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Which one has better OST?
The Big O.
wasnt aware people considered the music in eva any good besides opening and outro songs
They're totally different types of music and basically incomparable. Cowboy Bebop is mostly attempts at recreating various 20th Century American popular musical genres while Evangelion's OST is largely trying to capture classic film orchestral scores.
Evangelion genuinely has a top-tier OST for a TV anime, especially for the era.
>for a TV anime
Sure but that's not that high a bar. I think the Cowboy Bebop OST is by far one of anime's greatest soundtracks and it only has like 5 superb songs and pales in comparison to any average 1950s bop record.
Eva has THE best OST in anime. And it's up there among TV shows too.
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>people considered the music in eva any good
>Evangelion genuinely has a top-tier OST
Evangelion used a full orchestra with bizarrely strong composition that often makes it sound like an actual movie soundtrack, it's actually kind of insane. It's a top 5 anime OST for me movie or otherwise.

The Eva OST is like the only part of the anime that people tend to agree is good, people tend to be really split on the show.
>movie soundtrack
oh so watered-down classical
Where's the upvote button on this site? I need to give you one, stat
he's just asking which one you like more, not that deep
Rei's theme is so fucking good God damn. Whenever I think of Eva I think of the moments of tension where they'd play that song. I always felt like this was a relatively overlooked track.

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"Where do you think we are?"
He said which is better, not which do you prefer. Due to my crippling autism I cannot interpret this any other way than a request to draw a direct comparison between the two. Please be patient.
Excuse the samefag, but how about this one?
>still hasn't answered the simple question
yep, it's autism
The post I was responding to was a statement, not a question. Due to my crippling autism I cannot perceive it to be inquisitive in nature. Please be patient.
I was never a big fan of much of Eva TV series music. However, I do enjoy the End of Evangelion OST quite a bit.
Listen to Shostakovich and Haydn
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We'll make this a bit 'easier' then. "The extreme pedantic opinionated and contrarian nature of this website necessitates loaded questions. Subjective opinions are then presented as hard fact, when they are not. The comparison point between Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genesis Evangelion comes from the reverence both receive as high points of anime released in the mid-1990s. Both are also held in high regard for their soundtracks. Which do you prefer?"
What do you guys think about the third Eva CD? It's the one that has most of the weird 90s newage-ish music on it. I think it's really cool and kind of overlooked in favor of the orchestral stuff on the first two, it has some of the more iconic atmospheric tracks on it. Reminds me a lot of old computer games.

I agree, the movie has way better music
Oh, I like prefer Eva's. More consistent.
No, just different classical
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Good, we can go home then.
most people agree the show is good.
the only people who dislike it are /a/trash and genuine midwits
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Checked and rekt midwits!
I haven't been on /a/ in like literally a decade, do they really hate the original run of Eva now? It used to be like a cornerstone of that board. Most people I've encountered that hate Eva get hung up on it being "tryhard".
What blues to listen if I like cowboy's ost
No, that would be Rose of Versailles.
No, that would be Lupin III
No, that would be Oniisama E...
RoV music isn't that good. It's just iconic because of the animation techniques and the main character influencing major titles.
Lupin is good but not as good as Eva.
No, RoV
>Sounds like generic anime music
zero contradiction
This is pretty good THOUGH to be perfectly desu with you
Why do faggots like jazz so much?
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>Why do faggots like jazz so much?
When did you stop sucking dicks?
Eva is better, it feels like it was actually written specifically for the scenes whereas they tried to tie the scenes to the music in bebop.
Yesterday, and since then I've stopped liking jazz.
That makes it a better soundtrack but I can listen to Bebop any time on it's own so it has more legs.
Then again OP asked what's a better OST, not a better album in general.
Even without considering the show, Eva OST is miles better.
>That makes it a better soundtrack but I can listen to Bebop any time on it's own so it has more legs.
>Then again OP asked what's a better OST, not a better album in general.
That is how I was measuring it, the Bebop OST is legitimately great music on it's own but I don't see it as a good OST.
That's fair I can agree to that
>do they really hate the original run of Eva now?
no the threads are just haunted by 2-3 schizos
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>wasnt aware people considered the music in eva any good besides opening and outro songs
Seriously? It's the Japanese Barry Gray.
the best anime soundtrack has to be FLCL
Its just the pillows greatest hits basically. Amazing soundtrack.
I can leave CB ost in the background while with eva I tend to skip some tracks, mostly the quieter more ambient stuff is a little boring.
Legend Of The Galactic Heroes has the best soundtrack objectively
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During my last annual rewatch (that reminds me, it's almost time again) I was taken back by how little the pillows soundtrack is actually used. Goes to show how memorable it is + Ride On Shooting Star best ED of all time
Well, it's all classics. Actually a good primer if one is new to classical.
The best primer for someone new to classical is to start with Bach
Utena had the best anime soundtrack of the late 90s.
Really bizarre for an anime to have a fucking zeuhl soundtrack of all things.

