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Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?
>4) What general feelings would you want your slaves to have towards each other? Competition? Jealously? Hierarchical obedience? Affection? Partnership?

Questions for slaves:
>1) How would you get adjusted to a new Master, or your life as a slave?
>2) Would your Master assign the duty of training you to another trusted slave, training you himself, or train you with another slave?
>3) If trained in a group or as a pair, who is the other slave? Your friend, your enemy, your lover, etc.
>4) What training will you be put through?

Questions for Switches:
>1) Are your Master and slave fantasies always separate, or do you like to imagine role reversals?
>2) Are there differences in how you would treat your slave(s) vs. how you imagine being treated as a slave?

Last thread:

Archive Links:
Thread theme question:
>How do you break a slave?
>How do you eliminate their old identity or their bad habits?
>How do you force them to accept their new life?
>How do you punish them when they misbehave?
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To the RPers
>Why do you do it?

To the RP haters
>Why do you hate it?
Someone made another thread already but messed up the title >>11217777
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That's why I made this one...
I would inagine good old violence and pain would work the fastest for me. Electric shock collar would also be a constant reminder around my neck. Eventually I would just start following all the orders and never dare question anything. Why bother if all it does is give me more pain? And Master isn't that bad as long as I do everything as he says, he can be quite kind actually.
Though unnecessary violence is not something I like. If I screw up or don't follow my new orders immediately, then it makes sense. But if I'm performing my tasks perfectly and still get randomly shocked then that's just counter productive and demoralizing.
Well done thread slave!
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>Though unnecessary violence is not something I like. If I screw up or don't follow my new orders immediately, then it makes sense. But if I'm performing my tasks perfectly and still get randomly shocked then that's just counter productive and demoralizing.
If you are a slave, demoralization is the point. You get punished when you make a mistake. You get punished because master wants to.

Thank you, I was so nervous that I would mess up...
But that way it's harder to stay 100% motivated in the long term if it's the same either way. If I've been trained to the point where disobeying Master wouldn't even cross my mind when I'm given my normal, daily commands, then I think random powerful shocks to my collar are just unnecessary. Though I'm obviously fine with Master casually slapping me hard on the ass when he walks by etc, that's his right.
I think punishments, at least severe ones should be used to encourage slaves to develop to the direction Master wants. That way they have more effect and meaning.
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>I think
Slaves don't think. If you get shocked it's because master wanted to shock you. You'll do what you're told because you're a slave. It doesn't matter if you are motivated or not motivated, happy about it or not happy about it. Do what you're told and thank master for your punishment.
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>Why do you hate it?
Because when I post an idea in these threads, I want people talking about it, not people larping about how they'd love that to happen to them.
Because I know most anons hate this, which means it drives them away, which means the thread ends up being nothing but RPers jerking eachother off.
Because if I wanted Rule34 comments then I'd go to Rule34.
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I don't think we're going to get along very well.

