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Contrapuntal Edition


Single Voice:

Fugue in Massive D:
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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metal is gay
Fucking Based
In terms of its social function, dissoshit is simply Mr. Bungle for people who can't make friends.
>Metal general
>posts Not Metal in the OP
Stop being gay

Good metal for taking big dick in the ass?
Death metal used to be about the for hidden and dark aspects of reality, but now every 8 year old has committed virtual genocide in video games and psychopathic narcissism is the new normal. What is the real counterculture in the present time? To what places does the death metal urge lead today? Shit like wanting to kill people is normalized. People are writing riffs to seem "badass". It doesn't reflect the same fearful approach of the darkness of minds. We are in the darkness now.
Blut Aus Nord
cats are gay
>the metal version of the Rite Of Spring?
By Joe Parish? I've posted it here on /metal/ quite a bit before, and its very nice, obviously much better written than any metal record, but also lacking the underlying nature of metal; the sound of violence, speed, energy, aggression, anger, frustration, etc.

Really I don't want I want metalized classical, but I want classicalized metal. Elend has hints of this
A metalized classical is an orchestra of industrial banging, of distorted waves of noise, the jagged edge of stringed instruments, no clean operatic singing - but bellowing growls instead.

DsO's MGA has been growing on me for its "orchestration", listen to the beginning with the distorted noise intro
Small hints throughout, listen to 12:59 (linked below), that eerie ringing in the right ear, a small effect can go such a long way.
At 15:39, the seesawing in the background adding a nice hypnotic effect
As it gradually transforms you will begin to notice that by 16:45~ you will hear a sound that hearkens back to the intro

Plebeian Grandstand is one such band who like to introduce noise and industrial into its instrumentation process. Unfortunately they don't understand dynamics and end up with boring and uninteresting albums (many such cases).
jute gyte of course
>Really I don't want I want metalized classical, but I want classicalized metal.
Should be written as: "Really I don't want metalized classical, but I want classicalized metal."
Does anyone have the Trey Azagthoth rant clip from the past few days? It has been removed everywhere I’ve looked.
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>Hirilorn supposedly ended because "Sinn and Yohann have betrayed and humiliated Hirilorn by taking part on a hard-core recording"
Trash edition
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Am I forgotten?
I will never take the dissoshit pill and I deeply resent the amounts of dissoposting that goes on here.
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Sisterspammer has been mindbroken ever since I spent a few days over there and its still what he spends his time thinking about weeks afterwards. Either way I'm not some dog to be beckoned over, its not like some disneycore worshippers who spend their lives worshipping the 9th have anything interesting to tell me.
One of the best shows I saw last year. Malmsteen still rules.
Talentless hack edition
Based warrior of True Metal™
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Yeah, he was forgotten the second he stopped making neoclassical metal after his first album (his only good album). The rest of his career was eating donuts and making pop rock.
Dissoshit is the savior of death metal
btw Hector calls this War Metal
That is war metal.
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>pentagram logo
not listening!
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Gyte awesome hooray
Not counterpoint
Trey went on a big rant during a show about how he wanted to die and hated Morbid Angel fans for being “satanists”.
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>Dissoshit is the savior of death metal
Dissoshit is for jazz wiggers
Dissotreasure is for classical noblemen
Insult to jazz
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>about how he wanted to die
That sucks. The guy is a genius and easily one of my favourite artists.
Dissoshit more like dinoshit.
Dissonance is used as a gimmick now to make up for songwriting deficiencies and just plain being boring. It's not because of "ow my ears hurt" that people have a problem with it.
That would be old man death metal.
>songwriting deficiencies
Yeah DsO and Jute Gyte have the best songwriting in metal. Sorry, but your riff salad doesn't count as good songwriting. Neither does repetitive disney lullabies.
i, for one, prefer riffs.
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>disney lullabies
Riff salad is a buzzword
They don't have any songwriting at all and are in fact unriff salad, which is even worse
>In my mind, it was real
>unriff salad
>Anal sex
I like slams and blasts and the sounds of war.
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>what is the real counterculture in the present time?
Well this isn't really metal related, but people who willingly choose to not participate in social media are the last true counter-culture. Around 80% of Americans under 65 actively use social media, and the average social media user spends 2.5 hours of their day on it.
Considering we usually have maybe 5 hours of free time left after a work day, this means that outside of weekends, people spend half their free time browsing social media.
Social media has completely destroyed the Third Place and many aspects of social circles. It's all a lot of people I've met even talk about. It's fucking sad and since basically everyone who isn't a complete redneck uses social media, nobody sees it for the problem that it is.

