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File: gap.jpg (1.45 MB, 3509x2480)
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All Editors Welcome!
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Request in moderation
- Do not request edits of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404's anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Avoid posting extra references as separate posts. These also eat up the post count, so try linking them instead.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third" etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the artists! Remember, they do these for fun.
- Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- Remember to use the Anchor for deliveries!
- If you would like to make the new color/edit thread, please be sure to wait until at least page 10 so that our awesome Booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this!

Pictures of past threads are up at the /d/ booru.
Please tag any you have the time to!


If you're looking for a deleted thread try checking
and enter the post # of the thread or any post for which you are searching.

You can also go to https://desustorage.org/d/search/text/artists%2C%20don%27t%20hold%20back/
which has every thread that features this boilerplate.

Previous Thread: >>11016986
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Deliveries Anchor
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requesting the man in the first and second panels replaced with a (white) woman

(or at least made to look more female)
File: 1720353798794115[1].png (3.44 MB, 3508x2481)
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3.44 MB PNG
Requesting Sanji removed.
Requesting color, character is Rias Gremory from highschool dxd after eating a bunch of people
File: Almost winter.png (628 KB, 1166x1208)
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628 KB PNG
Requesting futanari edit give her a huge erection
Requesting Decensoring.
File: 0002.png (1.62 MB, 2508x3541)
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1.62 MB PNG
Requesting big long nipples
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1.44 MB
1.44 MB PNG

File: 1716990602757192.png (2.02 MB, 1800x1004)
2.02 MB
2.02 MB PNG
Please uncensor and erase the speech bubble and text in the picture on the right if possible.
File: pllw-ZooAnime_(Artist).png (1.38 MB, 1116x1975)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB PNG
Please remove all the pieces of clothing. Gloves, thigh-highs, hair-bows and chocker.
please uncensor the vaginas in this
File: cammy.png (11 KB, 546x528)
11 KB
in this image you can see cammy butt in bent over position. So please requesting to finish cammy torso and thighs and color it too.
Requesting the guy to be built more like the NTR-bait guy from SSSS Gridman, please.
If his face is shown, i've attached a similar expression that he could have.
Preferably more smug instead of the slight nervous look he has there, but feel free to just crop the image so that his face isn't shown if need be.
requesting a non-futa edit
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130 KB JPG
can someone edit a big bulge
File: Captured_Rei_(Edit).png (2.02 MB, 680x3248)
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2.02 MB PNG
Request to expose the covered nipple like it was in the reference image and remove the key and the string or do a version that removes it as well. If you can also somehow equal the colors of pic related to the way they are in the OP it would be Amazing but take this as optional.
File: koume_keito_(edit).png (1.56 MB, 1068x1754)
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1.56 MB PNG
Reference image.
File: Suletta X Secelia.png (3.5 MB, 3190x4720)
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3.5 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Suletta Mercury and Secelia Dote.
Requesting a breast expansion edit for this image breasts being as big and larger than the other ones in the link. Bonus if there's a version with her breasts exposed as well. https://files.catbox.moe/eq4f9f.png
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Requesting colors for this picture

for the witch on the left could you give her this skin tone https://files.catbox.moe/a2cutg.png
and this shade of red hair

For the boy could you have him this skin tone https://files.catbox.moe/juudip.png
and give him the same hair blue hair color as the person in this picture https://files.catbox.moe/zntydy.png
(And leave his shirt white please)

And give the witch in the middle this skin tone, hair(and her pubic hair)color and eye color please https://files.catbox.moe/1jhhxu.png

And make the witch on the right this skin tone
And make her hair black

And for the witches attire make them light blue
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Requesting the symbols removed from the femboy and dickgirl please,
It'll perfect without them.

File: Chariot X Croix.png (2.56 MB, 2531x1856)
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2.56 MB PNG
Requesting futa edit of Chariot du Nord (LWA).
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requesting giant sperm indents in her balls
File: Camilla.jpg (275 KB, 1381x1500)
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Requesting Summer Camilla from Fire Emblem Fates/Heroes Colored

Color Reference
>sperm indents
I think thats going to need a reference
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273 KB PNG
requesting removal of the man / cock
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Request uncensor and the removal of the dildo. Bonus points if you can somehow remove the thigh-highs.
Thank you for taking the time to do the edit!
Requesting the removal of her pubic and armpit hair

full resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/jjwaay.png
File: n_03.png (2.38 MB, 1488x2105)
2.38 MB
2.38 MB PNG
Requesting colour for this and the following two parts, please:
Colour reference for the girl:
Give her a small flacid dick and medium balls please.
Requesting the guy to be made smaller to about Boruto age/size, please.
Size references below:
File: 1720248319631.jpg (619 KB, 1592x3000)
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619 KB JPG
Requesting color.
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3.79 MB PNG
like this, or just visible bumps
Requesting color for this picture

