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Absolute Semetic Supremacy

FAQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOFRNGlEB6k

Retirement home: >>122909105

Chief Rabbi: last.fm/user/Only_Perception
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
A death metal band called Death? What's next? A black metal band called ___?
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900 and what?
109+ for you and yours
there are no good jew metal bands
for fans of:
Bands like this are either roided up to the moon and back, or consist of the most basedish nu-male reddit males possible
not even remotely metal
What do you guys think of listeners who want their metal bands to be "fun"? Meaning this they want their bands "not to take them too seriously", like Alestorm, no satanism, no evil themes etc. but just being a sort of caricature of real metal with fun themes, pirates and tongue-in-cheek humor. Like Terry Pratchett novels when it comes to Fantasy literature?

Is metal supposed to be fun?
I think there's supposed to be an edgy gotcha with the FAQ video but I'm halfway through and every single jew they interviewed thinks that non jews and jews are the same. Unless in the second half there's a psycho
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Country: Israel
Artist: Holocausts
Album: חירות
Song: נקמת העכברים // Revenge of the Rats


Once upon a time, in a land far away
There was a crumbling kingdom, rotten and grey
Without songs nor paintings, no questions, no stories
Despair is a fact and joy is a luxury

And under the surface, there lived the rats
Free roaming creatures with no borders or flags
Without greed nor gluttony, no masters, no slaves
When one is falling down, twenty come for him to save

But the upper class disdained those who disobey
They tried to wipe them out in every possible way
Death traps and glue, poison and bombs
Well, they ain't even knowing what's going to come

With first glimpse of sunshine, the rats came outside
And started gnawing everything in front of their eyes
The walls, the doors and all of human mass
Until everything broke down to thousands of shards
There is a place for bands that intentionally go for ridiculousness but aesthetics are an important aspect of music and "fun" bands tend to be very garish. If you are a black or death metal artist but you decide to put like, I don't know, giant epic bacon SPACE ROBOTS fighting on your cover or something then in my opinion you signal from the get go that you don't take your craft serious at all and want the listener to do the same. It completely kills the mood and it feels weirdly self-conscious to me as if you felt like people would judge you too hard, so now you just go "haha yeah, we suck, so what about it, huh?!".

The most famous death and black metal albums seem pretty self-serious to me, same with thrash also which tends to particularly attract types like you describe. I think a lot of people nowadays are just scared of listening to "cringey" (i.e. overtly genuine) music so everything needs to have a sheen of irony applied to it or else they'd have to actually emotionally engage with something. Obviously a lot of metal styles are inherently kind of ridiculous but it's cool to immerse yourself when listening to an album and it can appeal to all kinds of emotions.
When you preemptively mock yourself all you can really do is party/pizza metal which has its place like I said but there is more to life than just that.
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Serious metal is for CHUDs
>epic bacon SPACE ROBOTS fighting on your cover or something then in my opinion you signal from the get go that you don't take your craft serious at all and want the listener to do the same. It completely kills the mood and it feels weirdly self-conscious to me as if you felt like people would judge you too hard, so now you just go "haha yeah, we suck, so what about it, huh?!".

Maybe this is the reason I never wanted to listen Voivod? I understand it's not a joke band, but those cover art looked like some amateur Robot style comics, so I just skipped the band. I've been aware of Voivod for like +20 years or more and I have never even listened a single song by them
both of these 'people' should have been pushed into lockers more often
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Artist: Spawn of Evil
Album: Sadistic Missionaries

>That Album title
>That cover
It may as well be Gaza
My father told a story that when "Paranoid" was released in the 70s many people here got it on tape and it was the hottest shit among some youth. Some guy in his vocational school class would get bullied because he did not know the lyrics of the song and he got targeted by some big class bully who demanded the poor guy to sing the lyrics of the song. Since he did not know Black Sabbath, nor did he know the song, he would just start to improvise and sing with high pitched voice: "Paranoiidd, paranoiiid, PARANOIIIIDD!!!" ending in high scream falsetto type of repeating of the song's title. Everytime he hears the song Paranoid he thinks of just the poor guy singing "Paranoid, PARANOID, PARANOIIIIIIDDD!!!!" after all these years

Pretty funny story huh? Never shared this with Reddit though
I miss when heavy metal was the domain of based retards and glue sniffers, rather than guys with the chudjak phenotype.
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Sorry to hijack this thread, but do you ever think that you’re following signs from God but what you’re actually doing is following sign from the Devil?
Use your common sense, don’t follow any signs blindly.