So to bring the topic back to metal, I guess you could say metal is almost a counter-culture in that it embraces violent themes in a world where even the words "death" and "kill" have become widely censored on social media. But social media has even wormed its way into the metal scene and extreme music as a whole is already rife with posers.
I don't know anything about you, so I cannot say.
brazil reigns supreme
NGMI Iass.
I don't know what you're talking about but the real counter culture today is unironically the alt-right and 4chan
what does /meal/ think of Warriors of Brazil?
why is hector so autistic
Real in reality as well, so that's an nnecessary statement
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Reminder that we hate and despise all Reddit Metal.
He has no friends and his parents hate him.
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I understand being on the autism spectrum and wanting to die.
>Warriors of Brazil
NGMI Iass.
Kek, they unironically pretend mayhem and burzum don't exist
My remix
i do the same thing for bands that mid
>jute gyte is RABM
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>Not on the shreddit list
>No bolded albums on RYM
>Ignored on metallum
>Filters all baldcucks on /metal/.
Yep its 4chan metal.

problem, chud?
was for >>122922808
i dont see how its black metal. its more like super wierd sludge tbqh
It's not metal
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What are you Blasting?
Social media us strange because when you compare it to other current cultural phenomena like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty, it is very sanitized. It is like the "mainstream person" has multiple personalities or something. The deaths in their media are meaningless and increasing the kill count is an objective. This seems quite sadistic and borderline insane to me. Are these people exploring their psychological shadow when they do th Redd se things, or the collective shadow, or enjoying an artistic creation, or are they simulating sadistic evil they would like to perpetrate on a barely-beneath-the surface level? When I think of how common abortion and circumcision are, and how easily people justify war and mass abuse such ad in the context of Covid-19, it makes me fear and hate the human race. I don't think metal is really apart from this. The video games and the metal feed each other. The Doom soundtrack has spawned it's own subgenre.
top tier thrash
autism word salad
Sorry for the typos. Should be "do these things". I think the rest is decipherable. I wish we were writing letters instead of me trying to type on a phone and failing.
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Ah yes, atonal canons are my favorite sludge riff.

My remix.
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I don't care if they're overproduced or MGLA worship or whatever, Aara is awesome
Eat up.
Who asked, who cares? >>>/pol/ >>>/lgbt/
yeah idk it doesn't really have much to do with black metal except for tremolo and blast beats either
>le evil genius
>muh through compositions
>muh microtonal guitar
Sorry, we’ll make sure to post more Tim Henson and Oatmeal Cookie pictures in the future.
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Its classical. Well its minimalism, which is classical. A poor form of classical, but non the less must be stated to be as such. In the future we will finally convince Adam to create a through composition in metal form, and finally metal will be good.

This, but unironically.
It is sad that people want to bother me so I will give them negative attention. I'm sorry your parents hurt you to the extent I can apologize for something I did not do.
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We love Timberly here, she gives the best rawrjobs.