>How do you break a slave?
I don't. Buying something just to break it is the act of a brutish thug. Go find some rocks to smash together, it'll be cheaper and more your speed anyway.
>How do you eliminate their old identity or their bad habits?
I don't. If I buy a princess or lady-knight, it's because I want a princess or lady-knight, habits and all. Look at your picture; look at Her Highness seething, humiliated, miserable as . I don't want that going anywhere.
>How do you force them to accept their new life?
I don't. Again, I want her to resist her new life as much and for as long as she can. Every day spent dragging her reputation and dignity through the mud, forcing humiliation after humiliation onto her, savoring every curse, cry, tear, and scream, why on earth would I ever want them to accept that? That would spoil the fun.
>How do you punish them when they misbehave?
I do! She'd have jobs, of course. Serving guests, cleaning, sex, menial things far bellow her station, things she'll hate doing. Jobs mean the possibility of failure, of course, which is half the point. Humiliating tasks leading to humiliating punishments. Nevermind that her duties are often barely any better than the punishments, and nevermind that the tasks are sometimes impossible or rigged against her to ensure failure and punishment, and nevermind that she's fully aware of all of this. The unfairness is the point.
Actual behavior isn't really an issue, mind you. I want her being herself, but wouldn't punish her for not doing so.
And how long does this continue? Months? Years? What happens when she tries to escape, tries to kill you? At some point, she'll need ta accept her fate, and once that happens, where is the new source of fun?
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>And how long does this continue? Months? Years?
As long as it can. Strong wills and deep wells of pride, both for the attitude they bring and for how long they can last.
>What happens when she tries to escape, tries to kill you?
A harsher punishment that usual, maybe something more permanent. Or maybe just dismiss it? She makes a break for it after months of careful planning, fails, then just gets a "Aww, that was cute" and a demeaning head-pat before being sent back to work. That'd be a good way to throw her for a loop.
>At some point, she'll need ta accept her fate, and once that happens, where is the new source of fun?
Probably resell her to someone or set her up in some long-term predicament if the setting allows. You can try un-breaking her, but that barely ever works. Then it's back to the market for the next one.
>Princess slave
>Captured and enslaved, not for ransom like she expected, but as a toy for some bastard
>Life consists of humiliating tasks, humiliating punishments, and constant, impotent, helpless seething
>Her owner clearly loves every minute of her miserable defiance, smiling at every sputtering curse, tear-filled glare, and hopeless promise of revenge
>But she's smart
>She sees his game, and she's not going to play it anymore

>So she stops defying him
>Just meekly goes along with everything as best she can
>He knows she's putting up a front, and sometimes breaks through it, but for the most part she successfully denies him his prize
>Whenever he's not looking, she's all grins at his obvious disappointment

>One day, she's called to meet a guest
>He's a repulsive man, his cruel, lustful eyes leaving trails of slime on her skin as he leers at her
>Her owner introduces her to him, but with a different name
>She doesn't let her confusion show on her face, maintaining he meek facade, but dread starts to creep into her face as the conversation continues

>You're sure about this?
>Positive. Her behavior's been completely unacceptable lately.
>You know how I am with my toys. There'll be nothing left of her by the time I've done, and I do mean that. She's a pretty little thing, after all.
>There's lots of pretty little things out there, she's nothing special. And yes, I know. Go smash your rocks together, you thug.
>Haha, well, if you say so. Can't say no to cheap, pretty rocks! Know how long she can hold her breath?
>Well, she...
>...wait. Wait, wait!!
>They both turn at her outburst
>That's not her name! She's not some nobody, she's a princess! Princess of Kingdom! She's important! She's...she's worth way more than...than that! So...!
>They both look back to eachother before bursting out laughing in unison
>Her, a princess? This meek little lass? Yeah, right!
>The guest means it. Her (former) owner is an even better actor than she is and betrays nothing towards the truth.

>And then she's in her (new) owner's hands, being dragged towards the front door, towards her new, worse home and new, worse life
>The man who sold her watches her go
>Wait! WAIT! She'll do better! She'll-
>She notices his obvious disappointment
>She's smart
>She know show to play this game
>But she's not feeling very defiant right now
>Y-you bastard! She'll...she'll get you for this! S-she will, so, so...! So please, please...!!
>Her eyes are filled with tears, but nothing resembling a glare
>He smiles at her obvious terror and gives her a tiny wave goodbye
>No! NO!! Please! Master, please, don't do this, save her, no, NO-
>The door slams shut behind them.
I guess honesty is the best policy...
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What you have is a good attitude for slaves to have, you things aren't good at thinking so its best not to question how your betters treat you, but I do believe just randomly punishing slaves -all- the time is counter productive.

A few times just to remind them their life is one of pain and brutality, sure. Shoving their face into a smudge that doesn't exist is a good way to remind them even if they could be of perfect service they aren't getting out of this brutal life they desired so easily. Stuff like having a shock collar go off at random, just being beaten because I feel like it, maybe just a couple of times a week? If at that? I really doubt a slave is going to be so perfect in her service that I would be missing opportunities to bring her to tears, I demand perfection knowing that slaves will inevitably have to be beaten when they fall short, its a understanding I have with their little minds.


slaves are so bad at deception, even if you were some supposedly powerful person before you clearly weren't because you became a slave, and powerlessness is the defining feature of your life.
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How would you introduce your new slave to your parents? First impressions are important after all, you wouldn't want them to think for a second that she's your girlfriend, right?
After sleeping on it, I probably wouldn't actually do this. Pretending to be broken is a charming trick, and essentially sending them to die is a lot. Maybe for special cases?