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Dark were the thorns of crimson death
Neither entity exists, retard
Hey Hector, what do you think of the music of Justin K Broadrick
Open borders for is real
Iron Maiden rocks
Burzum is goated
Mayhem is awesome
Metalica is based
Death Sucks
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God is real and She/He/It has a bad side, the Devil. The Christians invented the bad side “the Devil” to remove some blame away from God; this is good for business. But in reality God is the one doing the actual punishment.
I think we can get more controversial than that
Hey Hector what do you think of the metal version of the Rite Of Spring?
hey hector can we be friends
Why are you bootlickers clinging to the opinions of a /v/ shitposter
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Dwarves in a couple hours. \m/ I might take a pic for you chuds but I will have a beer at me at all times so probably won't.
I hope they don't bring cool merch because I don't have any cash on me. Fugg.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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No, it’s actually right. For instance, imagine if God “the Devil” gave you signs to follow Taylor Swift, even though you don’t find her attractive or even like her music, you better believe that the Devil is trying to fool you.
Glen Benton is a grown man that still acts like a rebellious teenager.
metal in a nutshell
>punk in a nutshell
>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called “open borders” they were pro diversity they were globalist , we cultivated this

Louis Cachet on the early scene in Helvete(direct quote)
There's different ways to play it. If the visual aesthetic looks like a cartoon, or like the Party Cannon logo, I probably won't click it when I want something that sounds dark and extreme (and I can't presume those bands would stand out as very good or original players in that field if all other presentation chooses to communicate something entirely different, rather than something that complements it, anyway). Also I don't like gimmicks.
But some metal being "fun" the same way Drag me to Hell is fun, is cool.

I'm not a murderer or necrophiliac in real life, so trying to act as something dark like that outside of a story-teller way would be something much more gay. Like wrestling.
>Without greed
>Troons out pretty much every so-called "Deicide member", they were influenced by Glen Benton they followed his path, we cultivated this in Florida
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>God is real
Which God? There are many Gods.
And the "Devil" could be Loki, Hades or Set.
The 1 (ONE) God the Jews worship is fake and gay because there are more than 1.
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*greatest death metal solo ever*

What are all of you BLASTING?
Bros rec me your best thrash or death thrash (that isn't super popular)
Why can’t anyone make stuff like this anymore. Instead we have TEITANBLOOD and we have to pretend that it’s actually good
>unironically identifying Loki with "The Devil"
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Gojira defence squadron take action theyre calling us hypocrits and posers for playing the Olympic Games™
Did you miss the OSDM revival of the 2000s to something like mid 2010s?
Like deathevokation? A “revival” doesn’t mean bands doing new things it means more bands doing the same old thing
>J-dawg picked up his wife by putting an Acid Witch CD in her mailbox
I'm impressed this autism actually worked.
Oh yes hector…well you’ve come to the right place
Gojira has been poser nonsense since the very beginning.
The state of death metal in the current year is an absolute joke. To the point we have to cling to TEITANBLOOD as our savior. I can’t really think of any other options either that’s how bad things are
If you are genuinely this retarded just look at half the DM releases in 2023.
Crazy how hard they fell off
Metalheads in the 80s
>AC/DC is so much better than the Ramones, you fag
>NO the Ramones rock way harderer you homo
Metalheads today
>Dude your guy shits in a diaper
>No your guy shit in a diaper and you are soi
Name 6 that don't suck
That would imply that even half the people here actually listen to metal and aren't just here to fling shit
AC/DC is based and is the only band that sucesfully filters zoomers
Magnetic Fields metal
Ramones are Jews so acca dacca are automatically better. Plus they’re actually better as well
Which ones, the geriatric who refuse to have some dignity and call it quits. Or the dissoshit death metal on a black metal label “now that makes us unique”. Or the hipster garbage put out on labels like 20 buck spin or I, Voidhanger.
>dissoshit death metal
That one, we love it here.
> I, Voidhanger.
Also this one, fantastic.
>Ramones are Jews
Johnny isn't a Jew. Imagine not knowing this lore.
>Jeffrey Ross Hyman was born on May 19, 1951, in Queens, New York City, to a Jewish family.
>Tamás Erdélyi was born on January 29, 1949,[3][4][5] in Budapest. His Jewish parents
I said Johnny. Learn to read.
>John William Cummings was born in Queens, New York City, on October 8, 1948, the only child of Estelle, a waitress of Polish and Ukrainian descent, and Francis William Cummings, a construction worker (a steamfitter) of Irish descent.[6][7]
Torture Rack
The Bleeding
Ascended Dead
Dead and Dripping

