saw that Star Wars movie but that for sure made me think "oh so that's what I want my relationships to look like. Just, maybe me not looking like a horrible slug monster"I was also a weirdo who watched way more adult media and if im being real played videogames more than any other forms of media. I had to look up slave jasmine since I never even watched aladdin as a kid, why would you when Half Life (1998) exists and apparently the adults just don't care that is not really age appropriate. If you have such a strong reaction to being leashed that it turns your mind to instant mush then perhaps I can compromise on not liking them as much. Still don't think its a great idea for day to day toil with cooking and cleaning, but a slave spends a decent amount of her life kneeling before Master since there's just not that much work in the day anyways, it's better if you're overwhelmed by just what you are when doing so.
>>11239251Jasmine isn't leashed, just her wrists manacled, but her outfit at the end really inspired me too>>11239243>Im not too sure of the logistics of having my foot on the back of your head while also pulling on your leashKind of brief strangulation like pic related, please do the leash and hair combo Master, ill work off my 53 minute debt immediately>>11239257>not liking leashesThey're only a teensy itty bitty step up from collars, which I assume you keep your property in anyway
>>11239257Mush is an understatement. There's something comfy and calming about a nice collar/leash. Even when being tugged it feels nice. You could leash/chain them up with something long so they can still do the chores wherever they're at (dishes, laundry, scrubbing floors...). Of course could unleash them and let them shuffle about collared so everyone knows what they are.>>11239268>Jasmine isn't leashed, just her wrists manacled, but her outfit at the end really inspired me tooYeah, but the way he yanked her around with the staff and the apple... hhhnngg
>>11239272it's best when it's being pulled by a Master, but just that little reminder when it goes taut is so good>Jasmineand when she pretends to swoon
>>11239268Oh I think I understand what you're trying to be horny about now. Yeah you can beg and grovel to have that done to you no problem. The leash and the hair will just happen however, no begging or warning needed. >teensy itty bitty step up from collarsA lot of it is that I feel like having a leash that is not actively held by someone, and is instead just left to the side while a slave is working isn't as aesthetically pleasing. If I was more actively overseeing a slave doing her chores the leash could go on, but instead it is more for when the days work is done, and her service is now making Master happy, not just making his life easier. >>11239272mushbrain over here is having a good time too. Honestly you bitches love leashes way more than I thought. I shouldn't be that surprised, collars do a lot more to make a slave understand her reality than anything else.
>>11239285you can have the leash tethered to something, ceiling, oven, kitchen appliances, even a rival slave who has been given chores in another room. If it's tethered above, then it would be beneficial to attach a small weight to the front of the collar, just to make sure im sufficently bowed down
>>11239291Hm. Yeah its true - I could probably put a solid tether right above the stove just for the slaves. I won't be standing infront of it. Not too sure about a counter weight on the front, im already indulging your little mind enough with this, but that idea of being tethered to a rival slave with conflicting orders might provide enough entertainment for you to earn such things.You need to wipe down the stove, your sister needs to clean the bathroom. Do whatever comes naturally to you girls, just get it done.
What would you do in this situation?
>>11239295>i'm already indulging your little mindyou know i would beg so hard for it>rival slavealthough there's no reason why we wouldn't just do it in order of who is most submissive, or who is Master's favorite, unless Master threatened punishment for whoever does their chores last, or promises a reward for the first which one?i feel as green i would help pick up the clothes that fell down, go back to scrubbing the floor. Once done i'd beg forgiveness from Master; if i'd finished scrubbing by the time that happened, then the clothes would never have got dirty from the floor
>>11239276>it's best when it's being pulled by a MasterOr another slave. Super hot to think about being dominated when master isn't around... slave to another slave...>>11239285>mushbrain over here is having a good time tooSometimes the master needs a lesson too>>11239306Hope master didn't see anything, and beg the other slaves not to tell on us...
>>11239325>or another slavei like chained to another slave for the livestock aspect of it. Sure the other girl is held in higher stock by Master, but just being reminded how we're less than human
>>11239353Bound together is super hot, especially if the two hate each other or were former rivals.
