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The skinnier, the better.
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that's just sad
Bump for anorexia
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makes me feel happy people actually like us skinny girls
Better too skinny than too fat.
skinny is ok but anorexic isn't. i myself was borderline anorexic in my youth because of my bad self-esteem. i'd argue extreme weight loss/gain is at least 95% of the time a result of some sort of mental issue.
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100% agree
Once the hip and collar bones start to really show, thats really hot.
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i LOVE skinny girl, getting to see the outline of bones is so hot
I want to force feed them a McDouble
You're right, hipbones are extremely hot.
Holy shit, what i disgusting thread. I thought ssbbw was a gross fetish, but this managed to convince me that the opposite is somehow worse.

this is the only okay one, even if it reminds me of AoT
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pretty much every thread on this board is gonna be called gross by someone
Fuck this thread
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There's a hide button you know
underrated fetish
what are some good tags for this? the only ones I know of are skinny or visible_ribs
Oh fuck yeah this is the good stuff, skinny girls are the most huggable kind and also look so good during sex. I don't know why there's not more of this stuff around here.
this is a disorder that kills people. some of the people posting here would enjoy real people killing themselves slowly so they can get off, and encourage them to. you're genuinely sick fucks who don't deserve to suck air. anorexia fetishists kill yourselves quickly, you have time to make up for since you take others' lives.
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Seems like in the past decade+ or so the opposite has grown more and more popular. Venus, muscular, and/or fat/bbws body types seem so much popular now.
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Skinny is superb and exquisite, but there is a limit beyond which you're just harming yourself, please don't slowly kill yourself or anyone else because of a fetish
Go back.
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why are you automatically assuming that everyone likes the exact same shit in real life that they do in fiction?
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The real question is, why didnt they didnt make that exact same post that in the BBW+ thread. Just swap a few of those words and it all still fits.
Its almost like they are just trolling and not worth replying too.
where do i find women like this
i´ll admit that i read return to epstein island just for her. i did enjoy it, but there wasn´t that much fanservice of her, at least not in the main story
love the bush on this one
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its art you fucking pussy. nobody is dying.
>Eugina thread
>can't lose fat from tits
time to overfeed her!
i like gnawing at bones

Normalfags pls go and stay go
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>Umm this wouldn't work in real life you know???
>Wow I didn't know men liked women :o (I'm a girl btw please give me attention)
>Ew, I didn't know fetishes existed
Hate when these individuals show up. It's best to not give them (You)s
This character is really sexy, she has a lot of qualities I really like. Artist is Yuzawa, he has great works
Going by booru tags, "hip_bones" can probably find you some sticcs. Collarbone, hip bones, ribs: the trifecta.
Sucks theres no tags for like skinny/thin limbs
>Sucks theres no tags for like skinny/thin limbs
Yeah, sad. Also, there was a really hot Koume pic on Gelbooru tagged as "skinny" where it showed her back and her spine was visible but not that much, it looked really sexy, but now I can't find it
jealous women gonna be jealous
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Skinny tomboy
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Who is this little chick? shes been posted already many times I think. A legit canon skinny sticc?
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That's Hiro Shinosawa from the new Idolmaster. She's a "supergenius who forgets to eat" type and she's also canonically extremely weak.
she seems to be sad
I dig that. X character who is too into something they forget to even eat.
That was me in highschool with video games, I actually lost a lot of weight with that method, combined with walking to and from school.
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Are anorexic girls tighter?
no fat to make it tighter broski
how is this sexy in any way
>no fat
well then explain why fatties have massive vaginas
idk I'm high af and it's kinda hot in a sort of a cosmic way.
i was talking about non-anorexic people.. there is an in-between from unhealthy skinny and unhealthy fat!
real bad anorexics tend to have serious muscle atrophy, including down there. Some of them talk about just queefing all day long
This is legit. The vaginal atrophy can be similar to what old women get. They're less tight, but also more prone to tearing and dryer. The pelvic floor weakness causes incontinence too.
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Kinda hard to avoid loli while browsing skinny on gelbooru and pixiv I noticed.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I don't like big boobs and the only sex dolls I can get are modeled after eight year olds
I dont mind loli but im just trying to avoid a mod strike here.
Also kinda shows how some artist draw skinny types but still draw them with large breasts and thick hips, Raita is the first to comes to mind.
Fair point.
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deleted their account unfortunately
No pit hair would make it better.
Pit hair makes it better.
You ever play Mario Kart 8 and trick on the eel in the water track. I want to use a techdeck and do the same here.
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>us skinny girls
I live in the US, skinny girls are sadly an endangered species.

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