It's like you guys don't even listen to metal.
I know that, don’t care about Johnny I was simply showing you that the band are 50% Jewish
Don't they have whales to protect or whatever?
I’m just going to assume someone else is replying to make you look dumb
TEITANBLOOD aren’t a good band, sorry about that
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>Page 4
Epic ownage, this is the only time this post made sense
The least two Peste Noire have been fucking awesome but I think I'm on one more watchlist now
Through the winding forest where the bodies of
Disillusioned peasants lay in the catacombs
Gothic oakwood may once again take its real form
And grasp for Your soul
As the night falls
Green turns to the colour which brings forth the eternal rest
Reach forth and separate the mystical branch
As the moon is surpassed by a blanket of unholy cloud
And echoed shrieks
Ambience of the dark evolves from beyond the divine nightshade
Faraway from the forest
The souls of the dead travel beneath the earths soil to arrive
At the tree of life and death
Now a disoriented monk banished from the order finds solace
Within the cold surroundings of the untouched ground
The secrets are revealed to him
It is who commands the living
The dead - The dead
are you guys all neets?
No, but actually, yes.
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Ring Nebula
is slipknot metal?
It's like a retard's idea of metal.
Why you want new things? That's just end up being some try hard dissoshit and ultimately: not-metal

Some of the bands part of that "revival" were literally on par or even superior like those old bands they were emulating. Slugathor comes to mind, maybe Funebrarum.
Standing upon the portal where my eyes have become weary, the cold winds
The south bring ghastly fragments of the forgotten land, where, once
The spirits stood
Along the desolate shore to
Disappear into the silenced murk, "some by the seven gated Thebes in the
Land of Kadmos
There, for these, the end of
Death was misted about them", as my eyes slowly descend, the dust
Transcends into my frail
Structure, the wind, the
Cold wind breaks my complete silence, the portal for which I stand upon
Collapses, no fear I
Shall feel, transcendence
Into the peripheral, "and there they have their dwelling place and
Hearts free of sorrow, in
The islands of the blessed
By the deep swirling stream of the ocean", the hypnotised sound of
Boetian harps, created by
The force of the spirits
The faraway lands no longer seem so distant, nirvanaesque serenity as
The hills become
Unclouded, the spirits
Embrace my soul, as I envision the neutral spectrum before me, the harp
Echoes and echoes
And..... my wings take
Me to the bewilderment
All is calm, all is quiescent-the colour magenta
The afternoon breeze finds its way to my soul
AsI sit there and enhance the tranquillity
The solace of sensory magic, Irreplaceable nirvana
My body feels the effect of blood-letting
The winds brought in from the south coast replace
Such drainful inhabitance
My eyelids voluntarily close as the blue horizon line takes shape
Stretching out far beyond the sun
The sound of the blue, an eternity of complete aquiescence
I cannot move, nor do I need to, for it is enough to lie on the cliff
And become entrapped in a world of escapism and peace
Cerulean transience of all my imagined shores
A bird of the ocean perches before me
And lets out a shriek which transcends me back
Back to where I write
And the calm breeze continues to enter my peripherial
>Anders Colsefni actually re-recorded the whole MFKR album
No one asked for this, but I guess it's still pretty nice
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I miss Sarco and his great recs-
Wish he did not succomb do his drug addiction.
I vaguely recall him as being tolerable. He wasn't the guy with the dick that didn't work, was he?
Yeah, it was destroyed when he dropped acid on it during high school chemistry class.
>Small minds discuss people
Kinda cool. I've never listened to the original (never been a big fan of Slipknot outside of random songs), but I can dig this.
Metal can be both. I'm fine with silly, I probably won't listen to it but I have no problem with it existing. Metal, especially extreme metal, is kinda silly when you think about it in a vacuum.