>>11239306I clearly made a good purchase with that boy. He's doing his job of making life more interesting for my girls while not looking too bad himself. I still wouldn't be giving those things rags at all in my own world. The one slave coming to me to beg for forgiveness versus the other who begged the other girls to not tell on her is the kind of thing you need to know about your property to get a feel for their personalities and how to dominate their entire world better. This is also why being tethered to another slave is a good learning experience, if you both cooperate and figure it out right away then you are either pragmatic in how to get your work done or really like eachother. Some girls would bite each other being forced to do that. I do actually see everything my slaves do though. Even if this is supposed to be a medieval fantasy type of world just say its magical security cameras or something. Scrying exists. >>11239325 will receive 20 lashes for thinking she can hide what she has done from Master, whereas the boy I enslaved can spend the rest of the week with his cock outside of his cage for maximum distraction among the rest of my harem. I'll also be assigning him to tasks requiring more than one slave as much as possible. >>11239318 is exactly what I want, and would for sure get a headpat, but also perhaps get tethered to >>11239325 for most of a day and told that she is a better slave than her sister, just to see what happens.
>>11239361>>>11239325 (You) will receive 20 lashes for thinking she can hide what she has done from MasterHnnng, it's not fair, there's no way you would have seen that, scrying can't be real. Only the slaves were around. Someone must have tattled... I'll get my revenge when I'm free!
>>11239371I'm still not going to let other slaves whip my property, even if I have like 4 slaves in a harem they still need the personal presence of Master in their life, and him being the one to bring them to tears is important. For additional fun, in a time like this make sure the other slave I praised for being so honest with Master gets another round of praise and a headpat in full view of this bitch as she's crumpled to the floor in tears after her lashes. It'll make it more fun for them to be surprised by being tethered together sometime in the next week. Maybe if you own like 10 slaves making a slave into a subordinate mistress in some way to help in controlling them makes more sense but at that point you're likely knowing them a lot more as the numbers they are officially named instead of knowing more about their personalities than they do. Not really my style.
>>11239359yeah it's why i posted all the way up here >>11233079 about the same Master also buying some of the girls that bullied me. maybe i'd get to be smug to her, that Master must like me more or that she wasn't enough for Master. but maybe Master only bought me to reward one of his slaves, who had been reminisicing about bullying a pathetic flattie whore >>11239361>>11239371i feel like magic, and omniscience takes something away from the fantasy. that a slave can lie about obeying orders, or not confess to everything is abhorrent, and worthy of a beating, but it still has its own thrill
>>11239380Im imagining something more like how a modern home would have a camera system, and I might have some AI tools to go over and alert me if it sees any activity it thinks would be out of the ordinary, but I also often skim over the footage just because I love having actual power behind my threats that my slave cannot hide anything from me. The more she refuses to lie and instead faces the whip because she loves me more than she is scared of it the less I look at her footage, leading to her having more opportunities to break that and have me look at it more, if I notice. I'm not sure how a medieval fantasy world would work in a similar way. Stare into a magic crystal? Its kind of a lame medieval fantasy smartphone but it's the only way to have the same dynamic of me threatening you as if I am a all powerful god over your life but only having limited human tools to make that happen. >buying former bulliesI must not have picked upon that, that is actually a great idea. To be very clear, the only way I would ever buy a slave who was even capable of having enough confidence to bully someone is just in that scenario where my first girl who is such a bottom bitch that she gave me many years of exemplary service since she is just that devoted, im not going to buy you -for- your bullies, since I wouldn't buy girls like that. But seeing the power dynamic reversed in a really weird way would be interesting. And fun. You technically have authority over them, if they bully you at all they get immediate torture. You can bully them a very tiny bit, and the whip will help you find exactly where the line is. Which is still way less pain than the elaborate torture they get for even being terse with you. Not that I expect you to have grown enough of a backbone to do much. Otherwise I'd be treating them just like any other fresh slave.
>>11239389i meant she's already enslaved, and her Master buys me, whether intentionally or not, buying the bully's victim, not the bully>i would ever buy a slave who was capable of having enough confidence to bully was back then, before the slave breaking process.>you would have authority over themwhy? they were prettier, more popular, and bigger than i was. they're a much better trophy than i am, so i can't imagine why Master would like me more.>not that I expect you to have grown enough of a backbone to do muchno, if Master bought one of them, i would probably fall into the same habits i had, where i try and avoid them, not exist, and try and hide Master's twin shames from them
>>11239389>im not going to buy you -for- your bullies, since I wouldn't buy girls like thatYou're missing out on a lot of really fun options...
