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Big/Bigger Edition
Previous: >>11063161
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>Realistically what's the most lewd or humiliating thing a typical giantess mom would ever actually do to her tiny son?
If we're talking about a typical woman and not one who is abnormally lewd or more prone to messing with/bullying her micro son? Then, we can expect restraint to a point. Nothing risky, at least until she was entirely confident in her ability to handle him safely. And it would depend on her personality too, she might feel totally comfortable with casual nudity or bathing, etc. but stuff like deliberately smothering him against/under certain parts of her body would be a much less likely occurrence. Handplay anons would be in luck here since she would have to use her hands more than anything else when interacting with him. So we'll assume she wouldn't have him squirming underfoot or in her mouth. Not to say there wouldn't be women who'd subject their sons to that but they'd be uncommon. There's some wiggle room for our typical mom obviously as she would still be capable of teasing and being playful, which means shenanigans would happen some of the time, she would inevitably indulge some of the thoughts her mind cooked up. It's more of a question of how far she would go or whether her inhibitions would drop enough over time to the point where she'd be sexual. Does she enjoy the peculiarities of interacting with such a small person, does she want to be revered and worshipped?
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I hate giant bratty schoolgirls so much its unreal.
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>Yahoo, you stupid humans
>Is there a human named Shido? If I don't let me suck that dick, I'll destroy the world

Google image translations are getting scarily good. Shame this is a one shot, love the concept (science girl experimenting on a shota, shooting a beam that'll make every tall girl in school want to fuck him, with the story ending with her shooting him with a much more powerful beam)
giant monster girls are olev
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Who animated this? Hit me with a source, my reverse-searches are going nowhere
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Choose your bigfu wisely little man.
Would cum hard
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thicc > mommy > tomboy > klutz > "friend" > meanie
>bunch of gts stuff popping up on kemono
>cant actually view it or download it
what's the point?
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More huge Dragalia Lost girls when?
Mommy > Thicc > Friend > Klutz > Tomboy > Meanie
Klutz > Tomboy > Mommy > Thicc > Meanie > Friend
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It also belies the question of how a mom might discipline a tiny child. Spanking is difficult, and a timeout in a jar or box might not always work.
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I would do the same, but retire under her nail instead.
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The Big Thicc. Ideally with The Big Klutz's personality ideally, but the default personality is good too.
Sauce? Is this Uru?
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Speaking of meanies, I read through Half Inch High for the first time and god DAMN these chicks are pure evil.
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>Hottest body

I question your sanity if you don't pick the "friend"
his patreon
Why do they all need glasses? Huge eyeballs no longer focus light properly?
What’s this from, I wish that was me
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I don't know, getting dropped into the klutz's panties then getting forgotten inside... friend a close second for me though.
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Mommy, but with a sprinkle of Meanie, especially the part about being forced to worship her
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I tend to like my giantesses as either playfully cruel or gentle, but something about the HIH girls activates my neurons in ways other completely irredeemable girls usually don't.
Firm but ultimately painless smushing.
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Give me Klutz or give me death.
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At the end, the "bullies" will end up in purgatory.
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No anon, the bullies ARE the purgatory
>And then anon was a butt slave
Shallow ocean or shrunken air craft carrier?
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I would probably have sensory overload in that jail, cum myself retarded
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>isekai about a guy being asked to teach holy maidens about sex by a giant goddess

Hopefully at some point has a sex scene with the goddess
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New Sigure banger
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Enough fantasising, when will we actually have giantesses??? And also invincibility so we don't actually die
>not wanting to die
there's a seperate thread for you "people"
fuck off
cool shark
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What is your problem
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Sigure always delivers bangers
Name of that oneshot? Asking for a friend.
Part of the same anthology the Uru story was from: うおっ でっか 巨乳巨尻高身長ギャルちゃんは僕に恋してる
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>Giantess/size: Gentlefaggotry
>Giantess/size: murderfaggotry
>Giantess/size: Bullyfaggotry
>Giantess/size: Fateworsethandeathfaggotry

