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Previous >>10986672
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I weight around 150-160, would pull-ups or goodnights fit me more?
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Stop wasting money on memeproducts and buy normal diapers.
Nasty fucking drooling bimbo skank. Ruining another thread with her retarded face. When will this end?
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When your autism wears off
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Neither, get abdl diapers
Lol, i love it! Keep seething
Are you Annabelle?
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Only when you kill yourself.
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>Youth diapers
Goodnites are meant for people up to 110lbs not over it fatass.
They fit me comfortably and hold a full wetting and I weigh 175lbs with a 32 inch waist. You are wrong.
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Buy real diapers, you fucking sperg.
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This is so cute
I've been giving this a try but I can't figure out how to pee sitting or laying down. I can start going while standing but as soon as I get horizontal it's like a valve closes and it just stops.
Anyone else with this issue?
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You'll have to train your body to not close the valve. I had the same issues initially, but over time it's gotten easier and easier simply by training. Sitting down, I could only pee while lifting myself up from the arms of a chair, once I got going I'd lower myself back to the seat. Over time I could have less and less weight on my arms, eventually being able to let go without any support of my arms. With laying down, I need to lift my upper body on my elbows to get going, then I can lay back to finish.
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Im not trusting any idiot healer who can't even heal himself properly
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Why the fuck are the captchas being so finicky today?
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Why are you posting /aco/ trash here? Kill yourself dumb fuck
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floofnfluff is borderline, that one I'd call /aco/ too though
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Posting western in /d/ and not being able to figure out captchas are both signs of low intelligence
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Complaing about /aco/ content
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Need someone like this
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>175lbs with a 32 inch waist
Here I am 5'2, 26" waist and 103lbs and feel like Goodnites could fit better. Sounds like you're coping hard about the fit.
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I weight around 145 and 5'6 with a 32in waist and they fit me super nicely, no leaks or anything.
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And my boner was killed before it began.
Didn't even get a chance to live :(
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Man, I am so conflicted on this.

On the one hand AI sucks and the idea of jacking off to the output of a soulless machine feels like a new low, but on the other hand this is such a niche fetish that without the money to commission expensive artists this is probably the best way to get any decent content.
I didn’t even notice that one was AI lol. Usually, it looks like shit. Ai In my opinion is cool and interesting, but I think it would be a negative if it actually replaced real artist because it’s soulless
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The diaper tapes give it away, the really sloppy AI is easy to identify
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You first
Ai still can’t make tapes
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Yup, close but no cigar
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Which one anon chooses?
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What a wild pic
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I wish I was him...
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>check other work
>just piss
Every fucking time
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I know right

What makes you think a machine is any less capable of having a soul than a human?
a single glance
Artist name?
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Filename is pixiv artwork id
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I doubt complex math has a soul
>Ai niggers
kek, lmao
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No one has a soul anon
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