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Still AOTY Edition


Last Strand on Head:

Consonance Constrictor:
first for grindcore
second for metalcore
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Not metal >>>/lgbt/
Hector is gay
For most overrated bagel baker trite, correct. The Anthrax of death metal.
You don't like death metal
I have hair for a reason.
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We love men and their bodies here lass.
We hate that boring chudslop here.
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metal for this feel?
What feel?
Bad Iarp Iass
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Seventeenth for Deislamize by Muhammad Pedophile
this is some good shit /b/ros
I kneel to Gojira
French metal sucks
I kneel to you and open my mouth
If you found the perfect band name but some soundcloud faggot with 4 followers has that name, would you tell that loser to go fuck himself and steal the name for yourself?
Can't believe Jute Gyte is only #4
Of course, he stole my name.
Massacra is great.
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What are your personal “big four” thrash albums? For me it’s pic related.
good morning sirs
Yes and I would also (virtually) heem him.
good morning anon! ^^
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Schubert's 5th. Metal for this feel?
I could get death/thrash from any other country, I don’t need Mascara.
Cradle of Filth for your daily dose of Disney disgrace.
Yeah if you don't care if you listen to garbage.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
What does Massacra offer that can’t be found in any Swedish DM band?
I watched part of the Cannibal Corpse documentary Centuries of torment. It was good.
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Massacra is #1 on DMU
>flat out admitting that you're a poser
bold move
who are you quoting
Bach metal
Ahh this is so good.
Bach in black
>Nordic guitars, pagan bass, winter keyboards, lyrics
>Sumerian guitars, inferno keyboards, bass on track 3
>Brian Eno
Additional Producers: Pytten, Varg, Trey
Oh my goodness metalbros, everyone's praising Gojira's Olympic performance and saying it was the highlight of the whole ceremony.. we're so heckin back... metal is back
gojira fags were bragging about the olympics and it turned out to be a fiasco
One last blast before I go, Ehnahre it is.


Was the highlight of cringe for sure, great way to set metal back a couple years. Although the more people into metal the more likely my specific niche is being fulfilled, so maybe it equals out in the end.
>For the Glory of HRT
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Low test males should just hop on TRT, yes
go to sleep guys
What should I have for my midnight snack?
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Doesn't look good. I'm thinking of strawberry milk or some kind of cereal
Pastrami on rye
vegan nuggies
imagine the smell
>Portland doom metal
how much söy should I expect?
Screams of Anguish
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Tracks 4-6 are some of the best I’ve heard in the last year and the outro song is hilarious
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Just bring the whole truck of soi and leave it at my house

that's what you might as well say
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Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm
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Defeated Sanity are fucking mogging me right now.
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Rec me brutal slamming death metal plz
>thred is ded on a Friday night
Ironic shitposting and single post baits killed this general many moons ago.
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what have you heard already?
What are your thoughts on "Tears In A Prophet's Dream" by Celtic Frost. This is like Amon Tobin tier experimental music, from an 80's metal band
Don't worry about what I've heard cause I'm not typing all that shit out. Just give me recs.
I don't think about Celtic Frost at all.
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I am trying the trial version of the GForce OB-X synth. I made a patch I love. I played some random chords and notes and I think it sounds great.
Listen: https://voca.ro/1dT26irftOo3
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
That Dark Angel album is madly underrated or is left in the dirt when people list albums, don't see it usually mentioned.
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It's a masterpiece
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shut up krusty
Is Krusty in the room with us now?
>Arise instead of Beneath the Remains
contrarian as fuck
not that guy but I got you chief. super underrated and unknown myspace era shit. utterly destructive and hateful

>something something gojira Paris Olympics
idk what’s going on but sounds extra gay
probably 2nd best after psalms.
psalms just has.... a quality. it feels like the fastest and most out of control ds album
the new one is okay. It reverse-grew on me. once the quirkiness lost its appeal
The Olympics have been utterly uninteresting since Russia held them. They bear no cultural significance now. Gojira are cool, doe.
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>The Olympics have been utterly uninteresting since Russia held them.
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recommend me something with free-flowing riffs like pic rel
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>free-flowing riffs
Meh. Try adding distortion or some effects maybe it'll sound good then. Highs should be a little bit softer and you can use it in some dungeon synth
its a nice patch, i don't really think analog subtractive synth sounds are great for dungeon synth personally though
that two minutes gojira played was the only two minutes I watched olympics, but it was nice
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Pretty cool picks

Everyone's based
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entry level but i liked this one
I've tweaked the highs. It was harsh and I think it's still a bit harsh.
I'm not making anything metal related right now. I'm only having fun with this software. I think this patch sounds like an orchestra playing some forgotten piece on FM radio at 11 pm. It's a flute and a string section in one.

New vocaroo: https://voca.ro/123nzi3SlWCo
>>122938354 (Me)
>It's a flute and a string section in one.
Wait a minute, I know. It sounds like a clarinet.
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Reign in Blood
Master of Puppets
Demolition Hammer Epidemic of Violence
Kreator Pleasure to Kill
>Rage coming to my city in october
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Chudsky bros...
>p-p-please pretend there's no faggotry in metal
good. we hate black metal here.
10 diapers
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What is some good WIND themed metal?
don't make me cringe
I think I'll go see Symphony X on September

Also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZyWuBNot3o
Synagoga Satanae is a great song
A Dying God Coming into Human Flesh is a classic.
cynic - traced in air
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>Antifascist black metal
What a bunch of faggots.

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