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Popcletus is Disrepected and Hated Here
Can't Filter This Edition


>Interviewer: Why Paracletus is, seemingly, more focused and straightforward perhaps?
>Hasjarl: This is because we consciously decided to give the songs structures that were somewhat closer to traditional rock structures.


Judiciary of Metal:
>he still has 'cletus sitting at a 4/5
couldn't be me!
Hector is a pseud
Must have been a misclick, adjusted.
Never thought I'd hear metal Radiohead
He's larping as a Paracletus-hater because his last.fm wasn't edgy enough
wrong. we have always been at war with Paracletus.
I'm so glad I got into classical and jazz last year so I can stop pretending that dissoshit is doing anything remotely unique or interesting
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Absolutely based.
This is what black metal is all about.
Their governments would murder them if their real identities were revealed.
I hope Gojira plays there old stuff at the ceremony
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Hailing from Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Free on bandcamp
>I can stop pretending that dissoshit is doing anything remotely unique or interesting
True, we must admit that dissonance is simply the default state of metal and everything else was disneycore non metal.
no Hectors allowed in there
All Hectorians mobilize and neutrilize this thread.
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are you blasting?
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Can anyone recommend me some anti Jewish black metal? Not antisemitic, but anti Judaism.
Bonus points if it comes from Israel.
Does it even exist?
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we wont promote such things here
Black metal should be equally hostile to all abrahamic cults.
Satan is a friend of mine
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
duuuuuuuuuuuude i love smoking weeeeeeeeeeeeeed and listening to ELECTRIC WIZARD!!!
Based stoner doom enjoyer
Life gave you
Love and happiness
And it gave me
Violence and hatred
I wish
Everything was different
But there is no such thing
For a monster like me
I wish
Having life in front of me
To triturate it's smiling face w
With a hammer
With all my hatred

Life gave you
And it turned it's back
On me
The world hugged you
And they spat in my face
This jealousy feels like broken glass Inside my stomach
I wish I have never existed
I wish die
I wish die...
I wish
Having life in front of me
To triturate it's smiling face
With a hammer
With all my hatred...

Hated By Life Itself

Do you like Psyopus or Behold the Arctopus?
There were two projects like this called Seeds of Iblis and Janaza, but they have been accused of being western men roleplaying. Janaza is supposed to be a woman.
You don't have to make yourself like stuff that other people like.
I am blasting emo quietly because I dont want my speaker to die.
I like smoking weed but I tr iui ed listening to Electric Wizard and something about it seemed too harsh to me, I remember. I used to watch "God luck and Good speed" live by Weedeater on YouTube when I would smoke but now I just suck on a vape until I lose it and then my drug-addled life is in a weird limbo. I am eating gummies but they don't work. I think something is wrong with them.
*hits bong*
>can't into dso
tiktok brainrot really got to you?
Lose the vape, I mean. "Lose it" could have another meaning in this context of suicidal emoposting.
>they have been accused of being western men roleplaying
Sounds to me like damage control
Those pagan moon god worshiping drones cant accept the fact that not everyone is a blind follower of their cult. Thinking for yourself is a powerful weapon.
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudee i don't vape that shit gives you night terror LMAOOOOOOOOO
What do we hate
You can tell how spiritually harmful marijuana is by how dark and evil so much art made by marijuana addicts is. Marijuana addicts pretend to be about peace, love and fun, but in reality they are obsessed with evil, death, decay and misery. Their music reflects this, with much of stoner metal serving as an example.
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We need more like this
Can you elaborate on what you mean by calling Muslims pagan moon cultists? I live near a lot of Muslims and that sounds way cooler than the idea of Islam I have. I know of the crescent moon and star being a symbol of Islam and Muslim-dominated countries like Turkey, but I do not know what significance the moon has to them. That's kind of interesting because in Christianity, God and Jesus seem more associated with the sun - and I wonder how much of that is an Anglo sphere thing of "sun" and "son" sounding the same. I bet if I spoke a different language, I would have totally different connotations for words. That's probably half of any language barrier - less literal, definitional aspects of language and more shit like "day rhymes with gay for me but not for you". The features of the language end up being repeatedly pointed to by poets like "hey, look at this connection".
I use it as a sleep aid and it takes my dreams or remembrance of my dreams, although I've never been a big nightmare haver.
We hate what we hate.
I was spiritually and genetically harmed long before I started smoking weed and long before I existed.
>Do you like Psyopus
Never heard of them
>or Behold the Arctopus
No they're fucking terrible.
On it my fellow hectorian.
Psyopus does a lot of more high pitched dissonance, similar to Daughters' old stuff but more tech death/mathcore.
Also if you like that, BTA''s latest 2 albums have the Psyopus drummer doing some adventurous drumming.
based? their drummer was kind of a hometown hero, so it's cool to see more recognition.
This is kind of the direction I want to go with my music, with way more dynamism and sense of 'breath' both across and within sections.
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From the Cradle to Enslave
CoF fans went from the cradle to being gay
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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I actually only found out about them from the Vertebra Atlantis guy (G.G.) having them as a 5/5 on his RYM. At first I wasn't super impressed, but they grew on me pretty quick, for me its the chords by the guitarist, you can tell G.G. was influenced pretty heavily by them.

