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File: nessa balljob.png (1.66 MB, 1184x1536)
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Previous: >>11066954

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
ControlNet: rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
LamaCleaner: huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Wildcards: rentry.org/NAIwildcards
4chanX Catbox userscript: rentry.org/hdgcb
Essentially everything: www.sdcompendium.com/
PonyXL/Autismix cheat sheet: rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff

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Request anchor.
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2 MB

Anon's Team Rocket Gardevoir pics I promised.
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some more hyper miku please. showing off her armpits. (no body hair)
File: reiko.png (52 KB, 314x237)
52 KB
Requesting pic related to be redone in AI or something close to it in the artstyle of >>11062975
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They're putting chemicals in the water to make schoolgirls look like this
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It's from a lora, mostly
1boy, taker pov anal male pov, male small penis, 1girl, futanari futanari huge penis, cum in ass, motion lines, motion blur
+ https://civitai.com/models/383235?modelVersionId=427726
I just copied the prompts used in the example images for the most part
A futa's gigantic sweaty ballsack getting massaged by bare feet. Pokegirls preferred.
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Thick gyaru milfs kissing while frotting please
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massive chubby futas with stuck sheaths please
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More please?
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from /hdg/

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Lol glad to see people enjoying the AI slop I put out. Here's a very late-night obese Migu.
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Cat(girl in a )box
Go however /d/ you want if generic catgirl isnt enough for you.
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Here's the cyclops girls set for anyone who cares:
>195. Cyclops girls flashing
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_ai_rentry
freaky, love the colors
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Envisage the fragrance
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I've been down bad with shortstacks / sexualized chibis lately.
Futa with her tits squirting milk while she cums. As if her tits and cock are both ejaculating.
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fat/chubby futa with several (3+) cocks, either dripping precum or just straight up cumming
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Maybe one of your futas could refill my friend here.
It’s incredible. thank you. could you do one naked at a public pool?
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damn this thread is dead as fuck when Americans are off huh
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Requesting hot yoga MILFs in spandex greeting their overstressed, overworked, and very overweight dickgirl wives when they get home from a long day at work.
What set are you working on next? Are you taking requests?
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>What set are you working on next?
> Are you taking requests?
i still owe asuka anon some hidariki style Yamatos and i was baking the horsefutas today. I'm not sure how busy i'll be the rest of the week, but i'm always taking requests if i'm into them!
>horse dickgirls cumming
i'm quoting a long gone and dead post but maybe you're still lurking anon. Sorry this took so long and it's also pretty janky with inconsistent genitals and horse ears but i hope you find a gen you like here:
>196. Horsedickgirl cumming artstyle tests
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
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Very nice - I love the super clean style of your gens and I probably don't say that enough.

Cool vibes.

Yessss, love the eyes. I'm assuming you inpainted the extra ones in the second image?
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I caught a 3 day ban from jannies one time for "spam" when I posted 3 pictures consecutively.

Fell into this pokemon rabbit for a while but the fever is coming down a bit so wanna make more bunnies and moths again and explore monster girls some more.
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Alright then, I was gonna ask if you felt like doing a set of goblin and orc third leg dickgirls. Some with bulges, some with their cocks out, like you did with the cyclops girls. You could do some with green skin, grey skin or muddy brown skin if you wanna add some variety. Some nude, some with modern clothing, some with tribal rags and loincloths; just throwing out ideas, it's up to you. I'd prefer if you used the artsyle you used in the first 6 sets of the rentry.

Obviously, no need to rush anything, you can do it whenever you feel like it, if you're interested.
nice balls ma'am
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More watercolor silliness.
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>goblin and orc third leg dickgirls
LMAO that has been on my list for a while too. But i'm not really sure if i'll do a huge variety of modern clothing, i wanted to try some tribal and fantasy stuff again. But yeah, now this theme will be the next stuff i gen.
>I'd prefer if you used the artsyle you used in the first 6 sets of the rentry
like in the very first galleries? with the simple background and super ripped orcs and/or chubby gobbos? like picrel? I really want to explore other styles and looks but maybe i'll separate them a little.
>"spam" when I posted 3 pictures consecutively.
lol, how stupid
nice, it's been quite a bit since you posted one
Nice cock ma'am
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2 MB

I promise no coherence I've been cleaning wildcards for weeks now then remaking to try and make the png info not look like word vomit.