I think the real issue is when people think metal should only be fun/silly and to take it seriously is to commit the ultimate sin of actually giving a shit about something. It's a trite opinion, caring is cool and wanting to push the art form is cool. And ultimately I care a lot more about a band like Deathspell Omega than a band like Alestorm. In 100 years who's more likely to be talked about(probably neither)?
It's American Nu-Metal.
In the same category as:
Limp Bizkit
Linkin Park
System of a Down
Papa Roach

To give you an idea.
I HATE gloryhammer
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>I HATE gloryhammer
Thank you, I left a nice, thoughtful comment under that great article.
>He doesn't view Gloryhammer as an attack on the sincerity that defines power metal
>He doesn't view Gloryhammer as evidence of modern power metal's struggle to be true to itself
>He doesn't see how Gloryhammer forces the genre into self-parody
Gloryhammer is responsible for the Marvel-moviefication of power metal, allowing mass audiences to appreciate the genre only by signaling to the audience that the genre is not to be taken seriously. This is a form of selling out that can be totally morally distinguished from, for example, Dragonforce's rise to popularity because of Guitar Hero. The appropriate band to like from around when Gloryhammer got popular is Twilight Force, and really you should mostly just like Tales of Ancient Prophecies.

kys I have Gloryhammerfags so fucking much kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys
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I like to call it McMetal.
Instant gratification when you consume it but you know its shit.
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I think it's sad that people cloak themselves in so much irony that they're unable to sincerely engage with things they love. I think a lot of it stems from embarrassment and shame more than a lack of taking oneself seriously. Metal is(or was) for nerds and dorks. To admit you sincerely enjoy it means you are a nerd. To enjoy it ironically means you're not actually a part of the in-group and therefor are not a nerd.

But I disagree that metal can't be silly or fun, I think there's room for both in the genre. I also think you can make silly music and still take your art serious(eg Ghost). It all just comes down to intent.
>Is metal supposed to be fun?
It's a fucking music genre, a form of entertainment, of course its 'fun'
What pseuds seem to miss is that it's also fun to take it seriously
Good morning, meal.
There’s actual tongue-in-cheek Satanism in metal, it’s not entirely roleplaying like the Norwegians did.
>Metal is(or was) for nerds and dorks.
No it wasn't you retcon rym tranny. It was a chad genre for rebellion, and metal Head were drowning in pussy. They had groupies unlike your soi shit. You get nothing but a cockfest
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I was on a road trip with my wife recently and she wanted to try listening to some music that I enjoy. So without telling me she put on my most recently played album, The Synarchy of Molten Bones. She listened to all 7 minutes of the opening track. She hated it.

Should I divorce her? Or is she secretly based?
>They had groupies unlike your soi shit. Y
Maybe glam metal, but I don't think "real" metal ever had that many groupies. Kerry King talks about this in an interview.
>pentagram logo
not listening!
The only metal musicians who were getting laid either made rock music(Black Sabbath) or hair metal(not metal). Euronymous and Varg got no pussy.
australian thread
no that's based, she will probably divorce you though
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Decided to finally give this a listen.
What’s some truly great Australian metal, aside from Deströyer 666?
Varg got pussy, but it had nothing to do with metal.
You fuckin retards, in my context i am 100% correct. I said old school metal was getting pussy, while you claim they never did. Its not my fault you have reading comprehension issues you brainlet. It didn't start as a nerd genre, it was badass as fuck unlike you faggots. Go drink some more soi lattes you absolute cucks
In other words, metal that we love and respect here.
This but unironically
hector is realling pouring his heart out in the comments, holy kek
Society isn't divided into "nerds" and "jocks" anon.
Nu-Metal is for Nu-Males.
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Gospel of the Horns
Lmao, what a cope>>122920075
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>"uhthey are not what theyclaim to be uh they have infiltrated alot of uh uhhuhhu a lot of aspects of the military establishment particularly the area 51-"
>supreme fucking riff begins

