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Glue, slime, mud, quicksand etc
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Work in progress
Oh? You made this?
kinda sad tears of the kingdom didn't had as much sticky content as i expected. Well splatoon didn't either so it was wishful thinking
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The feelings of being tightly wrapped by thick sticky clay is very pleasant but when I finally tried to get out I realised that I can’t even move my toes. I’m stop sinking so I’m not in danger but hours after hours passed and I still can’t get out no matter how hard I struggle. I’m very tired and want to leave but this soft gray clay holds my body like concrete and I don’t know what to do.
Okay, this will need some explaining. First, my announcement.

I can manifest ANY fetish scripted in DreamBerd, IFF it seems suitably "clever" to my discernment. (Yes, visions anon here)

Hold just one second, you need a teeny hint. Why post ITT, OTB, with literally every site on the Internet available? It, really comes down to a single theme. Events you should consider 'personal' to me. Great magical fuckery, how could this thread possi...

Running a magical university is not wholly simple. Literally yesterday I was having intuition to the effect of getting covered in enchanted mud, as necessary to grow our floor plan for the year. You should first try to recognize which fetishes are _already_ implemented. Remember: I have to consider your implementation clever.

All of this was agreed to when my contract first touched soil. Literally finite implications bind every part together with care. Gentle nods in the right direction... Chronoteam was going to hit a limit, when she realized the cost could be freedom. Miss a second chance, and why would you expect retrocausal support?
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...I think i am too sleep deprived as i failed to properly understand what you said and/or want.
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