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Hello /d/. Today in "Niche fetishes you'd think they would have more art but actually don't" we have women "upgrading" men.
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Breast inflation with nipple insertion. Breast expansion ending in spherical breasts without insertions is common enough so it's weird that tubes inserted into nipples is so rare.
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I dont have anything for size, how about capacity?
Succubus powers up a guy's dick

I want a dick a girl can balance on top of.
This is great, love the idea of size queen expanding a cock to her limits.

Penis enlargement/expansion is hard to find in general in my experience. Half the time you get forced into searching for "dick growth" which is some futa with a clit growing into a dick.
Rarest and something I love personally would be a dick growing while already penetrating.
I specifically have a fetish for women who reduce a man assets as they are more aroused by corruption of ideals and the reduction of impressiveness.
Like the thought is
>Oh yeah you have a cock that would totally make me a cockslave if you fucked me
>Well I just made it much smaller and impotent through a curse but you're free to have your way with me now, even violently
>But if your cock fails to impress me just because it is physically, objectively less capable and it had nothing to do with you as a subjectively individual, I will laugh even if you harm me for doing so. The only worst you can do is give me a fate worse than death, dicklet.
>Your struggling against the limitations of your form compared to the ideals in your head is utterly a turn on

AFAIK this fetish only exists in my head
Sigh, I guess beggars can't be choosers
It's an absolute travesty that there's so little of this stuff out there.
I seem to remember a manga where a succubus raids a village, encounters a man, "enhances" him thinking he's slim pickings, only to find that his lineage must have included an equine beastman, because his cock grows and becomes considerably more equine shaped and then at some point a switch flips in his head and he naturally proceeds to stuff her cunt and womb full of cum.
What would even be the tag for this? I absolutely love this stuff.
>when she likes to watch the dick get hard and grow in her hands mouth breats ass feet and simple look
>When she strokes me till my cock gets harder then it's ever gotten, so hard it's hurting and she's turned on and happy with how much power she has over my dick and
>The bitch sees me sitting there in agony, so hard it feels like I'm ripping out of my skin and i can feel precum dripping out
>She sits there and touches herself laughing
>I swear to god if she didn't tie me to the chair I would hatefuck her into the ground
>And she knows it

That kind of teasing is fun, but I don't like the amount of control and loss of self control that creates
I get the feeling she's barely aware that I'm attached to my dick when she does stuff like that.
[Tiramisu Tart (Kazuhiro)] Mesu Ogre wa Kentauros Chinpo o Musabori Okasu
Bro please work on you english before posting smut. I'm sure you're a competent writer in your own language, just stick to that for hornyposting.
Ye, this is a kink I like.
I like to specifically combine with femdom and cumflation, basically the woman wants to make 300% sure that she is pregnant and will drain the guy's balls for hours on end.
Ignore >>10995089, your ideas are worth sharing, and the best way to learn is practice. It's only your first line that's really bad. Also ending a sentence with and.
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Finally a thread for me.
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The final one
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The great debate:

Science or Magic?
>You have 2 friends (female), one is a wild advocate for scientific supremacy while the other is a "weird druid bitch" who believes nature trumps all
>They mostly get along, but butt heads regularly on stupid shit
>For some reason, the discussion moves to male penis enhancement
>They refuse to let up, so they eventually decide to have a contest, using you as the base
>Step 1, they make you grow a 2nd dick
>Step 2, they each make 1 dick bigger
>In the end, you have 2 3-foot long raging meat rods and a heaving, voluminous nutsack ready to burst and it is decided that it's a tie before they both go to town on you
>You're still friends, so they say
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Live damn you.
YES! My favorite fetish!