Do you like Psicosfera at all?

more like From Craigslist to the Cage
The metal GOD + his cohort
Only the ones that pretend Cradle isn't (one of the) peak of black metal without being tourists - as in actually knowing there's barely anything as great as CATB in the genre through sheer experience
NTA but Psicosfera was one of my go-to's when someone asked for instru-metal recs, just below Tempel
Beethoven's 6th metal
Metal died in 1993. Only 12 good albums have been released since then (most of them in 1994, being already recorded by 1993). Metal achieved its creative peak in albums like Onward to Golgotha, Pure Holocaust, and The Red in the Sky is Ours, elevating the genre into a legitimate art form. Now, thanks to Slaughter of the Soul and Gojira, all its potential was squandered and the genre has been reduced into being mere gimmick ridden noise for drunk idiots (i.e. the lowest common denominator - stop trying to turn underground metal into AC/DC).
Metal was birthed in 2005. Only 12 good albums had been released before then (most of them in 1998, being already recorded by 1997). Metal achieved its creative peak in albums like Gloire éternelle, Synarchy of Molten Bones, and Imperative Imperceptible Impulse, elevating the genre into a legitimate art form. Now, thanks to Phil Tougas, Carl-Michael Eide, Hasjarl, and Luc Lemay, all its potential was unleashed and the genre has been transcended into a magnificent art-form of beauty for intelligent young men with strong hairlines (i.e. the highest class of human - continue helping to turn underground metal into classical).
I could probably get into some CoF if they didn't have the worst vocals of all time
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>soccer mother metal
We hate that here. Granny music is reviled and spat upon here. We (The Futurists) hate safe and boring museum philosophy.

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti on worshiping the past (direct quotation):
>We want to demolish museums and libraries, fight morality, feminism
and all opportunist and utilitarian cowardice.
>some ugly wop said some stupid things
Who cares?
his art sucks
What does feminism have to do with worshipping the past retard
>uh yeah me I hate worshipping the past
>listens to music that sonically hasn't moved past what was shocking and boundary pushing 30 years ago

Did some little zoomer faggot just make a video essay on futurism or something
That is INHERENTLY all Black Metal.
>Gojira playa at the Olympics
>black metal incels play in their bedrooms at their mother’s house
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>We are on the extreme promontory of the centuries! What is the use of looking behind at the moment when we must open the mysterious shutters of the impossible? Time and Space died yesterday. We are already living in the absolute, since we have already created eternal, omnipresent speed.

It's a shame that a shitty band like Gojira will represent metal at something like the Olympics. It should (unironically) be a band like Iron Maiden instead.
based rabbi
kek it do be like that tho
>Jute Gyte
what a faggy name
>he listens to a band called jew gayed
I for one congratulate Gojira and wish them the best. Couldn't happen to a gayer band.
true, should've been DsO
Very interesting how everyone who talks about how true metal has to be protected to preserve the true spirit of the Autistico-Neanderthalic-European musical tradition is a dry dicked loser while every metal fan who's actually reproduced loves Disneycore.
In their more melodic moments (Ocean Planet e.g.), Gojira has an undeniable similarity to post-grunge aka buttrock. Little wonder they're very popular.
CoF is extreme metal, not black metal.
>Varg: 9 kids
>Disneycore artists: 3 kids max
Varg is an immigrant rancher who should be ousted by big agriculture so that the people of France don't have to starve while his autistic Chud compound thrives
CoF is disneycore, not extreme metal.
>extreme metal
not a genre
Varg density: 1/world
Disney core artist density: 20 per square mile in any northern European country
How many people does Varg make seethe on a daily basis? Must be thousands. kek.
It's the blanket term for multiple genres and as CoF doesn't specifically fit into any of them, while still being adjacent to them, they are classified as extreme metal.
As the wise Negod once said, "he's a white gypsy."
>Negru called Varg a gypsy
Textbook projection. Honestly sad.
Around 6 million
"extreme rock" should be more fitting since they are just rock with screeching
Jute Gyte is RABM
Looks incredibly stupid, can't believe they thought this was a good idea.
I think Daughters is okay but I generally dislike mathcore including this song
His Bandcamp declares he donates to Doctors Without Borders and NAACP Legal Defence Fund. I messaged him asking why he does not include LGBTQ donations. He replied(direct quotation):