>>11239405You're having trouble understanding but im not too surprised. I think being treated with the special kind of warmth I give slaves is even more confusing for the bargain bin girls I buy.I buy a flattie bitch like you, after 5 or 10 years of how you've taken so well to being of complete service to me, I have learned quite a bit of your old life, and even though it was more of a interrogation to find out better ways to control you this relationship does have aspects of romance, just obviously nothing like a human being. So you still remember those girls who bullied you, its going to be hard for you not to, if they've been sold into slavery they are obviously broken and forced to serve, just compared to a girl who never really needed to be broken they've obviously got them somewhere inside of them still, which makes it such a horrible situation for them to have to serve me now. They mistreated my property especially badly, it doesn't matter if this thing didn't know she would be my thing, it doesn't matter if they are physically a better trophy since the fact they had to be broken before being forced to serve for life makes them lesser than you in my eyes. I don't expect you to be too good at bullying them back, but its such a grave indignity that I clearly like you more, and no matter how much they serve and grovel they will never be of your status. Especially since its borderline impossible for it to go to your head since you can't even understand why someone would like you. >>11239409You say that but having a pair of girls pissed the fuck off that they got bought to serve a man who already had a slave and they get shipped there and its fuckin' flattie and now they have to show her respect is like a kafkaesque hell for girls who had to be forced to have a lifetime of servitude.>The first time I ever saw a Master love a slave in its own twisted way and he chose THAT??Followed by 3 days in the hole. It'd be great.
>>11239416I think with girls who know each other there is a lot you can do even during the training process. You know, like a bondage trip to the old locker. Lots of good memories made there.
>>11239416>You're having trouble understanding but im not too surprised. im sorry you got stuck with such a retarded slave>I think being treated with the special kind of warmth I give slaves is even more confusing for the bargain bin girls I buy.if i was treated like that i would flit between feeling as though i have somehow deceived Master, and being terrified of losing Master's affections>I buy a flattie bitch like you, after 5 or 10 years of how you've taken so well to being of complete service to me, I have learned quite a bit of your old life, and even though it was more of a interrogationi got told remembering life before being collared, is a grave insult to Master, as a slave's life begins at collaring.>Especially since its borderline impossible for it to go to your head since you can't even understand why someone would like sorry, i feel like they should have written "retard" on my body when i got put up for sale>they get shipped there and its fuckin' flattieim sorry for being such a humiliation Master. >>11239371>someone must have tattledi only just worked out that Master probably would have found out when i begged forgiveness, and not through scrying or cctv or anything
>>11239435>i only just worked out that Master probably would have found out when i begged forgiveness, and not through scrying or cctv or anythingI knew it. Master isn't a god, and he doesn't have magic. He's just a regular guy. Why can't other slaves see that? Why do they all break so easily?
>>11239435Your reaction to someone being kind to you is about what I expected. Still a bit disappointing, but then its what I knew I was in for buying things with the stuff you have written on your file. You even said sorry about the intended outcome of your old bullies being horrified to see you. I wouldn't write "retard" on your body, honestly you aren't allowed to even say such a word, it is a swear that puts down a lot more than just you, but perhaps when you're feeling especially terrified of losing Master's affection since you're being treated kinder than anyone has ever treated you, even when you were pretending to be human, I'll write "sorry Master" on your forehead, and "slave for life" just above your ass. Maybe that'll help calm your simple mind down.>i only just worked out that Master probably would have found out when i begged forgiveness, and not through scrying or cctv or anythingNot smart enough for deception. It's what makes you a good girl, I would have checked over the recording of the entire incident upon you grovelling before me anyways, I'd kind of like if the AI tools or whatever were actually bad at catching things since it gives you a lot more opportunities to choose honesty to Master over the tears and pain from my discipline.