> Be normal beta male
> Be kidnapped by size queen mad scientist
> Ties you to a bed and hooks up an IV drip of mystery liquid to your nuts.
> Hurts but also feels kinda good, makes your sack all tingly and warm.
> Fall asleep
> Wake up the next day to a massive sloshy weight on your lap.
> Precum soaks the whole lower half of your bed.
> Mad Scientist pulls back sheets
> Your heaving balls have swollen as big as ostrich eggs. Leathy smooth and swarthy from excess bloodflow.
> There’s a draft in the room, it tickles your mutated cum bladders.
> Cum harder than you ever have before. All over her face.
> She laughs and says, for that, she’s gonna make your shaft even bigger than she planned…
Post the full set.
>immediately faints and suffers severe sustained brain damage
I always think it'd be funny to see a comic where the guy loses like 80 IQ points due to lack of blood flow whenever he gets hard, and women take advantage of him while he's in his hyper-erection induced stupor.
cock growth, I guess.
>Cock growth
Massively outnumbered by women sprouting dicks and nobody cares to do the distinction
I mean that depends where you're looking. Some place separate tags by gender and some don't. That's the tag though.
ex and e-hentai both have male:"penis enlargement$"

also https://exhentai.org/g/2307147/ebdbf86a92/

probably a wee bit bigger than this thread intends for
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>no English translation
I think this is relevant!
if they can make a cock grow, why not enhance and strengthen the heart,circulatory system,lungs and bones too? I'm sure extra blood can be sorted the same way as well. it's magic, it doesn't have to make fuckin sense. whatever.
>y-you're a dipshit, morty, you've got*burp*ta think... interdimensionalleee!
I actually recommend balls expansion. It's a less exhaustive tag but there's fewer false positives.
yeah, but most of it is the kind with huge balls and a normal sized cock.
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what about other kinds of "upgrades"?
i speak taco, I might do a dump with translation if I have the time
Not really? Most of it is hyper balls + hyper cock, at least on the sites I frequent.
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>So, after all we did, what kind of magic is in the grimoire we found in the ruins?

>Let's find out


>I see...

>It's a spell that makes penises grow bigger.


Oh shit, do we have the artist in this thread?
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>It's natural for men to be surprised when they find out that there is magic that can make their penis bigger.

>You're worried because it is small, aren't you Stark-sama?


>If you were a man you'd know...

>Men really care about the size of their genitalia. There are even people who worship big penises.

>Don't tell her that, Frieren...

>Now that I remember, even Himmel asked me for a spell to make his penis bigger.

>Even the Hero...

>Is it the same magic?

>No, at that time it was magic that could make anything larger, but Himmel asked me to cast it on his penis.

>Men are obsessed with the size of their penises.

>Why can't he use that instead?

>Forget it, it's fine

>That spell was unstable.
nope, that set is old as sin
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>When I used it on Himmel, the magic destabilized immediately

>I had to suck him off to break the spell and I managed to heal him.

>Himmel was really happy, he said it was the best thing that he had ever felt in his life.

>It's surprising how nonchalant she is about this.

>The magical principle to engorge that organ in particular is very complex.

>It's fundamentally different from simple enlarging magic, so I'm really curious if it's worth trying it out.

>Stark, if you're worried about your size, we could make an attempt.

>Are you alright? It seems like you're really eager.
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>No more...



>It seems like it misfired...

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>Stark has become insane with lust. He has completely lost his mind.



>First, I need to analyze the spell and find a way to break it.

>So I need you to endure a bit longer.

>I am casting a spell of aphrodisiac magic to diminish the pain and increase the pleasure.

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>I feel weird...

>My...body feels strange.

>Nooo... my vagina is becoming more sensitive.
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>My mind...

>Oh god...

>It's coming!

>I'm...I'm cumming!

>My mind is going crazy...
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>I think I've figured out what is causing him to lose control.

>It seems this magic grows the penis at the moment of ejaculation.

>The fundamentals are odd, but the side-effect is that if the if he doesn't ejaculate regularly, he'll lose control again.

>I gather that is why this spell isn't used that much.

>If Stark ejaculates before he loses control, there should be no problem.
It's amazing how this is such a niche fetish, isn't it? The futa lovers get it in droves, as do the gay crowd, but for whatever reason people are strangely averse to good old fashioned straight cock growth to please one or both partners. And there's no good story writers for it either.

One of these days I'll find an AI chat card to do it... one of these days.
i just dont think its very popular among women, who would be the main target of male-focused hetero porn
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>Fern, my dick...

>It can't be helped, lets have sex beneath the shadow of that tree.

>Please, put it inside.