More threads! More balkanization! We'll conquer this entire board!
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Not enough big PM gals
give ideas for more stupid size thread variants
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growth with clothes and growth with clothes not growing too
natural giantesses only (the big naturals general)
giantess threads for particular franchises (we almost had this split with 2hu like six or months ago)
gulliver's travels general for just this composition or girls peeing out fires
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We can keep going!
Giantess/size: musclefaggots
Giantess/size: breast entrapmentfags
Giantess/size: footwarefags
Giantess/size: sockfags
Giantess/size: footfags
Giantess/size: shrinkfags
Giantess/size: butt crushfags (no fartfags allowed)
Giantess/size: butt crushfags (fartfags allowed)
Giantess/size: boob crushfags (fartfags tolerated)
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>Giantess/size: shrinkfags
this is the only one deserves to be separated.
shrinkers deserve nothing.
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I wish I could sub to his fantia. Japs seem to hate my card
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Best way is AMEX but yeah I wish he would open up a Fanbox.
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This series is probably the best "shrink" setting out there imo.
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I admire your innocence.
All American CC companies collaborated to block Fantia.
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Whoops, meant to reply to >>11069826

>Giantess/size: butt crushfags (no fartfags allowed)
>Giantess/size: butt crushfags (fartfags allowed)

The first one was a thing a while ago but it withered and died. The second has been going on ever since some anons reunified booty stuff. But what the hell do farts have to do in a boob thread lol?
What a shame, I was gonna grab the 500 yen package to see that futa post he made a while back. Luckily he has a skeb open, so I may grab one but a fanbox would surely be nice.
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>But what the hell do farts have to do in a boob thread lol?
Its to point at those few retarded OPs who slap arbitrary rules and disclaimers when they start threads
GTS where the giant girl used a growth ray to make everything larger than her
Shrink where the shrunken girl shrinks everything to be smaller than her
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>fairies deserve to grow, that's the ultimate switcharoo of size shenanigans!

WRONG. Fairies deserve to be squished underfoot, like the stupid flying crumbs they are.
No magic on this trip.
wait, seriously?
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With what?
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More big Vanilla when
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The current gender dynamics are a ticking time bomb they're trying to control
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Boob pressing...
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Its too good
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Slightly Bigger Giantess General
Noticeably Bigger Giantess General
Significantly Bigger Giantess General
Extremely Bigger Giantess General
Unfathomably Bigger Giantess General
Normal Sized Girl but everything is smaller general
jackie chan
Disgust Booty by me

Shameless twitter and Deviantart plugin


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My brain got fucked by stupid. Here’s the image
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giantesses with fangs general
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Giantesses with shark teeth
I love this image idea a giantess heroine that looks like a villain and the people keep calling her one
wish they where this tall
new season or ova with them being huge when
needs to draw more girls with this build
>Fairy 1 hates being small and forced to be glorified pet to humans
>Fairy 2 likes her job helping adventurers and doesn't get why 1 makes such a fuss about it
>in secret Fairy 1 was preparinga size change potion to take revange on humans
>but ancient recipies tend to be hard to make, so when she tried out her 1st bath, instead of growing through the roof of her small cottage, she dwindled down towards the floor
>shortly after 2 entered looking for something
>she only noticed 1 after accidentally stepping on her
>she was confused about 1's new size, but also excited because she's just the right size to be used instead of the thing 2 was looking for
>2's adventurer friend just came back from a long journey and 2 was looking for a tiny sponge to wash away weeks of grime from between her toes
See? That's what I'm talking about!
Greedy little bastard got what was coming to it :)
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Anons, What awakened this fetish in you?

For me it was my older sister's tall and athletic friend. At the time, me and my sister had the typical hate-your-sibling relationship and that transferred over to her friend, who I found hot at the time. Her friend was almost 50% bigger than me at the time. She'd mostly ignore me and push me around. I distinctly remember having fantasies of sneaking in her house to steal her panties only for her to find and shrink me as punishment. I forgot about it for years and but then I found the giantess tag on nhentai and yea
Sister would sit and fart on my face when I was very very young. Then when playing Starfox 64 I found the Andross boss bottle where he eats and chews you a little very cool, despite him being a dude. So I've always been mysteriously drawn to giantess content in media - I remember one time I really wanted to watch the episode of Cardcaptor Sakura where she grows into a giantess, without really understanding why I wanted to see it so badly.

