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dudes rock edition
previous >>11021318
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Gayest thing I've seen in my life.
cbl art
yeah and its glorious
Big shotas bullying tiny girls
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If Downsizing was a thing IRL like from that movie, would you do it?
I like being tall
Depends. Would I end up in one of those tiny communes or would i stick around with the bigger people.
And what would you faggots do with a tiny anon? Chilling with the them or jump straight to horny?
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I wouldn't wanna make my own life uncomfortable but i'd totally snatch a downsized anon as my "roommate"
Chilling together watching some dumb movie, while i get my well deserved foot massage. With how hot it is around here he'd be busy wiping the sweat off. Gotta make himself useful since he won't be paying rent.
definitely not, i'd rather be a big guy surrounded by small people than a small person who has to deal with big people
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I would love to be your roommate
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lol no
honestly depends, if there are just shrunken people around and soceity is normal and shit, yeah chilling around and stuff...I like scenarios where one party (preferably me) becomes giant more fitting for lewd and no I don't why I think that way
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If it existed irl I wouldn't be able to post itt because I'd already be reduced to fat on someone's ass and hips and belly m'kay.
I swear if by some miracle it was possible my plan would be to hit the gym, find a hot twunk or twink, sneak behind him when he's busy warming up, open his protein bottle and shrink myself to drop inside. It would be hard to near impossible to close the bottle again by twisting the cap but I can at least take the cap and hold it in the air as I shrink, so it will fall back on the top as I drop inside.
Then I wait for that wonderful moment I'll be gulped down, achieving my goal of becoming his next thin layer of fat after a throughout digestion. Hell maybe I won't even get to be turned into fat, it can burn me directly into energy and muscle mass.

Best would be for him to go back to exercising as I drop in his stomach. Experiencing digestion in a hot twunk who's working out, his body temperature rising and with everything constantly moving making it impossible to stand, now that would be deliciously hellish.
this is the faggiest thread in this board by far
it will be even faggier when your up my ass
>you'll never be swallowed by a cute gay male, taunting you about how straight people are lunch

this world is lame
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I just want to be a giant anon. I'm sure its a very hetero thing where you want to stuff other straight folk into your sweaty briefs to writhe against your dick, to crush people with your feet or to use ones cock to pump buildings full of cum.
Why? What would you do if you were a normal guy with little people around?
And if your roommate refuses to 'pay'?
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He can still be useful as an unwilling fidget toy by my feet while i lay in front of my laptop. My skin is soft so he shouldn't break while my mind is elsewhere.
day to day probably wouldn't do much, would just be able to live in peace knowing that i won't have to worry about some giant messing up my day and instead other people will have that sense of awe and reverence towards me, even if i don't do much usually. would gladly go to the locker room and see the tinies marvel at my giant cock that is much bigger than their entire bodies, or be walking somewhere that has a crotch height walkway for tinies and accidentally knock some of them down with my bulge. maybe let some tiny women stay at my place without needing to pay rent, etc.
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Yes, but not because of the fetish. I would get to live the life of a multimillionaire and retire early. Probably just play video games all day long but it's better than working.
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I want to go down the gullet of a giant. Don't care if he's hetero of homo. Really.
Being rich > being tall
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>kidnap a lot of downsized tinies
>force them to give me their credit card numbers
>tell them I squish them if they don't
There, now I'm big and rich
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Good luck, I'm behind like two walls and a dozen giant security guards
to be honest, you'll only be rich in tiny money, not normal money. $10 of food won't get you that much as a normal person, but if you are 1/100th the size you can basically buy 100 times as much food relative to your body with that kind of money, so the value of the money only increases one way and decreases the other when talking about between sizes
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True, but that's like comparing real GDP vs PPP GDP. Sure, if we're measuring dicks and trying to flaunt our wealth, then shrinking doesn't help any. But if all I care about is getting to live like a millionaire and retire early to laze around and never have to work again, then the decreased cost are all I care about.
well yeah, but that's why i only responded to people who said they would be rich by taking from tinies or that they would pay giants to be security guards, both of which wouldn't actually apply
I don't think the people in the Downsizing-verse actually have to keep security on their personal payroll, that was just something that came with the tiny-towns they built.
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>to be honest, you'll only be rich in tiny money, not normal money. $10 of food won't get you that much as a normal person
that's why I said a lot, iirc in the movie they were pretty ordinary middle class folk who let themselves be shrunk and then used their cash to lavish lifestyles relative to their tiny size...so y'know several middle class tinies still have some normal money, you get me?

