The thread where boobs get bigger>Hourglass expansion is ok>Lactation is ok>Other growth is ok if focused on BE>No AI or AI talk of any kind pleasePrevious:>>11158783
What other fetishes do you like when paired with BE? (Lactation, giantess, paizuri, humiliation, overstimuation etc.)
>>11213090I'd have to go with unwanted, height change, etc.
>>11213099That and the rare 'fakes become real' trope.
>>11213090I like measurements, precise measurements during the growth their stuff before they delete their account
>>11213448Why, are they having a schizo artist meltdown and trying to wipe out their entire internet presence? Many such cases.
Fetish artists experience this very often.Actually, it's better to say that misguided artists experience this very often, and a lot of fetish artists are misguided.If they're wise, they're just about to do normal art under a new identity. If they aren't, they will never draw again.All to do with creating the art you want to create instead of the art you want to see.Tangent aside, I think anon above thinks they're about to hit that point, sometimes its very obvious.
>>11213456Quality post, anon, keep it up!
>>11213456Artists in general are more prone to meltdowns, especially young ones, and hentai fetish artists kinda have to learn to not give a fuck about outside opinion but for some people it's easier said than done. That said, publicly stating you're having a meltdown is a clear cry for help, I hope the dude is ok and can recover, I kinda like his art. Anyway, let's not derail this thread.
>>11213090>BE>randomly also GTS/growthWhat the fuck is up with this combo and why is it so prevelant? So many good sequences ruined.
>>11213942it's part of the wider group of size increase related fetishes that often have overlap, I personally don't mind a bit of height icrease even up to mini giantess to go along my breast expansion content
>>11213090mixture or single part of theseGender bending: The guy turned girl is either pervert and wants to grow their breasts, end up walking into a trap or drinks potion they think reverses their status but it was just a BE potionPregnancy: somehow pregnancy hormones work a little bit too well.Hucow related: genes enabling her to grow out her tits, she may or may not want that.Succubus like: kinda like the animation you posted. Drinking cum for tits growth. May deflate afterwardsApp/device/body sliders.Lactation: Breasts become milk storage so they will swell when not milkedPossessed by big tiddy ghost and the ghost tits needs room in her body. So they expand to match her size
>>11214510>Possessed by big tiddy ghost and the ghost tits needs room in her body. So they expand to match her sizeI love this concept.>shy girl wants to attract a certain guy who doesn’t seem to ever notice her>she’s petite and flat as a plank>wandering female spirit either seeking to do a good deed or who is also attracted to the boy forges a pact with the girl>temporary possession to just get the ball rolling>or for the less friendly ghost, just a host body to enable her to get some mortal sex back into her unlife>ghost enters petite girl and there’s a problem>turns out the ghost was an ultra-hottie, and her spirit carries that physicality forward>cue petite girl’s body rapidly outgrowing her clothes, especially her tits which surge from bug-bites to bombastic (height, hips, ass and other changes optional)>ghost makes good on her promise after stealing some clothes, immediately using her physical and seductive charms to get the guy to date her>not used to possessing/being possessed, their initial joining cuts their conversation with the guy short as she flees and rapidly returns to normal>possession shenanigans ensue, where the petite girl’s still has her life to live in the meanwhile but has to get things like a fitting dress for her hottie form, or grow accustomed to hosting said spirit before the dateObviously from there you can make your own ending. Maybe the good spirit learns to cohabit the body and they ‘take turns’, or meld fully and give the ghost a second chance at life while giving the petite girl a permanent shot of confidence along with a bombastic body. Or the less benevolent spirit fully takes control, or is exorcised, with optional permanent change in the petite girl.
>>11214562If you want repeated possessions, I'd add a bit of her keeping some of the growth each time.
>>11213448This is a shame, I actually liked this guy's art quite a bit. Most of it is in mochifoxxo's folder here but likely not all:>>11213465Right on the money sadly
>>11213465Applying logic to life is underrated and many people don't even realize it can be done (me for the first ~20 years of my life)
>>11215213In other news hello fellow BEnthusiasts, I'm getting into 3D modelling
>>11215214Started with the bottom on this one tho sadly lowkey and ran out of momentum the day I was modelling this, but given the fact that all my blender experience is one semester of the most basic basics from each sectiom at uni with controls + the donut tutorial I'm quite optimistic as to what I'll achieve. Planning on making a new model today, starting from face and giving more love to boobs today but in the meantime here is a rear view of the thing I did back then if anyone here is into this
>>11215215And a silly alt size to keep this on topic (not on PC rn so I only have the default + the very silly sizes on me). I'll be looking into stylizing with shaders and such to make the results look more anime-like as well
>>11213942You don't speak for us.