>>11239441>insulting our Masteri hope Master plugs my ears so i don't have to hear this>slave for lifeundoubtedly but Master's affection isn't guaranteed.and it would be torture knowing that because of their superior bust, they'll be able to serve and please Master in ways i never could, or knowing that they get to give Master affection whilst im obeying corner time or as the table in pic rel. but i also can't think of much hotter than being bound and kneeling watching Master play with the bigger tits as im cuckqueaned>not smart enough for deceptionim sorry Master, ive always been too dumb to lie
>>11239466>i hope Master plugs my ears so i don't have to hear thisOh she's racking up a lot more torture than just lashes that'll be administered at random in the next few days. Don't worry. It breaks a slaves soul even more knowing that I don't even get angry at her defiance, its barely notable, she's that powerless. Especially when the loyal slave has to kiss that same mouth that said such horrible things when I tell you two to put on a show. >I am both turned on and terrified of being cuckqueaned by Master's better slavesOh have you had that picture locked in the chamber for a while? It seems like the perfect kind of image for you. Ironically out of all the body types in there the one serving as a table I like the most, its why I tell them "intense aerobic exercise" is what they need to be doing, but perhaps a girl who had to go through brutal training to be declared fit to serve me would have boobs that are present enough to serve as "fun toy" while im relaxing instead of "foot stool". That hand mirror is a fun idea too, ill make sure you can stare directly back at your face in times like this. >Master's affection isn't guaranteed.All you have is my word, which is supposed to be more powerful than your little existence, but we all know its more complicated than that. Maybe the brand for ten years of loyal service will change your mind, but probably not. At least what's in your head doesn't matter that much since you have no choice in anything.
>>11239485>Oh she's racking up a lot more torture than just lashes that'll be administered at random in the next few days. Don't worry. It breaks a slaves soul even more knowing that I don't even get angry at her defiance, its barely notable, she's that powerless. Especially when the loyal slave has to kiss that same mouth that said such horrible things when I tell you two to put on a show.You occasionally can strike the right nerve master but you have no idea how to handle a slave who isn't already a pushover!
>>11239486Hm?Oh you seem to be really onto forced lez again. Honestly don't really care that much, but you'll spend tonight tied together with flattie in the closet. She doesn't cry herself to sleep nearly as much as she used to, but she also has tried to impotently kill multiple slaves who she thought were insulting me when she accompanied me outside. There's not any cardboard in the closet like flattie was able to earn for her spot on the floor but whatever, you two'll be fine.
>>11239494Well that was fun.
>>11239497Sure. Wouldn't be the first time. I bet flattie only bit you 12 times. Look you're probably regretting what you said but a truck will be coming by later today. You'll be fitted with a special new collar, before being taken away on the same truck. Usually girls like you are worked to death, but if you're good I can stop that from happening to you. Depends. Not a lot of girls there have your special collar and they might be weirdly nice to you, but whatever, you'll be there for a while, I don't believe in telling slaves timeframes for anything, and you aren't special just because you're being punished in a unique way.
>>11239508I'm not afraid. Those other slaves are probably week, and the place is probably run by soft masters like you. I'll break free in no time.
>>11235042>thank you, i want to be a good slave for my Master when i finally get collaredTaking care of your body is part of being a good slave! Keep yourself honest. Don't be lax.>in my fantasies we have to do our hairWhy not a ponytail if your concern is allowing master to pull it? I like having nice hairstyles too but when I was doing it my priority was in obedience and I appreciated the continuity of losing my hands far more.>Master would allow us to beg without repurcussions if mid way through edging or sexI agree. I'd rather not be given orgasms otherwise, though. I really like being able to put my own self out of mind and devote myself fully to service. Knowing that I can't even ask helps me to put it out of mind without reliving me of the frustration.>>11238682See what I mean? Gross and unbecoming. Don't ask things like this.Our orgasms should be put out of mind as much as possible.
>>11239528>See what I mean? Gross and unbecoming. Don't ask things like this.>Our orgasms should be put out of mind as much as possible.Quiet you. It's bad enough I have to be in a thread with a bunch of mind broken slaves, and enslaved to a master that only believes in slaves orgasming once a week, if at all. When I was free I could orgasm multiple times a night. He can't keep up with a strong willed high libido slave who isn't already feeding his god complex. So yes, even if I have to beg, I will get an orgasm even if I have to grind against my own legs and slurp up my own juices to do it.