>Good luck, I'm behind like two walls
I step over them
>a dozen giant security guards
I wait for a shift change
tinynapping would be super easy, hell I could probably steal the whole house with the tinies in it if I needed to
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>I step over them
There was a dome over the whole town.

>pretty ordinary middle class folk
Tbf some of them were just poor people shrunk against their will too.
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>a dozen giant security guards
they're all me in different customes, you've been duped, swindled and possibly bamboozled
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>picrel, me after I broke into the downsize dome, cause tiny money doesn't buy big guards
Let's be honest, some anons here would get the treatment and "accidentally" post on certain imageboards how to get in from the outside
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>cause tiny money doesn't buy big guards
Pretty sure it's a public thing, John Q. Taxpayer isn't gonna want to hear that his nephew was kidnapped from the town he's in because there was no police presence.

>and "accidentally" post on certain imageboards how to get in from the outside
Wouldn't it be easier to just grab more willing people? Or at the very least grab people who bother to leave the safety of the tiny cities?
>Wouldn't it be easier to just grab more willing people? Or at the very least grab people who bother to leave the safety of the tiny cities?
I don't know if they can leave without some employee carrying them around, atleast that's what it was like in the movie
IIRC they could actually go wherever they wanted but they usually had a friend carry them around in a little box to make sure they didn't get stepped on.
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big boobed girls should all be toys and snacks for cute shotas
if i could shrink girls i would hand them out at the local park so they could be properly put in their place
You'd be "living the life" of my fucktoy lol
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You'd have to get past public security, the dome-wall, and some of my big friends, and then maybe you get to snatch up a lackluster tiny that won't do what you ask if you succeed in all that.
Dudes be like "I would keep a tiny as a pet and sex toy"

Your are all going to prison, you are not as sneaky and clever as you think
until you become a micro sized prison butt toy
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I'll shrink the cops, the judge, the prosecutor. I'll shrink the whole damn system if that's what it takes to live peacefully with my dick slaves.
I'll just outgrow the prison
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>Micros going to the same prison as giants
That seems...unlikely.
league of fuckin legends
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You ever notice gentle giant male content is surprisingly rare?
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he'd smuggle the tiny right into his jail cell inside his buttcrack
not if my underwear and cock are the prison
Don’t they cavity search new prisoners for drugs?
they can't cavity search my balls, so yet again they win as the best place to store your tinies
Is the buttcrack even good for anything?
>just feels itchy to have a tiny in there
>most giants just shove them all the way into their rectum
>the front side feels a lot better when they squirm
Giants be like “I’m going to grab an unsuspecting tiny”

Like dude, we can hear, see, feel, and smell you coming from a mile away, nobody is being take by surprise.
Anyone seen a picture floating around of a family at a cosplay convention (I think it was that) and get stuck in an elevator with a giant. (Pretty sure he ends up AV'ing them).
What if the tiny wants it?
Girls are stored in the balls
>giantesses are split 50/50 between nice giantesses and mean giantesses
>9 out of 10 male giants are mean assholes
holy fucking shit.

also here's some OC
These threads used to have more variety, but most other anons got chased out by the pedo brapfags and their nonstop ERPing.
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Scenes where the giant holds you in front of his mouth, swallows and open it again are so hot. He's showing you exactly what's going to happen to YOU and how fast it'll happen to YOU and that you can't do a thing to stop it from happening to YOU. And in approximately ten seconds his mouth will be empty the same way he's flashing his mouth to you right now, with your morsel sized body disappearing from everyone else's sight for ever down his throat, like any vulgar pieces of food he ever had.
It's a powerful show of dominance rubbing in your face how the power dynamics are between you and him. And nothing kicks the primal instincts and fears of a creature about to be consumed as well as a warm breath washing over it and bathing it, reminding how dangerously close the threat is, reminding how this humid heat assaulting the "un"fortunate prey is going to be his whole future for the rest of his short life. It is 10/10 material.