>>11214772follow up
Anyone know of this one story where a girl with already huge breasts discovers she can grow via applying cold, which exponentializes into her chest becoming planet sized+ by the end.IIRC the story was pretty long, multiple parts, and I *think* I read it on DA but DA's search has been absolute ass lately. I recall she goes on a date with a guy on a beach. There were also drawings throughout the story, iirc Berggie did one if you know em.Or if you have planet sized expansion stories/comics/etc in general that'd be good too. Thanks.
>>11215358I love your art and appreciate you posting it here bro but what is going on with the girl on the left, is she twisting her entire body around?
>>11213448they've already locked their account, what did they say?
>>11215437it's 2 separate views, they are not connected
>>11215460Basically updated his bio to "fuck my life" and posted on how he might delete his account since none of his drawings are nothing worthwhile.Though, he hasn't updated or deleted his bluesky account yet.
I know it is a long shot but I am looking for two BE stories? One of them I only have a small segment of text. I want to find the original story? The other was called Revenge: BE Edition by RulerBrendan8. Thanks in advance!
>>11213090slight increase in size and strength leading to mini-giantess proportions, lactation, and personality change to become more confident and aggressive (either with the same cause as the BE or just because of having fatter tits)
>>11215816This, but replace personality change with enhanced sensitivity.Sadly, I have no supply of jigglesome jubblies becoming ever more excessive today, taking up space in front of the poor girl, getting mashed together with a desperate force to will them back down only to realize how absolutely amazing they feel and for her to collapse forward upon her bust and be left a mewling mess of meat begging for relief from her newfound blessings, it is not entirely clear if she is referring to her tits or the pent up sexual tension she has become afflicted with.
>>11215711A quick look around and it's probably cause he turned 30 last year and decided to start his midlife crisis early.
>>11215214>>11215215>>11215216looks smooth, good sizes too, keep at it man, more 3d artists are always appreciated
>>11213090whatever this is
>>11217614A combination of humiliation fetish and sexualizing past traumasShe used to be a flat loser and the idea of being made fun of for it turned her on, so now that she's huge, she wants to re-enact those days.
>>11213090For me it has to be loss of mobility/complete immobility due to sheer size. Its so hot seeing those masses of titmeat affect thier daily life from needing to rest and catch her breath after only walking a dozen metres all the way to being bedbound and needing a loving husband/wife to take care of them. Mobility aids are also hot ofc
>>11213090I love a combination of hourglass and height growth on an unwilling girl. Not even in extremes, but going into abnormal goes a long way for me. It's ENF injected into someone of whom could usually be a shy wallflower girl suddenly ramped up to an absurd degree. I love it.Breast expansion works so well in this as the core component, as even if it's the only part, it's perfect for someone who wants to remain below notice when their tits either suddenly swell to a massive size or, in more realistic settings, she has to deal with the gradual growth where those who might have ignored her before don't really have much choice but to notice how she's either straining her normal clothes, or trying to hide it beneath newer, bigger outfits and therefore making a spectacle of herself anyway, or some catastrophic event causes any attempt at chest binding causes her to burst free at an inopportune time.Where the other components come in is just a full figured way to emphasise all these situations. A girl growing subtly taller only amplifies her growing chest, as does her ass and hips swelling to draw even quicker notice. The rapid growth scenarios suddenly become this 'explosion' of curves that absolutely nobody will be able to ignore, whereas the slower versions add further fuel to the fire that is her shyness and desire to go unnoticed being shattered as she goes from tiny, petite and blending into a towering bombshell of a girl of whom finding clothes to recover that normalcy just becomes increasingly impossible. Add to that a friend visiting to check in on her as she hides at home, or while she hides in the girls bathroom and that moment the friend takes in the girl's new massive curves and towering height? Absolute perfection. Whether it's subtle and slow or right in front of a crowd, I love it all.And, because I like a happy ending, I also love the girl growing in confidence after growing in body, but the embarrassment during is the sweetspot.
>>11214436i can't tell for sure but art style looks reminiscent of MagisterWhiskey
>>11213942There should be more official manga with BE scenes, and growth should be permanent
>>11213090I like:unwanted BE, lactation, humiliation, overstimulation I also love it when her boobs get in the way, especially if she is someone in a non-feminine role, like a construction worker. Or if she’s someone whose job is combat, like a soldier, cop, wrestler, etc., and her BE causes her to become worthless and helpless in a fight and she can’t hide why. Also, tomboys who act tough but are actually shy getting BE is cute.
>>11213090personality change into a slut, iq loss, weight gain, drugs (voluntary), and ass expansionalternatively lactation, weight gain, iq loss, and cow stuffbasically normal girls becoming chubby airheaded sluts with huge tits or fat cows
>>11221253A fellow man of superior tastes.
>>11220610Does Magister have somewhere he posts the art he usually doesn't post on his more public account?
>>11217614Ugh I love Woot's stuff
>>11221465he's a turbojew that has his own subscription site that charges comically obscene amounts for people to see it.
>> his musclegirl stuff on there as well?
>>11221513Really miss his old stuff.Now he mostly does edits of scooby doo and justice league.