>>11239517Alright. Seeing you so excited to fight soft Masters like me when the collar is there to make sure they...Actually no, you just have fun. Just remember that my threats about disposal are actually empty if you're having a bad time in your cell. More than one trip would be a special case.>>11239528I'd prefer to have a slave with a more regular long hairstyle, but doing it into a ponytail is the best for when she needs to do work like cleaning toilets since as humiliating as it is I don't want toilet water all over my slaves hair. Can still receive guidance and motivation the same way, maybe better, a more obvious handle there. >orgasm talkI swear some slaves will turn borderline feral if they go a full week without release. You seem to belong in more than the bargain bin and I enjoy seeing how you talk to much lower slaves. It's like a big sister or something, encouraging them to do better but still not being kind, since that's not what slavery is.
>>11239531>Seeing you so excited to fight soft Masters like me when the collar is there to make sure they...Actually no, you just have fun.You're going to have to explain the collar at some point, master...
>>11239536Oh the implication is that this slavery world can have regular girls be sent to the mines or work camps as punishment, but the collar has some advanced biometrics going on to make sure that the overseers know exactly how healthy you are so you come back "unharmed", although it being networked so I can check up on you on my smartphone any time I like this would be more to keep the overseers honest since they weren't paying as much attention to the rented girls as they should most of the time.Perhaps we should stop the thread from devolving into extended ERP, never again, but the idea here is that from a slaves POV they're only told bare minimum information, and wouldn't know that this collar is meant to keep them alive, so being rarin' to fight people who are supposedly just as soft as I am IRL is funny in the face of how the entire reason a networked biometric collar might exist is that the people working there are the exact opposite of how I treat my property, and I actually need assurances they are only going to work you to exhaustion and not to death.
>>11239530>Quiet you.I'm in no position to enforce rules over you. I'm only C+ ranked, after all.We slaves exist to serve. Once a week is already very generous. I have to accept that the honest truth is that there is no reason for us to ever be allowed to orgasm more often than the bare minimum required to keep us horny. If we are occasionally allowed to orgasm, say... every few months or so (but not on any set schedule), it is better than not at all because it means that we will always remain hopeful that our edging sessions turn into something more.I don't like it, honestly. I like my orgasms as much as the next slave. I just can't justify why I should be allowed to have them.Most of us slaves lost our freedom due to our own decisions. We should accept that this is our reality, and devote ourselves wholly to service. You are not free, and you have no right to an orgasm.>>11239531>I swear some slaves will turn borderline feral if they go a full week without release. You seem to belong in more than the bargain bin and I enjoy seeing how you talk to much lower slaves. It's like a big sister or something, encouraging them to do better but still not being kind, since that's not what slavery is.Thank you for the kind words, master. This C-rank slave will try to encourage her peers from the same rank.We slaves exist to serve. Many who are new to slavery come into it without realizing what it means to be a slave, and expect that their slavery is going to fulfill their own desires. It's a hard pill to swallow that slavery is to submit fully to realizing master's desires instead.
>>11239542Yeah, super hot idea, and I need to get to bed. The slave wouldn't know it but the work and diet of presumed gruel would slowly make them weaker and weaker. They'd see how the other slaves are treated, and then apologize to master and beg to be taken back. Nice concept.>>11239544>Most of us slaves lost our freedom due to our own decisions. We should accept that this is our reality, and devote ourselves wholly to service. You are not free, and you have no right to an orgasm.Well of course that thought exists in the back of my mind as well. But I struggle and fight against it to preserve a scrap of my pre-slave identity, and have to deal with how embarrassing it is that I have to beg a master that I don't respect for the privilege of something that I used to do freely, knowing that the only reason he would let me do it is because it is of some benefit to him (amusement, pavlovian training, psychological torment, etc)Nice chatting with you anons and definitely not self insert roleplaying, tee hee.
>>11236743I love this post so much.
>>11239548Not too big on ERP either, but it is fun to share experiences and ideas!>Well of course that thought exists in the back of my mind as well. But I struggle and fight against it to preserve a scrap of my pre-slave identityYou enjoy the fight! Fortunately, we slaves never win.