this album is good man.
Lest we forget that nu-metal bands were also anti-bullying.
>Sumerian Records
Look, why would you want more people to listen to metal. The more people that do a certain thing, the worse that thing becomes. This isn’t elitism it’s just what happens. You DON’T want more people to do the things you like. Ignore them
You weren't even alive when Limp Bizkit was one of the biggest bands in the world
>1999 year of their most cherished record.
I was listening to the majority of Bathory discography when you first discovered nookie, so you can take that cookie, and shove it up your -
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This, i only share metal songs with my close friends that do listen to metal. Everyone else can fuck off my genre. We dont need more posers
Okay report back when you find out the meaning behind the artwork
Alright boys and girls! Hope you're good.
I was gonna say the art looks like some bad artwork for a computer game from the 90s. And not in a good, charming way like Monstrosity - Millennium. And I have no idea what it is, some Egyptian god thing?
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you retard, a womans ass shits 99% of the time but its still worth doing anal when its clean.
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metal for this feel?
>reddit meme
>reddit watermark
>reddit band
Three strikes, you're out!
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bout to smoke some weed and try and beat my record on black ops 1 der riese
>a womans ass shits 99% of the time
yo bitch got ibs bruh
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DWARVES! Eh, it could have been better but it was cool. Like 50 people attended, fucking mind blowing.
>inb4 being called a manlet
The Berzerker, Internal Rot
meant for
based ironic shitpost non-understander
There are like 100-200 hot black women in the entire world.
cool shirt but hit the gym brah
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Sadistik Exekution rips
all for me
Irony poisons the mind and precludes true enjoyment of anything
I’ve masturbated to a lot of West African women, I’m not ashamed to admit it.
Not him but I knew a girl that had a nice, big ass that had that condition, kek. Probably the perfect woman for a guy with the right fetish.
There are like 100-200 black women in the entire world.
I'm ashamed for you.
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based negress enjoyer
Your basement isn't the world, anon.
As far as I know the only notable fuckable black women in metal are Melissa Bonny and Thalìa Bellazecca, both of whom are in pretty dogshit bands atm
Vote Kamala Harris! She's not for the rich exploiters. Saw her speech earlier and it was awesome. WOOOO!!! Also Queen Diamond - Abigail WOOO!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NsF532cflQ&list=PLuuYlgXRaOR8knTSzzR3Jux9uDj22Mb_X&index=49
Something new to blast when i hear my neighbors shitty rap music.
Thanks anon.
it is, retard
If movies taught me anything then people can be divided in multiple categories including: nerds, jocks, preppies, metalheads, ethnic kids, wiggers, etc. Hope this helps.
Movies are a form of the divide and conquer. If people thought for themselves, there'd be no divisions. Same with mainstream media. Hollywood=pedowood.
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Appropriate for the thread.
This is a real article, i don't think the mainstream media will be this honest ever again.

I gave up on Hollywood a long time ago. Not cause I hate jews, but because most of their movies are shit. I did watch Anchorman recently and liked it though :)
My post is a joke, but it does seem true that a main function of movies is to brainwash.
It is 100%
Only nerd and jocks exist. The rest are like metal subgenres.
Death metal and black metal
Metalcore and groove metal
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Hollywoods influence is undeniable, it reaches far beyond the united states into every country. Much of the mainstream music industry is also influenced by Jewish people, Rick Rubin for example.

> Rubin began his long musical partnership with Slayer, producing Reign in Blood, considered a classic of the heavy metal genre. This was his first work with a metal band.

From the wikipedia article.
Original Poltergeist movie has actual skeletons in those coffin scenes. I found the clown under the bed creepy. The skeletons are apparently real though in those coffins. Y'know Holy shit... Also what happened to Heather O'Rourke. This is metal related cause of songs like this which promote Freddie Kreuger and Hollywood=pedowood in a friendly way. He was a child molester and more needs to be done to investigate this shit:
Wtf is this shit, can we talk about metal now you gossiping faggots
Didn't know that about Reign in Blood. Will have to research more on that.
all Jubin did was tell them to turn up the drums and take 90% of the reverb out of the mix
Jews don't need to make music, they control the music. They control the streaming services and the big labels.
>They control the streaming services and the big labels.
This was the point i was trying to make
this is now the /pol/ and /x/ schzo containment thread apparently
Stryper should be shouting this from the rooftops. They're in the same showbusiness. Maybe they know the same people? It's weird they don't call it out. We fight for truth and justice ourselves I guess. Anyone with any info, please release it. We will win in the end.
You find alot of truth on those boards. Not always, but mostly.
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Rick Rubin
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Contemporary classic desu
I liked Reign in Blood. Don't think there was an agenda behind it. Metallica's black album though. Bob Rock really watered them down.
>Don't think there was an agenda behind it.
Never said there was.
Jewish people are very successful and influential and should be praised for it, Reign in Blood is a kickass album.
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I couldn't give a shit about divide and conquer shit about religion or race. You may have seen my posts regarding Kristian Vikernes in the past. Truth is what matters. Not race or religion, or what hair or eye colour you have.
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>when the riffs have that ever-so-slight bit of wah
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>Truth is what matters
The things you mentioned are highly important to "the truth".
The fact that jews control it doesn't mean they actually 'control' the contents of said album.
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the jew is essential to the history and proliferation of metal music
They wouldn't have liked the Angel of Death song. What influence did they have do you think? Bob Rock fucked Metallica up. Slayer stayed true until they started being into serial killers, then they fucked up. In my opinion of course.
Correct. Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Light.
Also dogs weren't a thing in the bible, and I like this song. Dogs are probably demons in all honesty:
anyone here like Deep Purple? :)
You are literally brainwashed if you actually believe that shit.
Did dogs even exist when the bible was written?
I kneel to melodic riffs
sorry pal, it's just that Christ is King! ahahahahahahaha! I know-UGH, I KNOW! it's just that, he's the son of God!
Probably, and they were demons, so that's why Jesus and his disciples never had any or mentioned them. A rabbit is a better pet.
You actually are the brainwashed one. Brainwashed by modernism into being an atheist.
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That's what Jews say about their "King"
That's what Muslims say about their "King"
And that is also what Christians say about their "King"