>>11221693how would i know i'm not paying those insane prices to see, you gotta pay like 800 dollars to see the full library.
>>11221812>800 dollarsFucking hell.
>>11221981Source? The art style looks high quality.
>>11222214Kurokawa Otogi. Big tits and distinct faces make his stuff easy to recognize.
>>11213090Not exactlya a fetish but I love when the girl is onboard with the transformation and actively enjoying it, especially if it leads to immobility
Does anybody have that webcomic (mostly black and white sketch) of the girlfriend and boyfriend where the girl's tits keep growing until they're room sized? Like 3 or 4 pages long? I think there's a little lactation and AE at the very end
>>11225783that would be the fnf comic series by w0mi, new page just went up a few days ago
>>11213099>>11213100What’s the term for this. Fake padding becoming actual large boobs. I wanna look up more
>>11225911>>11225912>>11225913>>11225914hot to see schoolgirls losing control of their breasts growth>>11226566Loving it for sure but no idea, if there is a term for it. I would say faking it until you make it
Does anyone know where I can find bambi blaze's old stuff nowadays?I remember downloading a mega archive some years ago from this board, but I can't find it anymore sadly.
>>11213090weight gain, inconvenienced by tight clothing, hourglass expansion, lactation Naze's Kemono page hasn't been updated since July.
>>11213942I seriously need help explaining how cute this face is, my mind CANNOT take it
>>11229961It occurs to me just how hot this picture is. We've seen thousands of classic 'at rest' breast positions, but seeing a girl having to manipulate her growing tits and seeing the overhang of them feels special somehow.Also the idea of her tits growing as she's trying to pull her top off, like they're openly resisting her attempt to bare them by wedging themselves against the fabric, is also pretty hot.
>>11213090Paizuri, Lactation, Overstimulation, nipple fuck
>>11221513>>11221727artist link pls?
>>11213086Hey brosHad a lovely BE-related dream last night. I saw a comic (i remember specifically it was in some UN public information thing of all places) where jessie and james got married and had a baby. Jessie's tits got bigger because of the pregnancy and kept growing the longer they were together. I don't remember if it was because she just kept getting pregnant or what but she went from how big her tits were in the anime to a size that i found satisfactory (i think like the second part of picrel, which is about my preference for BE). I was so sad when I woke up I just had to think about it more and jerk off to the idea later in the day. I really like the idea of BE framed in like the context of a loving relationship it just makes me feel so warm inside. How often do you guys have BE-related dreams? Are they as specific and weird as this?
>>11234322His private site is still up but hasn't been updated since 2013. deviant art page. deleted his X account because of TDS but he has a bluesky account
>>11234414lmao wacky dream. I once had one where I had a girlfriend whose tits kept growing, in that dream she just kept repeating how much bigger they particularly felt that day and wanted me to massage them, felt a bit bummed when I woke up.
Vtubers have some weirdly good expansion art.
>>11235590Fuck that sounds heavenly. I particularly like when girls' talk about how tight their clothes are getting. Wish my sex dreams were to the point and not weird and specific like that.
>>11235956Maybe post some more examples?
does anyone have a clip I saw ages ago>anime>girl has a vacuum cleaner with boob suction attachment>wants to get bigger breasts but it seems to have a mind of its own>attaches to her teacher?, blonde girl, and boy before she freaks out and smashes it
>>11239397It's from Mahoromatic
Forgot to post here, gonna deliver some monika BE
forgot to share some content here
>>11239984>>11239975guess I am not alone kek
>>11239985Had to scale this down alot
Seperate, someones bear OC>>11239986No lol
And some ayyy BE
I wish we got more stuff like Taniguchi-sanSlow burn that gradually gets more extreme is something that’s the pinnacle of BE. Only problem is its so rare. Any good examples of it that anons would recc?An Unusual Roommate’s also good
>>11240529This is one of my all time favorite stories.
>>11240529Ran into a comic, it's mostly furry, but there's one human in there. Promises to be slow burn-hyper boobed stuff. Also skin-tight spacesuits everywhere. Goes by the name 'Hyper-Spaced'.
Any good mangas where the girl sucks her own breasts after they have grown?
>>11240529Piyokorota has some nice stuff that progresses to absurd sizes. Too bad he doesn't get translations anymore and he also sometimes draws the breasts as very lumpy masses which I personally don't like.
>>11235993That's one of the hottest hentai I've ever read. Sad the rest of his stuff is pretty shit with slugs,possessions etc
some skater girl BE not the only part
This is my favorite kind of expansion. Parasite in boobs that make them huge. In this case, also addicted to getting infected more. Close second is false boobs that magically become permanent.
>>11242783I love this one. This is my favorite premise.
Now that I think about it, this picture may be older than some of you
>>11245243Oh god, I remember when this one was new. Speaking of blasts from the past:
>>11245526holy fuckthe origin point of my degeneracy