Here's a reference for his skin,eye and hair color
And can you make his scarf the same color as his shorts in the pic above
requesting the removal of the bug coming from her pussy
Requesting making her hypermuscular in this shot, with big breasts
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weirdly specific but I'm not gonna yuck your yum on /d/
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76 KB
Fun little side note, busted out blender to try to get this one to work
heck yeah thank you so much. and I appreciate it. I know it’s weird but it’s my weird
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This one has some ai because I couldn't find any good references, but I don't think its looks too bad
>I know it’s weird but it’s my weird
I want this printed on a tshirt
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fem enough?
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Wonderful job, thanks anon.
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im genuinely unclear if they're supposed to have a pussy or if they censored the asshole
OR here. It's a pussy under that lower censor there.
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Requesting removal of belt with the grenade and give her a large pregnant belly.
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Nice edit but the penis is small, and the tip could have had more color. I like that you made the image bigger too
OR here, thanks so much!
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Request a fix for the feets: Please make the left index toe shorter to the level of the middle toe then make the index toe a bit thinner so its not as thick as the big toe and make the toes of the right feet be hiden behind the splashing water.

Original here: https://files.catbox.moe/78tqxq.png

PS: If you think you can "improve" the general shape of both feet, or hide most of the left feet underwater along with the toes of the right feet then go for it.
Thank you for the edit!
Looks decent. There are some things off here and there but nothing too outstanding.
>because I couldn't find any good references
I was thinking something more in the vains of MakoDeviant, he goes ham on the muscle mass. Musctonk as well is what I had in mind.
Requesting a breast vore edit of Panty and Stocking Anarchy having people squirming inside their massive breasts and said breasts being slightly bigger to the originals, similar to this: https://files.catbox.moe/qnv2tz.png
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please remove the fat on her chin and neck.
full size

Thank you for the edit!!
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Request for a shirt with a torn nipples
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371 KB JPG


Nipples color is dark Nipples please
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the desired shape of a nipples
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2.36 MB PNG
Please make the guy's skin purple, yes you read it right, purple

Honestly, I was also planning to ask to make the thighs a bit thicker and the muscles less visible if possible to make him look more like a futa alien than a regular human dude
But the more I looked at the pic less sense it made since there is so little of him visible that its already easy enough to just picture the image as futa x female already
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1.75 MB JPG

Also, if possible, I'd like to ask for tentacle nipples
what the hell are you talking about?
requesting coloring, make her either purple or brown and remove the piercings please
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pls uncensor
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Requesting her with a futa cock
Requesting to remove the pubic and anus hairs.
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Requesting for uncensoring.
sure, thanks
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Requesting her breasts to be made bigger, like maybe 25% and her nipples to be about 75% to 100% more erect/longer.
And also make her look a bit more pregnant, please. Like she was having twins or triplets. If possible, make her a bit curvier. Make her body a bit thicker, around her thighs and ass.

Original size pic in the link.
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Can you color this Chun-Li image please?
>this content is no longer available
they don't want people using discard as a hosting servicethgn
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even out of the muscles a little bit
Requesting color for these two pictures


Could you give the succubus this skin tone https://files.catbox.moe/j17qlm.jpg
Can you make their hair black and horns grey and their wings and tails white.

can you also make their bra's green (this shade
and if possible could you make their arm sleeves and socks green and black stripes. if that's too much though, just make them just green as well)

And for the hero could you give the same skin color as the succubus and make his hair white

Great finish and the best ever. Thank you for making it.
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Requesting uncensoring and coloring. The character is Maemi Tenma from Phase Connect and the frogs are from the Star Wars game Fallen Order.
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Request making her very buff here while making it looks the vest is hiding her muscle.
Like, in the first and third panel her body shape is unchanged but you can see some hints of beef like in her neck. And in the last panel her hypermuscular body is revealed.
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501 KB PNG
Requesting color and pubic hair removal
Reference :
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Requesting super long nipples
File: 022.jpg (272 KB, 1280x1024)
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272 KB JPG

Sorry for the late reply, thanks for giving it a go!
requesting the addition of hands and feets (they can be robotic if you prefer so)
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Requesting an edit where these 2 have boobs

Artist titty refs here:
Pretty nice anon
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An anon did an amazing job at this request, but I just have some tweaks i'd like done please.
Mainly just that her hand on the left side should be a similar orientation to the right side with her wrist, hand and fingers in more of an upwards direction.
And the guy's bicep and hips look a bit strange. I think the bicep's a bit too thick and his hips might need thickening or widening?