Why is your religion correct and the other 2 false? You all worship the same God.
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i literally didn't read any of that!
Any good black metal that combines noise rock?
Woods Of Desolation - Torn Beyond Reason is pretty noisy...idk if it's gonna scratch the itch you're looking for. but it's very melodic, very heavy, and very noisy.
>Why is your religion correct and the other 2 false?
We're the good guys. Jews and Muslims never had great civilizations like us Kristians
>We're the good guys.
According to you
>Jews and Muslims never had great civilizations like us
They did actually
I know them and they're good, but I'm looking more for feedback fuckery and sloppiness. Maybe a bit of psychedelic shit. Think Ramleh and Skullflower.
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Aryan Rogue - Aryan Rogue
Pretty much a one of a kind album with its sound.
Nothing else sounds remotely like it between the guitar tone and riffs
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>According to you
and many others, for centuries.
>They did actually
>Christ is King!
You call yourself a Christian, and its like you have never read the bible.
screech owl, concrete winds
I make death metal for the Lord. sorry if that upsets you.
I'm a couple of tracks in but this is hard as fuck, thanks for the rec
why would being based upset me?
Dismember mogs the fuck out of riffless slop like Incantation
you couldn't riff to save your life, bitch. you ain't the authority on riffs. you're the authority of doodooshitting your fuckin crapturd trousers
pretty good but not what im looking for
>screech owl
heard it, thats just pure black noise
>concrete winds
thats just pure black death but not bad
thanks for the recs anyways
I know its mainstream garbage, but fuck it.
Shoutout to the christcuck.
This one is for you.
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New Wormwitch album
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Christcuck encore
>Freedom of religion is for everyone
And my religion is ANTI CHRIST.
You got a problem with that?
AI can do this with angloid melodic filth, but it could never imitate dissoshit because the continental European spirit embodied within cannot be reduced to a matrix representation
Can you explain that again in english please?
>>Freedom of religion
And yet you are intolerant of other religions.
>Continental European Spirit
Most retarded post of the day
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Venom is satanic and has evil themes and definitely falls under the category of silly, fun metal.
Actually your post is the real most retarded post of the day
Venom is abit of fun. Jesus or God wouldn't write off Venom for that if they're otherwise good people.
>pentagram logo
not listening!
That Venom Xmas special though. It was kinda funny, but got abit out of hand. Nowhere near as bad as Red Hot Chilli Peppers on that other show though. Venom were very respectful compared to them. I think it's nice to be nice always :)
I honestly would've slapped Venom about and told them to be nicer if I was the producer.
This probably doesn't show it all, but you get the idea:
You're a faggot if you're a Christhian and respect Islam and Jews.
Are you are correct for saying this.
Religion is the most intolerant intoxicant known to mankind.
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I only know of Godflesh, God, and his grindrcore band. Obviously his grindrcore band is unspeakable garbage, but as for Godflesh/God, I found them repetitive and uninteresting. Usually its just some boring simplistic rhythmic nothingburger with some scratchy noise leads in the background. For that style I would rather listen to early Swans myself, although even early Swans is still way too repetitive for me.