>play some meandering crap
>it's le through composed
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Shout out to whoever posted this a couple of threads ago. I wound up loving it and ordered the CD.
Hector why are you obsessed with evil carnival rides and spooky haunted houses
how long until the transition? looks like hes already had more feminization shit done to his face
we love those here thoughbeit
Haunted houses are the embodiment of /meal/.
It's actually a decent album even if it's posted here as bait
I will listen to every single Jute Gyte release before i listen to this
I didn’t even know it was posted as bait. I saw it when someone used the image as the OP and thought that the album art looked alright so I decided to check it out. I usually never look at metal threads unless an album I already know about is in the OP.
No clue who that is.
>mogs shredshit
based and masvidalpilled
seething bitch
This guy is literally an angel. Not ironically, LITERALLY. How the fuck is he even real. This isn't human. This is supernatural. This is fucking insanity in every way. The pinnacle of existence.
makeup, plastic surgery, hrt
hes also like 45 and lies about his age
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Life's been swell
Now I want to die
My body it hurts me
Sigh after sigh
I call it torture
You call it life
A slave to money
And everything I despise
Like everyone in general
Fuck eat sleep destroy
Just about the only things you fucking enjoy
I am a disposable being
Who will fuck all life
I multiply and the air gets thinner and dirty
I take up space
I smell
I consume
But I produce nothing
I abuse
I have no reason to exist
The toilet's clogged in this world of shit
I breathe filth everyday
Living fucks up my brain
Why? Why did I wake up today?
My eyes are heavy
Why? Why must I see your face?
Your life is ugly
Why? Why did I buy into these things?
I don't want them
Tension. Tension
Frustration. Alone.
Tension. Despair. Tension
All these pressures on my life
it's not just his looks. it's everything about him too. his talent. voice.
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Timberly is the ideal woman, this is peak beauty minus the tattoos
his body is a canvas made of the perfect fabric
Notorious and shit, I wouldn't change it for the world
I'm infamous but damn you can't help but love this shit
You can't help but love this shit
Notorious and shit, I wouldn't change it for the world
I'm infamous but damn you can't help but love this shit
You can't help but love this shit
You can't help but love this shit
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Hector why are you obsessed with shredding and twinks
My soul was filled with contempt
Now all I feel is contempt...
My heart was filled with vomit
Now all I feel is disgust...

These feelings of sadness have turned into hatred towards the World
I have become in all the sordid pain I have received...
In my entire
In my entire life

Life laughs at me while I'm all alone...
Tied up with barbed wire...
Forgotten and Broken...
Fantasizing about blowing their heads off

Would they feel pain?
Would they feel my pain?

So... Unfair...
do it fgt
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Memespell Omega
Dave Mustaine here. You virgins always make me laugh.
Clandestine Gays
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is system of a down metal?
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>all that orthodox slop
Its literally exactly what I said it was since the beginning, reminder:

Enjoys PopcIetus, Drought, SMCR, The Long Deafecate, Kenose, and Furnances. Other metal interests include generic 2nd wave black metal slop and some orthodox trash.

Knows Fas, Synarchy, and Katechon are the best. Other metal interests include the peak of metal such as Jute Gyte, Ad Nauseam, Ehnahre, Gorguts, and First Fragment.
loud guitar riffs. screaming vocals. I call that metal
why does hector have a homossexual midage asian men fetish
>the peak of metal such as Jute Gyte, Ad Nauseam, Ehnahre, Gorguts, and First Fragment.
gr8 b8 m8
Orthodox metal? Like orthodox christianity?
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Dismember is finally clicking.
If dissoshit is anything like Gorguts' Obscura (I've never listened to dissoshit so I don't know what it sounds like) then I'm definitely not interested.
override is one the greatest songs of all time
For me it's Defective Decay
Jude Gayte is not metal. It's not even music
I heard jute gyte once and maybe I'm not qualified or anything but as someone who writes some metal music to do that shit to your guitar tuning to be brutal kind of feels like cheating and like a standoffish gimmick but whateva
>to be brutal
Mongrel mind strikes again.
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>IHSAHN (Orchestral Version)
Uh oh...
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Deicide didn't need alt tunings or other such musical gimmickery to solve metal. They only needed standard.
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top tier thrash
Listening to Massive Killing Machine now, I like this one better.
>musical gimmickery
/metal/ moment
t. talentless guitarist
why did you sign your post?
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I have the exact opposite problem of many guys. Some can only last 20 seconds. Nothing a bitch can do can make me cum.
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Bart won
stop jacking off to extreme tranny porn with a deathgrip
Looks cold and claustrophobic in that pen. I feel bad for those poor lions. They should be roaming and pounding lioness poon in the savannah, not cooped getting fat and stressed out. Metal for this feel?
same. had sex with my gf for like an hour the other night
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What Behemoth albums are worth checking out?
early 'heemoth
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Regurgitation - Effortless Regurgitation of Bright Red Blood
yes !
daily reminder only faggots go to the gym
lifting is NOT metal
the apostasy and back
everything else is fake and gay

nergal got cancer and became a hipster and they sucked after that

last time I saw them was like 2012 or 2013 and it was shit compared to the 6 times I saw them in the 2000s
What are the bands that you would like to experience live?
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can't hear your FAGGOTY bitch ass weak pathetic voice over the clang of iron and the grunts and primal growls of MEN

shut up woman
the riff so powerful the fags who made BG3 ripped it off for the soundtrack