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>Eva has THE best OST in anime
Tomino wins again.

even Eva clones have better soundtracks than Evangelion lol
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>/a/ tourists can only think about directors
Sagisu is objectively a better composer than Sugiyama.
No, Sugiyama at his peak is untouchable as far as anime composers go, you'd have to get into legitimate film soundtracks to find better.
That's the most retarded opinion I've read on here. But it's my fault for expecting an /a/tard to be better.
>That's the most retarded opinion I've read on here
Literally read the post above mine for something even dumber.
Go back to /a/. You're not welcome here.
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Continuing to post soundtracks that run circles around Evangelion's, here's a continuous 20 minute suite that plays in a final episode.

Based Thanatos posters. I think people leave out Shinji's theme a lot. It's quite good IMO.
And I like this too.
I love the anime and music but c'mon
Thanatos always reminds me of a cancion melodica song
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>This video is not available
>This video is not available
Cool, thanks Youtube even though there are working versions on the same "channel"
Also, for me it's this fan edit suite
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back to leftypol
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There's something off to me about the Rebuild soundtracks compared to the originals, it feels like they've got too much going on or something. I've listened to that fan edit before and the way it cuts between the two makes it stand out more. It's like the originals were intentionally subdued while the Rebuilds don't hold back and it ends up sounding more cluttered to me.
Die in a fire, Jakshitter filth.
"Unfortunately" I have a bias that means I can't dislike the Rebuilds just because pic relate was the first time I ever heard of Evangelion. Since I was new to anime at the time and saw it was being advertised in the movie section of the newspaper (yes really). Either way, I think it works well. Compared to say, the "Hedgehog's Dilemma Suite" which gets repetitive fast
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Defeat the /g/shitter with this one simple trick !!
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I actually think the soundtracks for the Rebuilds are fine, they just feel a bit over-done for me if that makes any sense. I actually really like the first Rebuild a lot too, everything else though loses me.
>That poster is now almost old enough to post on 4chan
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I feel like FLCL is kind of cheating because outside of I Think I Can and Ride on Shooting Star the songs weren't actually written for the show.
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The opening of Eva is ironically one of the weakest songs from its soundtrack, in spite of how iconic A Cruel Angel's Thesis is.
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...Hey wait a minute. If it's ok to cite classical pieces used in Legend of the Galactic Heroes then it's also ok with Eva since it also uses
>Ode to Joy
>Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
>Canon in D
And my favourite
>Crazy Sunshine
>Beautiful Morning with You
>One Life
>Little Busters
>Bran-New Lovesong
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Magnificent scene
>Sure but that's not that high a bar
Jakshitter crucifixion
Daily reminder that cartoons are not art
If you only get your jazz and classical from tv then yes, it's a piss poor bar buried 6 feet under
I see your big o and raise you g gundam.
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Then nothing is
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>mogs everything ever
Netflix Evangelion > *
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BTFOs both
>wow guys listen to this classical music that's not even half as good as the actual good classical music from centuries before!
anime fags are delusional
/unthreads your worthless opinion

What are you gonna do about it HUH
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Anon I've heard classical music before. Everyone has. It's not better than soundtracks
I prefer Samurai Champloo and its OST over Cowboy Bebop, but Bebop's OST is still more fun and identifiable than Eva's. With that said, I think Eva's soundtrack is "better" I just don't care for it.
this thread brought me back to high school when i would listen to anime soundtracks and got zero pussy. cant believe that was already a decade ago time flies

with that said eva > bebop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoKluzn07eQ
You are a soulless golem, kill yourself
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>It's not better than soundtracks
Musically, soundtracks are objectively garbage. The background nature of a soundtrack necessitates its reliance on repetition and/or ambience, as the listener's engagement with the show's or film's plot and visuals prevents him from following any advanced musical structure. Unless the soundtrack and the film synergize flawlessly in a Wagnerian sense, a soundtrack will merely serve as slightly memorable background music associated with specific moments and would be forgettable in a vacuum.

I believe the only reason you utter such nonsense is either due to your poor aural memory, which prevents you from following along with classical music properly, or because you only listen to music in the background like a fool. Alternatively, you may simply lack appreciation for music as an art form, viewing it merely as a supplementary medium rather than one capable of evoking strong emotions. In that case, you would naturally be annoyed by music that can successfully exist on its own. With your only appreciation for music being within the confines of low-IQ mediums such as television, film, and anime.
Opinion discarded.
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>Dude, I love classical. I love classical. I love classical. I'm so smart. I love classical.
You quite literally opened this thread about things you don't like (soundtracks) to argue with people over classical music. Get the fuck over yourself. Your entire fucking post history with that filename reeks of you simply looking for validation or people to pat you on the back because you like music that you perceive as smart.