Nostalgia anyone?
Good Whitesnake song in that vid :)
trying to discover more black metal like this. i don’t like the raw and traditional form, please give recs
>trying to discover more black metal like this.
Ideologically or musically?
Musically would be preferred, don’t care about ideology.
have a good night metalheads
>i don’t like the raw
It sounds raw to me
Can you be more specific?
>riffless slop like Incantation
What's funny is people make fun of Paul Ledney but Profanatica uses the same riffs pretty much as Incantation
not metal
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New Wormwitch.
Like this
Or like this?
Let's start posting some live shows
Janaza is what I was talking about. I don’t like black metal that sounds like the second band you linked. I also don’t like how Darkthrone sounds either. I like first wave black metal too if that matters. I think im a little confused
>I don’t like black metal that sounds like the second band you linked
So do don't like raw black metal
>I also don’t like how Darkthrone sounds either
Darkthrone have many eras but i assume you mean the unholy trilogy.
>I like first wave black metal too if that matters
Well then
Let me post you some tunes
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does liking maudlin of the well make me gay
ALSO: Al-Namrood is slop.

Can anybody give me like a guide to black metal? I really like this Vothana band and Satanic Warmaster isn’t bad
https://youtu.be/r3McfekO8AY?si=2xuOsLZR9563ZWBx This isn’t bad either
I know
It was meant for the christcuck
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No thanks.
Lmao fuck you you have to be a troll
>not metal
Not at all. I was banned here for a month. Fuck this place and all freemason shitholes.
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The only acceptable deathcore band
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>She listened to all 7 minutes of the opening track. She hated it.
Dissonance is inherently a masculine enjoyment, women are repelled by it. Why do you think the only "metal" they like is disneycore goth disgrace?
this guy's skin is so nasty wtf is wrong with asians
>t. woman
what makes you think i'm a XX chromosome
Is that a young Jonathan Greenblatt?
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Total mystery.
One of their catchiest and most accessible albums. Embarrassing for the woman community.

Stupid opinions, can't let another person have the last word
His skin is objectively nasty.
>One of their catchiest and most accessible albums.
Boring post.
That's very interesting babe
It's from severe acne.
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>His skin is objectively nasty
>4 Gentiles write an album
>let's give credit and praise to a jew
Fuck off and die
you shouldn't be here buddy
For over 50% of the world's populace if you put on a Blink 182 song they will think "Oh that's heavy music me no like. that must be heavy metal."
seems like a controversial post to me
I'm not a girl
not a tranny either
And you'd think at that age he would have discovered proactiv
Nah, its a post made by the asshurt P*pcletus fan who can't stand the fact I shit on that garbage album every day for being rock n roll, so he simply repeats what is said about P*pcletus and instead says it about Synarchy. Its the boring whining of an upset child.

You will never be a man.
You fell for my bait and proved my point at the same time. Thanks anon.
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Fantastic album but very out there if you're not ready for it!
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Reject pop, embrace polyphonic texture.
Nothing personal kid but you have some catching up to do
>catching up
In what regard?
They are looking for you on /classical/, hexor
What am I then?
>that breakdown/solo

Why is Wormwitch so consistently great?
Well, it took DsO over a decade to finally release a good album
>fas bad

What the fuck are you smoking?
>And you'd think at that age he would have discovered proactiv
Proactiv would be useless because what you see on that man's face is scarring from acne (as an adolescent). Who is he anyways
It was only 8 years until they made FAS though?
DsO's best riff is the melodic riff in Sola Fide I.

Making the new
Faeotal alcohol syndrome?
A woman
dso (deathspell omega)
DsO (Dicksuck Oshitass)




DsO is such an ambitious act there were bound to be a few flops before they figured things out. They're not bad albums, they're like half-formed mutants. Paracletus is when everything came together finally.
Not clicking, I'm staying here
>Paracletus is when everything came together finally.
This, except that's where everything started to come apart as they became more and more rock n roll with every album until now they are making rammstein with blues solos.
have a good night guys
Birth Pains of Astral Projection is one of the best songs ever made
Ok, now I want really pissed off riffs. Angriest (brutal) death recs (you)’ve got please
Why would they name their album cletus?
>more to life than pizza
try saying that again see what happens

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