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deke dickerson
blind guardian
S.O.D. original lineup
in flames if they do a 30th anniversary jester race show because they sucked after that album

other than that I’ve kinda seen everyone worth seeing
T.O.O.H!, G.I.S.M, 90's Cryptopsy, Iron Maiden, Rush, Yog Sotots, Mayhem.
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>my music good your music bad
First time posting? Or at least dealing with cucktor?
saw In Flames a few months ago and they did not have a very good setlist. Pretty sure they played nothing off Whoracle, Colony or Subterranean. They played Bullet Ride and Cloud Connected which were ok, and they sounded decent
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dyel cope
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bros I miss dallas
I can't think of anyone else who can play so much complex shit and sing at the same time

maybe alexi I dunno

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>seeing the frail body this saturday
>seeing suffo next tuesday
>seeing abbath next saturday
>going to Brutal Assault next month
life's good
pretty much the only album I'm looking forward to
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took a trip and these came on
I love Clandestine yet I mentally skim over Everflowing despite them having a lot of similarities.
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based /core/ listener
Jute Gyte is faggy but I do really like DsO
Honestly, Iron Maiden is my favorite band
Hot Take:I like Metal
fuck off we hate metal here
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Same :)
>the clang of iron and the grunts and primal growls of MEN
totally not gay
>t. baby dicked faggots
Nile vs Aborted?

What are your thoughts?
nile is good aborted isn't, what makes you compare them?
>nile is good
Both shit. Listen to black metal.
I like aborted :p
Hey what's the album with a similar cover, with a skull pouring blood being pulled up by a pair of hands?
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No that's not it.
obsessed by cruelty?
Yeah just realised it doesn't have a skull. I'm retarded
That's it, thanks lad.
what is the appeal bro i dont get it
Kentucky had a couple bangers but not 6000 plays' worth
stop thinking about my dick nigga
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I wanna get into Nile, what albums should I start with?
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post albums that are never coming out
Top 5 Death Metal bands? Go.
morbid angel
not an album but this
What is it that you don't like about Aborted?
You are filtered by actual Metal and listen to none. Go back to your raves and poppers, fag.
>You are filtered by actual Metal
no shit that's why he tries to convince everyone else his shite is actually metal
He is the darling of VICE magazine, where you probably heard about him.
Furfag Metal?
we love poppers here howeverbeit
top 3 death metal solos:
>Homage for Satan - Deicide
>Putrid Intercourse - Convulse
>Spiritual Healing - Death
>song - artist
I only care about riffs
>doesn't care about songwriting
kys normalfag. back to redd-it
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Very good
Solos are a waste of time. Nothing but wankery for midwits.
Kalmah have good ones
We love solos here
For me, it’s Judas Priest solos, Chris Poland, and the soulful James hetfield solo in nothing else matters
I like pretty much all of his albums, and the majority of those listens will be Social Disservices, Kentucky and RttN, with RttN being his peak for me.
Solos are based but only when they are noisy, for example Slayer solos
I don't remember a single solo except Fiscus Judaicus.
we don't like chuds like you here
The Saint vitus solos are just noise and feed back and it’s awesome
He plays them with his teeth, and trust me when it say, it is everything.
I can't be a chud I own Sunbather on vinyl
For me it’s Dave Murray and Adrian smith from iron maiden.
>diapershit solos
Diapers imprisoning me all that I see, I’m obsessed with diapers. I will post, diaper posts, I find it funny, I must be like four teeeeeeen
Adrian > Dave
For me it's solo on Floods
As much as I hate painters, I will admit that they have top tier solos and guitar tone
For me it's hairy pussies.
Wait what are we talking about?
>t. sobbing grandpa
Haha I see what you did there. very well played, sir.
Yes 70 year olds post on 4chan *eye roll*
Correct and based.
I have a big beer belly and at 26, I’ve already lost my looks, hair is gone gray, double chin, my gf left me, I lost a tooth from an accident at work: I used to look good, now I look like shit. Metal for this feel.
I’m so ugly I want to kill myself nobody loves me and I fucked it all up with the people I
Loved . I’m so done. Kill me. God or
Satan take my soul and let me rest please o god I’m tired and weak
chill out bruv you got this. Jesus loves you
its out