When I started fapping it was to facesitting generally because I thought that was it, like it was all there was for me. But then at 14 years old I found the artist Mamabliss, and that was it, game over.
Meanie > Mommy > Friend > Klutz > Tomboy >>> Thicc

>Eagerly worship Meanie and beg her to be gentler so that I'm of use to her for longer
>Openly defy Mommy in hopes of drowning in her pussy or breastmilk
>Confess to "Friend" early and offer to be her sex toy before she defiles herself with others
>Hope that Klutz puts me somewhere lewd before she trips and crushes me under her tits/ass
>Hope/request that Tomboy puts me under her sweaty bust or in her dirty panties
>Sneak into Thicc's mouth while she's sleeping and get swallowed; digest alone
Post people shrinking smaller than mousegirls or i will die
>t. mousgirl
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oh whoops
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No no no, small mousegirls and even smaller humans.
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Children's cartoons
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>all glasses
I choose none.
Mousegirls BELONG under horse girls.
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He's retarded.
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>tfw you'll never be an insignificant speck on a qt girl's foot
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Can I be an insignificant speck on her lip instead?
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rancid/disgusting/poisonous foot smell
pleasant/fragrant/brainwashing foot smell
Pleasant/fragrant, bad smells are instant bonerkill.
What even happened to Kojopi?
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Giant feet should be the most intense stimulation imaginable.
carmen's shoe.... G.I.W.T.W.M.

Both have their place. Tinies becoming drunk off of the pheromones of a giant woman's foot, to where they can't get enough of it, kino scenario.

Giant woman tormenting a city with the intense heat and stink of her feet, to the point that people are choking on the haze, also kino scenario.
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pleasant/fragrant/brainwashing foot smell if we are talking about shrink scenarios
rancid/disgusting/poisonous foot smell for giga/tera giantesses
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>keep watering humans
>they still won't grow
They need fertilizer, too.
that one doujin where the giant princess shits on the tiny village to give them fertilizer is the only time I've ever fapped to scat I dunno what it is about that one
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I need more giga giantesses. My addled mind is tortured by my unquenchable desire to indulge in content concerning massive fucking ladies that can end vast cities beneath their feet, where a minute-long casual stroll racks up a death toll in the hundreds of thousands.
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There's nothing better than a nation state being wiped out by girl butts and feet
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>When your bully grows giga
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Best identity. I wish there was more vore when the fairy one came out.
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I might draw that sometime too, the art for that EGO is so good and limbabs need more size art
>giant maid is ending