>That would be too self-serving as I belong to that community
It doesn't not fit into black metal because it is literally black metal. Maybe symphonic black metal if you will, still black metal. It is neither thrash or death unless specific albums(principle is mostly death, thornography is mostly thrash). V empire is pure black metal, dusk is symphoblack, CATB is symphoblack with NWOBHM influences here and there, midian is also symphoblack.
People who says COF isn't BM usually can't explain why is that so, other than "muhh sellout... and.... uh..." kinda funny, since it says much about BMfags
Never happened.
It's hard to classify this anything other than black metal
In fact it's impossible. But it's easy to pick on a popular band, so you get buncha retards parroting dinosaurs from 2010 era making fun of Nymphetamine basically being rock(which is true, the Fix version is not metal and full version is thrash metal)
Nymphetamine sucks anyway. Early Cradle or no Cradle.
luv me some nymphe
>terrible taste in art
>terrible taste in music
>living vicariously through Varg
>Amazing taste in art
>Amazing taste in music
Oops, meant to reply to >>122929408
Which one of you schizos is posting in Zeal & Ardor's video comments?
Is corpse paint cool or gay? Explain your reasoning.

To me it just seems dated. It was popular, then it was embarrassing, but I wonder if it'll come back around to be cool again in a retro way.
Just keep blasting Dusk&Her Embrace and eventually embrace the vocals. Lyrics are cherry on top. It is kino.
Whoops didn't mean to make this post, was suppose to say I'm trans and balding.
I don't know what that is but there's only one schizo here who posts all over the place
It is cool.
Aesthetics are only distracting or "cringy" if you're a homosexual. Corpse paint serves the same purpose as album covers, which is the "visual" side of the album. If corpse paint is cringe then so are CC edgy album covers or Slayer's edgy lyrics.

It would be gay if it were colorful or if they drawed penises or some corporation commercial garbage on their faces.
They're a one album wonder, so that's out
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The sum of its parts.
You can post early CoF all day but it doesn't change that most of the the band exists past the year 2000
Well then, I guess Darkthrone is not black metal either. Darkthrone the famous trve extreme metalpunk band
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For me it's Path of the weakening
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Theatrical cringe, I prefer the modern anonymous style.
Damn, I smell like absolute shit. Anyway, Vomitory.
Yes, they used to be black metal, just like CoF.
Now they aren't. It isn't hard to understand this.
If nickelback pumped out a black metal album as their first album, then released whatever the fuck they release now for the rest of their releases, they wouldn't be considered a black metal band.
Hey guys remember when Hector ragequit the last thread and started a new
called it LOL
Why are you replying to your own fabricated shitpost story?
shan't be listening
Allah was an old Arabian moon God whose worship predates Islam-apparently this is quite well known and understood in Saudi Arabia
I’m so confused is Hector even real?
This. I think Mgla gave it a bad rep, but hoodies always seemed cringy to me.
>hoodies always seemed cringy to me.
Whats next, wearing shirts is "cringy"?

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "anti-racist", they were open borders they were opposed to performative whiteness, we cultivated this

Louis Cachet
if you wear shirts to try to make yourself look like a spooky faceless little guy, then yes
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I think these guys did it first
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Averse Sefira did irreparable damage to hoodies with 'that' interview

Like anything else, it can be. If you go see a metal band and all of the members are wearing white V-necks, you're going to make immediate judgements about their music.
>band plays live concerts
I already make judgements about their music.
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>Call us cringe anon, I fuckin' DARE you
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Is this just some Polish cultural thing I don't get?
I don't know who this is, but they're cringe.
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>all wearing the same outfit
>not theatrical
white men used to be vikings
>all those beers
based, bmcels who seethe about drinking are 100% posers
this getup was inspired by Antifas
Please be bait, that's wild if true lmao
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What is some metal with lyrics in favor of Aryan terrorism? I'm hyped to see where this goes and hoping for maximum expulsion of foreign genetics.
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More cool terroristic shit happening in Europe. I love to see it. Gonna blast Sühnopfer to celebrate.
Black metal is inherently booze-pilled
not joking, the vocalist admitted that he gets his wife to overview his lyrics to make sure they are sensitive
black metal = horrible
>implying that "beer" isn't 2-3% piss water, that's all those guys would drink
Black Metal is satanic-sick shit
Yes of course.
Wow. I couldn't imagine letting my gf comb through my lyrics.
>Uhh honey, I find all these Ezra Pound references to be a bit problematic
what do I listen to if I want more vocals like in Iron Maiden's first album? somewhat new to metal and I prefer these vocals a lot more to the later albums.
there's no metal with vocals like this?
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I didn't post my bwc because all you motherfuckers lied to me. This general is dead as usual despite what someone claimed. Fuck you.