fuck yeah can't wait to check this out. self titled was a banger
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Who asked, who cares? If the smoke makes you choke, then leave. >>>/lgbt/ >>>/soc/
>name band "Defacement"
>both album covers face removed or disfigured
"Solos" are for rock n roll, we hate them here and they don't belong in metal.
Entombed - left hand path
Immolation - nailed to gold
Asphyx - ode to a nameless grave
Gorefest - the mass insanity
Luciferion - new world to see
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>put on the title track "Duality"
>Shoegaze tier reverb on everything
>Lifeless background tier atmo vocals
>12 minuts in a literal rock n roll solo comes in
>peak cringe right after as we are now playing saccharine atmo melodies
>sounds like literal shoegaze with synths
>"heavenly" angel vocals in the background begin
>more rock n roll leads over the shoegaze
What a fucking joke, complete numale garbage.
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>Listen to album
>First song is good
>Rest of the album is mediocre at best
We love solos here when they sound good and aren’t tougas wank. “Technical death metal” is homosexual
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high test post
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"Solos" are only good when the entire song is based on melodic leads, neoclassical metal works because it is a cohesive whole. You know what isn't cohesive? Playing a bunch of aggro riffs and then shitting out some tacky solo because you have a rock n roll checklist to fufill in your 3-5 minute long pop rock """"metal"""" song. Solos do not belong in metal, but melodic leads are good when they are a a part of the entire composition.
You are going to start splitting hairs so that what sounds good to you isn’t really a solo anyway and what you don’t like is using a solo that “doesn’t fit the composition “
Even though Kalmah was properly a more "melodeath" band unlike something like Bodom (they were routinely compared back in the day)

Kalmah has aged much better than many other melodeath bands from that era. The material is actually pretty solid even after all these years, especially the early albums. I haven't listened any Kalmah after Black Waltz though so cannot say about their newer stuff
This is why we can’t have a serious discussion about death metal solos
Sounds more like projection from yourself, "solos" are not even properly defined to begin with because what are called "solos" still have other instruments playing. Technically they are just melodic leads, except they are incoherent and poorly implemented leads randomly shat out in the so called "solo" section of the song that has basically 0 (zero) relation to the rest of the music.
how do you feel about these rednecks
All melodies are solos anon and all music has riffs
>All melodies are solos
Utterly false.
>all music has riffs
Completely incorrect.

Apply yourself.
>Solos do not belong in metal
Zoomers, like you, do not belong in metal. Get back to deciding your gender, faggot.
I change my mind, Pull the Plug solo is better than Spiritual Healing
All leads are solos anon
All music has riffs. I always laugh when people say "I liked the solo on this song" or "Black Sabbath has heavy riffs"

That's so wrong to say and I laugh at them because they dont understand theory
none of those things are true

Black Sabbath has as much riffs as something like Darude or even the Crazy Frog song
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Metal has grown into its own genre, solos are a left cancer from rock n roll and its blues history. Time to drop the melanin and become white.
Thrash solos or Death metal solos?
I agree that most of the time I would call them leads instead. But I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about for the rest of it. Give an example and don’t use any buzzwords
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Feel free to post out the riff


>not music!
Concession accepted.
You know nothing about guitar or metal.
Check this out:
Link fix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj8rzQNJ_sE
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12 Gauge was unironically good as fuck, mid-era Kalmah was still good
Solos within music is European in origin, unlike you.
Hating solos is a punkoid attitude.
So tell me how this is incoherent or poorly implemented.


I’ll be accepting your concession soon
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There is no relation between the rhythmic chordal music of death metal riffs and the short 30 second rock n roll based solos they shit into a song. It might as well just be a quick ad break where a new song plays for a short time before you return to the actual track you were previously listening to.