Selling some princess or other person of import as a literal who is kino, though. That's one of my favorite moves; selling or reselling someone into slavery in way that just makes them vanish. Selling someone far from her reputation, in a land where nobody knows who she is, in a distant foreign port where nobody even speaks her language, just completely isolate her from everything she knows and everyone that knows her. Nobody will ever find her. It's a perfect method of disposal.
And make sure she understands this too. When you hand her over to the slave trader or auctioneer, and she's shouting at your back, make sure she knows this is the very last time she'll see anyone who recognizes her as herself.
Hell, >>11219274? This is how you "eliminate their old identity." What good is an identity if you're the only one who knows it?
I don't have a belt (will probably get one someday) but it's been 3 months since I last masturbated if that counts as proper chastity. I'm planning to keep this going for 9 months.
My original plan was to also refrain looking at pornographic content and just focus on reading about master slave relationships and doing self improvement and discipline but since I'm posting here it's clear I've relapsed.
Kind of impressive
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It would only be impressive if I was really belted, I could do a month without much difficulty before. Normally I get conscious about not being able to masturbate when I'm alone and extremely horny, that happenes just a few times a week. Someone once posted about how female chastity is only binding if it's coupled with frequent edging and I think I'd agree with them, at least in my case. It would probably make orgasms more "earned", a better tool for conditioning and training a slave.
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Your humility is a positive value for a slave to have but that is actually impressive. I wouldn't be too upset if my slave suddenly wasn't so humble about going 3 months, especially since you say it was for self improvement and discipline. If you're looking to impress someone better than you that is exactly the kind of thing you tell a future Master, my birthday actually was 3 months ago which is fun to think about.

I also personally don't like chastity belts, at least for female slaves. I dominated and enslaved that girl through force of will, and I want to see every part of her nude body, not cover it up like she deserves modesty. My thoughts are different for cages, I do like how those look, if you're a piece of property that has one of those down there it can look especially aesthetically pleasing since it doesn't obscure the view of your ass which I spent so much time making my property and a cage in "femboy pink" can look especially good from the front. Still, a slave should maintain chastity through fear of letting her Master down, both how she hates herself for disobeying who she was put on this earth to serve and fear of the pain she endures for disobedience.

Edging would also be a good tool for training. I don't believe in touching slaves myself for their own pleasure, but kneeling on the floor and staring directly into Master's eyes while you touch yourself is the ideal way for slaves to cum anyways. Being tortured by all that pleasure while being overwhelmed by my gaze would perhaps help build devotion and worship. Certainly easier to be obedient when you would have images like that in your mind.
I can't handle any amount of edging. The hot pent up frustration is too distracting and I can't function in a normal life... maybe I can do it over the weekend but when I get to work I can barely function. If I don't think about sex, the longest I've gone is about 2 weeks. But then I get one naughty thought and all the fluids just come right out of me...
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Yeah this is why I say being able to stop touching yourself all on your own is a big thing to be proud of. Acting like this is how people with a "special sexuality" which makes them want to live their entire life underneath someone else usually are.

If you have the self control to do all that then it means you're way lower maintenance than other slaves, which would really set you apart in a lineup. I'm sure you could still be five mental illnesses stacked ontop of eachother and need constant reassurance that you are still worthy enough to be in the same room as Master, much less lick the grime off his boots, I really doubt any slave is that perfect, but I personally would have been proud enough of forcing my own slave to go that long, and here you are doing it without Master's shadow being cast over your mind.
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I honestly think that the almost perpetually horny, dumb as a rock pet career would work best for me. Less I have to think of any hard stuff the better.
But I can crawl rather elegantly so that counts for something right?

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