Hector has a new favorite album he's listening to

Alice Cooper
Crazy how in the 90s Europeans would make Scooby-Doo music, call it "The Grand Psychotic Castle" and never consider for a second that they were doing the gayest thing imaginable
hector is real and he has feelings
Euros have an affinity for carousel music that I cannot begin to understand. Like the last Emperor album is undeniably ambitious, but as an experience it's severely hampered by Ihsahn's insistence on overwrought MIDI circus orchestration.
This is the full evolution of the ideas first pioneered by Snorre Ruch
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>this confuses and enrages the amerimutt
Living in the sphere of influence of polka-listening cultures must cause damage that fortunately I can't relate to as an American.
Ah, so you don't live in the southwest and flip through FM stations then
it all starts to make sense when you realize how much americans are actually of mixed origin compared to the europeans
>american education on european music
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>Ihsahn's circus orchestration

>Also Ihsahn
best thing he ever did
Woah, how could a guy that badass ever be capable of producing over the top corny music?
>americans are actually of mixed origin
They are also mixed with Africans. Most of them have at least one African forebear.
What is it though
this thread is literally poser central, holy shit
I consider you the gayest poster imaginable in this general.
What are your thoughts on Niles newest album Vile Nilotic Rites?

Also are you looking forward to the upcoming album next month?
Yeah and it would be less poser if all Americans just left.
I was listening to CELTIC FROOOOOST and smoking weed today. Just fucking killer dude.
Holy bait.
shut up poser
yeah he mentioned having a boyfriend in one interview
Never happened.
Average influence on 90s "symphonic" "black metal" musicians

OK. You're American.
>*band dies of embarassment*
hell yeah
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
based rabmfags
Me 2nd from the right
>not recognising weihenstephaner
fucking beerlet
the majority of birzum and varg fans are american


That's immortal in that pic when they were underage. At least at that time kids there could buy alcohol but it was only 2-3% like i said
Americunts were always cunts
[citation needed]
>Aria 12
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Post your most controversial albums. For me, I'm thinking based for this one.
>releases one of the best thrash songs ever
>kill himself
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Basedography for me. The only cope here is "muh awful cover!" - just skip Temptation.
forgot the link FUCK
>[citation needed]
reminder that as of July 26th 2024, Knocked Loose still released the metal AOTY
How is that controversial?
It's shit
but enough about Burzum NEW
Tourist revisionism
Even Burzum NEW mogs that garbage, despite how awful it is
I miss cannabis I wish it didn't make me an addicted, broke fucking nutjob.
Is that out? I bet it's great. Anyway, the new Defeated Sanity comes out in September I think. I've lost interest in them a little bit but curious to hear what they're up to with the new guitarist.
I keep seeing people talk about Trey Azagthoth's youtube suicide note, but the video seems to have been deleted immediately. Does anyone know if there's a mirror anywhere?
It's like they didn't even put any effort into the recording. Still a great album though.
Best metal album
one of the greatest albums in the genre from a band that have only a couple albums I like

>cryptopsy too
>and decapitated

this seems to happen a lot
I can’t stand polka shit, never could. I’d rather listen to Chinese folk music than that.
black metal SUCKS
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Nocturnal Depression live is quite a kino
You also get to see his fingers

yeeted out of existence just like the sextape trevor strnad dropped like 2 days before he died
isn't that the black metal ethos though
My favorite metal band is Three Days Grace