Could it have been a moderate success if Uru had actually seemed to care about it? Multiple months between chapters.
Ojou-sama and Chieri seem to be getting along fine.
Uru is just too mental health gay to consistently work on a project.
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Based, and I agree.
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Haven't seen that one before, bless. Her hair sweeping up some of the buildings/streets is great
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GTSyear does good work despite not knowing the source material
>finger content
nice, you draw here often?
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just occasionally dropping drawings here, mostly 2hu
Neat. Do you ever take suggestions? I'm a bit familiar with 2hu
He ran out of ideas, Uru is fucked up and he's at the end of his ideas without devolving into gore or scat
can't promise anything but i'll keep it in mind for when i feel like doodling
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kind of late response, but I'd be up to see Yukari stuffing some tiny people inside her glove and then putting it on, her palm compressing them
Be thankful it lasted as long as it did while sticking to sfw guidelines. Elle is cute and I hope he still draws her or the doujin version from time to time.
nice wish they got more content especially Akira
I've always thought arm pits made more since for pheromone scenarios. Arm pits are where many of the pheromones humans produce are emitted. That or her pussy, sexual organs emit the most pheromones.
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I want to blow up the computers of any animator still using 2B or overwatch characters
the ears and tails really add to the experience
Any recs on good gentle giantess hentai? No snuff, etc just loving. Unbirth a plus.
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>Serve alongside a giant fat assed sniper
>Lose your hearing not even two weeks into your deployment
Was it worth it?
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>Tfw your gentle giant girlfriend won't let you cuddle up to her while she goes about her day
Do you have the Doctor Pepper edits of Manzi pictures? I swear there were 2. A Doctor Pepper one, and a chips one. I can't remember if it was pringles or doritos.
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I hate zoomies
Why are Kappa like this
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lol that giantess has so much strawberry jam on her feet, she really needs to be more careful
Fuck these are so good. Aren't these edits like 12 years old at this point?
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>clown giantess steps on you
>her foot honks
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Those edits were posted like 10 years ago.
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Are you sure about that, anon?
Why is giga the best size?
>girl on the bottom who’s accepted it’s hopeless
I love this mood
Rancid AND brainwashing
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oh shit, this horny fucking perv got the sizechanging abilities as well
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>talks about giga
>posts tera
why would he go up and rub her gooch?
100 tonnes of woman and you want that part?
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>comically small car pulls up to the circus
>comically large clown giantess bundles out of the car, falls face first and flattens the attendants underneath her huge honkers
I hate it when that happens
whats the context here
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Moko did nothing wrong.
She was just checking MC's true gender.
>sits on you
>whoopee cushion
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Anyone knows of any /size/ doujins at the upcoming Comiket? I only have this one https://x.com/Semiexp3700/status/1798991489940574592
Most people don't know this, but when you run away from your house to join a circus they won't make you a full time member right away. First you have to survive a tour as a prop
I know this isn't a request thread. But I'd like to find an image posted by a Pixiv user about 7-8 years ago. It's a vintage-style drawing of a girl who looks like she's just grown up and you can clearly see the city buildings and her above (the drawing is from a bottom-up perspective), she's on her back and slightly turned, looking down. It's also clear that she looks a little scared/surprised and her anus is a little open, I remember that the main tags for that post were: giant girl, giantess, anal, city and there was something like "after anal sex". I apologize again because I know that neither this thread nor this board are appropriate for a request, but I need as many people as possible to see it.
giant ojou-sama isn't as erotic as it used to be
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he's had to censor multiple times so it's probaly the editor getting upset
I remember any time madoka is shown with her panties visible there's usually an after the fact censor that happens, probably from the editor telling him he can't do that
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I have a very important question to ask: giant android maid or giant catgirl maid?

>Android is cold and emotionless, and will treat you no differently than any other pest scurrying around her mistress's manor
>That is, unless you're so small that her sensors can't even distinguish you from the dust on the floor
>Catgirl tries to be a proper maid, but is easily distracted by her feline instincts
>If her keen eyes spot you, she'll also treat you like just another pest
>In her case, that means pouncing at you and frantically chasing you around the manor
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what happens if you get a giant android catgirl maid
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>Unfeeling, mechanical precision
>Catlike tendencies
I don't think the world is ready for such a combination.
hard no
I want more chapters of giant ojou with them just hanging out at giant size, Oriko growing big has gotten to be too much of a punchline and the SoL stuff is all regualr-sized now
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and then she ______
It's such a shame footer never finished his madoka pics
I miss em a lot in general. I feel like they were more creative with their foot scenarios than the average fetish artist.
idk, the art just isn't as good as the old chapters and the perspective/scenarios aren't as hot and well-drawn
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It's so good even as a sketch
It's still enjoyable to me. I like seeing just how many characters he can make that can also contribute to the story.

Do you have a thumbnail?