I chalked it ip to he figured it was spam since I just shot up 3 or 4 in a row jo text and fucked off til next day like usual.
>like in the very first galleries? with the simple background and super ripped orcs and/or chubby gobbos? like picrel?
Yeah, that's my favorite. But if you wanna try some other styles that's fine too, I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever you come up with!
And yeah the tribal clothing would be very cool, as long as there are some nude ones as well.
Hi 0.4, I request another Nintendo gal: futa Adeleine from the Kirby series, bottom heavy like Mona and Ashley, with a BG like picrel with canvases or an artist studio and with some paint on her body, but that last one is optional. I mostly want her painting nude, backshots, and all sort of lewd poses please.
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>Yeah, that's my favorite. But if you wanna try some other styles that's fine too
i worded that wrong lol. I want to go back to this style and also try others too. For gobbos i like this style like picrel alot. I'll play with it and see what i'll get.
> nude ones
lol that's my fave type of gen, way less gacha
>futa Adeleine from the Kirby series
LMAO you lucky bastard, there's actually a lora for her on civit. I'll put it on my list, but no guarantees when i'll get around to gen her.
>with a BG like picrel with canvases or an artist studio and with some paint on her body, but that last one is optional.
> painting nude
i'll see what i can get, but i'll apologize in advance cause backgrounds are very low priority for me hahaha
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desperate futa mating press cumflation? Is that possible?
What the fuck is going on on that visor
also nice cock
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>What the fuck is going on on that visor
Spirals and weird penis stuff - visuals tuned to addict and arouse.
>also nice cock
Thanks, did some things along these lines a few weeks back and wanted to get back to them.
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holy shit, this looks great! that chinese painting style seems suprisingly versatile lol
That's amazing! I'll be patient. Thanks.
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Probably. Your request is kinda vauge, but I think this is about what you're asking for?

Thanks, 0.4. It's just a pony checkpoint with a traditional watercolor bias, so it does still have a ton of flexibility. >>11067374 is probably the furthest I've pushed it away from what it tends towards, and honestly I loved the effect there.
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> the furthest I've pushed it away from what it tends towards
oh wow, yeah seems like i missed that one, that style looks amazing too
Cock vore
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I inpainted a lot of things.
Half girl and boy.
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Free to a good home.

I suspected as much. Good work! I know the effort it takes to make those kinds of things look good.
Always love a nice set of curves and dick, cute oni/orc.
More futa Rin x Sakura please. Could you catbox it?
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Cyberfuta kbity, looking smug before getting RMA'd.
Female lalafells from FFXIV, but with dicks? Don't recall ever seeing futa art of them (though that's probably because certain types of people make it their mission to fucking ruin anyone who dares do anything lewd with a lala despite the fact they are literally adults and the game itself makes no attempt to hide that they're not even remotely innocent)
Loved these, more of them please.
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The snaklussy.
why pony/autismmix doesn't recognize ":3"? I can't generate :3 no matter how much I try (I even tried uwu, owo, ;3 etc...)
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I had that issue a while ago, I never solved it.
that sucks :(
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try "smug" while putting grin and teeth in the negs.
Is it possible the original tag had a different name by the time the model was trained it?
"slime" girl made of pink bubble gum, kneeling in her puddle/wad. She has thick goopy hair. Bonus points if her breasts are translucent gum bubbles.
thanks, but i kinda wanted futa bunyip.
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Thanks i like it.
Wicke from pokemon with giant futa balls hanging out a office skirt that reach the floor
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Always like these low-light ones.
Watched the recent civitai stream. Seems like regional prompting and inpainting is on the roadmap for their generator some day ™.
They recently added upscaling and facefix/hires-facefix recently which is cool.
Amazing job Ornate-anon, those gens made me phonepost from work with how great they look lol.
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what's the prompt/lora for that bondage pose?
Did my best, Bubble gum boobs would be a cool lora
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Dunno if you saw this old gen before
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I had a super weird, horny drug dream that involved a villain becoming all-powerful by stealing the body of a female hero, and unlocking all her strength and power. So I tried to recreate how I pictured it in my dream, after they've 'won'
Nice job! Thank you.
this gives me male face vibes
read the post.
my bad I didn't connect that the villain was supposed to be male
yeah I didn't specify in the description but it was a male villain lol
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Can anyone check if they can see the stealth png info on this image
I can.
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Alright good, just wanted to know if it was working
Oh gosh oh yes, cute hung wolf boys, let's go
Did you do anything different?
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I just installed the extension, wasn't sure if it would work if I uploaded it here
Ahh he's so fucking perfect, those fluffy ears, that sexy tummy, that juicy cock, I'm in love
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Folder please when you're done! <3
He's so adorable, I want to eat him up with kisses
The default foreskin tag on pony looks so weird. You need loras to make it look good.
What do you mean? Looks fine to me, except occasional dick slit fuckup.
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803 KB PNG
Thank you thank youuu!
I love the tube top + pants combo on cute boys
Tube top + flat chest is just so aesthetic
Yup! And exposed midriff is always a treat
Azunyan is pretty cute, though the poster likes huge balls, which aren't my thing.
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requesting this girl's skirt be removed to reveal her pussy.
if the ai has trouble with the pussy just give her bushy pubic hair instead.
There's probably a reason no one else replied but...
Try rsoly on disc. Local lala genner and /d/ lurker
I got caught a warning for posting harvins which are just gbf lalafells. I forgot about that dudes request though so dunno if pony can do them so I'm curious since pony does every other 14 race okay so far.
hyper chubby 2B showing off her (hairless) armpits.
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this is practically an /e/ request
Requesting futa Nessa from Pokemon with an animal dick and pure black balls. Horse, canine, something exotic.
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Just test'n to make something as close to an anime screencap style as possible, think it worked pretty well.
Dickgirl and Cuntboy please.
Or head swap.
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might do more later idk
since she was an amputee that why i posted it here.
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man I am really enjoying turning futas of all stripes into slime
turning their cum into slime too
why does this scratch my brain so well
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Don't know if this count
Requesting a thick milf with a hyper cock cumming straight up into the air. Cum is everywhere, dripping down the walls and forming puddles on the floor.
of course! I love your work anon!!
Kankolle kaga please
I have a request for a situation like pic related but the two futas dicks are tentacle shaped and twisted against one another together (like a corkscrew spiral) to give an effect of "cocks handshake", bonus if points you can make them into contrasting colors such as light purple and neon pink.
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wasnt sure if you meant autofootjob or from someone else but I like how these came out.
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knotted this time
bro why are you just posting shit of a booru
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I don't give a fuck what you think
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no gens be so mad
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... though personally I'm a noballs fan
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Can anyone gen more Shantae stuff like this? Apparently a bunch of stuff like this was posted in /v/ a while ago but in fucking litterbox links.
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Furthermore if anyone recognises the pics and has more, post them please.
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Shantae requester here, thanks.
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Thought Shantae was off limits, given she comes from a western game.
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What matters is the artstyle, could be george fucking washington so long as it's anime-styled.
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Yeah, it just got me thinking about how Gardevoir content isn't tolerated here, and it made me a bit sad.
>Gardevoir content isn't tolerated
It isn't?
Never seen anyone dislike her here. Shes one of the few pokemon you can post here in their normal form. Others you have to humanoid them first.
It's so much more aesthetically pleasing without pussy it's not even close
Like look at this thing >>11072537 it's objectively worse
We get it, you're a closeted gay who hates vaginas. Why not go to /y/ and be done with it?
I'll wait for someone to post her first before I start again, swear I've been ding'd for it.
Not really,