>I will handle Stark-sama's stupid sexual desires.

>Please stay away from Frieren-sama

>I know, I know.

>I'm getting used to this size

>I should be able to handle it this time...
isekai shows that there is no shortage for the self-inserting male demographic, and it's basically the same idea.
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>...I was wrong



>Fern's pussy is hot and slippery...it feels so good.


>It's so big.~


>Your penis is too big~

>Hm...I'm cumming again~

>He's stretching me out...

>Taking me to the hilt...

>Oh no, this is bad...
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>I'm cumming~

>I'm cumming~


>You're kissing me... without my permission...

>Don't get carried away...mmm~

>I love Stark-sama's kisses...
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>I fell I am about to pass out

>I'm going to cum...

>I'm cumming~

>I'm cumming~

>My pussy is cumming again~


>If you can't handle him, we can take turns.

>I'm alright...

>It isn't your turn yet, Frieren-sama...
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>It seems like the spell on his penis is stabilizing.

>A little bit more and everything will be alright.

>Just tell if you need my help.



i came here to fap, not to laugh
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>It has been a long time since we stayed at an inn, it has been a long journey, but we finally we have a decent place where to stay.

>They even have nice beds, so we'll be able to rest comfortably.

>The rooms here are much cozier than the outdoors, so you will be able to have lots of sex.

>You penis is coming up to my chest...

>Fern's belly is so soft...


>Please don't be rude or I'll get angry.

>Every since I started helping him cum, I've gotten used to to his still growing penis, bit by bit.

>Soon, this will be inside me...

>And what at first was pain, now became pleasure...
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>I don't care about the side-effects

>I just want to fuck, and please myself.

>You're going too hard~

>My body has been rammed by his penis all this time.

>I wonder how many hours it has been...

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>Ahh... this feels so good...

>You two sure have a lot of stamina. Aren't you tired after fucking all day?

>By the way...Haven't you released enough magic by now already?

>It's coming~

>I'm going to cum~
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>I'm going to cum again

>I'm close...I'm cumming again!

>Do it, inside me~

>Cum...spill it all out~

>I'm cumming... I'm cumming!
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>Ah... it's so warm...

>It's leaking out so much~

>Ahh... he did it inside me. I'm so happy.

>I'm spent. I've lost count of how many times I came.

>I'll never forget this feeling.

>I've fallen in love with his cock...
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>I'm alright now...


>It seems like it's growing again.

>Just like I thought, there is still the risk of Stark-sama's penis losing control.

>Because of that it would be dangerous not to extract all the semen.

>That is just an erection. The secondary effect of the penis growth magic has dissipated already.
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>It looks like my penis is returning to its original size, little by little.

>it wasn't a permanent effect...

>Frieren-sama, give me the grimoire of the magic that makes the penis grow.
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Thanks man, that was a good read.
God I need this so much
Why is this kind of scenario so rare...
cuz this fetish is already niche enough without adding in things like giant short stacks
I have this for years but it's specifically for upgrading men's foreskins to be longer/shorter/thicker/thinner/smooth/veiny
Why would that be considered an upgrade?
you could have just searched the English version you imbecile
I did and didn't find it
Imagine giving a guy phimosis lol
That's what I want
Interesting. I always thought it would make for a pretty devilish curse. Is your goal cause discomfort or to make it difficult to use his dick?
no, I'm the who wants to get phimosis but with a very long foreskin
To play with it?
of course
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how about unintended upgrades?
Here is the funny thing it just got uploaded
And it seems that these images that were posted seem to beat it by about a day
Potentially hot but personally I like it when the upgrading has a bit of a femdom angle to it.
enlarging this thread with a bump
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I think we could use this
my kink is very close to this. it's women using magic or whatevr to make the cock not be able to cum, so the cock will just be endlessly be edging
I believe we can edit this to serve our purposes
Beggars can't be choosers as they say
why not both?