Dunno but as a masochist I can't complain. Best I can hope is that by the time the "asshole" giant is done with me the only thing left of me will be located on his ass. As glute. As cake. As a newly formed layer of fat he'll sit on whenever he wants so he can testify I was more useful to him as a snack than a living person.
So terribly degrading. I pray God will punish my depravity by adding me to some flamming hot hunk's ass. I dare this pussy to do it.
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At least for me, playful is a lot more fun. Why kill the guy when I can have a new pet to massage my feet after a day of hard work
dumb question, but any actual females with this fetish? Given they like tall men already you'd think it wouldn't be just fags with height complexes, revenge fantasies or low self-esteem
your description of it is also 10/10 material
More fun to be a giant bully than to be a nice giant
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Being big and mean is fun
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Tinies exist to get bullied
I prefer giants being 50/50 - part gentle and part cruel. Like there is a massive giant that cares for certain tinies but is dismissive to the rest of them. As an example, he would happily carry a tiny he is friends with in his hand and be as cautious/diligent as possible not to hurt them. Meanwhile, the giant is idly stepping on tinies below as he walks, not caring who or what he crushes beneath his feet.
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what about giants that care for like one or two tinies but are entirely dismissive of others? Like holding one tiny up on my hand idly chatting with them about their day, while other tinies get squished in the street beneath?
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look it's you
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>tfw you will never be part of the giant boy harem of a tiny king doing either lewd things or vanquishing his enemies(also lewd)
make sure to look over whos adopting tinies when working at a tiny center
if the kid thats adopting looks hungry maybe do a background check
I wish this picture also had a tiny stuck up his ass
Thanks, that's what happens when someone is dragged to the deep end of degeneracy and is obsessed with the idea of being devoured by cuties.

I wish it was.
We don't know why we're here, what for, what's the big deal with this annoyingly limited world? There's nothing but boundaries locking us in the minuscule spot we stand on. Guilty of every possible sins but unable to satisfy none of them. I don't care if it breaks all the rules of physics, put me in front of the hungry maw of a hot guy with saliva already building in the scary mouth about to engulf me, that's my only wish dammit.
I want the last sounds I'll hear from another human to be the gulp sentencing me to endure a nightmarish solitary digestion, and the growls and groans and gurgles of his tummy teaming up with the whole set of digestive organs hidden under all the skin and muscles to do their work. The dark art of stripping someone of his flesh, blood, energy, life to use it as sustenance.
I want to be smothered, crushed, forced to bend in uncomfortable positions by muscular walls rubbing all that hot sauce on me, in the dark, with no possible escape, with no way to alleviate the pain and horror, with only regrets and tears soon to be greedily absorbed with all the rest.

is that too much to ask? Where are the cenobites? Where's the whishmaster? Are the spoopy dark genies and demons not real? What are they doing they're supposed to jump on the opportunity whenever someone stupid is eager to throw his soul away and jump headfirst in the meat grinder? I want to sign a contract and be food.

The fact that there's a group of girls asking Yasuo to eat them, but aren't being noticed by him as he's about to gulp down the unwilling terrified one he snatched makes this picture soooo good.
He only wants one more, there's at least three willing ones enjoying the view down there, and still it's the one in his hand that's about to be send in his soft tummy all the same. In a cute belly that doesn't look that dangerous at first glance, and yet it's the great equalizer turning anyone trapped within into easily absorbable nutrients wether they like it or not.
"NO, PLEASE!!", lol. Wonder if she'll try to bargain with his stomach, or if the coherent pleas will turn into shrieking and screams once she's getting acquainted with the peristaltic movements tenderizing her petite frame.