This is better >>11072537 you are just a retarded faggot.
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I remember getting kicked and my posts deleted for posting Gardevoir. Could it be I'm misremembering it? Anyway, here goes nothing.
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Thanks! Glad you like it.

Maybe this
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Based and futapilled. Sumika is my favorite. Yeah I know her dick - and every other futa's cock in Futabu as well - pales in comparison to Mao's enormous schlong, but Sumika has that something that I cannot describe by words alone.
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More tomboy please.
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That's the beauty of AI, revive old waifus and do whatever you want with them.
This belong in the Louvren.
Yeah,pony does alright but still needs loras and assistance from auxiliary tags like shortstack. Good method i found is going to some twitter screenshots and using as depth controlnets to get the *everything* right.
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Regional prompting really is hit or miss, I'm having a hard time getting the penis on the right character. It works sometimes though.
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Can't seem to get the details right, but at my level i'm happy with the result
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Imagine being impregnated by your own pokemon...
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>Set up all these wildcards for penis size for consistency
>big penis just gives me everything I want 90% of the time more then the detailed wildcard
Every time I think I get ahead I just outplay myself most of the time and realize I know nothing. Fucking pony tags or booru tags in general, you'd think (large) is bigger then (big) but whatever.

catbox onegai.
I love busty shorties.
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Same, setting up a mesugaki catchall now was having issues with getting huge breasts with like stick body.
>pov clothes fighting for their god damn life
She looks pretty tall here actually.
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Yeah pony has a hard time to loli, I can force height with ((chibi)) or something then it just, dunno the more I complain I think my promptfu is absolutely shit for how long I've been messing with this.
I like the opposite scenario. Left home, training hard to become the champ but you got too close to your ace Gardevoir and now there's too many eggs to count.
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Chibi is usually the way to go yeah, sometimes using chibi:0.5 helps.
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Bill finishes his research into pokemon hybrids with some side effects. They become popular with the single moms of aspiring pokemon champions.

