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/d/ - Hentai/Alternative

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Anything big, fake, and full of saline.
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Wait wasn't there a thread like this recently? What happened?

Unfortunate this sorta thing is kinda underrated but wish there more it's peak especially all over the body.
Last thread had /imp/lants as the subject OP instead of Implants, so most anons couldn't search for it and there was no other text mention of implants or even fake tits in the OP.
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my bad, I'll know not to do that next time
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Any anon's here have any surgeries done? Or want to get anything done in the future?

If some what type of implants do you have or want?
Huge natural boobed girls that go for implants, y/n?
Why are most of the images in these threads always edits? Is the fetish really so lacking without any overlap with other fetishes that out-of-place x-ray photoshop filters or weird blue shading edits are the only way to fill out the thread?
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have some non-edits then
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well, the bigger the better, so of course.
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>Is the fetish really so lacking
Unfortunately yes
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if you don't mind hearing from guys, I've done a lot of research on dick implants. I'm already pretty large but I want to be so big it's borderline gross. There's no procedure with enough of a proven track record to be worth it yet unfortunately. Dick fillers seem to have come a long way though
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There are actual dick implants nowadays! The most common one is called 'penuma' and theres a whole subreddit (of the same name) with examples of people posting before/after's.

I'm already big too, but because I'm also a degen I want a big hentai sized dick. So the implant can add up to around an inch of length and 2-4inches of girth. I'm looking to schedule a consultation for it this fall or next year, the only issue is since its a newer surgery its still expensive at around $12-15k
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Holy shit what is this image from!? I need to know!
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comic by the artist lollydreem

its a tg comic where one character uses hormones to change and the other uses surgeries
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I have 50cc's of silicone in my dick. That's not a lot but it gives some nice girth and flaccid size. I want to go waaaay bigger but I don't want to have a ridiculous bulge showing in public and at family events. Most people who go for silicone do a lot in their sack but I want to go all in on shaft. Muscle Eddie is my dream size, maybe even bigger than that. It doesn't give you an actually bigger dick tho, it's more like an insanely large foreskin. Also this is super sketchy as it's all DIY.
I know her tits are probably real, but they look fake whenever her creator draws her.
Part of why I like less experienced artists is that they tend to draw tits perkier and more fake-looking than more experienced artists. Sure, it's not always intentional, but it's something.

I was not trying to say the artist who drew that chick is inexperienced, but what you said made me think of this.
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it def looks like she has fakes
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What's the best way to post a story here? Literotica's AI detector is (rightfully) preventing me from posting there. Or do I not bother with AI slop here?
Yes, you need to commission more
Why would you want a substance in your body that's incapable of giving you sensation?
You mean when they're like balloons hanging off of her?
Most of the sensation comes from the skin, so stretching it around some plastic until it's like a toy out of some comic is mostly just gonna give that big dick experience.

*surgery isn't quite as straightforward as that, but the plastic surgeon would give you more detailed advice about what they can or cannot do.
Whoever saved picrel to rule34.
Thank you. Was a pleasant surprise to see it find its way there.
Stomach implant, are an unreasonably hot concept
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My thanks anon. I'm glad its not just me.
Have another, on the house.

If there's interest I may try edit
I enjoy them.
I love how saggy her tits are. Implants that start to hang under their weight are peak.
All it takes anons.
Because this may come with iterations, have a “wip”to bump the thread
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Agreed anon, shame there's basically zero art that's canonically stomach implants and not just edits of preg stuff.
On that topic to keep the thread alive, any anons have other implant related ideas that they wished someone would draw?
Multiple implants in one titty is something I don't think I've seen before, that's the best I can think of right now.
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Lip implants?
Not just lip filler, but full on silicone or saline implants for really big lips?
Does this thread do edit requests? I don't know but if it does please consider editing this picture to give Cynthia implants. The hottest part about implants to me is seeing reputable women get them.

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