Guys and gals restrained. If they are unable to move, it's fair game. Follow board rules, otherwise all content welcome. Bonus points for industrial/institutional bondage.
>>11213725Long term prison bondage stuff like this is awesome.
Any doujin where a girl gets tied up upside down and whipped?
>>11219126I love it!Looks like blondie better swallow some more piss or the brunette will beat her!
watch with audiotoo bad the guy who was supposed to update this stoped posting
I remember seeing something like this posted here but I lost itIIRC it was a full bondage set posed as a guide doujinshi that included screwing the subject in their wheelchair, hidden by a lolita dress and stuffed animal. The outside only saw them as a disabled/extremely shy girl while the inside they were getting drilled by toys. I already check this artist but couldn't find what I was looking for. Anyone know what I'm looking for?
>>11219633Think this is the one you're looking for
>>11219816That is exactly it, thank you
>>11219126I love the artwork of this artist. They capture a real sense of exhaustion in these girls.
>>11222008>>11222010I really like these bondage silos. Very "lower them in and forget about them." Good dialogue too.
>>11213767long-term prison bondage with prisoners being used as whores by the guards is the best
>>11217199No one?
>>11222142I like that story about a guy who has few of those silos in his house and rents them to people who want to "take a break from the world", and a girl who wants to be put into one permanently.
>>11226572That sounds great, but I don't know it. Do you remember the title?
>>11213701>>11213728>>11213724>>11219126>>11220631SCIENCE! stuff is so great, it's really a shame sex machines are so rare
>>11231726"Self Storage" by Hungry Guy
>>11233996Thanks! I found it on lit. A bit too unrealistic for my taste, though. I think I would take the implicit horror more seriously if I could view what she's trying to do as the kind of thing you could fool yourself you would enjoy, which requires making some concessions to actual fears etc. For example, if she agreed to go in for like a month, then found that to be torture, instead of this over the top "forever" that is so common with these stories. At the very least, though "willingly getting into a bondage situation that is actually more than you can chew" is definitely something that does a lot for me as well.
>>11231732>it's really a shame sex machines are so rareYou're joking, right?
>>11235017Not in the least, it's one of the smallest BDSM tags, sadly.
>>11235020Well, lets see what we can do about that then. >>11224387I don't get the purpose of the bondage here, what's going on? Is this the BDSM version of used bath water?
>>11235017I don't get why they're referencing that gif with the machine like this
>>11235383What do you think is going to happen when that timer hits zero?Clearly the highlight of the festival they are having.
>>11235383I didn't even realize that. Whoops...
>>11236321Yeah, after slapping the description text from pixiv into a translator (I don't know Chinese), it sounds like she has to escape before time runs out, but can't start trying until 5 minutes have passed. To get more specific, I think she is supposed to be an escape artist kinda magician? So, although I may be misunderstanding because I don't know the character and translators can pass right over nuances, it seems like she's supposed to have a fighting chance at least.
>>11235379Love theseThey get stored away in a small dark place and constantly stimmulated
>>11235379I love this kind of picture (machine + some kind of interface adding to the narrative of what is happening), but one thing I dislike about it, is that very few (almost no) artists, actually put down different descriptions for the different girls (e.g. different durations, number of orgasms etc) to indicate that something different is happening to each girl, even when something different is obviously happening in the image. Bad place for copy pastes!
>>11219633I love hidden bondage like that. Not just the 'tie them up and put them in a big coat and scarf and sunglasses' stuff. Then they just look like a shoplifter. I mean the proper intricate sci fi stuff. Ultra-thin wires and strong glue and muscle relaxant and tight chokers and hollow backpacks. Stuff where they look perfectly fine in a perfectly normal outfit but actually they have no hope of escaping. I mean when they're tied up in a coat it just seems a little low stakes. They've overpowered her but she's not passing any security checkpoints. She could probably wriggle free if she wanted. But stuff like this? These are professionals. They've planned it down to the last detail. They kidnap socialites in cocktail dresses and walk them out the front door. They smuggle a helplessly restrained bride through her own wedding, even the vows. A thousand cameramen don't notice the model's frantic attempts to squirm free. They seem so close to freedom, and yet they couldn't be further from it. They're totally helpless, even from the crowds of people around them, as they walk to their own imprisonment.
>>11242728Bonus points for if it's a cute guy made to look like a woman. Spirited out of a nightclub by a group of seasoned kidnappers, and all the men who could help him just stop to hit on him. Or are too distracted by his revealing clothes to notice anything else. Some of them even spoke to him earlier.
>>11242716God damn. I always considered hidden bondage a novelty, but you put it like that...god damn. Congrats, anon, you hooked me. Post more, say more. >>11242734...and then lost me a little.