I'll crack at it later today then some more.
Hung Egyptian femboy please and thank you
I've been digging around for an existing LoRA, but I don't have much practice with all this doodadery yet. I'm looking for a pic of Space Jin's Zoe OC, her tits, ass and belly hyper sized, her entire body balanced overtop of her pregnant middle. If she's got a hyper cock and balls and some fluffy pits and crotch that's a plus, too.
Zoe: https://files.catbox.moe/ttkb0p.png
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Finally got around to do some Hidariki style Yamatos for asuka-anon, idk if he's lurking rn or still away, but i thought someone else might be also interested. And the non-futa set has some armpit focus gens:
>197. Hidariki style Yamato (futa)
>198. Hidariki style Yamato (non-futa)
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
i'm not so sure but those are some incredibly nice colors lol
the bra underneath is so perfect
>huge breasts with like stick body.
yeah that's pretty janky to gen. Haven't had much luck with that either. Curious to see what you'll come up with.
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I prefer to imagine Pokemon semen has magic properties and is able to get anybody pregnant. Or alternatively, the produce huge quantities of semen.
Oh gosh, this is so good, please do more
Gorgeous! I'm gonna have to ask for a folder again!
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Whoops, this link is meant for >>11073147
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Thank you! Excellent job as always!
Thanks. Keep those coming please.
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no otaku futa gf
me when I drink milk and sugar and fall down
She's my dream gf
Literally perfect
I NEED to see more of her
Those pants look so tight, we need to let that cock breathe
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Healthy grandma
I absolutely love GILFs
>"name something a burglar would want to see when he breaks into a house"
why is it so jpeg-y.
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filesize limit, anon
Hey man I've thought hard enough... third leg Niko from love live... how original I know lol but she's an S tier waifu. Petite boobs with a big ass would be great if you go with it please.
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2Buckets of Lard

Been trying to gen 2P but the ai keeps assuming I mean B
god fucking dammit, do what I tell you stupid computer
It's the lora, Spacezin lora is overbaked.
Love them. could you make her nude with much larger breasts? also slimmer face
motherfuck, I'm guessing I have to train my own then

I've been trying to get small samples just so I'm not wasting time but I can't convince it to do the features I want, despite yelling at it in the prompts.
Now make her fuck one of those pink artificial vaginas but its closed off so it expands like a condom
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Well-endowed chubster model
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Blubbery Titcow model
catbox? these proportions are fucking perfect
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Sex toys are impossible without a lora.
at this size they could just drop these from the Bunker all the way to ground targets and the kinetic impact would kill everything in a mile radius.
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Unfortunately since these are after-shopped in Krita because either the fat lora or the anime model Im using insists on really puffy faces no matter what, the metadata got killed as I overwrote the originals, sorry.

I can tell you this is the lora for the proportions:
And then I inpainted the face with this one:

But here's the catboxes anyways. And one for picrel with everything intact.
I see, thank you for sharing anyway. SSBBWs are a bit past what I enjoy but I love big and wide meaty girls and that one pic was absolutely perfect, so I'll try that lora out
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Such a perfect design! I looove that sexy tanned tummy and his cute twintails.

This cock size or slightly smaller is more to my liking. Could you do more like that? I would also like some pics where he's hung and flaccid, like these boys >>11073076 >>11073165
Is there a non-xl version of autism or something close? xl takes so much longer to generate, and really doesn't seem to make all that better of results.
Absurd ignorance on my part, or what?
Nope, autism is based off ponyXL.
There is pony non-XL, but it was never the meta. The best non-XL was fluffymix, I think.
Okay, I'll try that then thanks.
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Amazing, thank you
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Should not be that hard to get this pose, but also it's wild how clean / powerful monster energy token is.
why face, why
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I’m commander Shepard and this is my favourite cock on the Citadel
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I'm brand new to this, but here's my attempt
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Not enough milking machines and lactation here.
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Need some tips on training LoRAs.
I'm doing a concept LoRA based on urethral insertion. My number of training images is large (think JADF and other connoseurs), and I'm very pedantic about the quality of the dataset.

1. Should I keep everything at 1012x1012 or is the aspect ratio whatever?
2. Captioning. Should I focus on the concepts only or should I go fullblown autism like the booru taggers?
1024x1024 or the other ratios 896x1152,832x1216,768x1344,640x1536
Think most people just auto resize the images desu.

I feel like you could probably get away with deepbooru + concept, since it's the concept that's important.
But I've never made a concept lora before.
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I think it's fine to do just wd tagger or whatever for your tagging honestly. You can full blown autism if it doesn't work I'd just save yourself the effort first since the images are the most important part. Variety is key since you want exactly the concept so extraneous stuff should be avoided, and if you can artist variety so the concept itself doesnt' just hard trend to a specific artist / style for easier time with other loras.
This >>11073799
I wouldn't put too much effort into the first bake, 90% of the time it's good enough to just Autotag and crop the images. If you want to do more you can manually check for wrong or bad tags but personally I barely even do that. Variety in the dataset images is the key for concept Loras.

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