"Solos" are a blues leftover when they would improvise over a "riff", the "riff was a basic and stable background motif to make improvising easier. Rock n roll is a diseased stupification where riffs and solos are separated and the solos are a quick and cheap gimmick to show off playing skill in order to have quick access to a """"climax"""" with no build up or actual thought into the composition.
Those digits framing the single most mongoloidistic guitar playing. That's Hector, right?
The burden of proof is on you to show that its cohesive, nor am I willing to listen to 7 minutes of lacklustre mediocre synthslop just to find whatever solo it is you are referring to.
Just listen to it. It’s supposed to be cohesive to the entire composition remember?
Its the only thing they got right, but they did so for the wrong reasons. They hate solos because its a showcase of talent, not because it doesn't belong in the composition.
>click on the link
>it starts out with open string 1 note chugsloppa """riff""" appealing only to gay monkeys
>turn it off immediately
Not listening!
I don't actually hate blues, rock'n'roll influence. I liked how it sounded in Ozzy era Sabbath. But it sounded like shit with bands like "Angel Witch" (terrible band)

I also hated Dio and Dio -era Sabbath because Dio was a rock singer rather than metal singer.
The burden of proof is yourself to show its cohesive to begin with just like its the religion man's burden to prove his specific god exists. I listened to 30 seconds of it, and I have no interest in mediocre synthslop.
kek based.
Yes, that’s him failing at guitar.
>literally concedes immediately
lmao, the fucking irony coming from the retard who normally goes like
>h spends like 1 week playing guitar
>makes some wierd short track that somehow you just know only he would make
i spend 3 years and everything I write sounds like everyone else, its over
All music has leads anon
For me, it's Syu from Galneryus
Actually the burden was on you to show how bands were being “incoherent”, whatever that means. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you won’t even listen to the whole thing and continue using buzzwords and other things not conducive to getting your point across
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There is no concession, you have no idea how arguments work. The burden is on yourself to prove your claim just like its the burden of a Christian, Jew, or Muslim to prove only his God exists. You cannot demand someone disprove your random claim without providing an argument for it to begin with.

However the reality is that you don't know if its cohesive or not, you just like the song. You want me to do your legwork for you, to make up an argument for yourself to attack because you couldn't create the basis of it. All you want is something to attack, you haven't thought about if your own claim is true or not, because you don't think to begin with, you feel and react based on feelings. You are a mongrel.
>>makes some wierd short track
That's the sound of someone who knows nothing about music, let alone guitar. A 2 year old could do better after a day.
Music is about expression, not skill anon. That's why we can like Teitanblood like cavernous sound even though it's not technically very hard to play: it has atmosphere that most tech death lacks.
Solos can have other musicians playing at the same time; the idea that they can't is retarded. Solos in rock and metal highlight a musician's mastery of their voice or instrument.

A key factor distinguishing solos from leads in rock and metal music is that solos are improvised. They may be refined after an initial improvisation, they may be recorded and played identically live (the sign of a hack dogshit musician) but at some point, they should have been improvised. You can tell how many solos on metal albums were improvised because most metal musicians are only gifted technically and their solos reflect this by sounding like someone pointed a gun at their head and forced them to play at random. Solos feel like they have no relation to the rest of the music (maybe other than a couple of familiar melodic lines bookending an onslaught of soulless technical tricks) because metal musicians are bad musicians.

Metal bands should stick to leads rather than solos because it plays to their strengths. But any idea that the irrelevance of the solo to extreme metal represents the shedding of a tradition that you only find in rock, blues or jazz, however, is cope. Rather, it's the consequence of the sort of low quality musician who is attracted to metal. Every composer pseuds in /metal/ pretend to love was gifted at improvisation. It's a requirement or maybe even a natural consequence of being a talented musician.
>That’s why we can like Teitanblood
Speak for yourself please
>Solos can have other musicians playing at the same time;
A "solo" is a SOLO, as in solo instrument, rock n roll does not have proper theory nor terminology, its laymen slang and for them a "solo" just means melodic lead you shit out in your pop rock song.

>A key factor distinguishing solos from leads in rock and metal music is that solos are improvised
Completely incorrect, that is how they are in Blues and Jazz. Rock n roll and Metal are not live improvised based genres.
>metal musicians are bad musicians.
False, they are bad composers.

Teitanblood has leads, but they're not melodic
All music has solos anon

I don't think you understand enough theory

Fellow Hectorians, has he done it again?
Of course leads don't have to be melodic. Anon is just choking because his status as the most elite pseudposter has been obliterated.
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Hector is a lolcow
>Verification not required
He’s gone to greener shitposting pastures at the moment




improvisation is older than the blues ya weener

furthermore, chaos is often a feature of metal, it's not all dried out post-romantic horseshit ala first fragment

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