Huge dick that is permanently pent-up
Even better: a normal sized dick that gets bigger the more pent up he is.
I'm bisexual so I can work with this as is.
>a normal sized dick that gets bigger the more pent up he is
That makes for a good visual of how backed up he is. Imagine how embarrassing it is to be outside when you're so pent up that your pants can't hide the bulge.
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>you're so pent up that your pants can't hide the bulge.
Which would of course only turn you on more, making the problem worse.
And then eventually you would be too big to jerk off without assistance, making you entirely reliant upon the person who cursed you in the first place.
>eventually you would be too big to jerk off without assistance, making you entirely reliant upon the person who cursed you in the first place.
That's end goal of this fetish for me. The guy might think having a huge dick is a win until he realizes how impractical the size is for him, how painful the erecfion is, and how the amount of stimulation neccessary to actually cum makes it impossible for him to relieve himself. She's free to use him as a dildo for hours and hours, keeping him hard and on edge all day while she cums plenty of times in multiple sessions.
Can we get some MUSCLES
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just use your imagination on who is causing the growth
Personally I love forced/dubcon, or consensual but the guy is nervous and unsure while the girl is super confident and sexually aggressive, and then as it goes on the guy gets more into it and “gives in”, hot as fuck.
tfw no witch gf to make me into a freakbeast massmonster
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My kink is futas bathing or in a bath setting
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I would like to see some but the opposite of upgrading. And then the women laughing about it.
That’s a different thread
>My kink is futas bathing or in a bath setting
Your kink is irrelevant to this thread.
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Op can be read as the thread topic being
>Niche fetishes you'd think they would have more art but actually don't
With "upgrading" just being like the starter idea
No? No. Try again. Reading comprehension is key.
Yes? Yes
no, anon, this is not a general thread, you're as bad as the people who post stuffing, slob, spherical body inflation and braps in the belly inflation threads.
>Op can be read as
OP can only be read in one way and there 's more than 100 posts conforming to the standard it set. Reminder that threads are seeded with some images with the content they want to conform to.
Well that's one way to bump a thread
>he doesn't know
>Today in "Niche fetishes you'd think they would have more art but actually don't" we have women "upgrading" men.
This is similar to an episode or installment of a series starting with "Today in/on [series name] we have [topic of the episode/installment]", which tells the viewer/reader that said episode/installment is about [topic of the episode/installment].
In this case, this thread is implied to be part of a larger series of "Niche fetishes you'd think they would have more art but actually don't", with this thread in particular being about "women "upgrading" men".
take your tortured straw clutching and please fuck off, that's not how things work on /d/, all you've guaranteed is that the next thread will be phrased differently and most people here are saying no, stop, this is offtopic or stupid and annoying, so let's fuckin not, okay? get with it, you're wrong for various reasons and no level of autistic arguing is going to change that.
he was agreeing with you tho
As >>11017647 said, I was attempting to explain to the confused off-topic-posting anon the meaning behind OP's message regarding the topic of this thread.
In other words, clarifying that it's not about the more general "niche fetishes" bit, which is mostly there for flavor.
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Do you think it's hotter if the guy is into being "upgraded" or if it's being done against his will, or somewhere in between?
Against his will. Being molded into a woman's perfect sex toy whether you like it or not is the hottest idea imaginable.
probably somewhere in between, mainly because i fantasize being the guy in these situations a lot and thus its not really against my will, just sometimes the place and timing isn't the most convenient.

sometimes i wish i could experience a situation where i'd be in school/college again in PE or a swimming class, and a hot girl would be given the means to make my dick grow as big as they wanted but it would only work on me, and then see just how subtle or unsubtle the girl is, and how long it takes for the girl to want to interact with my cock directly, and then repeat the situation but giving a different girl the power to see how they do it differently
Willing, but not being aware it was going to happen initially.
The idea of getting a guy hard in a seductress kind of way and even magic powers used on the dick and controlling men isn't popular?
I like the idea that it's mutual, or at least agreed upon by a couple, but at the same time being a little too willing to please thus having her go a little overboard as a result sounds intriguing. Maybe even a feedback loop of bigger ass/tits to bigger dick and so on until climax.
If it's permanent then I'd be unwilling personally. Some fun isn't worth a grotesque medical condition. If ends when we're done with sex then I'm down though.
You ain't big enough to deny an inch or two on the grounds of "medical deformity"
I really like the "couple spicing up sex life scenario"

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