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post 5
A Pervert's Surpise Chapter 4 just dropped, Futa on male, feminization.
did the image quality get dropped on sadpanda galleries? shit all looks like thumbnails these days and text is barely legible unless you download
>hanging out with female friend
>compliment her outfit but tell her it'd look better with a whale tail
>"the day I wear a whale tail is the day you wear thigh highs"
>banter and tell her to be careful before starting an arms race because I'd look better than her
>we both have a back and forth until arriving at the final outfit of thigh highs, crop top, skirt, and whale tail with the final level being glitter make up (which she always wears)
>laugh and concede the situation
>she tells me if I ever want to, I can input the launch codes anytime
Fuck. My heart was racing
Buy the thigh highs to test the water. If she likes it, buy the full outfits and make an event out of it. Ask her to do your makeup/show you how to do make up.
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Frens, I need some help. I saw some forced fem art of this character, Shimon-chan, a long time ago in a crossdressing thread on here.

It was Shimon-chan, but either naked or in underwear (and implied to be a boy), with a couple older butterfly/fairy women showing him the pink dress they were going to make him wear. He looked reluctant and embarrassed, and I can't find the pic on the usual sources. Anyone know it?

Sorry for the repost! Have a lewd pic of the character for reference.

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