smelly giant male > giant male
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I'm straight but if I had the ability to shrink a guy that bothered me and put them in my socks/underwear/whatever I think that would solve most of my issues
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I honestly think size stuff goes beyond the normal straight/gay spectrum
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Man , I just wanna grow huge
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apart from barefoot, what is the best footwear for giants?
Sneakers? Socks? Sandals? Something entirely different?
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probably because it's not that simple
I recall a few years ago seeing one of Astolfo shooting his load on a car, there were a couple variations of it, one with the car covered in cum and one with it not, any idea what I'm talking about? I can't seem to find it anymore
巨大化させられて令呪でエッチなことをさせられるアストルフォくん | 黒烏龍 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/65736491
You're a life saver.
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need more planet domination
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>tfw you will never be isekai'd as a giant cute demon king
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See left frames of >>11059319
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What do you think explosions on your balls or cock would feel like?
I imagine it as the lighted possible finger flick + a pleasant amount of warmth.
pleasant warm tingle
if you're big enough, i'd imagine it would feel pretty similar to drops of hot water in the shower on your cock
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>You're all going to prison

sure anon
women are for boy nutrition only, faggot
All the tinies in this thread should be entered into a raffle for the giants to win. Hope the most horrible bastard amongst you wins me :3
>little sister asked if I got a small cup because I want to feel giant
What an odd thing to say
I’m into giantess and gotta wonder if she has genetic brain rot too now
she is posting here with us anon, it's over
I guess I’ll shrink her and chain her to my toe once I get off work, She’s practically a neet anyway nobody will care
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Speaking of eating. There's a chocolate bar called Aero because it has lots of little air bubbles in it. Texture wise, it's what I imagine biting into an office building would be like with all the internal sub divisions crumbling in your mouth or being dissolved by saliva. Taste wise it would be like a smartie, but with only the chalky part and not the sweetness.
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How old?
I recently bought a ton of model railway stuff from ebay and make my own size movies. I actually put a lot of effort into them, but naturally they're still bad and campy. Would anons be interested in seeing them? I mostly step on stuff and do bad things to tinies.
Yes, absolutely. Despite some lovely anons here we still have a dearth of live action male content.
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are you hot?
Thank you, wish I had more of this guys stuff
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Please do
Cool. I'll try to post something on the weekend.

I'm jacked with a low bf%, but it's not like I'm showing more than my legs anyways.
Proto hag
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I like socks the best but that one anon a while ago that posted the vids with like those gymnast shoes had me acting unwise
basically anything tight is top tier
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I agree that left is the correct way to store tinies in your balls, but I'm willing to hear arguments in favor of the right.
I like pineconechicken's D&D picture with the giant DM, been thinking about writing an AI bot for that scenario
need an anon with soft feet to do this to me so bad
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fucking bitch is finally getting put in her place
west better not cvck out and do a dream ending or some shit
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bratty shota is gonna shrink your waifu and put her down his pants. what are you gonna do about it
Put him in time out
>shrinks waifu and stuffs her down underneath his balls
>Tell him he's going into timeout
>shrinks (you) and puts you down the back of his pants to kiss his big sweaty butt
>don't even get to be together with her in the end
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god i need to feel a shota between my toes
I switch between this and imagining a giant shota
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Why is his dick upside down?
give 'em the ol super twist, show him what's what
it would be very funny if I stepped on your toe while your sister is chained there haha
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What did the shota ever do to you?
looked cute
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>tfw you will never be a giant cute gladiator winning every fight in lewd way, being loved by the crowd and being pampered by the entire empire
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Its all fun and games until they bring in an even larger, barbarian giant they found out on the frontier
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>implying they wouldn't team up for even better spectacles
>tossing tinies back and forth
>double foot smush
>seeing who can flick the tiny farther
bread and games, gotta keep the giant gladiators happy before they get ideas like taking over tiny empires
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>before they get ideas like taking over tiny empires
oh no
>Cool. I'll try to post something on the weekend.
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I'd hate to be sent to the arena only to entertain the show goers by feeding the circus' beast. Haha. LOL!
>I'm trapped in this belly while the massacre goes on, uncertain if I can stay conscious long enough to outlast the other warriors, clinging to the hope that one of the fighter will slay the monster so I can crawl out of that digestive sack getting more and more active and acidic.
>are the clamoring and chants of the crowd getting more distant or is it my imagination? Can't really say, the stomach is intensifying its work and focusing on this one task, digesting me, hard to make out what's happening outside did someone win?
>Wow is he dropping down? I'm having butterflies in my stomach while he's having me in his due to the rapid change of height, surely one courageous gladiator managed to land a lucky blow and made him fall I'm saved!...
>Wait if that's the case the beast's digestive system would eventually stop working after he got defeated so...what's that noise? Is he snoring? He's sleeping oh by the gods the fight is over and he was sent back to his den to sleep off his victory meal NOOOO-*glorp*

What a nightmarish fate. Once again I'd truly hate for this to be happening to me.
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I need some new video ideas, anyone got any thoughts?
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feet, bare even
Yoga stretches.