>>11239553Yeah but if you give up, the game is over, and the conflict is what makes the story good!
>>11239544Yeah you're right to not have a good answer to the question of if you should be allowed orgasms or not. Even the "Master enjoys the masturbation ritual he came up with for me" isn't the best answer since while it is fun, the root of it is that I feel like a lot of girls would be completely unable to handle not cumming at all, and even once a month is too long for many. Its a concession given to your own humanity which as a slave will always feel wrong. If you can grovel and beg and prove to me you can do once a month instead of once a week that'll make you feel better at least. Probably. >>11239548What you aren't going to disassociate staring at your screen until 3 AM like ive been unwisely doing a lot lately? Smarter girl than most. The gruel and hard work would do the job, yeah. Even if its the same gruel rations she'd get at home the hard labour is a lot more will breaking than cleaning toilets. In keeping with only telling slaves timeframes and never specifics she'd have a specific sentence, a few weeks to a month, but she'd never know and grovelling towards the guards would just get her a lash across the back and a order to get back to work.>Scrap of my pre-slave identityYeah...If I wanted a braindead toil robot I...Well I can't really buy those but I don't want them anyways. Making a choice that life under Master is what you really want is better than a lot of other slavery scenarios. And thankfully it's how slavery relationships work in the real world, even if most slaves actually want to surrender themselves to a real slave market to make things easier.
>>11239559>What you aren't going to disassociate staring at your screen until 3 AM like ive been unwisely doing a lot lately? Smarter girl than most.I have also been doing that a lot lately... part of why I am here and not working...>Making a choice that life under Master is what you really want is better than a lot of other slavery scenarios.I know what I want to have happen to me... but I don't want to make the choice. That's why it's so hot to fantasize about being captured by slavers, goblins, defeated by the demon king, betrayed and sold by your adventuring party, sold to pay off gambling debts, defeated in battle... it takes away the burden of having to make the choice and forces you to deal with the consequences. I can't handle if friends and family knew how I really feel... but if they found me after I had been enslaved... well then it's not my choice... or is it...
>>11239562Its a lifestyle about taking radical and far reaching decisions to not have the burden of making radical and far reaching decisions. Yeah makes sense. I have managed to dodge most of the people I care about who would be rather upset about literally wanting to own a woman, putting it in the context of leadership and alternative relationships is the best way. Especially since that's how mastery sort of feels for me, the ultimate expression of leadership, and im enough of a mechanized division for social justice to begin with that the "owning a woman" part goes over alright. Being that woman though, saying "I want to be a dumb bitch who does what her Master tells her"...Yeah I can understand why that would cause friction. Especially since I know a lot of women see not only BDSM but extreme lifestyle BDSM as a misogyny factory, and go "What the fuck are you doing? You have rights! Stop meowing!'. And on top of, y'know, probably having good reasons to not want to be in any form of decision making or leadership. Being taken by a opposing adventuring party and being "sold" to the nerd mage who probably would have been staring at his computer all day in another life if fireballs didn't exist is a far better deal. You can even tell other people he used some brainwashing magic on you and that's why you're so devoted, it doesn't matter, people don't know nerd shit and that it takes like 30 years to learn that. It'll be fine.
>>11239485>Especially when the loyal slave has to kiss that same mouth that said such horrible things when I tell you two to put on a show.if that's what Master wants>That hand mirror is a fun idea too, ill make sure you can stare directly back at your face in times like this.the hand mirror is what makes this punishment, being forced to stare at my chestlet status, whilst I can hear the slave behind moaning as Master gropes her tits>Maybe the brand for ten years of loyal service i've never seen a Master use His brand as a source of pride, rather than just marking and demeaning his property>>11239494>>11239508even with my feelings i still wouldn't damage Master's property like that>>11239528yeah once the hairstyle falls that's it for the day until Master unbinds my arms late at night>>11239544it not being scheduled gives you the hope, but it being scheduled makes you feel the punishment more when Master denies it
Bump limit reached, another thread in the bag...Speaking of, bag up your slaves (or bag yourself up slaves!) and move on over to the new thread>>11239798>>11239798>>11239798