>Neither actually debunk anything I said
You could simply refute any of my arguments. But you cannot because I am objectively correct, and it angers you to the point that you schizophrenically look up previous people who posted this image with a generic filename.
>You quite literally opened this thread about things you don't like (soundtracks) to argue with people over classical music.
I entered this thread with the intention of ridiculing weeb faggots and their lack of taste. After you said something offensively retarded, I made a single post to talk a semblance of sense into you. But I don't think you have any care for discussing art, as you are into anime.
Anno would be flipping okonomiyaki at a food cart if Tomino didn’t enlighten his life. He owes everything to the bald wizard and he best remember that
He owes more to Miyazaki and Itano. Tomino didn't do very much. But I guess you watched Aoi Honoo and made up your mind.
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>You could simply refute any of my arguments
Why do you think you're entitled to an argument, you 16 year old pseud? Your entire personality based on two fucking posts alone is trying to convince people on the internet that you're smart. You are so desperate for validation that you use classical music as a coping mechanism to signal to people online that you are intelligent. You entered this thread with the intention of signaling that you're smart, I don't know, probably because you're one of those dweebs that was smart in middle school, built your personality around being smart, but fell off in college and so you cling to any thing to convince yourself (and other people) that you're smart. I'm not here to play armchair psychologist, but your two posts alone scream "validate me", with how quickly you are to gloat about IQ, how quick you are to gloat about how "advanced" the music you listen to is, and your constant "my art is objectively better than yours".

Fuck off faggot, I hope you don't post in the classical general because I'd be embarrassed sharing a thread with you.
>Tomino didn’t do very much
His biggest hit and the show that made people pay attention to him is a self admitted bastard combination of Ideon and Zambot 3 with some Devilman thrown in. In fact basically all of his works are cheap knock offs in some way or another. Gunbuster is just Aim for the Ace but with mechs. Nadia is just Future Boy Conan with an Atlantis aesthetic (plus it was also liberally taken from a canned Miyazaki project). Anno is the biggest fraud in the industry and it’s a miracle people have clued on that all of his stuff is just other people’s ideas which he smothers in a layer of Freudian psychobabble and tries to pass off as his own
>Aoi Honoo
I don’t know what that is and I don’t care
>Why do you think you're entitled to an argument, you 16 year old pseud?
My bad, I forgot that this site designed for people to converse should not have any actual conversation.
>Your entire personality based on two fucking posts alone is trying to convince people on the internet that you're smart.
I don't care if you think I'm smart or not; just because I spellcheck and don't write like a braindead spastic doesn't mean I want to come across as intelligent. If you perceive minimal effort in your posts as desperate, it speaks more about you than it does about me.
>You are so desperate for validation that you use classical music as a coping mechanism to signal to people online that you are intelligent.
If that was the case, why would I use classical music? No one has ever considered me intelligent for listening to classical music; the only response to my admiration for it has been people like you spewing the same nonsense. I would have simply been shilling Fantano 10/10s and /mu/core if my objective was to appear intelligent to a common retard; however, I am not fond of any of that music.
>You entered this thread with the intention of signaling that you're smart, I don't know, probably because you're one of those dweebs that was smart in middle school, built your personality around being smart, but fell off in college and so you cling to any thing to convince yourself (and other people) that you're smart.
This seems like a psychological projection. As previously stated, I never built up a reputation for being smart; my primary goal in school was to get by with minimal effort. My only explanation for why you have this view of me is if you yourself at one point were like this and, due to a certain event, try your best to reject it in order to gain validation from others. No ordinary person would make up a story this detailed about someone's music preference.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact is Anno owes a lot more to Miyazaki and Itano and Tomino didn't do much. For his live action films, he constantly says he is indebted to Kihachi Okamoto and Ishiro Honda.
More than half of your claims are wrong by the way. Devilman and Zambot weren't mentioned by Anno himself but by other staff. He only said that he wanted to make his Gundam but ended up with his Ideon, which is to say that other directors didn't make their own iterations of Eva (and we know the reason why nobody reiterated Eva). Gunbuster is a parody and everyone knows that. Miyazaki refused to do the canned project himself. Why wouldn't they take it up when NHK came to Gainax? He didn't even want to be the director for it but only agreed to do it because no one else was up for it and even left it in the middle only to return for the finale. And you missed the biggest inspiration for Nadia: Yamato.
I like how you left out his live action films (L&P and Shiki-jitsu) because it doesn't fit your narrative. /a/ tourists just love to regurgitate whatever other retards on there fed them. Just go back and stay there.
>I'm not here to play armchair psychologist
He says, right after playing armchair psychologist and exposing his own insecurity.
>but your two posts alone scream "validate me", with how quickly you are to gloat about IQ,
I used IQ a single time, as a buzzword to my own admission. Still, that is a weirdly specific one to point out.
>how quick you are to gloat about how "advanced" the music you listen to is, and your constant "my art is objectively better than yours".
I don't gloat about how much more advanced it is; I simply state that soundtracks do not have much value on their own. Which is an objective fact.
Play the EVA OST in a world where EVA does not exist; nobody would remotely care for it.
>Fuck off faggot, I hope you don't post in the classical general because I'd be embarrassed sharing a thread with you.
The fact that you post in that general while having these opinions on classical music says enough about why that general has gotten so tremendously shit over the years. I'm just going to assume you are either the maho tranny or the sisterposter.
I accept your concession.
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Hellsing TV series mogs pretty much anything to death


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