Here's the original image where you can see part of her hand to reference
please remove the transparent tentacle
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1.12 MB JPG
Please uncensor or /and cover it with cum.

Better version at:
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386 KB PNG
Requesting color for this picture

Here's a reference for his skin,eye and hair color
And can you make his scarf the same color as his shorts in the pic above
File: EWC6mz_I[2].png (207 KB, 1322x761)
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207 KB PNG
Easy one. Edit out the nipples and make her chest more tight style instead of boob socks style: https://i.imgur.com/f4H1e6c.jpeg
requesting defutafication (with a visible pussy,ideally a burger)
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306 KB JPG
please un-censor
Thank you!!
Requesting the witch in this picture
to be this skin tone please
(And please make her hair black)
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232 KB JPG
Make the girl on the left's tits twice as big
Requesting a tube up Samus' butt and speech balloons removed.
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500 KB JPG
lazy drag job, big enough?
Thank you. Could they be bigger?
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Mooore booob, thats about as big as they can go before I start putting in real effort, might come back to it
Requesting decensor
please remove the tentacle on the right and the semen it left on her pussy
Lookin' delicious on all areas. Thanks!
File: IMG_6321.jpg (2.89 MB, 2400x4000)
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2.89 MB JPG
requesting massive cyan bimbo lips.
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Requesting pubes be removed
ref: https://files.catbox.moe/uexxb0.jpg
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569 KB JPG
Remove as much of the remaining clothing as you can. Even the gloves if it can be at all done.
Can anybody edit this pic so that it's just Saa?
This one too pls?
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can you remove the guy and give them massive bulges?
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Requesting her with a futa cock
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fucking lost a bunch of progress and I wont be able to get back to this until maybe monday
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Requesting a breast vore edit with prey squirming and sloshing around inside her huge breasts with her looking down at them and smiling.
Thank you for making it, I'm very happy with the finished product
Hell yeah! thank you so much
Requesting color edit give her the classic ones of
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now that I'm looking at it again that foot is too small, but thats a later problem.
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Here's what I could get done, but I'm losing steam for the night. Here's a partial bruv
Oops forgot to anchor.
>delicious cat girl waiting to make kittens
thanks you so much anon
Thank you!
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Requesting pregnant edit please.
File: Bunny.png (2.52 MB, 2701x1638)
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Requesting this bunny boy's outfit converted into a full-body rubber latex version similar to the one on the left. Just covering his exposed skin and giving him a mask (hair exposed or not) would work just fine.
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Requesting nipple piercings for her, feel free to have them linked by a gold chain like the ones on her costume
Uploaded because its too large to upload
https://files.catbox.moe/ppt9p6.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ppt9p6.jpg
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871 KB PNG
Remove the cock and balls please
Alternatively, turn the cock into an equine one and reposition it so its like a dildo, one she's about to ride.

Requesting the femboy to have this skin tone https://files.catbox.moe/6qx4g8.png and the other guy this skin tone https://files.catbox.moe/xjidpu.png
Requesting inverse
could the ink be edited out from her boobs and pussy?
Requesting the girl to have this skin tone please

Request the vagina to be redone in a more subtle style like in >>11060635
please remove the futa dick and the cucumber(?)
req to remove the bikini bottom
File: _30.jpg (2.5 MB, 2160x3055)
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2.5 MB JPG
Please remove bra and panty
File: 79110546_p0.jpg (1.47 MB, 2000x2000)
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Requesting dark color nipples
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777 KB PNG

This color nipples please
And I hope the tip of the nipple is huge.

Thank you!
Don't know if you're going to finish this edit but I'd appreciate it a lot
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99 KB
can someone edit a big bulge
File: FzW91_RXgAEmn_J.jpg (801 KB, 2000x2000)
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801 KB JPG
Requesting huge futa bulge and a change in the text
>"Have you ever been knocked up by an idol?"
File: 1721386965586186 - kopia.jpg (1.17 MB, 5184x2272)
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1.17 MB JPG
Requesting removal of the horns.
Just replace with the hair.
Remove the d-cup marker and request a large, long erect nipple bra
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394 KB JPG


And Referee2
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473 KB JPG

Referee 2
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requesting a slob edit where she's saying "No, 'dirty' is like not bathing for a whole year, right? Six weeks without a shower is still pretty hygienic..."
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File: FU (27).png (3.86 MB, 1587x2127)
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3.86 MB PNG
please remove the people in the background
Thanks a lot! That’s the first time somebody did my request :3
Please remove the whole upper frame and, if possible, complete the missing part of the silver hair that will be missing. Also please remove the bit of red hair at the bottom.
could someone remove the thing coming from her pussy please?

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