what metal musician is most impressive for you to watch play his instrument/sing?
Don't do it, Trey.
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*is the best thrash album of all time in your path*
Adam Kalmbach
Kirk Hammett
That’s not Megadeths So Far, So Good…So What?!
Smell the battle with the wind
Before you see us
Winterhorde of fury ride
The wind will lead us
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Thoughts on Psycroptic after Scepter of the Ancients? I think that Joe Haley is a really great guitarist from a technical angle, and Psycroptic has put out some fairly unique music, but I can't get myself to actually enjoy it that much.
Trey Azagthoth is a genius.
yeah I think the brothers are a super tight unit and it's always impressive, worth a listen, but it doesn't grab me like the earlier stuff. it's almost too tight and polished or something lol
Trey Azagthoth
Yngwie Malmsteen
Hector, why are you in denial? If you keep writing him, perhaps, one day, you'll be his boyfriend.
this is obviously his endgame
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gojira segment was the best part of the opening ceremony
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Disneycore posting will drop off precipitously between about 8PM EST and return to its normal level at 10AM EST or so. This is because Disneycorefags are normal (American, have social lives), so they will be engaging in real life activities during that time. Please enjoy open discussion of your weird dissonant Nazi blackened noisecore during those hours.
nazi shit is all disneycore thoughbeit
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Aren't you the guy fantasizing about him being with another man?
>Disneycorefags are normalfags
>dissonant Nazi blackened noisecore
Beloved here.
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I find it questionable when certain posters share photos of the same men day in day out. It used to be you'd see a rotation of Famine pictures in every thread, shit was like Tiger Beat magazine covers but for greasy metal nerds.
Would you rather fuck Adam Kalmbach or Tim Henson?
I'd like to thank Adam for submitting a great Jute Gyte track to this excellent compilation for one of the greatest causes out there.
Polcucks spend their days laughing at rabm sissies for crying about nazi metal, yet ironically spend their own time crying about leftist metal. Maybe they should spend more time making music and specifically better music than the usual pop punk disgrace I'm subjected to when I press play on NSBM.
nsbm sucks, it's true
ancient celtic metal?
NSBM has Peste Noire, Fanisk, and Nokturnal Mortum
RABM has JG and nothing else.
Did I mention rabm, nigga? They both fucking suck.
Someone post a good peste noire song
doesn't exist sorry
Actually I will correct myself, I cannot call JG RABM unless I'm also allowed to for instance call Burzum NSBM, because JG doesn't actually promote leftism in his lyrics. All he has is one song that is more nihilist towards ideas of nationalism than it is pro-communism. His actual beliefs suggest a non political nature, and personally I do think he is a bit hypocritical for his charity and obvious political bias when philosophically he ought to be above such ideas

No one asked or cares about what you write, bicycle collector.

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>No one asked or cares about what you write
Ironic post
Is all of their stuff folksy, I don’t like folksy
>No u
Melanated post.
NSBM and RABM are two sides of the same peso.
>Is all of their stuff folksy
find god metalfags
No one asked, no one cares. >>>/x/
Jude Gay is not any kind of Black Metal, American't.
Say that too his face and not online
You’re just screaming into the void like Negru Hector, nobody takes you seriously.
Its fourth wave, by the fifth finally it will be a good genre.
Hector is such a fag his dsd though he was a girl when he was a baby
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>no one
Group think in speech is the sign of a fragile weakling scared to stand by his own opinions alone. You are not a man.
At least I don’t listen to Enya.
Why did you run away from the last thread Hector
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Hector must kneel before contrapuntalist Mick Barr
you mocked secretary kpopper for watching serial slop and here you are avataring with some lol
he does most of the shit he complains about kek
He needs to get some new reaction images, I understand his shitbox from 1998 can’t hold anything more than 4 GB, but it would help to get some new ones.
this but unironically
I can really hear how this must have influenced Liturgy
Based Hector shitting up the anime thread
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Beloved here.


>Mongrel screeching about some imaginary fantasy episode #2341239461089

I have never watched the show, it is merely a reaction image.

I have 18tb worth of storage space.
how much child porn do you have on your hard drive?
>Beloved here.
No one here likes that garbage though?
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>Unironically not liking Enya
You are not white.
Enya sounds like disneycore
now this is cheesy, based though
Your concession is accepted.
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new ehnahre
anal cunt still mogs everything
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We (whites) all love it here.


Newage is tranimecore, the nips love it just as Europeans do.

newage is unironically based
Not even there, Iass.
If you listen to anything other than metal you're a posevr and don't belong here
This, except the opposite.
>Listening to metal
I don't need to listen to metal. I simply read about it on Death Metal Underground.
I simply imagine the best metal, no need to listen to anything
Hector is gay confirmed
That's what I do for Pantera
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Mick Barr has to kneel before Branca for being the talented version of himself who could make two pieces that you can tell apart.
File: Point.png (118 KB, 540x360)
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118 KB PNG
What did you discover recently?
Any random buttrock has more counterpoint
What's a counterpoint

Quit talking about nerd shit
>Quit talking about nerd shit
>asks what a counterpoint is
Homosexual monkey spotted
System of a
File: 6a4.png (8 KB, 427x400)
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>El Perro
ooh something good right here




On /mu/ it's a buzzword used by pseudointellectuals. What it actually is some rules used in classical music composition

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