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The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please

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What's your favorite reaction to BE?
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My favorite is when they're initially put off/scared by it, but come to accept it later on and find they really enjoy growing/being huge
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completely oblivious to any changes
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This. I love the aspect of the girls body transforming as their tits swell without them knowing why, and how out there would be if it happened in real life, so her panic seems like the most natural response. The realism triggers that part of my mind that makes it a step closer to imagine the scene playing out before and after.
Then having them learn to adjust and even enjoy their new assets is just the cherry on top. That and obviously if it’s self inflicted, then enjoyment out the gate is a given.
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I wish that were me.
it seems pretty miserable though
I wish I was pushed up against the rear wall of an elevator by that girl.

And then the elevator stalled halfway down.
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Yeees! It would awesome. Stuck for life with giant heavy breasts like that; needing a custom built trolley to just slowly move those mountains of flesh around inside the house. And milking your breasts every few hours, otherwise they start swelling and leaking milk on the floor.
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This. At best she's wondering why is eveyone staring at her so much these days?
Source? Is there actual breast expansion or do they just talk about it?
I wouldn't bother. It has parasite as one of it's tags. That shit kills the moods for me.

Plenty of BE with a dose of face hugger and futas.

Someone had an idea for cookies baked with breast milk causing BE, so I went ahead and drew up Satori eating one
Satori took that really well. Now its Koishis turn.
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involuntary arrousal/orgasm
Her hearth eye says she is extremely pissed at Koishi.

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