Sorry for the wait.
I know this is cringy trash, but I had a ton of fun making it anyways.


If there's anything you want to see in future clips (or want me to leave), please let me know.
Excellent stuff, but I cant watch everything right now.
How long did this take you?
A few spergs might tell you to leave
I shall fap to this in gratitude of the effort that went into it alone
Kino. I hope you keep doing more of these.
smefags fags.
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very nice feet! please do more
Looks like it smells under there
More feet crushing. You can try foil cars like strength_gts_dioramas if you're patient enough. Less gore.
Are there any good VR games where you can be a giant guy and crush/eat etc.?
This is genuinely the greatest size vid I've ever seen. Please post your discord, I'd kill to chat. As for requests: some dark nail polish, more ketchup, footwear/stockings, building crush, and cattle stuff.
Do you have DanCae_001 ?
Does anyone have a link to the video with the Anon with big boots and black nail polish?
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Ye, in fact, have all of em
Unaware butt crush or vore and foot crush (barefoot)
>They did a dream ending
And with no vore to boot
Noted, I will see what I can whip up sometime this week
Giant Cop: Justice above all
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You wish
i would greatly enjoy having everyone in this thread at my feet
i bet I would worship them the best
What if, I too, would greatly enjoy having everyone in this thread at my fest?

me sandwiched between your feet

Thanks a lot anons, appreciate it!
Took me around 20 hours, I'd say.


Thanks for the suggestions. I have like 10 more clips with different outfits, but I feel they're not as good as the one I posted. I'd rather do a new one when I find the time.

Happy to see you really liked the clip. I don't have a discord though, sorry.
Might I suggest you use some foot cream for those worked heels? try to find some with an ingredient called "urea", works wonders
Whoops, meant to quote >>11070183 at the end.
better hold up to that promise
you will be
then we can have them worship us together
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why aren't they erect
n-not saying that they look bad now or anything ><
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I just wanna violently hump a building and cover a city in my seed, is that too much to ask
thx, I love cbl stuff
been a while since i posted some content so have some irl butthole content
i love the thougt of shoving tinies up there so much


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exactly what i would do
I wanna do that too
I know that feel
Hot damn anon, 10/10 on that first one.
thank you thank you
Me toooo

Having a tiny anon as my personal anal toy would fix me
There's not nearly enough giant male onahole content
Explain further. What kind of giant onahole content do you want?
Not that anon, but inside onahole POV is so hard to find. Love that stuff.
>god i need to feel a shota between my toes
iktf, anon
would be so wonderful feeling him squirm against my soft toes as I squeeze an smother him with em
>tho not as wonderful as slowing crushing him would be, ofc

cause goofing off as you trash a city an kill people would be so much fun lmao
as much as i talk about destorying cities and crushing people under my toes i dont have the cahones to do any such thing
if i encountered a shrinkee i would probably try my best to make them feel safe despite my fetishes for crushing bugs under my feet lol
maybe if the tiny was into it we could play cat and mouse
Here is some slop, don't thank me
>knows it looks like shit
>posts it antagonistically anyway
This is why no one likes aijeets
I've been trying to tinker with dall-e3 but it keeps getting cucked
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Soft tan booty...
It was a variant of this prompt plus something like "rearview, viewed from the ground"
Also, this was made in november of the last year.
giant cute boy (overflowing vertical hair,sci fi armor,full figure, thin waist, at ease,green eyes) looking back downward with soft smile and amused expression sitting over a fallen military unit in disarray of small humans, rear view and very low-angle view,city setting, high detail, anime style
Honestly where did all the writer fag go?

I love the random green text but I really want a good growth story.

Anyone know a good growth story?
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