>>11242787What I like most is the arrogance of it all. There's no reason for them to do this. They could just grab the victim in an alley and tie them up and drive off, no problem. It would take no time at all. But this takes confidence, and style. They're so good at their operation that they can parade the hapless victim right past every person who ever knew them and nobody would be any the wiser. They're going to kidnap someone in plain sight, and they're going to have fun doing so. In the end, I think it's more of a game for them. How daring can they get? Can they get a cheerleader through her whole routine without anyone realising something's wrong? How many of the cosplayers on stage will actually get home to their own beds? Will the desperately worried boyfriend notice his girlfriend bound and temporarily paralysed inside the very seat he's sitting in? It's an artform. Creating the most elaborate, invisible and yet utterly restrictive ties to mock those who would rescue their captive.
>>11242988And let's not forget the torment for the victim. If you're hogtied in the back of a van, there's some comfort in utter helplessness. You could never free yourself and stop the vehicle, and there's no one else around who can help you. You're doomed, but you know you never had a chance anyway. But with this, escape feels so tantalisingly close. The bonds are practically invisible. They're surrounded by people. Anyone would think they were free to go wherever they wanted. Surely just a bit more writhing and moaning and someone will notice? Someone can save you from this immensely restrictive yet utterly invisible captivity? The prom queen, hands tied inside her bouquet, legs cuffed together, desperately tries to get the attention of her friends. Everyone knows her, everyone loves her, yet none of them realise she's utterly trapped. The announcer puts her sash on, ignorant to the panic in her eyes. The waitress at the gala, sleeves stitched to her dress and tray glued to her hand, works for twelve hours straight. Surely this next person will notice something's wrong? Thousands of rich and famous patrons and none of them give her a second glance? By the next morning, nobody can even remember she was there. With typical bondage, you tell the victim they're helpless. With this, you delude them into thinking they can escape, and let them realise over tortuous hours that they never had a chance.
>>11242988Is there any, like...practical reason to do this? Contract kidnappings or something?>>11242996How does that work? Why doesn't anyone notice something's wrong? Her eyes are panicking, her expression is fixed, she's not speaking, and nobody notices?
>>11243615Some of them are contract kidnappings. They're the best in the business, after all. And if you can afford to have someone captured, you can afford to have it done with a bit of style. Get the victim feeling nice and helpless before they come to you. But some of these are just for fun. It's a lucrative business, so they can afford to challenge themselves on some more exciting targets. Keep a nice 'museum' to remind them of their more daring heists. Of course, some people notice her expression, but most of them chalk it up to stage fright. It's a big day. She's probably overwhelmed. Obviously she couldn't be restrained in such a tight dress. Luckily, her boyfriend is such a caring and romantic man. He's always pulling her into passionate kisses and escorting her somewhere private whenever she seems too uncomfortable. They've never seen him before but she clearly got lucky.
>>11244070Oh, I meant more like special kidnapping cases where the buyer wants her delivered unharmed. Like really, REALLY unharmed, won't even settle for her being stuffed in a box. So he needs they guys to get her out like this. Or maybe she has a ton of security around her, the only way out if her walking out the front door, so...>Luckily, her boyfriend is such a caring and romantic man. He's always pulling her into passionate kisses and escorting her somewhere private whenever she seems too uncomfortable. They've never seen him before but she clearly got lucky.Fucking kino. How do they get around her saying "I do?"
>>11228859I love when they're totally into it.
What if tied up girl has to pee and can't hold it any longer?
>>11244866Then you become gay for like pissplay you disgusting faggot
>>11244866I think you answered your own question.
>>11244355She'll definitely be unharmed. This delivery service cares for their packages like no other. Not that the packages seem to appreciate it. They go to all this trouble of designing custom restraints to give you the most tailor-made kidnapping money can buy, and all their customers ever do is struggle and glare and make irritated moans. Of course, they can't guarantee they'll be entirely unharmed. Walking yourself to your own captivity takes a toll, both physically and mentally. Most packages arrive too tired to move, and utterly burnt out from hours of trying in vain to get someone to save them. If you like your products broken in a bit before they arrive, this service is for you. They've got plenty of tricks up their sleeve for getting around social situations. A nice high-quality hidden speaker gets them through some situations. Must be terrible to hear your own voice betraying you as you try to cry for help. But a much more reliable method is to inform her there's some sort of remote explosive hidden in their new outfit. A pearl earring, or a fancy necklace rigged to blow should she not say the right thing. Obviously, this is bullshit. But it's all the sweeter to reveal this only once she's freely spirited herself far away from any chance of help or rescue.
>>11219324Still no news on this one anywhere? I really liked this one