I'm still searching for that one image by that user who posted here "antiso" myself. It's probably lost to time forever but one can dream.
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Suit yourself.
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>you will never sleep on these giant cheeks
kamui is a lucky log
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>English lession
I think this teacher is a frod.
Never underestimate the ability of an enlisted man to fuck up even the most simplistic of tasks
"we have determined that your permanent hearing loss is not service related"
If you've every been in the field with women for any extended period of time than you know that this experience would be permanently life changing, just based off her smell alone.
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She keeps getting more screentime, good.
They smell bad, eh?
There's a reason army dudes develop a scat fetish anon, the latrines are the only place you can jerk off and everything smells like shit and sweat
>Ruthlessly bullied by 12ft girl in MS
>By freshman year of HS she's 50ft
>Other girls find her public humiliation of you to be hilarious, always telling her to up the ante
>She gets increasingly lewd, forcing you to lick parts of her no man should ever stick his tongue
>Everyone starts calling you "bitch boy"
>You live in a constant state of fear and anxiety
>Junior Year she reaches 250ft tall
>Girls with the Giantess gene don't stop growing
>She gets involved with drugs and partying, going on "hikes" with other giantesses
>Your bully ends up dropping out
>But not before she eats your only friend
>She held you against her throat when she swallowed him, you could feel his struggles
>Other girls record it, laugh at it, at him, at you
>Conquer inferiority complex by joining the Anti-Giantess Defense Force out of Highschool
>Basic training is a breeze compared to her
>Volunteer for the Dare or Die Rangers
>Kill your first giantess, a 300fter from the inside out after she swallowed you in your power armor
>You saved a city, earning a medal for bravery
>You imagined it was her the whole time
>Your abilities are recognized and you are offered the chance to go to the officers academy
>Graduate and quickly climb the ranks
>The Premier decides to cut the AGDF budget, wants to spend the money on pork projects
>Older officers resign in protest
>You decide to lead a coup
>Assume supreme leadership of your country
>Eliminate corruption and revive the economy
>Use the AGDF to conquer hostile countries
>Institute a strict patriarchy
>Purge girls with the gene
>You feel safe and in control for the first time
>Your advisor Penultimo convinces you go to the balcony to make a speech for the history books
>"Hey Bitch Boy!"
>You look up to see your worst nightmare
>Her face fills the sky
>A sound of thunder
>The nation drowns in her loogie
>She is killing your country for a social media trend, the vapid bitch!
>You and the palace are suddenly snatched up
They get this real pungent smell, you can actually smell them a good distance away, it's almost skunk like. I start to find it alluring after a couple weeks, but at that size it would be a fucking nightmare. Spuski did a picture once, one of my all time favorites. It was some Australian army giantesses stuffing some US soldiers in their panties during an exercise. I can practically smell that picture and I cum buckets every time but it kinda also makes me want to hurl
>everything smells like shit and sweat

>Don't forget piss, puke and BO!

You get to see the world in the Navy but in the Army you get to smell it!
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>tiny killing a giantess
That's how i know this is just a dream sequence and the flood of spit is just his normal 250ft tall mistres waking him up
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*Sips a can of monster* there was a time a fella could just hug and make out with 4 meter tall vagina without being labeled a weirdo. Those were the days.
top cringe
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Did she shrink the world or something?
Is there a source for this?
one of scragboy's orbiters who does animations and renders, pretty infrequently though
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>you will never be enslaved by a giant Nagatoro who tormented you, now forced to do her homework for her and breathe her farts and lick her lick

this cruel life
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More big 2hus is always nice to see, especially an underrated cutie
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>the fact that it's fully colored
>curvaceous character design that masterfully showcases the giantess's soft and plump body
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At least downaload the full image
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I love the idea of a cosplayer growing into a giantess to be a walking advertisement
>Tiny Human men are built for the big elf pussy
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name? the numbers are giving nothing
>the numbers are giving nothing
Are you inputing them correctly?
yeah never mind, literally got it 2 seconds after posting
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>Ugh, THAT's my washcloth?! I guess you'll do....
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Yachie wouldn’t need to use her will manipulation powers to get me to rub her turtle dragoness feet.
Who is the artist? Saucenao ain’t showing anything
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anyone know where to find the fulm version of this (or if there is one)?
That's Seo_t on twitter but idk if that's a full doujin there's no scans of
I think Seo did touhou doujins under the circle "106m "
yeah i looked there on ehentai and i havent been able to find it
it's possible it never got out, I know there is a period where some of those just never got scanned from comiket. I remember one about a giant Yamato from Kancolle that Seo did and it just never got scanned or translated.
>Prank giant sniper by sneaking up behind her and poking her labia
>Get your upper body stuffed between her cheeks as in vid related
>Lose you're hearing not because of her shooting her enormous rifle, but because of her gigantic farts right in your face
She wouldn't dare...
thank you sir, seems unfinished but the remaining parts are probably lost to time
surprising how easily that can happen even with the internet and all that
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Is she an alien or an insect?
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>no Doomguy
Good, that Wonderbread-tier shit was getting old

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